How to disable i18next multiple plurals - i18next

I'm building an app that Hebrew is the main language.
I18next is defined for Hebrew to use multiple plurals, but, because I'm using numbers these variations are not relevant.
It forces me to specify all variants.
"BEDROOM": "חדר שינה אחד",
"BEDROOM_1": "$t(BEDROOM_plural)",
"BEDROOM_2": "$t(BEDROOM_plural)",
"BEDROOM_3": "$t(BEDROOM_plural)",
"BEDROOM_plural": "{{count}} חדרי שינה",
The lib do have simplifyPluralSuffix, but it is exactly the opposite of what I need.
There is any config that will fallback to _plural if there is no key for any special variants?

As #jamuhl suggested in here, It is possible to override plural rules'he', {
numbers: [1, 2, 20, 21],
plurals: function(n) {
return Number(n != 1);


Karate: Unable to move schema definition out of feature file

I'm able to successfully run the Feature/scenario, When I define the schema inside my feature file .
Here is a simplified example of the schema.
* def accountSchema = { id: '#number? _ >= 0', prop1: '#number? _ >= 0', prop2: '#string', prop3: '#string', optionaProp: '##string' }
* def userAccountsSchema = ({ entitledAccounts: '#[] accountSchema', prop5: '#number' , prop6: '##string'})
And here is how I'm validating
When method GET
Then status 200
* print userAccountsSchema
And match response == userAccountsSchema
But the schema I posted here is simplified to ask this question, the real schema is far more complex.
So for clarity purpose, I decided to put schema in a separate js file response-schemas.js under the same folder as the feature file.
Here is the simplified content of response-schemas.js file.
function schema () {
let accountSchema = {
id: '#number? _ >= 0',
prop1: '#number? _ >= 0',
prop2: '#string',
prop3: '#string',
optionaProp: '##string',
return {
accounts: `#[] ${accountSchema}` ,
prop5: '#string',
prop6: '#string',
now if I replace the 2 lines I mentioned at the beginning of the question under Background:, with below line
* def userAccountsSchema = call read('response-schemas.js')
I get this error
And match response == schemas
SyntaxError: Unnamed:1:8 Expected comma but found ident
[object Object]
I believe, I understand the problem, is this line
accounts: `#[] ${accountSchema}` ,
but unable to figure out the solution. If I tried to change the accountSchema variable in response-schemas.js to use multiline string then I get error in read step in Background
the whole idea to have a dedicated js file for schema is to keep it readable (by using multiple lines, preferably objects not a long string)
The main problem is this part:
accounts: `#[] ${accountSchema}`
Where you are trying to stuff a JSON into the Karate "fuzzy" expression. This is just not supported. Note that the Karate way of defining things like #(foo) and #[] bar has nothing to do with JavaScript, so I recommend not mixing these.
I know there is a desire to achieve the match in just one-line and somehow get one monstrous schema to do everything and I very strongly discourage this. Split your assertions into multiple lines. Split your response into smaller chunks of JSON if needed. There is nothing wrong with that. This also makes the life much easier of people who come along later who have to maintain your test.
For ideas see this answer:
Other answers:
Tip: you can keep your schema "chunks" as JSON files if needed.

Strip nulls from message in syslog-ng

I need to strip NULL's from the incoming message so I can forward it back out to another host. Syslog-ng does not forward messages properly that have any nulls in it. I've tried the following but cannot figure out how to target the NULL in the strings. With the below I still see the nulls in my local log and the remote system never see's the messages with nulls in it (not all messages have nulls and the ones that don't have nulls forward properly).
source s_ise {
destination d_ise {
udp("myhost.example" port(516) spoof_source(no));
rewrite r_ise {
# remove nulls, or it won't forward properly
subst("\x00", "", type("string"), value("MESSAGE"), flags(substring, global));
log {
NULLs are considered as string terminators.
Fortunately, the UDP source does not rely on line endings (newline characters or NULLs), so you can remove all unnecessary 0 bytes before parsing, for example:
source s_ise {
udp(port(522) flags(no-parse));
rewrite r_remove_nulls {
subst('\x00', '', value("MESSAGE"), type(pcre), flags(global)); # single quotes!
parser p_syslog {
destination d_ise {
udp("myhost.example" port(516) spoof_source(no));
log {
Alternatively, you can keep NULL bytes, but in that case, you should not use syslog-ng config objects that treat the message as strings (for example, parsers, string-based rewrite rules, string filters, etc).

How to override the NQPMatch.Str function

... Or how to change $<sigil>.Str value from token sigil { ... } idependently from the matched text. Yes I'm asking how to cheat grammars above (i.e. calling) me.
I am trying to write a Slang for Raku without sigil.
So I want the nogil token, matching anything <?> to return NqpMatch that stringifies: $<sigil>.Str to '$'.
Currently, my token sigil look like that
token sigil {
| <[$#%&]>
| <nogil> { say "Nogil returned: ", lk($/, 'nogil').Str; # Here It should print "$"
token nogil-proxy {
| '€'
| <?>
{log "No sigil:", get-stack; }
And the method with that should return a NQPMatch with method Str overwritten
method nogil {
my $cursor := self.nogil-proxy;
# .. This si where Nqp expertise would be nice
say "string is:", $cursor.Str; # here also it should print "$"
return $cursor;
Failed try:
$cursor.^cache_add('Str', sub { return '$'; } );
for $cursor.^attributes { .name.say };
for $cursor.^methods { .name.say };
say $cursor.WHAT.Str;
nqp::setmethcacheauth($cursor, 0);
Currently, most of my tests work but I have problems in declarations without my (with no strict) like my-var = 42; because they are considered as method call.
#Arne-Sommer already made a post and an article. This is closely related. But this questions aims:
How can we customize the return value of a compile-time token and not how to declare it.
Intro: The answer, pointed by #JonathanWorthington:
Brief: Use the mixin meta function. (And NOT the but requiring compose method.)
Create a NQPMatch object by retrieving another token: here the token sigil-my called by self.sigil-my.
Use ^mixin with a role
method sigil { return self.sigil-my.^mixin(Nogil::StrGil); }
Context: full reproducible code:
So you can see what type are sigil-my and Nogil::StrGil. But I told you: token (more than method) and role (uninstantiable classes).
role Nogil::StrGil {
method Str() {
return sigilize(callsame);
sub EXPORT(|) {
# Save: main raku grammar
my $main-grammar = $*LANG.slang_grammar('MAIN');
my $main-actions = $*LANG.slang_actions('MAIN');
role Nogil::NogilGrammar {
method sigil {
return self.sigil-my.^mixin(Nogil::StrGil);
token sigil-my { | <[$#%&]> | <?> }
# Mix
my $grammar = $main-grammar.^mixin(Nogil::NogilGrammar);
my $actions = $main-actions.^mixin(Nogil::NogilActions);
$*LANG.define_slang('MAIN', $grammar, $actions);
# Return empty hash -> specify that we’re not exporting anything extra
return {};
Note: This opens the door to mush more problems (also pointed by jnthn question comments) -> -0fun !

How do I convert simple training style data to spaCy's command line JSON format?

I have the training data for a new NER type in the "Training an additional entity type" section of the spaCy documentation.
("Horses are too tall and they pretend to care about your feelings", {
'entities': [(0, 6, 'ANIMAL')]
("Do they bite?", {
'entities': []
("horses are too tall and they pretend to care about your feelings", {
'entities': [(0, 6, 'ANIMAL')]
("horses pretend to care about your feelings", {
'entities': [(0, 6, 'ANIMAL')]
("they pretend to care about your feelings, those horses", {
'entities': [(48, 54, 'ANIMAL')]
("horses?", {
'entities': [(0, 6, 'ANIMAL')]
I want to train an NER model on this data using the spacy command line application. This requires data in spaCy's JSON format. How do I write the above data (i.e. text with labeled character offset spans) in this JSON format?
After looking at the documentation for that format, it's not clear to me how to manually write data in this format. (For example, do I have partition everything into paragraphs?) There is also a convert command line utility that converts from non-spaCy data formats to spaCy's format, but that doesn't take a spaCy format like the one above as input.
I understand the examples of NER training code that uses the "Simple training style", but I'd like to be able to use the command line utility for training. (Though as is apparent from my previous spaCy question, I'm unclear when you're supposed to use that style and when you're supposed to use the command line.)
Can someone show me an example of the above data in "spaCy's JSON format", or point to documentation that explains how to make this transformation.
There's a built in function to spaCy that will get you most of the way there:
from import biluo_tags_from_offsets
That takes in the "offset" type annotations you have there and converts them to the token-by-token BILOU format.
To put the NER annotations into the final training JSON format, you just need a bit more wrapping around them to fill out the other slots the data requires:
sentences = []
for t in TRAIN_DATA:
doc = nlp(t[0])
tags = biluo_tags_from_offsets(doc, t[1]['entities'])
ner_info = list(zip(doc, tags))
tokens = []
for n, i in enumerate(ner_info):
token = {"head" : 0,
"dep" : "",
"tag" : "",
"orth" : i[0].string,
"ner" : i[1],
"id" : n}
Make sure that you disable the non-NER pipelines before training with this data.
I've run into some issues using spacy train on NER-only data. See #1907 and also check out this discussion on the Prodigy forum for some possible workarounds.


Could you please help me to solve problem with thic THINC-API?
I inspected my CNC with SCOUT and got following information:
What should i do to get access to data?
Your machine does not have the proper specification.
Custom API (CAPI)
Lathe and Multi-Tasking Machines: NC-B Spec No. 4, Bit 0
Machining Center: NC Spec No. 32, Bit 2
You can confirm in your program if a machine has this spec code enabled by using SCOUT:
bool HasCustomAPI = false;
if (Okuma.Scout.Platform.BaseMachineType == Okuma.Scout.Enums.MachineType.L)
if (Okuma.Scout.SpecCode.NCB.MachineSpecCodeFileExists)
if (Okuma.Scout.SpecCode.NCB.SpecFileIsValid)
HasCustomAPI = Okuma.Scout.SpecCode.NCB.Bit(
Okuma.Scout.Enums.NCBSpecGroup.NCB1MG, 4, 0);
else if (Okuma.Scout.Platform.BaseMachineType == Okuma.Scout.Enums.MachineType.M)
if (Okuma.Scout.SpecCode.NC.MachineSpecCodeFileExists)
if (Okuma.Scout.SpecCode.NC.SpecFileIsValid)
HasCustomAPI = Okuma.Scout.SpecCode.NC.Bit(
Okuma.Scout.Enums.NCSpecGroup.NC1MG, 32, 2);
if (HasCustomAPI)
// ...
The Okuma Open API (THINC API) requires this spec code to function.
It comes standard with machines sold in the USA.
For other counties, this is an option you will need to order.
Please contact your Okuma Representative.