Apple Music API - How to get user identifier? - api

I am trying to retrieve the user's information after getting the Music Token from the Apple Music API. It seems that the /me endpoint is not available for queries other than the storefront (
Problem is, I need to identify each user with a unique ID, so I need to retrieve any good information to do that (for example, the email address could be a good starting point).
From the Apple Music API developer page, I can't find any endpoint to do so. Is there something I am missing?
Thank you :)

No, you're not missing anything. It's really frustrating that you can't get any user data from the api, because it probably means you'll have to also provide another sign-on method like Google or email/password to get information. Apple has just released its own SSO here, but I think the user would still have to authenticate that and MusicKit.


Is it possible to identify the person talking to the google assistant by voice?

Recently google has added multiple user support to the assistant so how would use the API to identify the person by voice?
It depends what you mean by "identify the person".
There is no way for an Action to get the raw audio, so there is no way for it to do voice printing or anything along those lines.
Although each voice has to be reported against a Google User ID, you do not have direct access to that user ID.
What developers do have access to is a UID that is sent along with each request to your fulfillment server. This UID is consistent across requests, although it can be reset by a user (for example, if they reset their Google Home). You can think of this the same way you think of an HTTP cookie - you can track the UID and, if you see it again, have reasonable assurance it is the same user that accessed it last time. This breaks down, however, for the "default" account on Google Home, since anybody who doesn't have an account will map to this user.
Beyond this, you can also use Account Linking to connect a Google Account consistently to an account in your own system. If you have sufficient authentication in place, or are using one from Google or Facebook for example, this can act as an identity.
There isn't an API for developers to identify users by voice.

How to get the social networking profile information through Email Id?

I am working on iphone application.I wanted to get the social networking (facebook,twitter, etc) profile details by giving email id as query. Is there any method to get the profile ?
For Facebook you can try this answer:
For twitter this this not possible. You can use oAuth to authenticate the user and get the profile.
For LinkedIn I believe it's also not possible. LinkedIn doesn't communicate the emailaddress anywhere in their API.
See this forum post:
I'm assuming that you're wanting to just add the social profile links to a user's profile inside your app...correct? (If you want to actually allow your users to post to their various social media accounts, your best bet is to go ahead and let users sign into each individual account via OAuth.)
If you're looking to get public social info via email address, your free options for a simple solution are pretty limited. Each different social network has its own method, so you'd need to build out a different process to query each social network you want to support. Without more info on which networks you want to support, there are any number of different answers to this question - so I'll just say your best bet is to check out the developer docs of whichever social networks you want to use.
If you're looking for a paid solution, you might try FullContact (full disclosure - I work for them). The Person API pretty much does exactly what you're looking for - pulling all public social media profiles associated with a particular email ID. API docs are here.
However, it is a paid solution, which may not be what you're after.

Reading user posts

I am planning to use facebook authentication for my application. I thought of using facebook account creation date to identify fake accounts. After extensive searching I retired without a solution.
So decided to read user posts to check if the user account existed for sometime, but using read_stream I could only get a user's feed, I would like to know by someway can I get only the user's post. see statuses connection.
Calling the Facebook API is a (relatively) slow operation; especially if you have to call it multiple times. So, when possible, it is a good idea to get the information you need, without making API calls.
You can take a look at It explains how to figure out the creation date of a Facebook account without having to call the Facebook API, just based on the user’s Facebook UID.

using foursquare api v2 to get herenow of a venue

on the documentation page,, it says that
The Venues Platform lets developers use foursquare as their location
layer. Applications can search our database and find information
including tips, photos, check-in counts, and here now. Searches can be
done near a point or through a whole city, and they can be restricted
to trending or recommended places. The platform offers all of this
without requiring end user authentication and is available at high
rate limits.
however, when i send request like:
i got this:
is there anything i need to do, such as register as a venue platform developer, to get the list of people who are here? thanks!
You cannot get the users information without authenticating [ :( ]
Check out the documentation at the herenow endpoint page.
Specifically the first line:
Provides a count of how many people are at a given venue. If the request is user authenticated, also returns a list of the users there, friends-first.

How can I allow users on my website to invite friends from the Google Contacts?

I'm looking for a similar option that exist in Facebook ( But for google.
Something like a button that allows people to view a list of their gmail contacts and select some of them and send them a message.
I've found friendconnect, which does something similar, but not exactly it. In any case friendconnect will be discontinued on March 1st.
Any ideas?
Your application should probably take care of sending the messages, but if you want to get which contacts a user has, there is an API for it (
This will of course require the user to trust your site enough to authorize this data exchange.
You should consider requesting this access using OAuth. There is some information about this here (