Get Values between Each Comma in Seperate Row in SQL Server - sql

I need to insert multiple rows in a database table from a single string.
Here is my string it will be comma-seperated values
Current string:
batch 1 45665 987655,1228857 76554738,12390 8885858,301297 38998798
What I want is that batch 1 should be ignored or removed and remaining part should be added into the SQL Server database as a separate row for after each comma like this
Table name dbo.MSISDNData
45665 987655
1228857 76554738
12390 8885858
301297 38998798
and when I query the table it should return the results like this
Query :
Select data
from dbo.MSISDNData
45665 987655
1228857 76554738
12390 8885858
301297 38998798

Try this:
DECLARE #Data NVARCHAR(MAX) = N'batch 1 45665 987655,1228857 76554738,12390 8885858,301297 38998798'
SET #Data = '<a>' + REPLACE(REPLACE(#Data, 'batch 1 ', ''), ',', '</a><a>') + '</a>';
SET #DataXML = #Data;
SELECT LTRIM(RTRIM(T.c.value('.', 'VARCHAR(MAX)'))) AS [Data]
FROM #DataXML.nodes('./a') T(c);
It demonstrates how to split the data. You may need to sanitize it, too - remove the batch 1, perform trimming, etc.


Error Handling for numbers of delimiters when extracting substrings

Situation: I have a column where each cell can have up to 5 delimiters. However, it's possible that there are none.
Objective: How do i handle errors such as :
Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function.
in the case that it cannot find the specified delimiter.
declare #text VARCHAR(111) = 'abc-def-geeee-ifjf-zzz'
declare #start1 as int
declare #start2 as int
declare #start3 as int
declare #start4 as int
declare #start_index_reverse as int
set #start1 = CHARINDEX('-',#text,1)
set #start2 = CHARINDEX('-',#text,charindex('-',#text,1)+1)
set #start3 = CHARINDEX('-',#text,charindex('-',#text,CHARINDEX('-',#text,1)+1)+1)
set #start4 = CHARINDEX('-',#text,charindex('-',#text,CHARINDEX('-',#text,CHARINDEX('-',#text,1)+1)+1)+1)
set #start_index_reverse = CHARINDEX('-',REVERSE(#text),1)
LEFT(#text,#start1-1) AS Frst,
SUBSTRING(#text,#start1+1,#start2-#start1-1) AS Scnd,
SUBSTRING(#text,#start2+1,#start3-#start2-1) AS Third,
SUBSTRING(#text,#start3+1,#start4-#start3-1)AS Third,
RIGHT(#text,#start_index_reverse-1) AS Lst
In this case my variable includes 5 delimiters and so my query works but if i removed one '-' it would break.
XML support in SQL Server brings about some unintentional but useful tricks. Converting this string to XML allows for some parsing that is far less messy than native string handling, which is very far from awesome.
DECLARE #test varchar(111) = 'abc-def-ghi-jkl-mnop'; -- try also with 'abc-def'
;WITH n(x) AS
SELECT CONVERT(xml, '<x>' + REPLACE(#test, '-', '</x><x>') + '</x>')
Frst = x.value('/x[1]','varchar(111)'),
Scnd = x.value('/x[2]','varchar(111)'),
Thrd = x.value('/x[3]','varchar(111)'),
Frth = x.value('/x[4]','varchar(111)'),
Ffth = x.value('/x[5]','varchar(111)')
For a table it's almost identical:
DECLARE #foo TABLE ( col varchar(111) );
INSERT #foo(col) VALUES('abc-def-ghi-jkl-mnop'),('abc'),('def-ghi');
;WITH n(x) AS
SELECT CONVERT(xml, '<x>' + REPLACE(col, '-', '</x><x>') + '</x>')
FROM #foo
Frst = x.value('/x[1]','varchar(111)'),
Scnd = x.value('/x[2]','varchar(111)'),
Thrd = x.value('/x[3]','varchar(111)'),
Frth = x.value('/x[4]','varchar(111)'),
Ffth = x.value('/x[5]','varchar(111)')
Results (sorry about the massive size, seems this doesn't handle 144dpi well):
add a test before your last select
then you should decide how to handle the other case (when one of start is 0)
You can also refer to this link about splitting a string in sql server
which is uses a loop and can handle any number of delimiters
if #start1>0 and #start2>0 and #start3>0 and #start4>0
select LEFT(#text,#start1-1) AS Frst,
SUBSTRING(#text,#start1+1,#start2-#start1-1) AS Scnd,
SUBSTRING(#text,#start2+1,#start3-#start2-1) AS Third,
SUBSTRING(#text,#start3+1,#start4-#start3-1)AS Third,
RIGHT(#text,#start_index_reverse-1) AS Lst

How can I write this SQL while loop code to get an XML results in one line instead of 3 separate lines?

I'm trying to get all this XML result in one line instead of 3 for each column
DECLARE #ii INT = 10;
DECLARE #String1 NVARCHAR(4000);
SET #String1 = '';
WHILE(#ii <= 18)
SET #String1 = (#String1 + 'SELECT LoanNumber = ''Complaint'+CONVERT(VARCHAR(2),#ii)+'-Call1'' , LoanStatus=''Compliants'' , LoanStatusDate = CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE)
SELECT LoanNumber = ''Complaint'+CONVERT(VARCHAR(2),#ii)+'-Call2'', LoanStatus=''Compliants'' , LoanStatusDate = CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE)
SELECT LoanNumber = ''Complaint'+CONVERT(VARCHAR(2),#ii)+'-Call3'', LoanStatus=''Compliants'' , LoanStatusDate = CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE)')
IF #ii != 18
SET #string1 = #string1 + ' UNION '
SET #string1 = #string1 + 'FOR XML PATH (''Loan''),ROOT(''Loans'') '
SET #ii = #ii+1
EXEC sp_executesql #String1
I want something like this:
<LoanNumber>Complaint10-Call2 <LoanStatus>Compliants<LoanStatusDate>2019-01-18
Instead of the result that you get when you execute the code I provided. I appreciate your help.
This might be wild guessing, but I've got the feeling, that I understand, what this is about:
if you run the code you will see the result. no input data is needed .
I just want the structure of the xml outcome to all be on one line for
one set of each loop
Your provided code leads to this:
<!-- more of them-->
This is perfectly okay, valid XML.
But you want the result
outcome to all be on one line for one set of each loop
Something like this?
<!-- more of them-->
There is a big misconception I think... XML is not the thing you see. The same XML can look quite differently, without any semantic difference:
Check this out:
DECLARE #xmltable table(SomeXml XML)
--the whole in one line
--all <a>s in one line
--each element in one line
--white space going wild...
--now check the results
SELECT * FROM #xmltable;
This means: How the XML appears is a matter of the interpreter. The same XML opened with another tool might appear differently. Dealing with XML means dealing with data but not with format... The actual format has no meaning and should not matter at all...
Starting with SQL-Server 2016 you might have a look at JSON, if you need a tiny format:
DECLARE #somedata table(SomeValue VARCHAR(100),SomeStatus VARCHAR(100),SomeDate DATE);
The result comes in one line:

How to split a string in sql server using stored procedure and insert the data to table

<pre>update d
set d.Price = null
from dbo.SalDocumentDetail d
left join dbo.StkWarehouse w on w.WarehouseID = d.WarehouseID
where DocumentID=" + 1 + "
and DocumentTypeID=" + 2 + "
and FiscalYear= " + 2016 + "
and isnull(isPrescription,0) <>1
and w.POSType is null
and ProductName BETWEEN ''C' 'AND' 'M''
and Country LIKE ''%land%'''</pre>
Actually this string is only a sample one my original string is very large . i am not getting a point that if i break this string than how many variables i have to make to capture the data also after splitting the string i want that to be inserted into data table containing columns as Felid and Value?
I want my result like :
Felid Value
DocumentID= 1
DocumentTypeID= 2
FiscalYear= 2016
isnull(isPrescription,0) <>= 1
w.POSType is= null
ProductName= C
ProductName= M
Country= land
<pre>I Use this function but this function split 'and' not split like what i want in my result i want split 'and,or,like,is,between ' if function find any this split it to two columns (Felid and Value)</pre>
<pre>ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[fnSplitString]
(#List NVARCHAR(MAX),#Delimiter NVARCHAR(255))
RETURNS #Items TABLE(Felid NVARCHAR(Max),Valu nvarchar(MAx))
DECLARE #ll INT=LEN(#List)+1,#ld INT=LEN(#Delimiter);
CHARINDEX('where',#List)+5),COALESCE(NULLIF(CHARINDEX('=', #List,0),0),#ll) ) ,
[Value]=SUBSTRING(#List,(select CHARINDEX('="',#List)+2),(select CHARINDEX('and',#List))-(select C`enter code here`HARINDEX('="',#List)+3))
[end]=COALESCE(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(#Delimiter,#List,[end]+#ld), 0),#ll),
[VlaueFelid]=SUBSTRING(#List,[end]+#ld, COALESCE(NULLIF(CHARINDEX('=',#List, [end]+#ld),0),#ll)-[end]-#ld),
[Value]=SUBSTRING(#List,[end]+#ld+16, COALESCE(NULLIF(CHARINDEX('=',#List,[end]+#ld),0),#ll)-[end]-#ld-5)
FROM a WHERE [end]< #ll) INSERT #Items SELECT[VlaueFelid],[Value] FROM a WHERE LEN([VlaueFelid])>0 RETURN;

Dynamic XML node name in SQL XML

I am updating an XML column with values from columns in a temp table. I can update the table as below.
UPDATE tbWorkflow
SET xmlData.modify('insert
<CustomerID>{ sql:column("T.iVTollCustID") }</CustomerID>
<Date>{ sql:variable("#CurrDateTime") }</Date>
as first into (/configuration)[1]'),
vcQueue = 'qVtoll',
dtUpdTime = GETDATE()
FROM #Trxns T
WHERE T.biWorkflowID = tbWorkflow.biWorkflowID
However, I want the node name to be dynamic (from the temp table) like below. But it does not work.
UPDATE tbWorkflow
SET xmlData.modify('insert
(<**{ sql:column("T.vcQueue") }**>
<CustomerID>{ sql:column("T.iVTollCustID") }</CustomerID>
<Date>{ sql:variable("#CurrDateTime") }</Date>
</**{ sql:column("T.vcQueue") }**>)
as first into (/configuration)[1]'),
vcQueue = 'qVtoll',
dtUpdTime = GETDATE()
FROM #Trxns T
WHERE T.biWorkflowID = tbWorkflow.biWorkflowID
Any help is appreciated.
I think, you should use a subquery to select a string you need and then insert it into XML.
For example, in subquery get a <YourTag><CustomerID>123</CustomerID><Date>15.10.2012</Date></YourTag> and then you can simply insert it in XML
I found a workaround to do this.
I added another VARCHAR column to my temp table, created the xml node as a varchar and later modified my actual xml column using this varchar column.
SET xmlVarchar = '<' + vcQueue + '>
<CustomerID>' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),iVTollCustID) + '</CustomerID>
<Date>' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(25), GETDATE(),22) + '</Date>' +
'</' + vcQueue + '>'
UPDATE tbWorkflow
SET xmlData.modify('insert
as first into (/configuration)[1]'),
vcQueue = 'qVtoll',
dtUpdTime = GETDATE()
FROM #Trxns T
WHERE T.biWorkflowID = tbWorkflow.biWorkflowID

Turning an XML into a select

I'm trying to turn this XML string into a select
I have #Schedule XML = '<days><day enabled="0">0</day><day enabled="1">1</day><day enabled="1">2</day><day enabled="1">3</day><day enabled="1">4</day><day enabled="1">5</day><day enabled="0">6</day></days>'
What I'm trying to see at the end is..
DayNumber DayEnabled
0 0
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1
6 0
I've tried a few ways, so far nothing is working right.. I am handling this as an XML data type, I'd prefer not to use a function as this will just be in a stored procedure..
Update: Maybe I didn't explain it correctly..
I have a stored procedure, XML is one of the parameters passed to it, I need to send it to a table to be inserted, so I'm trying to do the following..
INSERT INTO tblDays (DayNumber, DayEnabled)
SELECT #XMLParsedOrTempTableWithResults
I just can't figure out how to parsed the parameter
DECLARE #myXML as XML = '<days><day enabled="0">0</day><day enabled="1">1</day><day enabled="1">2</day><day enabled="1">3</day><day enabled="1">4</day><day enabled="1">5</day><day enabled="0">6</day></days>'
DECLARE #XMLDataTable table
DayNumber int
,DayEnabled int
SELECT d.value('text()[1]','int') AS [DayNumber]
,d.value('(#enabled)[1]','int') AS [DayEnabled]
FROM #myXML.nodes('/days/*') ds(d)
The XMLTABLE function is how most XML-enabled DBMSes shred an XML document into a relational result set.
This example uses DB2's syntax for XMLTABLE and an input parameter passed into a stored procedure:
INSERT INTO tblDays (DayNumber, DayEnabled)
XMLTABLE ('$d/days/day' PASSING XMLPARSE( DOCUMENT SPinputParm ) as "d"
dayNumber INTEGER PATH '.',
dayEnabled SMALLINT PATH '#enabled'
) AS X