Passing table name and list of values as argument to psycopg2 query - sql

I would like to pass a table name along with query parameters in a psycopg2 query in a python3 function.
If I understand correctly, I should not format the query string using python .format() method prior to the execution of the query, but let psycopg2 do that.
I can't succeed passing both the table name and the parameters as argument to my query string.
Code sample
Here is a code sample:
import psycopg2
from psycopg2 import sql
connection_string = "host={} port={} dbname={} user={} password={}".format(*PARAMS.values())
conn = psycopg2.connect(connection_string)
curs = conn.cursor()
table = 'my_customers'
cities = ["Paris", "London", "Madrid"]
data = (table, tuple(customers))
query = sql.SQL("SELECT * FROM {} WHERE city = ANY (%s);")
curs.execute(query, data)
rows = cursLocal.fetchall()
But I get the following error message:
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
I also tried to replace the data definition by:
data = (sql.Identifier(table), tuple(object_types))
But then this error pops:
ProgrammingError: can't adapt type 'Identifier'
If I put ANY {} instead of ANY (%s) in the query string, in both previous cases this error shows:
SyntaxError: syntax error at or near "{"
LINE 1: ...* FROM {} WHERE c...
Initially, I didn't used the sql module and I was trying to pass the data as the second argument to the curs.execute() method, but then the table name was single quoted in the command, which caused troubles. So I gave the sql module a try, hopping it's not a deprecated habit.
If possible, I would like to keep the curly braces {} for parameters substitution instead of %s, except if it's a bad idea.
Ubuntu 18.04 64 bit 5.0.0-37-generic x86_64 GNU/Linux
Python 3.6.9 (default, Nov 7 2019, 10:44:02)
'2.8.4 (dt dec pq3 ext lo64)'

You want something like:
table = 'my_customers'
cities = ["Paris", "London", "Madrid"]
query = sql.SQL("SELECT * FROM {} WHERE city = ANY (%s)").format(sql.Identifier(table))
curs.execute(query, (cities,))
rows = cursLocal.fetchall()


SQLAlchemy 2.0.3 throws (ArgumentError)List argument must consist only of tuples or dictionaries

I was previously using SQLAlchemy 1.4.44 with pandas 1.5.1 and the following code that executes a SQL Stored procedure worked:
sql_connection: str = "driver={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};server=localhost\SQLEXPRESS;database=Finance;trusted_connection=yes"
sql_engine: sqlalchemy.engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(
url=sqlalchemy.engine.URL.create(drivername="mssql+pyodbc", query={"odbc_connect": sql_connection})
with sql_engine.connect() as connection:
query: str = "EXEC dbo.get_latest_tickers #etf=?"
return pandas.read_sql_query(sql=query, con=connection, params=[etf])
I switched to SQLAlchemy 2.0.3 and pandas 1.5.3 and revised the code by wrapping the call to stored procedure with sqlalchemy.text as this version of SQLAlchemy requires it. The revised code is as follows:
sql_connection: str = "driver={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};server=localhost\SQLEXPRESS;database=Finance;trusted_connection=yes"
sql_engine: sqlalchemy.engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(
url=sqlalchemy.engine.URL.create(drivername="mssql+pyodbc", query={"odbc_connect": sql_connection})
with sql_engine.connect() as connection:
query: str = sqlalchemy.text("EXEC dbo.get_latest_tickers #etf=?")
return pandas.read_sql_query(sql=query, con=connection, params=[etf])
The code throws the following exception:
(ArgumentError)List argument must consist only of tuples or dictionaries
I have tried revising params argument as follows but the revision also fails:
return pandas.read_sql_query(sql=query, con=connection, params={"#etf": etf})
The exception thrown is as follows:
{DBAPIError}(pyodbc.Error)('07002', '[07002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server)COUNT field incorrect or syntax error (0) (SQLExecDirectW)')
How do I pass parameters to execute the stored procedure?
I learned that the function sqlalchemy.text provides backend-neutral support for bind parameters. Such parameters must be in the named column format. See
The following revised code works:
with sql_engine.connect() as connection:
query: str = sqlalchemy.text("EXEC dbo.get_latest_tickers #etf=:etf")
return pandas.read_sql_query(sql=query, con=connection, params={"etf": etf})

SQL error when using format() function with pyodbc in Django

I want to execute a command using pyodbc in my Django app. When I do simple update with one column it works great:
cursor.execute("UPDATE dbo.Table SET attr = 1 WHERE id = {}".format(id))
However when I try to use a string as a column value it throws error:
cursor.execute("UPDATE dbo.Table SET attr = 1, user = '{}' WHERE id = {}".format(id, str(request.user.username)))
Here's error message:
('42S22', "[42S22] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid column name 'Admin'. (207) (SQLExecDirectW)")
Suprisingly this method works:
cursor.execute("UPDATE dbo.Table SET attr = 1, user = 'Admin' WHERE id = {}".format(id))
What seems to be the problem? Why is sql mistaking column value for its name?
As mentioned above, you have your arguments backwards, but if you're going to use cursor.execute(), the far more important thing to do is use positional parameters (%s). This will pass the SQL and values separately to the database backend, and protect you from SQL injection:
from django.db import connection
cursor = connection.cursor()
UPDATE dbo.Table
SET attr = 1,
user = %s
WHERE id = %s
""", [
You've got your format arguments backwards. You're passing id to user, and username to the id WHERE clause.

How to use sql statement in django?

I want to get the latest date from my database.
Here is my sql statement.
select "RegDate"
from "Dev"
where "RegDate" = (
select max("RegDate") from "Dev")
It works in my database.
But how can I use it in django?
I tried these codes but it return error. These code are in
Version 1:
lastest_date = Dev.objects.filter(reg_date=max(reg_date))
'NoneType' object is not iterable
Version 2:
last_activation_date = Dev.objects.filter(regdate='reg_date').order_by('-regdate')[0]
"'reg_date' value has an invalid format. It must be in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM[:ss[.uuuuuu]][TZ] format."
I've defined reg_date at beginning of the class.
What should I do for this?
You make things too complicated, you simply order by regdate, that's all:
last_activation_dev = Dev.objects.order_by('-regdate').first()
The .first() will return such Dev object if it is available, or None if there are no Dev objects.
If you only are interested in the regdate column itself, you can use .values_list(..):
last_activation_date = Dev.objects.order_by('-regdate').values_list('regdate', flat=True).first()
By using .filter() you actually were filtering the Dev table by Dev records such that the regdate column had as value 'reg_date', since 'reg_date' is not a valid datetime format, this thus produced an error.

Passing a parameter to a sql query using pyodbc failing

I have read dozens of similar posts and tried everything but I still get an error message when trying to pass a parameter to a simple query using pyodbc. Apologies if there is an answer to this elsewhere but I cannot find it
I have a very simple table:
select * from Test
This works fine:
import pyodbc
import pandas
connection = pyodbc.connect('DSN=HyperCube SYSTEST',autocommit=True)
result = pandas.read_sql("""select * from Test where value = 'a'""",connection,params=None)
0 a
However if I try to do the where clause with a parameter it fails
result = pandas.read_sql("""select * from Test where value = ?""",connection,params='a')
Error: ('01S02', '[01S02] Unknown column/parameter value (9001) (SQLPrepare)')
I also tried this
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("""select * from Test where value = ?""",['a'])
pyodbcResults = cursor.fetchall()
and still received the same error
Does anyone know what is going on? Could it be an issue with the database I am querying?
PS. I looked at the following post and the syntax there in the first part of answer 9 where dates are passed by strings looks identical to what I am doing
pyodbc the sql contains 0 parameter markers but 1 parameters were supplied' 'hy000'
pandas.read_sql(sql, con, index_col=None, coerce_float=True, params=None, parse_dates=None, columns=None, chunksize=None)[]ΒΆ
params : list, tuple or dict, optional, default: None
cursor.execute("select * from Test where value = %s",['a'])
or Named arguments example:
result = pandas.read_sql(('select * from Test where value = %(par)s'),
in pyodbc write parms directly after sql parameter:
cursor.execute(sql, *parameters)
for example:
onepar = 'a'
cursor.execute("select * from Test where value = ?", onepar)
cursor.execute("select a from tbl where b=? and c=?", x, y)

ERROR: column mm.geom does not exist in PostgreSQL execution using R

I am trying to run the model in R software which calls functions from GRASS GIS (version 7.0.2) and PostgreSQL (version 9.5) to complete the task. I have created a database in PostgreSQL and created an extension Postgis, then imported required vector layers into the database using Postgis shapefile importer. Every time I try to run using R (run as an administrator), it returns an error like:
Error in fetch(dbSendQuery(con, q, n = -1)) :
error in evaluating the argument 'res' in selecting a method for function 'fetch': Error in postgresqlExecStatement(conn, statement, ...) :
RS-DBI driver: (could not Retrieve the result : ERROR: column mm.geom does not exist
LINE 5: (st_dump(st_intersection(r.geom, mm.geom))).geom as geom,
HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "r.geom".
insert into m_rays
with os as (
select r.ray, st_endpoint(r.geom) as s,
(st_dump(st_intersection(r.geom, mm.geom))).geom as geom,
mm.legend, mm.hgt as hgt, r.totlen
from rays as r,bh_gd_ne_clip as mm
where st_intersects(r.geom, mm.geom)
select os.ray, os.geom, os.hgt, l.absorb, l.barrier, os.totlen,
st_length(os.geom) as shape_length, st_distance(os.s, st_endpoint(os.geom)) as near_dist
from os left join lut as l
on os.legend = l.legend
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function do_crtn(text,text,text) line 30 at EXECUTE
I have checked over and over again, column geometry does exist in Schema>Public>Views of PostgreSQL. Any advise on how to resolve this error?
add quotes and then use r."geom" instead r.geom