Pivot all Time Data on Date Column - sql

I need to create a report in SQL Server Reporting Service. The source table/query data is structured as follows:
CNum | EmpNo | TDate | TimeIn | TimeOut
100 | 2 | 12/4/2019 | 7:00 AM | 12:00 PM
100 | 2 | 12/4/2019 | 12:30 PM | 3:30 PM
100 | 2 | 12/5/2019 | 7:00 AM | 12:00 PM
100 | 2 | 12/5/2019 | 12:30 PM | 3:30 PM
I need the report output to be displayed as follows (or something similar, just need to show the TDate as columns and any related time entries based on the CNum as rows).
CNum | 12/4/2019 | 12/5/2019 |
100 | 7:00 AM | 7:00 AM |
| 12:00 PM | 12:00 PM |
100 | 12:30 PM | 12:30 PM |
| 3:30 PM | 3:30 PM |
I have tried using the Matrix Tablix but this forces the group to only return on record per day, when there may be multiple. My goal is to write a SQL Query (CTE or PIVOT) which will give me the report data in the correct format so I will not have to get crazy in the report designer.
I am familiar with SQL but for some reason I cannot get any query to output (Pivot) and include both records for the day.
Any help/guidance will be much appreciated.

You can do this easily in SSRS with a small change to your dataset query.
I reproduced your sample data with the following
DECLARE #t TABLE(CNum int, EMpNo int, TDate Date, TimeIn Time, [Timeout] Time)
(100, 2, '2019/12/04', '07:00', '12:00'),
(100, 2, '2019/12/04', '12:30', '15:30'),
(100, 2, '2019/12/05', '07:00', '12:00'),
(100, 2, '2019/12/05', '12:30', '15:30')
Note: I added the RowN column which gives each row a unique number within each TDate and CNum. We add this to the CNum group in the matrix (so it groups by CNum then RowN)
Here's the final design including the row and column groups (Column group is just by TDate)
To get the 2nd row I right clicked the [TimeIn] 'cell' and did "Insert Row = > Inside Group - Below"
The final output looks like this

I think, you may take it fwd from Efficiently convert rows to columns in sql server

Here is the answer :
With CTE as (
TimeIn as [Time],
'In' as [Action]
From TimeTable
Union All
[TimeOut] as [Time],
'Out' as [Action]
From TimeTable
From CTE
Pivot(min([Time]) for TDate in ([2019-12-04],[2019-12-05])) as pivot_table
union all
From CTE
Pivot(max([Time]) for TDate in ([2019-12-04],[2019-12-05])) as pivot_table


Question: Joining two data sets with date conditions

I'm pretty new with SQL, and I'm struggling to figure out a seemingly simple task.
Here's the situation:
I'm working with two data sets
Data Set A, which is the most accurate but only refreshes every quarter
Data Set B, which has all the date, including the most recent data, but is overall less accurate
My goal is to combine both data sets where I would have Data Set A for all data up to the most recent quarter and Data Set B for anything after (i.e., all recent data not captured in Data Set A)
For example:
Data Set A captures anything from Q1 2020 (January to March)
Let's say we are April 15th
Data Set B captures anything from Q1 2020 to the most current date, April 15th
My goal is to use Data Set A for all data from January to March 2020 (Q1) and then Data Set B for all data from April 1 to 15
Any thoughts or advice on how to do this? Potentially a join function along with a date one?
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance for the help.
I hope I got your question right.
I put in some sample data that might match your description: a date and an amount. To keep it simple, one row per any month. You can extract the quarter from a date, and keep that as an additional column, and then filter by that down the line.
-- some sample data: date and amount ...
indata(dt,amount) AS (
SELECT DATE '2020-01-15', 234.45
UNION ALL SELECT DATE '2020-02-15', 344.45
UNION ALL SELECT DATE '2020-03-15', 345.45
UNION ALL SELECT DATE '2020-04-15', 346.45
UNION ALL SELECT DATE '2020-05-15', 347.45
UNION ALL SELECT DATE '2020-06-15', 348.45
UNION ALL SELECT DATE '2020-07-15', 349.45
UNION ALL SELECT DATE '2020-08-15', 350.45
UNION ALL SELECT DATE '2020-09-15', 351.45
UNION ALL SELECT DATE '2020-10-15', 352.45
UNION ALL SELECT DATE '2020-11-15', 353.45
UNION ALL SELECT DATE '2020-12-15', 354.45
-- real query starts here ...
, TRUNC(dt,'YEAR')
) AS qtr_start
, *
FROM indata;
-- out the_quarter | qtr_start | dt | amount
-- out -------------+------------+------------+--------
-- out 1 | 2020-01-01 | 2020-01-15 | 234.45
-- out 1 | 2020-01-01 | 2020-02-15 | 344.45
-- out 1 | 2020-01-01 | 2020-03-15 | 345.45
-- out 2 | 2020-04-01 | 2020-04-15 | 346.45
-- out 2 | 2020-04-01 | 2020-05-15 | 347.45
-- out 2 | 2020-04-01 | 2020-06-15 | 348.45
-- out 3 | 2020-07-01 | 2020-07-15 | 349.45
-- out 3 | 2020-07-01 | 2020-08-15 | 350.45
-- out 3 | 2020-07-01 | 2020-09-15 | 351.45
-- out 4 | 2020-10-01 | 2020-10-15 | 352.45
-- out 4 | 2020-10-01 | 2020-11-15 | 353.45
-- out 4 | 2020-10-01 | 2020-12-15 | 354.45
If you filter by quarter, you can group your data by that column ...

How to write a SQL statement to sum data using group by the same day of every two neighboring months

I have a data table like this:
datetime data
2017/8/24 6.0
2017/8/25 5.0
2017/9/24 6.0
2017/9/25 6.2
2017/10/24 8.1
2017/10/25 8.2
I want to write a SQL statement to sum the data using group by the 24th of every two neighboring months in certain range of time such as : from 2017/7/20 to 2017/10/25 as above.
How to write this SQL statement? I'm using SQL Server 2008 R2.
The expected results table is like this:
datetime_range data_sum
2017/8/24~2017/9/24 100.9
2017/9/24~2017/10/24 120.2
One conceptual way to proceed here is to redefine a "month" as ending on the 24th of each normal month. Using the SQL Server month function, we will assign any date occurring after the 24th as belonging to the next month. Then we can aggregate by the year along with this shifted month to obtain the sum of data.
WITH cte AS (
YEAR(datetime) AS year,
CASE WHEN DAY(datetime) > 24
THEN MONTH(datetime) + 1 ELSE MONTH(datetime) END AS month
FROM yourTable
CONVERT(varchar(4), year) + '/' + CONVERT(varchar(2), month) +
'/25~' +
CONVERT(varchar(4), year) + '/' + CONVERT(varchar(2), (month + 1)) +
'/24' AS datetime_range,
SUM(data) AS data_sum
FROM cte
year, month;
Note that your suggested ranges seem to include the 24th on both ends, which does not make sense from an accounting point of view. I assume that the month includes and ends on the 24th (i.e. the 25th is the first day of the next accounting period.
I would suggest dynamically building some date range rows so that you can then join you data to those for aggregation, like this example:
| | period_start_dt | period_end_dt | your_data_here |
| 1 | 24.04.2017 00:00:00 | 24.05.2017 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 2 | 24.05.2017 00:00:00 | 24.06.2017 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 3 | 24.06.2017 00:00:00 | 24.07.2017 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 4 | 24.07.2017 00:00:00 | 24.08.2017 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 5 | 24.08.2017 00:00:00 | 24.09.2017 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 6 | 24.09.2017 00:00:00 | 24.10.2017 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 7 | 24.10.2017 00:00:00 | 24.11.2017 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 8 | 24.11.2017 00:00:00 | 24.12.2017 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 9 | 24.12.2017 00:00:00 | 24.01.2018 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 10 | 24.01.2018 00:00:00 | 24.02.2018 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 11 | 24.02.2018 00:00:00 | 24.03.2018 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 12 | 24.03.2018 00:00:00 | 24.04.2018 00:00:00 | 1 |
declare #start_dt date;
set #start_dt = '20170424';
period_start_dt, period_end_dt, sum(1) as your_data_here
from (
dateadd(month,m.n,start_dt) period_start_dt
, dateadd(month,m.n+1,start_dt) period_end_dt
from (
select #start_dt start_dt ) seed
cross join (
select 0 n union all
select 1 union all
select 2 union all
select 3 union all
select 4 union all
select 5 union all
select 6 union all
select 7 union all
select 8 union all
select 9 union all
select 10 union all
select 11
) m
) r
-- ON yourdata.date >= r.period_start_dt and data.date < r.period_end_dt
group by
period_start_dt, period_end_dt
Please don't be tempted to use "between" when it comes to joining to your data. Follow the note above and use yourdata.date >= r.period_start_dt and data.date < r.period_end_dt otherwise you could double count information as between is inclusive of both lower and upper boundaries.
I think the simplest way is to subtract 25 days and aggregate by the month:
select year(dateadd(day, -25, datetime)) as yr,
month(dateadd(day, -25, datetime)) as mon,
from t
group by dateadd(day, -25, datetime);
You can format yr and mon to get the dates for the specific ranges, but this does the aggregation (and the yr/mon columns might be sufficient).
Step 0: Build a calendar table. Every database needs a calendar table eventually to simplify this sort of calculation.
In this table you may have columns such as:
Date (primary key)
Half-year (e.g. 1 or 2)
Day of year (1 to 366)
Day of week (numeric or text)
Is weekend (seems redundant now, but is a huge time saver later on)
Fiscal quarter/year (if your company's fiscal year doesn't start on Jan. 1)
Is Holiday
If your company starts its month on the 24th, then you can add a "Fiscal Month" column that represents that.
Step 1: Join on the calendar table
Step 2: Group by the columns in the calendar table.
Calendar tables sound weird at first, but once you realize that they are in fact tiny even if they span a couple hundred years they quickly become a major asset.
Don't try to cheap out on disk space by using computed columns. You want real columns because they are much faster and can be indexed if necessary. (Though honestly, usually just the PK index is enough for even wide calendar tables.)

Set end time of first row as start time of next row

I have table with data like:
Id | Start | End | Used
1 | 27-04-17 2:00 |27-04-17 0:00 | 1:30
2 | 27-04-17 2:00 |27-04-17 0:00 | 23:00
3 | 27-04-17 2:00 |27-04-17 0:00 | 1:00
4 | 28-04-17 2:00 |28-04-17 0:00 | 0:30
5 | 30-04-17 2:00 |30-04-17 0:00 | 3:30
I want to set it like
Id | Start | End | Used
1 | 27-04-17 2:00 |27-04-17 3:30 | 1:30
2 | 27-04-17 3:30 |28-04-17 2:30 | 23:00
3 | 28-04-17 2:30 |28-04-17 3:30 | 1:00
4 | 28-04-17 3:30 |28-04-17 4:00 | 0:30
5 | 30-04-17 2:00 |30-04-17 4:30 | 2:30
I want to set End time of previous id as Start time of next id, where Start time of first id is set by user.End time is just sum of Start time and Used Time I am using vb.net data table and SQL server for database. To set value in first row I am using SQL function DATEADD(), through which two hours are added and same function for adding time in end date.
I want to copy my End date of previous row in next row, so that whole calculation works properly.Can I do it through SQL Only? or I will need a function to do it in Vb.net Data table from where it will be used for reports. Note: Id sequence can be changed Thanks for help.
Below recursive CTE logic will give you the desired output.
create table #tmp
ID int,
starttime datetime2,
endtime datetime2,
used varchar(5)
insert into #tmp values
(1,'17-Apr-2017 2:00','17-Apr-2017','1:30'),
(2,'17-Apr-2017 2:00','17-Apr-2017','2:00'),
(3,'17-Apr-2017 2:00','17-Apr-2017','1:00'),
(4,'17-Apr-2017 2:00','17-Apr-2017','0:30'),
(5,'28-Apr-2017 2:00','28-Apr-2017','3:30')
;with CTE as (
select ID,starttime,endtime,used,levels FROM
(select row_number() over (partition by cast(starttime as date) order by starttime) RID,ID,starttime,dateadd(hour,cast(substring(used,1,charindex(':',used)-1) as int),dateadd(mi,cast(right(used,2) as int),starttime))
endtime,used,0 levels
from #tmp ) T
where RID=1
union all
select T.ID,C.endtime,dateadd(hour,cast(substring(T.used,1,charindex(':',T.used)-1) as int),dateadd(mi,cast(right(T.used,2) as int),C.endtime))
from CTE C inner join #tmp T on T.ID=C.ID+1
where datediff(d,C.starttime,T.starttime)=0
select ID,StartTime,EndTime,Used from CTE order by ID
drop table #tmp

SQL grouping by datetime with a maximum difference of x minutes

I have a problem with grouping my dataset in MS SQL Server.
My table looks like
# | CustomerID | SalesDate | Turnover
---| ---------- | ------------------- | ---------
1 | 1 | 2016-08-09 12:15:00 | 22.50
2 | 1 | 2016-08-09 12:17:00 | 10.00
3 | 1 | 2016-08-09 12:58:00 | 12.00
4 | 1 | 2016-08-09 13:01:00 | 55.00
5 | 1 | 2016-08-09 23:59:00 | 10.00
6 | 1 | 2016-08-10 00:02:00 | 5.00
Now I want to group the rows where the SalesDate difference to the next row is of a maximum of 5 minutes.
So that row 1 & 2, 3 & 4 and 5 & 6 are each one group.
My approach was getting the minutes with the DATEPART() function and divide the result by 5:
(DATEPART(MINUTE, SalesDate) / 5)
For row 1 and 2 the result would be 3 and grouping here would work perfectly.
But for the other rows where there is a change in the hour or even in the day part of the SalesDate, the result cannot be used for grouping.
So this is where I'm stuck. I would really appreciate, if someone could point me in the right direction.
You want to group adjacent transactions based on the timing between them. The idea is to assign some sort of grouping identifier, and then use that for aggregation.
Here is an approach:
Identify group starts using lag() and date arithmetic.
Do a cumulative sum of the group starts to identify each group.
The query looks like this:
select customerid, min(salesdate), max(saledate), sum(turnover)
from (select t.*,
sum(case when salesdate > dateadd(minute, 5, prev_salesdate)
then 1 else 0
end) over (partition by customerid order by salesdate) as grp
from (select t.*,
lag(salesdate) over (partition by customerid order by salesdate) as prev_salesdate
from t
) t
) t
group by customerid, grp;
Thanks to #JoeFarrell for pointing out I have answered the wrong question. The OP is looking for dynamic time differences between rows, but this approach creates fixed boundaries.
Original Answer
You could create a time table. This is a table that contains one record for each second of the day. Your table would have a second column that you can use to perform group bys on.
TimeGroup TIME
-- You could use a loop here instead.
('00:00:00', '00:00:00'), -- First group starts here.
('00:00:01', '00:00:00'),
('00:00:02', '00:00:00'),
('00:00:03', '00:00:00'),
('00:04:59', '00:00:00'),
('00:05:00', '00:05:00'), -- Second group starts here.
('00:05:01', '00:05:00')
The approach works best when:
You need to reuse your custom grouping in several different queries.
You have two or more custom groups you often use.
Once populated you can simply join to the table and output the desired result.
/* Using the time table.
SUM(Turnover) AS SumOfTurnover
Sales AS s
INNER JOIN [Time] AS t ON t.TimeId = CAST(s.SalesDate AS Time(0))

SQL Query Compare values in per 15 minutes and display the result per hour

I have a table with 2 columns. UTCTime and Values.
The UTCTime is in 15 mins increment. I want a query that would compare the value to the previous value in one hour span and display a value between 0 and 4 depends on if the values are constant. In other words there is an entry for every 15 minute increment and the value can be constant so I just need to check each value to the previous one per hour.
For example
| UTCTime | Value |
| 12:00 | 18.2 |
| 12:15 | 87.3 |
| 12:30 | 55.91 |
| 12:45 | 55.91 |
| 1:00 | 37.3 |
| 1:15 | 47.3 |
| 1:30 | 47.3 |
| 1:45 | 47.3 |
| 2:00 | 37.3 |
In this case, I just want a Query that would compare the 12:45 value to the 12:30 and 12:30 to 12:15 and so on. Since we are comparing in only one hour span then the constant values must be between 0 and 4 (O there is no constant values, 1 there is one like in the example above)
The query should display:
| UTCTime | ConstantValues |
| 12:00 | 1 |
| 1:00 | 2 |
I just wanted to mention that I am new to SQL programming.
Thank you.
See SQL fiddle here
Below is the query you need and a working solution Note: I changed the timeframe to 24 hrs
;with SourceData(HourTime, Value, RowNum)
datepart(hh, UTCTime) HourTime,
row_number() over (partition by datepart(hh, UTCTime) order by UTCTime) RowNum
from foo
datepart(hh, UTCTime) - 1 HourTime,
from foo
where datepart(mi, UTCTime) = 0
select cast(A.HourTime as varchar) + ':00' UTCTime, sum(case when A.Value = B.Value then 1 else 0 end) ConstantValues
from SourceData A
inner join SourceData B on A.HourTime = B.HourTime and
(B.RowNum = (A.RowNum - 1))
group by cast(A.HourTime as varchar) + ':00'
select SUBSTRING_INDEX(UTCTime,':',1) as time,value, count(*)-1 as total
from foo group by value,time having total >= 1;
Mine isn't much different from Vasanth's, same idea different approach.
The idea is that you need recursion to carry it out simply. You could also use the LEAD() function to look at rows ahead of your current row, but in this case that would require a big case statement to cover every outcome.
AS (
FROM #Table1
JOIN #Table1 b
ON T.UTCTime = T2.UTCTime
AND T.RowRank = T2.RowRank -1
If you run the portion inside the ;WITH T AS ( ) you'll see that gets us the hour we're looking at and the values in order by time. That is used in the recursive portion below by joining to itself and evaluating each row compared to the next row (hence the RowRank - 1) on the JOIN.