Issue with Tab index for Prime ng datatables sort icon - angular5

I've used the prime ng data table in my application.
In that, I want to use tab index for sort icon(<p-sortIcon>) but it's not working. can anyone help me with this??
this is how I used in code image
And displaying as below, once I enter tab, got focus there but I'm unable to do sorting using the keyboard.

Try this friend.

why dont you go with primeng default modules....


How to click dynamic id button in selenium IDE?

I am searching it from 2 days but still unable to get satisfying answer..please help
I am using liferay, i want to open dropdown which name is "Add" and then want to click on submit button named as "Blank Site"..and both "Add" and "Blank site" button contains dynamic values/id which changes each time..attaching image for reference..
Image: Add
Image: blanksite
Selenium supports wide range of different selectors besides byId. XPath is able to refer to text value inside the tag.
Also using almost any selector you can retrieve list that can be additionally filtered by any rules.
Use Xpath Contains Method:
Based on your 2 attached image, I think the button's text you are looking for is unique in the entire web page.
What you can do to fix the problem:
For the second circumstance(Blank Site):
Xpath: //li/a/span[contains(text(), "Blank Site")]
Xpath Contains|Start-with Usage
You can use xpath with any combination, one is already suggested by #PedroMiguel other one is like that
//*[contains(#id, 'yui-patched') and contains(#role,'menuitem')]

Is it possible to add bootstrap-tagsinput to textarea?

I'm working on project and I want to add tagsinputs to a textarea. Is it possible somehow ? Thank for helping.
There is not yet any support for this in Textare elements.One way to go is to use the input element for the tags.
See here for reference:
I solved it by removing borders from input and adding border to parent element so it looks like tagsinputs in textarea.

How to use select2.js and select.css for Activedropdown list - YiiFramework

How to use select2.js and select2.css for dropdownlist widget in yiiframework.
I have tried to use like this,
but its not working for me i am getting this listbox look and feel. how to use this ?
for your comment, here is the answer, I see it working as expected, screen capture from your link

In Dojo, how to programmatically click root of a Tree?

I am creating a web application using Dojo, composed of a treeView in the left side and a Data Grid on its right. After being loaded,I want the root of the treeView to be focused and clicked, so that the content of the datagrid can be changed accordingly.
I haven't success in doing this..
Thanks for your help
Thanks #Philippe for the clue about logic problem. Because of this clue, I am able to focus my mind by searching the error code. I found it in the defintion of query of the grid. <table id="jurnalGrid" dojoType="dojox.grid.DataGrid" jsId="jurnalGrid" columnReordering="true" sortFields="['tanggal','kode_jurnal']" store="jurnalStore" query="{id: '*'}" I think you can guess that my query string is not correct :) I still left the code from that link without changing it to suit my need. Thanks... –

How to add SEARCH BOX using XAML

I have to add a search box, which has dropdown button kind (say it wil have TeamBook and PersonalBook) then when i select TeamBook, the searchbox should get the default data as "SearchTeambook" if not,"SearchpersonalBook".
I have to do this using XAML.
Please help me in doing this.
I have figured out the better way of solvingthis .
Now i am able to use the feature