Is it possible to add bootstrap-tagsinput to textarea? - bootstrap-tags-input

I'm working on project and I want to add tagsinputs to a textarea. Is it possible somehow ? Thank for helping.

There is not yet any support for this in Textare elements.One way to go is to use the input element for the tags.
See here for reference:

I solved it by removing borders from input and adding border to parent element so it looks like tagsinputs in textarea.


Is it possible to add icon to the TextInput placeholder at React Native?

I have this simple text input with placeholder:
I need to add search icon before placeholder text.
I need add it exactly in placeholder.
If it possible, please help me with it.
Thank you.
Search bar
i think you can use library for that, i use native-base library, there are already icon textbox, you can modify for placeholder too, this is the reference :
please tell me if you want an example, maybe can help you, thanks :)

tooltipster.js: title is removed when tooltipstered

Here's another clue:
Please note, that title of <span> is getting lost after first hovering. How can I preserve it?
There is no option to accomplish that, as otherwise the browser would display a native tooltip on top of Tooltipster's tooltip. Whatever you want to accomplish, do it in another way, for example with some "data-title" attribute.

How to use select2.js and select.css for Activedropdown list - YiiFramework

How to use select2.js and select2.css for dropdownlist widget in yiiframework.
I have tried to use like this,
but its not working for me i am getting this listbox look and feel. how to use this ?
for your comment, here is the answer, I see it working as expected, screen capture from your link

Trying to make dynamically created element draggable

I'm trying to create a dynamic input element that is draggable. Now the problem is I create an element but when I use something like
after I append it to the container div, it's not working. Basically it's not working for the dynamically created input element of a certain id. Here's the code and please feel free to point out problems. I could really use some help on this one. Thanks!
The problem is that you are creating a new element that is not bound to the UI functions. I would suggest using clone(true,true) and then changing the parameters of the cloned element as need be. You can learn more about clone here.

How to add SEARCH BOX using XAML

I have to add a search box, which has dropdown button kind (say it wil have TeamBook and PersonalBook) then when i select TeamBook, the searchbox should get the default data as "SearchTeambook" if not,"SearchpersonalBook".
I have to do this using XAML.
Please help me in doing this.
I have figured out the better way of solvingthis .
Now i am able to use the feature