Setting Date Format for multiple date columns in SSRS - sql

I have over 65 columns among which there are about 30 Date Columnns. I want to set it to MM/DD/YYYY. Presently it is also showing the time YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. I tried correcting this within the SQL query by using cast. The SQL output shows only date, but it again gets represented in DateTime in SSRS. I dont want to right click on 30 columns manually to set date format. Is there a way to set default date format for all date columns in the report?

"Cast" is not helping here since it is about types, not format.
Try using the "convert" function instead.
In your case, it would be
-- use your field name instead of sysdatetime()
select convert(varchar, sysdatetime(), 101/*mm/dd/yyyy format Id*/);

You should be able to select all the fields in the tablix and change the formatting together. You may wish to consider using a parameter for the formatting.


Convert YYYYMMDD to MM/DD/YYYY in Snowflake

I need help in figuring out the date conversion logic in Snowflake. The documentation isn't clear enough on this.
In SQL Server, I would try
SELECT CONVERT(DATE, '20200730', 101)
and it gives me '07/30/2020'.
If I try the following in Snowflake,
to_varchar('20200730'::date, 'mm/dd/yyyy')
it gives me '08/22/1970'. Why would it give an entire different date? Need help in getting the logic with the correct date.
The issue with what you are doing is that you are assuming that Snowflake is converting your string of '20200730'::DATE to 2020-07-03. It's not. You need to specify your input format of a date. So, 2 options based on your question being a bit vague:
If you have a string in a table and you wish to transform that into a date and then present it back as a formatted string:
If the field in the table is already a date, then you just need to apply the TO_VARCHAR() piece directly against that field.
Unlike SQL Server, Snowflake stores date fields in the same format regardless of what you provide it. You need to use the TO_VARCHAR in order to format that date in a different way...or ALTER SESSION SET DATE_OUTPUT_FORMAT will also work.
Try select to_varchar(TO_DATE( '20200730', 'YYYYMMDD' ), 'MM/DD/YYYY'); which produces 2020-07-30
You may need to refer to

Date format value not updating from previous format to new format after update

When I update a column from a table with a date format of MMM DD,YYYY to a new format. The format doesn't change to the desired format which is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Even when update different value like GETDATE(). The date will change but the format will remain the same.
Current value & format from column the type is varchar
Jun 27 2020 12:00AM
Desired format
2020-06-27 00:00:00.000
Update statement
update TableName
DueDate = CAST([DueDate] AS smalldatetime),
LastSyncDateTime = GETDATE()
where CaseGuid = 'DA2CE6A1-0394-463E-8E8D-962F3A24ADC8'
There is a huge confusion between "Date displaying format" and "Date storing format". The VERY short explanation is that what you mentioned is only a client side displaying format, while SQL Server have specific format which is used for storing dates (remember that the server stores zero and one only).
You can insert dates to a table using different styles (the official name for the displaying format is STYLE), and you can present the dates in the client side using different style, but it will always be stored the same from the "SQL Server point of view" according to the DATE type which is used.
In order to solve your original needs, all that you needed to do is to provide the server the information about the style which you use in the client side (in the query). This is done by using explicit CONVERT with the third parameter, which is the STYLE.
For example if you use in the client side an Israeli format like dd/MM/yyyy, then you should use CONVERT(DATE, '27/02/2021', 103).
For more information on different STYLEs you can check this documentation.
Note: If you want to display the dates in specific format which is not covered by the existing STYLEs then you can use the function FORMAT() in your query. This function is fully flexible to return the data in your specific format. Remember that this function returns the data as string and it will not be date anymore.
For example, let's say that I want to use the format: "Day:dd,Month:MM,Year:yyyy". So if the date is '27/02/2021' then I expect to get "Day:27,Month:02,Year:2021". In this case use below:
SET #D = CONVERT(DATE, '27/02/2021', 103) -- convert string to date for storing
select FORMAT(#D, 'Day:dd, Month:MM, Year:yyyy') -- convert date to string for displaying
Solution use the format function
update TableName
DueDate = FORMAT (CAST([DueDate] AS smalldatetime),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'),
LastSyncDateTime = GETDATE()
where CaseGuid = 'DA2CE6A1-0394-463E-8E8D-962F3A24ADC8'

convert TEXT dd/mm/yyyy in SQL column to DATE YYYY-MM-DD

I would love to know the best way to handle data that has been inputted incorrectly as dd/mm/yyyy into a sql database as TEXT and to have it converted into a new column of the table with the datatype as DATE so it is actually stored as yyyy-mm-dd.
Existing text date column name is called "olddate" with an empty column created called "truedate" to house the new data. Each row has the date field, but none are able to be sorted correctly because of this issue.
Any ideas how I can slice and dice the current date into a new DATE field friendly version?
Thanks in advance :-)
That is style 103. So use:
select convert(date, col, 103)
Are you using Oracle? If so, TO_DATE is what you want. You can take in a string that represents a date and convert it to a date using the format you pass it.

Date not displaying correctly in Oracle

I have a character field that stamps in the order of MMDDYYHHMMSS (note: not a date but character field). I am wanting to kick this out to a date field in my SQL into this format hh24:mi.
My problem is that the sql kicks it out to YYYY-MM-DD field without the time. This section of the sql looks like this:
, ' hh24:mi:ss') "XXX",
Any thoughs on how to get the time to convert too?
No need for such a complicated expression:
will convert the column to a real DATE column assuming the time part is in 24 hour format (00-23, not 00-12). And this will also fail if you don't really have valid dates in the varchar column.
this out to a date field in my SQL into this format
A DATE column does not have "a format"!
The format is only applied when you display it.
In case you mean you want to convert the varchar stored in your column into another varchar that has a different date formatting, the easiest is probably to simply convert the above expression back to a varchar:
to_char(to_date(MOPID, 'MMDDYYHH24MISS'), ' hh24:mi')
Before applying something like that, allow me one comment:
Store dates in DATE columns, never ever store them in a VARCHAR column.
If you had done that from the beginning, all you would have to do know is to simply apply a single to_char() to your DATE column to get the display format you want.

Update table Error Using Convert Function In SQL Server 2005

I have a table with two columns, all of them are datetime value
Such as, Column A with value ‘07/09/2012 14:13:34’
Now, I want to update column A to yyyymmdd by statement
Update Change_Date
It shows succsessful message but with no effect (no update value to 20120907) in my table Change_Date.
Any help will be greated, thank you!
A datetime fields saves a date time. How you see that date time is a result of the tool you're using to inspect the data, whether it is Management Studio, or your own software that's printing something from the database.
I strongly recommend keeping it as a datetime field. This will allow you to do date-related operations, such as subtractions and comparisons. If you want to change how your users see the date, then format your date at the presentation layer.
What's happening in the code you've posted is that you're setting the value of A to the same date that it already is. The fact that you're setting that value by means of a string in another format has no relation, SQL server will always have to parse your string input into a date that it can understand. This is why you're not getting an error message. The operation is working, only it's not changing anything.
You can select the date column in specified format or make a view which selects the column value in yyyymmdd format:
It's because the datatype of the column is DATE or DATETIME and it has specific format. If you want to update the column with specific format, make another column and make its datatype VARCHAR. I believe 112 is yyyymmdd format.
I strongly suggest that you keep it AS IS. Database is the storage of data and not for viewing purposes. It is easy to perform task for dates if your data type is DATETIME or DATE. If for instance you want to retrieve the dates with specific format, that's the time you convert your date.
Hope this makes sense.