How to run test in IE browser using OxygenHQ? - automation

I want to run a simple test using OxygenHQ, of opening wikipedia and then search for hello world. The script written is working fine for Chrome and Firefox but in case of IE mutiple windows are opening without the page and then it fails eventually.
Is there any way to fix this? I went through the docs provided at but could not get a concrete answer on why this is only happening for IE. Here is a console output and screenshot for reference.
Console Output :
Starting iteration #1
UNKNOWN_ERROR - undefined: args[0].endsWith is not a function at line 1Test finished with status --> FAILED
Browser: Internet Explorer
Version: 11.535.18362.0
OS: Windows 10

This might be connected to your internet settings
make sure that the IE screen size is 100%
make sure all Internet options in Security Tab (Internet, Local Internet etc') are either with the Enable protected mode on or off (should be the same for all)
see picture
Have a look again at the Oxygen web site, it has had a major facelift and a lot of new content


debugging chrome remotely - doesn't open websocket

Im running chrome headless through chromedriver and selenium via python.
I've run into the following issue both on Mac and Linux.
Im starting chrome as follows:
if self.headless:
options.headless = True
if self.debug_port:"Setting up remote debugging on port {self.debug_port}")
If I connect to http://localhost:9222 from another headed instance of chrome I can see the list of sessions and connect to it seamlessly. At which point i have a window opened up with a screencast of the remote session and the dev console.
Here's that successful example:
When I connect to I get the list of sessions just fine and upon selecting one the dev console opens but it doesn't start the websocket connection to ws:// so the screencast and remote debugging capabilities are not available.
Here's that failed example:
I've captured har files and uploaded them here if you want to take a look
Using the following steps I was able to debug remotely. However the screencast functionality did not work. Ultimately that's what I needed so this is only a 50% solution in my case.
So, as noted above in the comments, what's blocking remote debugging from working is that the chrome debugger links out to and passes a value of ws:// for the websocket parameter. Any browser will inherently block this, based on it being mixed content - i.e: https + ws
What's needed here is to run the chrome dev tools frontend on a http server
and direct your chrome instance to that server instead of the appspot instance.
Solution Steps
1 Install depot_tools (pre-requisite for building)
2 Checkout the devtools-frontend repo
3 Build chrome devtools frontend
4 Start the devtools-frontend http server
5 Run 2 instances of chrome and use one to debug the other
5.1 Start first instance of chrome headless
...with remote debugging enabled. See the python way in the question above or do it from the command line with the same arguments
5.2 Start a second instance of chrome
...using a different user data dir --user-data-dir=<some-path>
5.3 Navigate to
Use whatever the IP address of the first chrome instance is and the port that you chose.
5.4 Create a link to the local dev server
The 2nd instance of chrome will now be showing you links to debug each of the open tabs of the 1st instance. However the links will still to go You'll need to copy n paste the link you want and replace the hostname with the hostname of the devtools frontend that you started in step 4
If you figure out how to get the screencast working please comment below! 🙏
I also tried using the npm run server command in the devtools frontend but for some reason that server didn't work at all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

automate electron based desktop app using testcafe not working

i am trying to automate tests for 'lens' electron based desktop application.i was following this link enter link description here to setup the test for electron app.This link expects a 'mainwindowurl' but application doesn't have any main page, but testcafe give suggestion of the mainwindowurl as an error so tried it works but am not convinced with the suggrstion urls ,but same way want to give fixture page url on the test what should be the url should i need to give? then have got one more error ERROR Unable to establish one or more of the specified browser connections. This can be caused by network issues or remote device failure.Please can you guys suggest what to do?
Each and every Electron application has to navigate to a page after opening a window.
I guess that the mentioned Lens app is an Kubernetes IDE:
This app uses the BrowserWindow.loadURL function to navigate to the main page:
Digging the code a bit more, I found that the main window URL is just localhost with some port:
I guess it is possible to determine or set the port number by looking at the code a bit more or asking Lens developers about it.

Blueprism - Not able to spy elements

I am using Blueprism to launch a URL in browser to spy it. I am able to launch the URL using the application modeller, but not able to spy it. The "Identify" option itself does not appear in blue prism. What is the problem and what is the solution ?
In spying a web application, key things to note for your application modeler;
1. your application modeler must be a "Browser-Based Application"
2. Launching from an executable or attaching to one. (Assuming you are launching from an executable from your question)
3. Specify url.
From your question. you are able to launch the browser from the application modeler. the most possible problem is you missing step 1 as mentioned above. Confirm your application modeler is specified as "Browser-Based Application"
Check a few things : is your modeler attached to the browser, are you in the right mode (for ease of use I would recommend using IE in HTML mode), and if that doesn't work try accessibility mode.
Try these simple steps:
Close the browser application and let the Blue Prism open your browser.
Try testing your object in Object Studio.
Now open your application modeler and launch. Check and you will find the identify option appeared.
If you launch application from Google Chrome, then you can get this error because in Google Chrome it's not possible to Spy and launch the applications. Any RPA Tools will support only Internet Explorer

IE 10 not using AppCache after browser closed

I wrote an application using the HTML5 Cache Manifest and I'm having a problem using it in IE 10.
I used Fiddler to witness the manifest file being downloaded and all resources fetched on the initial load of the application. If I disable my network adapter to force the machine offline, the application continues to work as expected as long as I don't close the browser window.
However, when I close the browser window, then attempt to re-open the page from a favorite, IE 10 tells me "You're not connected to a network". Obviously I know that, I'm trying to use the app offline. These exact steps work in Chrome.
Is this behavior by design? Is there a workaround? I can't test with IE 11 right this different in IE 11?
Hearing of some issues of the appcache clearing if your company utilizes gpo settings and has "empty temporary internet files folder when browser is closed" enabled.
Did you find the answer to this? I have the same problem. I did get a bit further though. I found that if you go to the IE10 File menu option and tick Work Offline then try and access your cached app it loads the page but I still have an issue as it does not appear to be using the javascript file that should also be cached. All works ok on Google Chrome but our clients are restricted to IE so Chrome is not an option.

Getting black images with selenium.captureScreenshot

I'm executing selenium tests with testng, that are started on a remote system with Selenium RC via hudson (with ssh connection). The remote system is windows xp with MKS Toolkit installed, hence ssh. Tests are NOT executed as a windows service.
I've tried using both captureScreenshot and captureEntirePageScreenshot methods. The first one always produces a black image. The second one creates the correct screen shot but it only works on Firefox and our tests usually pass on Firefox and fail in other browsers, so it is crucial to capture screen shots for the other browsers (mainly IE and Safari). The tests are ran in parallel, with many browser windows open at the same time. I'm not certain if this is what's causing the problem. Any thoughts will be appreciated.
Unfortunately screenshots in Selenium have been problematic from the start in browsers that are not Firefox. This is something that we Selenium Developers have been working on for a while to correct.
The latest work has been updating Snapsie to work in IE. There is a blog post at that explains what has happened.
I have noticed that if the screen isn't active, i.e. the screensaver has kicked in, it can produce black screenshots.
I just had a thought. You can always run Castro to video record your tests and then watch it play back. This is something SauceLabs use to run Selenium in the cloud.
Write a method for this and call that whereever you need to take the screenshot. Use the java.awt package which has been used in selenium. For example, check this site
After setting Windows Auto-Logon, and launching process not as Windows Service, I found how to solve the Remote Desktop with Black Screenshots problem of IEDriverServer.exe, by creating a batch file that disconnects RDP, instead of closing the RDP session with the regular X button:
%windir%\system32\tscon.exe %SESSIONNAME% /dest:console
See more details here:
(Although, I would prefer there was a way to run it as the default action, when terminating RDP session with X Windows button).