machine learning and model training - google-colaboratory

I am working on a machine learning project where I am my training my model on Google Colab.
I have cloned the repository and model is build up with tensor flow framework.
However, my data-set is too large. Before running the model I have two questions which are coming to mind:
1) If I leave my model overnight to get trained, what is the smartest way to know that my training is completed/left in between? (Any notification through email . . or ?)
2) What happens, if the internet connection breaks in between
My Google search is not providing me understandable answer. I would appreciate any help with solutions for my queries.

Maximum of 2 instances can be run concurrently and are linked to your Google account. Keep backing up your weights, and re-train if it takes more than 12 hours.
For such long jobs, it's always better to invest in a VPS, but to answer your questions,
The maximum lifetime of a job on Colab with the browser open is 12 hours. Therefore, it's a good idea to periodically save your model weights. A script to backup weights while training is a good idea.
If the internet connection breaks, the notebook will run for 90 minutes before the instance is considered to be idle and will be recycled. It's similar to closing your browser.


Long waiting when running training model with ML

I have trouble for long waiting when I run my training model with Machine Learning using CNNs. Maybe this because my pc has such a bad specs for machine learning.
I have 50000 images for my X_training and must wait up to 1 hours more until it's done.
I think maybe that someone can solve my problem. Thanks a lot
I would recommend you to use Google Collab. It’s free to use. You can access it withing Google Drive and make sure to change the runtime to GPU. In cases such as CNN, using GPUs can make your training process a lot faster.
Also, I don’t know how you are handling images, but if using TensorFlow/Keras I would also recommend you to use the ImageDataGenerator for not loading all images into memory at once, but loading the images needed within each batch. It can save some resources for the computer

TensorFlow model serving on Google AI Platform online prediction too slow with instance batches

I'm trying to deploy a TensorFlow model to Google AI Platform for Online Prediction. I'm having latency and throughput issues.
The model runs on my machine in less than 1 second (with only an Intel Core I7 4790K CPU) for a single image. I deployed it to AI Platform on a machine with 8 cores and an NVIDIA T4 GPU.
When running the model on AI Platform on the mentioned configuration, it takes a little less than a second when sending only one image. If I start sending many requests, each with one image, the model eventually blocks and stops responding. So I'm instead sending batches of images on each request (from 2 to 10, depending on external factors).
The problem is that I expected the batched requests to be almost constant in time. When sending 1 image, the CPU utilization was around 10% and GPU 12%. So I expected that a batch of 9 images would use ~100% of the hardware and respond in the same time ~1 sec, but this is not the case. A batch of 7 to 10 images takes anywhere from 15 to 50 seconds to be processed.
I already tried to optimize my model. I was using map_fn, replaced that with manual loops, switched from Float 32 to Float 16, tried to vectorize the operations as much as possible, but it's still in the same situation.
What am I missing here?
I'm using the latest AI Platform runtime for online prediction (Python 3.7, TensorFlow 2.1, CUDA 10.1).
The model is a large version of YOLOv4 (~250MB in SavedModel format). I've built a few postprocessing algorithms in TensorFlow that operates on the output of the model.
Last but not least, I also tried debugging with TensorBoard, and it turns out that the YOLOv4 part of the TensorFlow Graph is taking ~90% of the processing time. I expected this particular part of the model to be highly parallel.
Thanks in advance for any help with this. Please ask me for any information that you may need to better understand the issue.
UPDATE 2020-07-13: as suggested in a comment below, I also tried running the model on CPU, but it's really slow and suffers of the same problems than with GPU. It doesn't seem to process images from a single request in parallel.
Also, I think I'm running into issues with TensorFlow Serving due to the rate and amount of requests. I used the tensorflow/serving:latest-gpu Docker image locally to test this further. The model answers 3 times faster on my machine (GeForce GTX 1650) than on AI Platform, but its really inconsistent with response times. I'm getting the following response times (<amount of images> <response time in milliseconds>):
3 9004
3 8051
11 4332
1 222
3 4386
3 3547
11 5101
9 3016
10 3122
11 3341
9 4039
11 3783
11 3294
Then, after running for a minute, I start getting delays and errors:
3 27578
3 28563
3 31867
3 18855
message: 'Request failed with status code 504',
response: {
data: { error: 'Timed out waiting for notification' },
status: 504
For others with the same problem as me when using AI Platform:
As stated in a comment from the Google Cloud team here, AI Platform does not execute batches of instances at once. They plan on adding the feature, though.
We've since moved on from AI Platform to a custom deployment of NVIDIA's Triton Inference Server hosted on Google Cloud Compute Engine. We're getting much better performance than we expected, and we can still apply many more optimizations to our model provided by Triton.
Thanks to everyone who tried to help by replying to this answer.
From the Google Cloud documentation:
If you use a simple model and a small set of input instances, you'll find that there is a considerable difference between how long it takes to finish identical prediction requests using online versus batch prediction. It might take a batch job several minutes to complete predictions that are returned almost instantly by an online request. This is a side-effect of the different infrastructure used by the two methods of prediction. AI Platform Prediction allocates and initializes resources for a batch prediction job when you send the request. Online prediction is typically ready to process at the time of request.
This has to do, like the quote says, with the difference in node allocations, specially with:
Node allocation for online prediction:
Keeps at least one node ready over a period of several minutes, to handle requests even when there are none to handle. The ready state ensures that the service can serve each prediction promptly.
You can learn more about that here
The model is a large version of YOLOv4 (~250MB in SavedModel format). I've built a few postprocessing algorithms in TensorFlow that operates on the output of the model.
What are the postprocessing modifications have you made to the YOLOv4? Is it possible that the source of the slowdown are from those operations? One test you can do to validate this hypothesis locally is to benchmark an unmodified version of YOLOv4 against the benchmarks you've already made for your modified version.
Last but not least, I also tried debugging with TensorBoard, and it turns out that the YOLOv4 part of the TensorFlow Graph is taking ~90% of the processing time. I expected this particular part of the model to be highly parallel.
It would be interesting to take a look at the "debugging output" you're mentioning here. If you use, what are the breakdown of the most expensive operations? I've had some experience digging into TF ops -- I've found some strange bottlenecks due to CPU <-> GPU data transfer bottlenecks in some cases. Would be happy to hop on a call sometime and take a look with you if you shoot me a DM.

Deep Learning with TensorFlow on Compute Engine VM

I'm actualy new in Machine Learning, but this theme is vary interesting for me, so Im using TensorFlow to classify some images from MNIST datasets...I run this code on Compute Engine(VM) at Google Cloud, because my computer is to weak for this. And the code actualy run well, but the problam is that when I each time enter to my VM and run the same code I need to wait while my model is training on CNN, and after I can make some tests or experiment with my data to plot or import some external images to impruve my accuracy etc.
Is There is some way to save my result of trainin model just once, some where, that when I will decide for example to enter to the same VM tomorrow...and dont wait anymore while my model is training. Is that possible to do this ?
Or there is maybe some another way to do something similar ?
You can save a trained model in TensorFlow and then use it later by loading it; that way you only have to train your model once, and use it as many times as you want. To do that, you can follow the TensorFlow documentation regarding that topic, where you can find information on how to save and load the model. In short, you will have to use the SavedModelBuilder class to define the type and location of your saved model, and then add the MetaGraphs and variables you want to save. Loading the saved model for posterior usage is even easier, as you will only have to run a command pointing to the location of the file in which the model was exported.
On the other hand, I would strongly recommend you to change your working environment in such a way that it can be more profitable for you. In Google Cloud you have the Cloud ML Engine service, which might be good for the type of work you are developing. It allows you to train your models and perform predictions without the need of an instance running all the required software. I happen to have worked a little bit with TensorFlow recently, and at first I was also working with a virtualized instance, but after following some tutorials I was able to save some money by migrating my work to ML Engine, as you are only charged for the usage. If you are using your VM only with that purpose, take a look at it.
You can of course consult all the available documentation, but as a first quickstart, if you are interested in ML Engine, I recommend you to have a look at how to train your models and how to get your predictions.

Deep networks on Cloud ML

I am trying to train a very deep model on Cloud ML however i am having serious memory issues that i am not managing to go around. The model is a very deep convolutional neural network to auto-tag music.
The model for this can be found in the image below. A batch of 20 with a tensor of 12x38832x1 is inserted in the network.
The music was originally 465894x1 samples which was then split into 12 windows. Hence, 12x38832x1. When using the map_fn function each loop would have the seperate 38832x1 samples (conv1d).
Processing windows at a time yields better results than the whole music using one CNN. This was split prior to storing the data in TFRecords in order to minimise the needed processing during training. This is loaded in a queue with maximum queue size of 200 samples (ie 10 batches).
Once dequeue, it is transposed to have the 12 dimension first which then can be used in the map_fn function for processing of the windows. This is not transposed prior to being queued as the first dimension needs to match the batch dimension of the output which is [20, 50]. Where 20 is the batch size as the data and 50 are the different tags.
For each window, the data is processed and the results of each map_fn are superpooled using a smaller network. The processing of the windows is done by a very deep neural network which is giving me problems to keep as all the config options i am giving are giving me out of memory errors.
As a model i am using one similar to Census Tensorflow Model.
First and foremost, i am not sure if this is the best option since for evaluation a separate graph is built and not shared variables. This would require double the amount of parameters.
Secondly, as a cluster setup, i have been using one complex_l master, 3 complex_l workers and 3 large_model parameter servers. I do not know if am underestimating the amount of memory needed here.
My model has previously worked with a much smaller network. However, increasing it in size started giving me bad out of memory errors.
My questions are:
The memory requirement is big, but i am sure it can be processed on cloud ml. Am i underestimating the amount of memory needed? What are your suggestions about the cluster for such a network?
When using a train.server in the dispatch function, do you need to pass on the cluster_spec so it is used in the replica_device setter? Or does it allocate on it's own? When not using it, and setting tf.configProto of log placement, all the variables seem to be on the master worker. On the Census Example in the this is not passed on. I can assume this is correct?
How does one calculate how much memory is needed for a model (rough estimate to select the cluster)?
Is there any other tensorflow core tutorial how to setup such big jobs? (other than Census)
When training a big model in distributed between-graph replication, does all the model need to fit on the worker, or the worker only does ops and then transmits the results to the PS. Does that mean that the workers can have low memory just for singular ops?
PS: With smaller models the network trained successfully. I am trying to deepen the network for better ROC.
Questions coming up from on-going troubleshooting:
When using the replica_device_setter with the parameter cluster, i noticed that the master has very little memory and CPU usage and checking the log placement there are very little ops on the master. I checked the TF_CONFIG that is loaded and it says the following for the cluster field:
u'cluster': {u'ps': [u'ps-4da746af4e-0:2222'], u'worker': [u'worker-4da746af4e-0:2222'], u'master': [u'master-4da746af4e-0:2222']}
On the other hand, in the tf.train.Clusterspec documentation, it only shows workers. Does that mean that the master is not considered as worker? What happens in such case?
Error is it Memory or something else? EOF Error?

Use summarization model without training

The tensorflow text summarization model as described here requires a multi GPU architecture in order to train. My repeated attempts at training the model has resulted in memory exceptions, machine crashing for various reasons. Is the trained summarisation model available so can make use of the summarization model without the need for training? The summarization model is trained using the not free Gigaword dataset, if the trained model is not available from Google is this a factor in reason why ?
So as far as I can tell, no one has put the trained model out there that is referenced. I too was originally running into memory issues on my macbook pro and eventually ended up using my gaming laptop which had a much better GPU.
The other option of course is to take advantage of AWS and use something like their g2.2xlarge instance. They also have their P2 instances as well, but I have not checked that out yet.
With regards to the Gigaword dataset, it simply comes down to licensing. It is not a free license from LDC and often many of the academics working on this have the dataset provided to them via their Universities or companies. I have not had luck finding it, however LDC did get back to me and advised that they do have other article datasets that have a pricetag of around $300 which is much more reasonable for those of use just trying to learn TF. That said, if you didn't want to buy anything, you can always write your own page scraper and format the data for the textsum model.
Hope this helps some. Good luck!