I get a blank page error in mod speed plugin - apache

I use the Directadmin panel in the Centos 7 infrastructure.
I installed mod_pagespeed plugin for nginx_apache web service.
PHP Software works normally, but I have problems with the <script> and <style> tags embedded in the html code.
When these tags are in the code, the website opens as a white and blank page.
I couldn't find any log on this issue. Could you please help me?


ExtJS 2.2 openlayers lightbox popup stopped working - error in CGI script

I have an old GIS website with OpenLayers 2.7, Geoserver, running ExtJS 2.2 and a lightbox.js. This has been working fine. I can click on a location and fire up a lightbox popup. This has suddenly stopped working. I click a location but and a short spinning wheel so I can see something is happening but no popup. Any idea where I start to search for errors? I get no output in console. Here is my website: http://kulturminnekart.no/ostfold/. When you zoom in and click a marker it should show a popup utilizing the lightbox.js.
I know this is very old but I have never had resources to upgrade to newer ExtJS.
I have an index.html and app.js. Also I include OpenLayers, Mapfish and ExtJS. I have another site running almost the same code so I suspect some upgrade of apache or other software may have caused this but I have no idea where to start looking.
The problem was that the click on a marker was doing a WMS GetFeatureInfo request via a proxy (proxy.cgi). Thanks to #Mike I was on a track to debug why cgi was not working. So the solution was to get mod_cgi working correctly on Apache 2.4 and then adjusting the permissions on cgi-bin.

How to preview a static site?

With Ruby on Rails I can run rails s -p 3000 and preview my site at localhost:3000.
With React I can run npm start and view the site at localhost:8080.
What if I just have html and CSS files, how do I preview that?
On OSX, you can run a simple web server from any directory using this command:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
Then, you can hit the directory in your browser by going to http://localhost:8000/path/to/file.html
You can try click 2 times in index.html to open the file in browser.
Every time you update the code in sublime text, you need to reload the browser and the updates will be aplied.
This usually depends on your device/OS and what your eventual goals are, but usually you can either use (online) software that renders the HTML and the CSS for you (such as Brackets.io, etc.) whilst you are typing it (to live preview any modifications/additions), or you can put the documents live using a local webserver such as Xampp or OSXs built in simple web server, and check their respective localhost locations every time you save changes using your code editor.
You could also simply use online applications like Codepen, which can also render HTML and CSS, and even JavaScript. Codepen just today launched Codepen Projects which allows you to create entire website projects at their website. It is however, a pro (paid) feature.
Here's a short overview of code playgrounds that offer the functionality you requested (by no means an exhaustive list):
And ofcourse you can insert Snippets here on StackOverflow, which is also able to render HTML and CSS (and JS).
If you really only use HTML and CSS, previewing in a browser is also possible, opening the .html file by double clicking and opening in Internet Explorer, Chrome, etc.

QT5 Fancy Browser not rendering Few pages that shows on regular chrome browser

Im a noob with qt5 and fancy browser, there are a few pages that are not rendering on the fancy browser which is on the client SOC.
are there any tools i can use to debug why some pages are not rendering and some are.
i have enable the QWebSettings::DeveloperExtrasEnabled, and is able to inspect the site and found the error. but the site runs seemlessly on a desktop environment
any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Insecure font blocking my https website

Dear stackoverflow experts,
I've been reading in stackoverflow forum about the issue but didn't find a solution
I'm experiencing a problem with my website https://baliradar.com
since I installed SSL. I changed all the http links by https.
However I cannot resolve the problem of insecure font though, here's the console log error message:
Mixed Content: The page at 'https://baliradar.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure font 'http://fonts.gstatic.com/s/lato/v11/nj47mAZe0mYUIySgfn0wpQ.ttf'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
I have been searching for hours with FileZilla in the files of my theme "winning agent pro" and in other directories of my website but I never found the html code for the font. I tried to search for specific keywords ("fonts", "gstatic") in my File Manager from my CPanel but there's no records found.
I also tried to use the "Developer Tool" of Chrome to find the source of the font without success.
I'm clueless here and was wondering if someone has an idea or a solution?
Thank you for your time.
There are several http:// links in your CSS code, which is linked in your header as <link
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://baliradar.com/wp-content/cache/minify/000000/e4a39/default.include.08bf2a.css" media="all" />:
.mCSB_buttonRight{background-position:-80px -56px}#font-face{font-family:'Lato';font-style:normal;font-weight:300;src:local('Lato Light'), local('Lato-Light'), url(http://fonts.gstatic.com/s/lato/v11/nj47mAZe0mYUIySgfn0wpQ.ttf) format('truetype')}#font-face{font-family:'Lato';font-style:normal;font-weight:400;src:local('Lato Regular'), local('Lato-Regular'), url(http://fonts.gstatic.com/s/lato/v11/v0SdcGFAl2aezM9Vq_aFTQ.ttf) format('truetype')}#font-face{font-family:'Lato';font-style:normal;font-weight:700;src:local('Lato Bold'), local('Lato-Bold'), url(http://fonts.gstatic.com/s/lato/v11/DvlFBScY1r-FMtZSYIYoYw.ttf) format('truetype')}#font-face{font-family:'Lato';font-style:normal;font-weight:900;src:local('Lato Black'), local('Lato-Black'), url(http://fonts.gstatic.com/s/lato/v11/4cKlrioa77J2iqTqBgkRWg.ttf) format('truetype')}.currencyr{position:fixed;z-index:2147483647}.currencyr .currencyr-container,
As it seems that this is a minified version of your css, search in your current theme's css-files for the http phrase. You can do so using grep for example:
grep 'http://fonts' * -R
In my case, this issue was caused by my caching plugin (W3 Total Cache). Disabling it solved the issue but you may want to keep the plugin and change the font URLs in the CSS file from HTTP to HTTPS.
I came across this issue when the Social Pug plugin stopped showing
icons on the social media buttons. The root cause was the caching
enabled by W3 Total Cache plugin. If you are in a similar situation,
there are three ways to fix the issue:
Disable W3 Total Cache (not recommended because your website’s performance may decrease)
Change the font URLs of Social Pug plugin to HTTPS
In some cases, URL Rewrite rules may cause this issue. Check your .htaccess file
Mixed Content: The page was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure font

Apache not loading CSS files on remote browsers but works on localhost

I have an ubuntu installation on my laptop i use for web app development. When i type in http://localhost/blah.php i see my php web page as i normally would with all css style loaded and rendering fine.
When i try to connect to this same apache server from a remote machine by typing in the IP address the page loads but without any css styling at all. I also get the same problem trying to connect to the apache server from a virtual machine on the same box. I would like to get this working so i can test my web apps in IE but obviously css not loading is a problem. Any tips ?
Look into your source code and look how your style sheets are referenced.
If you have references to http://localhost/mystylesheet.css, that's your problem right there.
If that doesn't help, try to access a style sheet directly (enter the address in the browser) and tell us what happens. Also post the URL you are using. The head of the HTML document you are calling would also be helpful.