How to get kubernetes service name instead of 'traefik' pod's IP - traefik

It is hard to check if request is reached the service or not, because we get RouterName like namespace-ingressroute_name-some_random_string#kubernatescrd and ServiceName like
namespace-ingressroute_name-some_random_string instead of pod service name.
Is there any way I can print pod service name instead of that RouterName and ServiceName in logs?

i found a solution for that we can use traefik service for that. which is introduce in traefik version 2.0


Calls between 2 APIs on the same Kubernetes cluster

I have two Api's on the same cluster and when I run the get services I get the following.
dh-service ClusterIP <none> 15012/TCP 70d
api-service ClusterIP <none> 15012/TCP
Now I want to make a Api call from one API to the other, When I do it using the Ingress address for the two Images I get 404 Not Found.
What address should I use for my post calls? Will the cluster ip work ?
I want to make a Api call from one API to the other
If they are in the same namespace and you use http, you can use:
to access them.
If e.g. the api-service is located in a different namespace e.g. blue-namespace you can access it with:
See more on DNS for Services and Pods

Accessing Service Fabric with reverse proxy and SSL from custom domain

By following many docs/tutorials I implemented SSL with Kernel and reverse proxy in my SF.
I made it work but the access point Url is as follow :
before I implemented https, I had a CNAME redirecting to which was working fine.
So now, I would like to know if there's a way to call
and access the actual Uri. Is there a way with what I already have in place through probes/lbrules for example? Or do I have to implement an Application Gateway or use API management or something else?
Edit : LBRules+Probes
AppPortProbe : 44338 (backend ssl port in the SF)
FabricGatewayProbe : 19000
FabricHttpGatewayProbe : 19080
SFReverseProxyProbe : 19081
[Rule : Probe]
[AppPortLBRule (TCP/80 to TCP/19081) : 19081]
[LBHttpRule (TCP/19080) : 19080]
[LBRule (TCP/19000) : 19000]
[LBSFReverseProxyRule (TCP/19081 to TCP/44338) : 44338]
You question is too broad, there are too many questions that might bring many answers, I will try to answer with a few options:
In your scenario, to access the same url you should use instead.
The problem here is, when you setup the cluster, the certificate used by the cluster is valid only for the domain '' in your case your domain is not valid in the certificate used by SF and it will fail once you make any request to it.
You can skip certificate validation errors on your browser and continue. In your applications you could do the same, the problem is that is not a friendly way doing it.
To be able to use the domain without any conflicts, you have to register your own certificate created for the domain you own.
Because you are using reverse proxy, you also have to define the certificate in the cluster configuration, look for: reverseProxyCertificate in this link
For deploying applications using SSL will happen something similar, but in your application you can define the certificate you want to use on startup, in the cluster you have to define it in the cluster configuration.
You can find more information here:
Manage service fabric cluster security certificates
If the problem is the port, you have two options:
Create a 'Port forwarding' rule in the load balancer, to forward any
request in the port 80 to port 19081. You can find here how to do that with powershell.
Update the cluster/service configuration to listen in the port
80 instead of 19081. check it here
go to godaddy or whichever domain provider you use and add a transfert to your your azure domain :

Expose service in OpenShift Origin Server - router is not working

Our team decided to try using OpenShift Origin server to deploy services.
We have a separate VM with OpenShift Origin server installed and working fine. I was able to deploy our local docker images and those services are running fine as well - Pods are up and running, get their own IP and I can reach services endpoints from VM.
The issue is I can't get it working, so the services are exposed outside the machine. I read about the routers, which suppose to be the right way of exposing services, but it just won't work, now some details.
Lets say my VM is The Pod with docker container with one of my services is running on IP
~$ oc get svc
my-svc <none> 8182/TCP 4h
The service is simple Spring Boot app with REST endpoint exposed at port 8182.
Whe I call it from VM hosting it, it works just fine:
$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json"
Now I wanted to expose it outside, so I created a router:
oc adm router my-svc --ports='8182'
I followed the steps from OpenShift dev doc both from CLI and Console UI. The router gets created fine, but then when I want to check its status, I get this:
$ oc status
In project sample on server
* route/my-svc is routing traffic to svc/my-svc, but either the administrator has not installed a router or the router is not selecting this route.
I couldn't find anything about this error that could help me solve the issue - does anyone had similar issue? Is there any other (better/proper?) way of exposing service endpoint? I am new to OpenShift so any suggestions would be appirciated.
If anyone interested, I finally found the "solution".
The issue was that there was no "router" service created - I didn't know it has to be created.
Step by step, in order to create this service I followed the instructions from OpenShift doc page which were pretty easy, but I couldn't login using admin account.
I used default admin account
$ oc login -u system:admin
But instead using available certificate, it kept asking me for password, but it shouldn't. What was wrong? My env variables were reset, and I had to set them again
$ export KUBECONFIG="$(pwd)"/openshift.local.config/master/admin.kubeconfig
$ export CURL_CA_BUNDLE="$(pwd)"/openshift.local.config/master/ca.crt
$ sudo chmod +r "$(pwd)"/openshift.local.config/master/admin.kubeconfig
This was one of the first steps described in OpenShift docs OpenShift docs. After that the certificate is set correctly and login works as expected. As an admin I created router service (1st link) and the route started working - no more errors.
So in the end it came out to be pretty simple and dummy, but given that I didn't have experience with OpenShift it was hard for me to find out what is going on. Hope it will help if someone will have the same issue.

Error while getting available partitions. Apache Stratos

I'm facing this error while try to config my Stratos - Partition Deployment it is always give me this error :
Error while getting available partitions. Cause : The service cannot be found for the endpoint reference (EPR) https://x.x.x.x:9443/services/AutoscalerService/
any suggested ideas ?!
It looks like stratos manager cannot reach Autoscaler on the given endpoint. Is it possible for you to check whether you can telnet from the stratos manager host to Autoscaler IP, 9443?
If you could mention the stratos version and the deployment model (single jvm/distributed) you are using, we could provide a much better answer.
The cause is the wrong definition of the autoscaler endpoint in the /repository/conf/ file. Check if the specified IP address is reachable from the stratos manager, and check that /etc/hosts is updated with the specified domain name in the

Silverlight WCF service acting strange

I have a silverlight project that calls into a wcf service. Everything works fine on my local machine.
However when I deploy to a virtual machine, with the exact same query the wcf service returns, but the result is empty.
I've tried debugging, but have not been able to get it to break in the wcf service.
Any ideas what the problem could be, or how I could go about debugging it?
I figured out what the problem is, but am not sure what the solution is.
In my silverlight project the wcf service I am referencing is http://localhost/.../SilverlightApiService.svc
I used fiddler on my vm to see the request that was made and instead of trying to contact the above service, it was trying to contact:
So, for some reason my machine name is getting inserted in there instead of localhost. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.
I had this exact problem when deploying to amazon ec2 - The machine name for the service was being returned in the wsdl rather than the dns.
There were a couple solutions (one involved creating static wsdl - yuck!)
But the other was creating a sort of factory pattern for the service
This thread (you can read it all, but the answers are at the bottom.)
The slight downfall with this is that although it works - if you change the location of the server, you will need to remember to update your config - Which although isn't hard, it's easy to forget to do.
Can you give us a bit more information? What kind of binding are you using? What does the service config and the client config look like? Where do you get your data from that gets returned? Could it be the service on the VM just doesn't get any data? (e.g. queries a database that just doesn't have the data requested?)
I have had that happen before. I would try this. Set you start page as the web service file and run the app. Then set the start page back to your default page. Then update all the server references in your SL project. Recompile everything and republish. This has helped me a bunch of times in the past.
I figured it out.
Basically my machine name was hard coded in my ServiceReferences.ClientConfig file in my silverlight project.
What I had to do was specify programmatically what url to use for the service reference when instantiating my service client:
System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress address = new System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(new Uri
(Application.Current.Host.Source, "../WebServices/SilverlightService.svc"));
ServiceClient serviceClient = new ServiceClient("BasicHttpBinding_IService", address);
I figured out what the problem is, but am not sure what the solution is.
In my silverlight project the wcf service I am referencing is http://localhost/.../SilverlightService.svc
I used fiddler on my vm to see the request that was made and instead of trying to contact the above service, it was trying to contact:
So, for some reason my machine name is getting inserted in there instead of localhost. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.