Error gcloud execution, after reinstalling - google-cloud-sdk

I've been using gcloud command for deploying my app in app engine for weeks.
But one day (today) It starts to fail.
gcloud command gives me
Didn't expected \Google\Cloud at this moment.
in my console.
I reinstalled python and google sdk, but I can't be able to execute it again.
I recheck my path environment variables.
I'm using windows.
I'm lost with this issue.
It would appreciate any kind of clue.

This is an already known issue which is occurring often. This happens when it updates to Cloud SDK version 274.0.0 in Windows. You may find more information here.
There is a workaround provided in this Stackoverflow post


Pestphp fails to run tests

I just installed the version 1.21 of pestphp/pest for a small php library.
Installations works until I try running ./vendor/bin/pest
I keep getting this error: Exclusive locks are not supported for this stream
Research on this error has proven unsuccessful as I could not find a similar case.
Please let me know if you've experienced this before and how you fixed it.
I have figured out the issue.
I was running the application from the htdocs of the vm version of xampp running on my laptop.
Taking the project out of here into another directory solved this issue.
Hope this saves someone else some time.

Google Cloud Deep Learning On Linux VM throws Unknown Cuda Error

I am trying to set up a deep learning VM on Google Cloud but I keep running into the same issue over and over again.
I will follow all the steps, set up a N1-highmem-8 (8 vCPU, 52gb Memory) instance, add a single T4 GPU and select the Deep Learning Image: TensorFlow 2.4 m69 CUDA 110 image. That's it.
After that, I will ssh into the vm, run the script that installs all the NVIDIA drivers and... when I begin using it, by simply running
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input, Dense
i = Input((100,))
x = Dense(500)(i)
I keep getting failed call to cuInit: CUDA_ERROR_UNKNOWN: unknown error. By that point I haven't installed anything and haven't done anything custom, just the vanilla image from GCP.
What is more concerning is that, even if I delete the vm and then create a new one with the same config, some times the error won't happen immediately and sometimes it's present off the bat.
Has anyone encountered this? I've googled around to see if anyone has faced this issue and while I came across suggestions, all of them are old and have not worked for me. More over, suggestions on NVIDIA support forums tell me to re-install everything and the whole point of me using a pre-built GCP image specifically for deep learning is so that I don't have to enter the hell of installing and resolving issues with NVIDIA drivers.
The issue is fixed with the M74 image, but you are using M69. So follow one of the two fixes provided in the Google Cloud public forum.
we can mitigate the issue by:
Fix #1: Use the latest DLVM image (M74 or later) in a new VM instance: They have released a fix for the newest DLVM image in M74 so you will no longer be affected by this issue.
Fix #2: Patch your existing instance running images older than M74.
Run the following via an SSH session on the affected instance:
gsutil cp gs://dl-platform-public-nvidia/b191551132/ /tmp/
chmod +x /tmp/
sudo /tmp/
sudo service jupyter restart
This only needs to be done once, and does not need to be rerun each time the instance is rebooted.

Stuck in Network azure-iot-edge-dev is external, skipping

Runing the Build and Run Iot Edge Solution in Simulator stopped working suddenly, and the log builds the containers and stops at this message Network azure-iot-edge-dev is external, skipping Everything was working fine 5mins ago, tried rebooting, restarting docker, iotedgehubdev, but in vain. Do you know how can I get more logs and/or resolve this problem ?
This is a generic error that is thrown for a variety of reasons.
Possible causes can be:
Proxy blocking pulling images of edgeHub and edgeAgent
A problem in the deployment.template.json (or debug template), e.g. missing brackets
Ports of edgeHub that are in use
Docker configured for Windows containers when targeting Linux or visa-versa
The Build output or IoT hub output in Visual Studio usually gives a bit more information.
Do you know how can I get more logs and/or resolve this problem ?
Are you trying to debug/simulate it locally on windows 10 machine?
When you need to gather logs from an IoT Edge device, the most convenient way is to use the support-bundle command. By default, this command collects module, IoT Edge security manager and container engine logs, iotedge check JSON output, and other useful debug information. It compresses them into a single file for easy sharing. The support-bundle command is available in release 1.0.9 and later.
Run the support-bundle command with the --since flag to specify how long from the past you want to get logs. For example 6h will get logs since the last six hours, 6d since the last six days, 6m since the last six minutes and so on. Include the --help flag to see a complete list of options.
sudo iotedge support-bundle --since 6h
By default, the support-bundle command creates a zip file called in the directory where the command is called. Use the flag --output to specify a different path or file name for the output.
Incase if you are looking to debug the modules locally on VS2019, VS Code below documentations will be useful.
Use Visual Studio 2019 to develop and debug modules for Azure IoT Edge and
Use Visual Studio Code to develop and debug modules for Azure IoT Edge
Please share the complete logs if the above doesn't help.
I have this issue when trying to start a project from within Visual Studio when it's not running in administrator mode. I always forget and end up with this error. Same goes for if I run "iotedgehubdev.exe setup" from a command prompt. It only works when the command prompt is running in administrator mode.

Downloading PostgreSQL on Mac

I've been having problems downloading PostgreSQL on my Mac. I attempted to download multiple versions but keep on getting the same error message shown in the attached picture."Problem running post install - step. Installation may not complete correctly.the database cluster installation failed."
Error Message
Answer available on another post
PostgresSQL Installation fails: "database cluster initialisation failed" MAC os
Try via Docker, its easy and works all the time. :)

ppl011 fails to install on 10.9.2

I'm trying to install ppl011 using brew and it fails.
The story began when I did rvm requirements. It failed during the gcc46 step. When I tried to install gcc46 itself, it failed while installing ppl011. Eventually, I was able to generate these:
I have been googling this for the past 24 hours. I'm also new to OSX/Linux so I pretty much have no idea what I'm doing. I'd appreciate some guidance!
I'll add this in case it helps someone. It turned out that the issue was caused by an incompatibility with the (as of this writing) recently released Command Line Tools 5.1. Downgrading to CLT 5.0.1 allowed me to work around the issue. More details here.