Bidirectional infinite scrolling with FlatList? - react-native

Has anyone had experience doing bidirectional infinite scrolling with FlatList (or any other component)?
My use case is I have a calendar month view that I want to be able to swipe left and right to get the next and previous month.
FlatList with onEndReached and onEndReachedThreshold works great for one direction, but there is no similar thing for the start. Any suggestions?

You can use the onScroll props on the Flatlist for that:
nativeEvent: {
contentInset: { bottom, left, right, top },
contentOffset: { x, y },
contentSize: { height: contentHeight, width: contentWidth },
layoutMeasurement: { height, width },
}) => {
if ( y <= your_start_threshold) {
// Do what you need to do on start reached
Only problem is that React native doesn't support bidirectional FlatList on Android. This means that when you add items to the start of your list, it will jump to the top instead of keeping the current items in view (
(iOs does have a maintainVisibleContentPosition props)


React Native Testing Library: scroll FlatList to bottom

I have a react-native FlatList component with onEndReached event used to load more items.
I am testing the component with react-native-testing-library. The test is as follows:
Component mounted.
Requests 10 items to mockedBackend.
Expect FlatList to render those 10 items.
fireEvent onEndReached to ask for next page with some more items.
Expect FlatList to render new items.
Test was failing because FlatList was not rendering new items even thought FlatList's data property was being updated (I used act and waitFor as needed).
I managed to make the test pass when I fired onScroll event to bottom after some tries with hardcoded values.
Is there a way to make a helper to scroll to bottom taking into account proper FlatList size?
Helper to improve:
export const scrollListToBottom = (list: ReactTestInstance) => {
// FIXME: improve to get real list size
// After some tries these hardcoded values allowed to pass the test
act(() => {
fireEvent.scroll(list, {
nativeEvent: {
contentSize: {height: 500, width: 100},
contentOffset: {y: 400, x: 0},
layoutMeasurement: {height: 100, width: 100},
// FIXME: if onScroll works perfectly is this even needed?
act(() => {
fireEvent(list, 'onEndReached')
Thank you.

Implementing a paginated slider in react native

Looking for ideas on how to implement a like slider in react native.
If I use a ScrollView, user can scroll all the way to right with one single momentum scroll. But Netflix slider scrolls only 6 (itemsPerRow) items at a time. So, ScrollView may not be ideal. I will use general View instead of ScrollView.
<View style={styles.slider}>
<SliderControl pressHandler={loadPrevItems}>
transform: [{
translateX: interpolatedAnimation,
<SliderControl pressHandler={loadNextItems}>
The slider controls are tied to onPress event handlers. The handlers adjusts the animation value as needed. When the slider is re-rendered, it is animated (slide to left/right) and shows next/prev items. I figured that they are using transform translateX animation for this. This is easily achievable with Animated API
const animation = useRef(new Animated.Value(0)).current;
const interpolatedAnimation = useMemo(() => {
return animation.interpolate({
inputRange: [0, 100],
outputRange: [0, sliderWidth],
}, [animation, sliderWidth]);
useEffect(() => {
Animated.timing(animation, {
toValue: moveDirection === 'right ? -100 : 100,
duration: 750,
useNativeDriver: true,
Along with the Next/Prev button, Netflix slider also supports the trackpad scroll events. If we scroll slightly, the slider doesn't move at all. But we do a momentum scroll, it slides exactly 6 (itemsPerRow) items.
A general View doesn't support scroll event handlers to listen to trackpad scroll action. Not sure how I can achieve this part
ScrollView - lot of unwanted scrolling
View - No support for scroll event listener
Any ideas?

How can I implement animation in my flatlist?

I am using Flatlist in my rn project and when I push new data into my flatlist, my item 1 will automatically move from position A to position B. But my question is I don't want it to just change the position, I want to use animation to move my item(from position A to position B). How can I implement that? Thank you!
Please check the demo picture and video from the link down below:
You can use Animated component to do the animation. As per your attached video, 2 steps animation comes into play, one which pushes the items up in the list and another one which increases the opacity of the list item. A simple approach would be to add the list item with height 0 and increase the height to desired height using animation, this will complete the first step. Once the first step is completed, control the opacity to go from 0 to 1.
Next, you need to start the animation when the list item is added to the list, componentDidMount is the right place to do so. Please consider the following component which does the above steps.
import React from 'react';
import { Animated } from 'react-native';
class AnimatedListItem extends React.Component {
constructor(...props) {
this.state = {
height: new Animated.Value(0),
opacity: new Animated.Value(0)
componentDidMount() {
toValue: this.props.height,
duration: this.props.duration || 1000
toValue: 1,
duration: this.props.duration || 1000
render() {
const { height, opacity } = this.state;
return (
height: height,
opacity: opacity
export default AnimatedListItem;
In the above snippet, two animations are passed to Animated.sequence([...]) method to animate one after the other.
You can now use the above component in the renderItem method like
renderItem = () => {
return (
<AnimatedListItem height={50} duration={800} style={...}>
/* render actual component here */
Hope this will help!
Note: This is a bare minimum example to achieve what you are looking for.

React Native Animated API - combine translate and rotation

Encountered this issue recently when I work with react native animated API.
As the image shows, a card component is positioned at top left corner, its flip animation state is controlled by the rotateY value, moving animation is controlled by translateX and translateY values.
It seems the rotation pivot point always been set to the card's original position. After the card has been moved (changing the translateX and translateY value), the card flip rotation animates reference its original position.
It there a way to adjust the rotation pivot point? Alternatively, is there a way to animate component's position instead of translation? Thanks.
Got it working finally. Turns out you can animate the component position change without using the translate property, by adding a listener to the animated value and updating the component state accordingly:
in the constructor, setup card component initial position and cardPos animated value.
in the componentDidMount function, attach listeners to the animated values. when animated values change, update the component state.
in the render function set the component root value style to position:"absolute" and actual position sync to the values in component's state.
// set card initial position as component state
this.state = {
cardPosX: this.props.position.x,
cardPosY: this.props.position.y
this.flipAnimatedValue = new Animated.Value(
this.props.isFacingUp ? 180 : 0
this.flipAnimatedInterpolate = this.flipAnimatedValue.interpolate({
inputRange: [0, 90, 180],
outputRange: ["0deg", "90deg", "0deg"]
// create animated value for card Position X and Y
this.cardPosXAnimatedValue = new Animated.Value(this.props.position.x);
this.cardPosYAnimatedValue = new Animated.Value(this.props.position.y);
componentDidMount() {
// addListener for cardPos Animated Value
// when animated values change, update the component state
this.cardPosXAnimatedValue.addListener(({ value }) => {
this.setState({ cardPosX: value });
this.cardPosYAnimatedValue.addListener(({ value }) => {
this.setState({ cardPosY: value });
return (
width: this.cardWidth,
height: this.cardHeight,
position: "absolute",
top: this.state.cardPosY, //card position sync with animated value
left: this.state.cardPosX
... //child components

New animation after setState - React Native

I don't find the answer to my problem for my react native app.
If you have an idea how to achieve that, that would be great :)
What I'm trying to do:
In a page, when I press somewhere, I want to display an animation (for example a square apparition) on the press position.
What I have achieved:
When I click, a square is display with an animation on the right position.
But when i click somewhere else, The position of the square changes but the animation doesn't restart.
What I have tried:
To do the animation, I place a < View/> (with position: 'absolute') on the press position.
This < View/> is embeded in a component that I call 1 time in my App render:
<ClickAnimation x={item.x} y={item.y}/>
where item.x and item.y are are the coordinate.
This is the code of my component:
import React from 'react';
import {Animated, View} from 'react-native';
export default class ClickAnimation extends React.Component {
state = {
scaleAnim: new Animated.Value(0)
componentWillMount() {
.timing(this.state.scaleAnim, {
toValue: 2,
duration: 500
componentWillUpdate(nextProps) {
if (nextProps.x != this.props.x && nextProps.y != this.props.y) {
scaleAnim: new Animated.Value(0)
componentDidUpdate() {
.timing(this.state.scaleAnim, {
toValue: 2,
duration: 500
render() {
return (<Animated.View
position: "absolute",
top: this.props.y,
left: this.props.x,
width: 50,
height: 50,
backgroundColor: "red",
transform: [
scaleY: this.state.scaleAnim
}, {
scaleX: this.state.scaleAnim
}, {
translateX: -25
}, {
translateY: -25
The console.log in componentDidUpdate give me for each click 2 logs:
{_children: Array(2), _value: 2, ..., _animation: null…}
{_children: Array(2), _value: 0,..., _animation: null…}
I really don't know what to do next.
PS: In NativeScript, that was more easy. I had just to add the new component to the DOM.
According to React docs you cannot this.setState() inside componentWillUpdate(),if you need to update state in response to a prop change, use componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) instead.
Read the above link for more details on that and check its caveats.
I hope this is what is causing the problem
It seems that EXPO XDE make the application too slow and this is why the animation part doesn't work properly.
I have found the solution.
This come with this issue:
I had seen it and this is why I wrote first 0,001. But 0,001 is still to little. With 0,01 it works great.
So the answer is:
Just replace 0 by 0.01 because it was too little.