React Native multi view in list? - react-native

Hi everyone I want to design UI like this image.but I don't know to design list like that to get value in seekbar(Slider) all item?Please help me thank a lot !!

You can check this official react native package rn-slider Good documentations. you will get the slider there. and for images, you just put them in flexDirection:'row' along with the slider component.
hope it helps. feel free for doubts

I couldn't understand what exactly you need but if you need to access value on slidebar, you can define a state like SliderValue and pass it to value and onValueChanged props in Slider :
render() {
return (
<View style={[styles.container, { backgroundColor: this.state.ColorHolder }]} >
{/*Text to show slider value*/}
<Text style={styles.headerText}>Value of slider is : {this.state.sliderValue}</Text>
{/*Slider with max, min, step and initial value*/}
onValueChange={(sliderValue) => this.setState({ sliderValue })}
style={{ width: 300, height: 40 }}


RecyclerListView Error in React Native APP

This is my code:
And I get the error:
LayoutException: RecyclerListView needs to have a bounded size.
Currently height or, width is 0.Consider adding style={{flex:1}} or,
fixed dimensions
According to a few issues from Github it solves easy (wrap it and set minHeight/minWidth = 1 in a wrapper).
<View style={{ minHeight: 1, minWidth: 1 }}>
<RecyclerListView ... />
PS: For my case (vertical list) I added 'minHeight: 1' only.
Wrap your recyclerlistview in a view
You can give height to the view or you can give height to the style under recyclerlistview. Example:
<View style={{
height:"100%"}> //Here
style={{height:"100%",}} //or Here, If you add here then the last row of your rendered data list will not have any issue and may fulfill your all issues
<Text style={{padding:10, fontWeight:"bold", textAlign:"center"}}>
Loading... </Text>

How to make Horizontal SectionList RIGHT to LEFT Scroll react-native

I want to make an online shop, I need a Horizontal section List in react native, contains my products. here is my code. please help me to make it right to left scrolling.clothes is an array of objects contains my product's details.
export default class MySectionList extends Component{
<Image source={{uri:"item.image",width:'65%',height:200}}/>
this sectionList scrolls from left to right and I need another one scrolling from left to right.
I solve this by adding some styles. Unfortunately, I18NManager could not solve my problem so I used transform style and for all section list I applied transform: [{ scaleX: -1 }] and because of items inside sectionlist will be reversed, I applied this style again for item wrapper. something like this:
style={{ transform: [{ scaleX: -1 }] }}
<View style={{ transform: [{ scaleX: -1 }] }}>
<Image source={{uri:"item.image",width:'65%',height:200}}/>
This is a hacky way but I did not find another solution for my problem.
I hope this can help you
If your app language is right to left please set app support to use rtl with
to make section list or flat list scroll from right to left, Otherwise this cannot happen. There are another ways to solve this issue but it's not systematic! Like use inverted prop or direction style.
I had a similar demand for the right-to-left functionality. I used horizontal FlatList (in 2022) with an inverted property.
getItemLayout={(_data, index) => ({ length: width, offset: width * index, index })}
See documentation:

React Native Autocomplete Input results list ignores touch

I've been tackling this issue for a few weeks, and it's driving me insane.
Basically, I have a Modal component that nests a form. The form is a bunch of TextInput components, at the heart of everything. One of the components in the form is an Autocomplete, from React Native Autocomplete Input. The problem is that I'm able to put the results list from Autocomplete in front of everything else, but my touches pass right through the container and focuses on the TextInput behind the results list. I'm not able to change the order of components, so I can't just put this one input after everything else.
The general setup of the form is below:
<View style={containerStyle}>
<CardSection style={sectionStyle}>
<CardSection style={acSectionStyle}>
<Text style={labelStyle}>Brand *</Text>
<View style={acContainerStyle}>
data={brands.length === 1 && comp(query, brands[0]) ? [] : brands}
onChangeText={text => this.setState({ query: text })}
hideResults={this.state.hideResults ? this.state.hideResults : undefined}
onBlur={() => this.setState({ hideResults: true })}
onFocus={() => this.setState({ hideResults: false })}
<CardSection style={sectionStyle}>
I had to stack the TouchableWithoutFeedback components in order to make the modal behave. There's more props in the components, but I only kept what was relevant.
My renderItem method is:
renderItem(brand) {
return (
style={{ width: '100%', height: 25 }}
onPress={() => {
this.setState({ pBrand: brand.trim(), query: brand.trim() });
<Text style={styles.listItemStyle}>{brand}</Text>
I don't believe it's a styling issue, but I've added the styles that deal with zIndex just in case:
containerStyle: {
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)',
position: 'relative',
flex: 1,
justifyContent: 'center',
zIndex: 1
acSectionStyle: {
justifyContent: 'center',
zIndex: 2,
height: 40
acContainerStyle: {
right: 0,
width: '75%',
flex: 1,
position: 'absolute',
zIndex: 2
The default keyboardShouldPersistTaps for Autocomplete is always. All of the questions I've seen suggest to set a higher zIndex (which isn't a problem - I can see the list, but if I tap on it, the tap goes through to the TextInput behind it), change the order of components (which I can't do), set onStartShouldSetResponderCapture to true (which didn't work), or mess with Pointer Events, none of which worked.
I'm using React Native V0.57.1, an actual Android device, and the project is built with Expo.
Finally, I've recorded a small demo for what my problem is. When the cursor re-appears, that's when I clicked on a result.
Is there just something I'm missing? I've only been writing in React Native for a few months so that's a definite possibility. I come from a web development background, so I thought that if a component was on top (thanks to zIndex), I'd be able to tap on it and not through it by default.
Edit: While messing around, if I change acSectionStyle to a height big enough for the dropdown, then the dropdown works how it should. The issue comes in when a sibling CardSection is being covered. The other CardSection takes precedence.
So, I finally found a workaround. Whether it's correct or not, which I feel like it isn't, at least it works!
I ended up taking the Autocomplete component (along with its' view) outside of the CardSection, but leaving the label in it, like so:
<CardSection style={acSectionStyle}>
<Text style={labelStyle}>Brand *</Text>
<View style={acContainerStyle}>
// Text input container
placeholder='China Glaze'
data={brands.length === 1 && comp(query, brands[0]) ? [] : brands}
onChangeText={text => this.setState({ query: text })}
hideResults={this.state.hideResults ? this.state.hideResults : undefined}
onBlur={() => this.setState({ hideResults: true })}
onFocus={() => this.setState({ hideResults: false })}
Then, and this is the part I think is wrong, I just played with the absolute-positioned view until I moved it far enough down to line up next to the label:
labelStyle: {
fontSize: 18,
paddingLeft: 20,
flex: 1
acContainerStyle: {
right: 0,
top: 102,
width: '72%',
flex: 1,
position: 'absolute',
zIndex: 10
I would love if someone has a better solution, but this is the best I could come up with. I try to avoid moving views with hard coded values just for scaling purposes, but it seems like this is the only option.

ImageBackground doesn't accept ResizeMode

Anyone here can help me make resizeMode work with <ImageBackground>?
It gives an error that resizeMode is applied to View, which apparently doesn't support it.
But i need to find a workaround, as i find pretty complicated to use <Image /> as a background for a block with info.
Thanks in advance!
source={{ uri: url }}
imageStyle={{resizeMode: 'contain'}}
// other components here
Hope it helps!
NOTE: At the time I wrote this, <ImageBackground /> was an undocumented feature not yet released. But it does exist now.
There is no <ImageBackground /> that I'm aware of, but you can create one.
If you're trying to set an image as the background to some text, then <Image /> is the best way. Where do you feel it's overly complicated? Something like this should work...
class BackgroundImage extends Component {
render() {
return (
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
backgroundImage: {
flex: 1,
width: null,
height: null,
resizeMode: 'cover'
Then you'd use it like this...
<Text>Your Content Goes Here!</Text>

Disabling buttons on react native

I'm making an android app using react native and I've used TouchableOpacity component to create buttons.
I use a text input component to accept text from the user and the button should only be enabled once the text input matches a certain string.
I can think of a way to do this by initially rendering the button without the TouchableOpactiy wrapper and re-rendering with the wrapper once the input string matches.
But I'm guessing there is a much better way to do this. Can anyone help?
TouchableOpacity extends TouchableWithoutFeedback, so you can just use the disabled property :
<TouchableOpacity disabled={true}>
<Text>I'm disabled</Text>
React Native TouchableWithoutFeedback #disabled documentation
The new Pressable API has a disabled option too :
<Pressable disabled={true}>
{({ pressed }) => (
<Text>I'm disabled</Text>
Just do this
<TouchableOpacity activeOpacity={disabled ? 1 : 0.7} onPress={!disabled && onPress}>
this native-base there is solution:
style={{ marginTop: 10 }}
onPress={learnedWordsByUser.length && () => {
<Text>Let's Review</Text>
So it is very easy to disable any button in react native
<TouchableOpacity disabled={true}>
This is disabled button
disabled is a prop in react native and when you set its value to "true" it will disable your button
Happy Cooding
This seems like the kind of thing that could be solved using a Higher Order Component. I could be wrong though because I'm struggling to understand it 100% myself, but maybe it'll be helpful to you (here's a couple links)...
TouchableOpacity receives activeOpacity. You can do something like this
<TouchableOpacity activeOpacity={enabled ? 0.5 : 1}>
So if it's enabled, it will look normal, otherwise, it will look just like touchablewithoutfeedback.
To disable Text you have to set the opacity:0 in Text style like this:
<TouchableOpacity style={{opacity:0}}>
<Text>I'm disabled</Text>
You can use the disabled prop in TouchableOpacity when your input does not match the string
<TouchableOpacity disabled = { stringMatched ? false : true }>
<Text>Some Text</Text>
where stringMatched is a state.
You can build an CustButton with TouchableWithoutFeedback, and set the effect and logic you want with onPressIn, onPressout or other props.
I was able to fix this by putting a conditional in the style property.
const startQuizDisabled = () => === 0;
style={startQuizDisabled() ? styles.androidStartQuizDisable : styles.androidStartQuiz}
>Start Quiz</Text>
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
androidStartQuiz: {
backgroundColor: "green",
padding: 10,
borderRadius: 5,
borderWidth: 1
androidStartQuizDisable: {
backgroundColor: "green",
padding: 10,
borderRadius: 5,
borderWidth: 1,
opacity: 0.4
androidStartQuizBtn: {
color: "white",
fontSize: 24
I think the most efficient way is to wrap the touchableOpacity with a view and add the prop pointerEvents with a style condition.
<View style={this.state.disabled && commonStyles.buttonDisabled}
pointerEvents={this.state.disabled ? "none" : "auto"}>
<Text style={styles.connectButtonText}">CONNECT </Text>
buttonDisabled: {
opacity: 0.7
Here's my work around for this I hope it helps :
onPress={() => {
style={this.state.validity ?
SignUpStyleSheet.inputStyle :
[SignUpStyleSheet.inputAndButton, {opacity: 0.5}]}>
<Text style={SignUpStyleSheet.buttonsText}>Sign-Up</Text>
in SignUpStyleSheet.inputStyle holds the style for the button when it disabled or not, then in style={this.state.validity ? SignUpStyleSheet.inputStyle : [SignUpStyleSheet.inputAndButton, {opacity: 0.5}]} I add the opacity property if the button is disabled.
You can enable and disable button or by using condition or directly by default it will be disable : true
// in calling function of button
// set the state for disabling or enabling the button
this.setState({ Isbuttonenable : true })
this.setState({ Isbuttonenable : false})
<TouchableOpacity onPress ={this.handledisableenable} disabled=
<Text> Button </Text>
Use disabled true property
<TouchableOpacity disabled={true}> </TouchableOpacity>
Here is the simplest solution ever:
You can add onPressOut event to the TouchableOpcaity
and do whatever you want to do.
It will not let user to press again until onPressOut is done