not able to capture telerik vuejs daterangepicker change event - vue.js

I'm confused on how to capture the daterange event properly. The goal is to fire another event when the date range is changed (start and end dates are selected). But during debugging, it seems like the daterangepricker change event is fired when the start OR the end date is's hard to captured the "complete" change event because the change event is triggered when one of the dates is the state of the date range isn't isolated atomically (after start and end date are selected).
Observe the console.log output in the stackblitz during a date range change, it should be clearly depicted.
The expected behavior of the daterangepicker is that the change event wouldn't fired until the "range" event is completed - the start and end dates are selected.
To 20116-01-01 and try to forward through the dates to can't (I mean you can but the start date is lost), when you start cycling through the months it resets the dates so they end up being "null".
The stackblitz (awesome by the way) is here:


v date picker not calling change event when single date is picked

I am trying to detect the change event of date picker. It was working fine when user selects multiple days from the calendar. But if user selects a single date, change method not get triggered. My attempt is as below.
sendRange(): void {
console.log("executed") // executed for multiple date range selection only
Where I was get wrong and how can I fix it?
use #input it will be invoked when a single date selected when the picker is in range mode
Reactive date picker emits input even when any part of the date (year/month/day) changes, but change event is emitted only when the day (for date pickers) or month (for month pickers) changes. If range prop is set, date picker emits change when both [from, to] are selected.
check the documentation

Default value in an iterationcombo box

Is there any way i can have the current iteration selected (based on the current month/date and comparing it with the start/end dates of the iteration that fall in that month) when the iteration box is loaded. This is to avoid having the user select the iteration and that "change" event then triggering my custom app.
In short i need to configure the iteration combo box to always default to the current iteration, and treat this default as a change event and have the app execute the on ready/change function.
This should be the default behavior:!/api/Rally.ui.combobox.TimeboxComboBox-cfg-defaultToCurrentTimebox
Is it not behaving that way? Maybe you can share a bit more code?

Access form: trapping date changes in textbox

On a normal textbox, I usually use the AfterUpdate event to perform some action. That means the user has to press Enter or Tab after typing, or click in another control, and I have always been happy with that behaviour.
Now I am setting up a Date filter in the header of a continuous form in Access 2010, and I realize that changing the date through the little calendar that comes automatically, does NOT fire the AfterUpdate event, forcing to press Enter after selecting the correct date, which is a bit heavy.
Using OnChange would trigger at every character entered, which is not nice either.
Any suggestion ?
It is a bit late reply but I hope it will help the others.
When using textbox as a DatePicker you should use Change Event with your filter.
However when you are checking your textbox like Form_name.TextboxName it will show last picked date. To avoid that and use currently selected one you need to provide current date like Form_name.TextboxName.Text. Careful here because .Text property is sensitive to focus. short:
Form_name.TextboxName - will show last picked date
Form_name.TextboxName.Text - will show currently picked date
well, after you select a date from the date-picker, the Change event occurs for the TextBox control. Then, call a sub or function or set focus to another control... to avoid event fires for each pressed key, put something like:
if Len(me.activecontrol) < 10 then exit sub
I hope this helps
I use LostFocus event in the textbox. It allows to use the calendar tool and alter the content. The User has to leave the textbox sooner or later, isn't it?
I use it in this way
Private Sub txt_FirstDate_Change()
txt_FirstDate = txt_FirstDate.Text
End Sub

How to set click event for datepicker in android

I've just created default datepicker from the link .Its working fine.But my problem is when i click date button.,it shown up..and i change the date and click cancel button on date alert.Again when i click date button.,it should shown current date..not previously changed date. i.e.i just need to get current date at each click whatever the date change.
my solve method may be not the better:when you call OnDateSetListener(),you should save the first date,so when you chick the cancen button,you shululd recover it

VB time input, a better way to do it?

Working on a handy program for my boss at work as a summer project in between semesters both to make life easier for her, and to practice and improve my skills. Intent is to allow her to quickly and easily calculate the hours and minutes the person worked. The form itself has a series of text boxes for the Clock in and Clock out time for each day that week. Currently it attempts to convert the txtbox text into a Date variable, then .Subtract()'s the start from the end and stores it in a rolling total variable which is displayed at the bottom of the form. I can't help but think there is a better way of going about doing this, and I'm absolutely certain that having the below block of code 21 times (7 days, 3 shifts) is inefficient.
Dim StartTime As Date
Dim EndTime As Date
Dim Worked As System.TimeSpan
Dim WorkedTotal As System.TimeSpan
If chkFirst.Checked = True Then
StartTime = CDate(txtMonStart.Text)
EndTime = CDate(txtMonEnd.Text)
EndTime = EndTime.AddHours(12)
Worked = EndTime.Subtract(StartTime)
lblMonWork.Text = Worked.ToString()
WorkedTotal += Worked
Currently it works, mostly. The user has to enter the ":" in the time input, and if the total exceeds 24 hours, it displays a day column (40 hour 12 min work week displays as 1.16:12). I'd like to eliminate both of these unplanned features and allow for my input validation to take place when the focus changes to another box. A changing bgcolor would indicate an invalid input.
Any bright ideas?
Instead of using TextBox for the time input, use DateTimePicker, just change the Format property to Time.
Handle the Validating event of the DateTimePicker and if it's invalid just set e.Cancel = False, that way they can't save changes unless it's valid. Or if you want them to be able to leave the DateTimePicker and just change the colour, just handle the ValueChanged event instead.
Regarding your code sample, I haven't really looked at the logic of it, but instead of having the same code 21 times, just move the code into a separate function and then call that function with the start and end times as parameters and it can return the workedtime as it's return value.
I'm not sure what your UI looks like but if you're repeating the start time and end time input control multiple times as well it might be worth looking at creating your own usercontrol that can contain one each of the start and end time controls, and then you could have the validation be inside that user control so you don't have to have lots of event handlers etc.