Getting issue in Amazon affiliate Product API to fetch products from amazon - api

We are using Amazon affiliate Product Advertising API to fetch products from amazon. The account & API KEY was working when we implemented at first time till 1 month but after that we tried again for further project development it stopped working and always displaying below error:
AWS Access Key ID: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. You are submitting requests too quickly. Please retry your requests at a slower rate.
Tried again and again. then finally we decided to create one more API KEY with same account but in this case on first attempt we again got same error.
After this we go to Amazon chat support but didn't find any specific solution. but they said 
Each account used for Product Advertising API is allowed an initial usage limit up to a maximum of 1 request per second and a cumulative daily maximum of 8640 requests per day (TPD) for the first 30-day period after your account has been approved. Following that period, your PA API usage limit will solely be based on your shipped item revenue. Your account will earn a usage limit of 1 TPD for every 5 cents or 1 TPS (up to a maximum of 10 TPS) for every $4320 of shipped item revenue generated via the use of Product Advertising API for shipments in the previous 30-day period.
But now the problem is we are in the development stage and can't generate the revenue. also there is no Testing/Sandbox environment.

Looks like you have used all your usage limit for the account. So to make new requests you'll need to generate some revenue from your account.
I would advice you to test your product with a dummy API that generates the same response as PA API.
You may get some ideas from the tests written in this library:
If you need more help you can go through this article to understand how API requests work:
Disclaimer: I'm the author of this open sourced library and it's written in Golang.


HERE Api - Daily limit of requests has been reached - but on plan description doesn't mention that

I recently subscribed on HERE Api for Freemium account, cause as far as I understood, I could make 250k requests per month and only would be charged after that, recently I'm working on Waypoints Sequence, and suddenly during a dev test, I got the error "Daily limit of 10 requests has been reached".
I thought that the limit was 250k requests per month, but then I read that the user can only make 10 requests per day by App ID, but makes no sense when the month limit is significantly higher.
Out of Freemium Account there's only the Pro/Premier Plans, which are actually very expensive for me right now.
Does anyone have a workaround for this? Or have another "Waypoints Sequence" tool to recomend?
Thank you all in advance
Currently, for Freemium plans only, the following limits apply:
Custom Locations: you may upload a maximum of 3 layers with a maximum of 100 polygons or polylines.
Waypoints Sequence: up to 10 requests per day.
Advanced Data Sets: up to 100 requests per hour and 1,000 per day.
Please contact our Sales team (Contact Sales) if you want to raise your limits. Thank you.

Enterprise or Self-Service API - Request suggestion

I'm in the process of devolving a new tool for a company app. The tool will be sending homogeneous number of searches to amadeus API. Is every search result is considered as a request? A sample search of a user will have to search the api 1000 times are these searches considered as requests? Because if the company has 10000 request limit per month it's going to be over by 10 users! I need to understand this please.
Every time you call an API (every time you use GET/POST verb) you do a "request".
The limitation (quota) is only in the test environment, you don't pay for it but you have a limited number of calls and you only have access to a subset of data.
In production, you don't have any limitation on the total number of queries you can do. You get access to our full set of data (live) but you pay per use (you pay for each request you do).
You have a limitation on the number you can do per second (TPS: 10 in production / 5 in test).

Product showing up in Amazon MWS API but not Product Advertising API

I'm building an integration for my warehouse and using Amazon's API's to get product information from UPC. I've ran into a number of times where a result comes back accurately from the GetMatchingProduct on MWS API but not from the Product Advertising API. Even Vice Versa has occurred.
Why might this be? Is there a reason I should just use one or the other?
Example: UPC - 363824072463
MWS brings back ASIN - B0057UUHGU which is the relevant one that also comes back when you just search Amazon. However the Product Advertising API does not return this in its list of results at all.
We have found that often times new, or recently changed items take a little while to correctly populate in the Product Advertising API.
Also, for what you say your purposes are, I would be cautious relying on the Product Advertising API. It is a sales tool, so sometimes when given an out-of-stock item, for instance, it will return results of a different item (maybe similar, maybe was variated with it, etc) as the purpose of that API is to drive sales to Amazon.

eBay GetSellerTransactions & cURL_multi - limit?

Another beginners question:
I can get all eBay transactions from an item ID with GetSellerTransactions (XML).
I guess I can run cURL_multi and can get several transactions parallel. My question is, is there a limit how many item# I can send to the eBay API using cURL_multi?
eBay allows up to 18 simultaneous threads per AppID. See eBay Features Guide. This means you can fetch 18 transactions in parallel. But be aware that each single call still counts against the call limit of 5000 per day if your app hasn't passed the Compatible Application Check yet. Otherwise it will count against the 1.5 million calls per day limit.

Analytics API query - "Number of keywords delivering visits"

I've been tasked with coming up with a report using the Google Analytics API that shows "Number of keywords delivering visits", which should return the number of unique keywords delivering visits for each day over the last 30 days. I have no problem using the API itself, but cannot seem to figure out what metrics I would use to generate this statistic. There is a "ga:searchUniques" which seems ideal, but it is only available for internal site search. Any ideas?