Automatic warning on fixed point overflow in SystemC - systemc

Is there a way i can enable an automatic warning for my SystemC simulation whenever a fixed point variable overflows?
I already discovered the overflow_flag() function, but that one have to be check manually for every time i write to a signal in my code. Also, as I interpret the documentation, this flag does not discern between overflowing and precision loss?

Is there a way i can enable an automatic warning for my SystemC simulation whenever a fixed point variable overflows?
Not in a centralized, standard way.
If you want to monitor a fixed set of variables, you may be able to use the sc_fxnum_observer extension available in some SystemC implementations.
To use it, you have to #define SC_ENABLE_OBSERVERS before including SystemC (ideally from your compiler command-line). The allows you to "attach" an observer to your sc_fixed<...> (and related) classes, which is notified upon the following events:
class sc_fxnum_observer
virtual void construct( const sc_fxnum& );
virtual void destruct( const sc_fxnum& );
virtual void read( const sc_fxnum& );
virtual void write( const sc_fxnum& );
You can then for example check the overflow_flag in a custom observer's write function:
struct overflow_observer : sc_dt::sc_fxnum_observer
virtual void write( const sc_fxnum& v )
if( v.overflow_flag() )
// ...
During construction of a variable, you can pass a pointer to the observer then:
overflow_observer my_overflow_observer;
sc_dt::sc_fixed<...> f( &my_overflow_observer );
For a signal, the easiest solution is to derive a specialized signal and check for the overflow flag inside an overridden update function.
template <int W, int I,
sc_q_mode Q = SC_DEFAULT_Q_MODE_,
sc_o_mode O = SC_DEFAULT_O_MODE_, int N = SC_DEFAULT_N_BITS_>
class fixed_signal : public sc_core::sc_signal< sc_dt::sc_fixed<W,I,Q,O,N> >
typedef sc_core::sc_signal< sc_dt::sc_fixed<W,I,Q,O,N> > base_type;
// constructor, etc.
// ...
using base_type::operator=;
void update()
if( read().overflow_flag() )
// ...
Also, as I interpret the documentation, this flag does not discern between overflowing and precision loss?


Render glitch with custom block boundaries minecraft

I'm creating a mod for Minecraft. Recently, I've tried to make a custom block, and I'm having two issues with it.
My main issue is that the block is rendering incorrectly. I want the block to be smaller in size than a full block. I successfully changed the block boundaries with setBlockBounds(), and while that did make the block render smaller and use the smaller boundaries, it causes other rendering issues. When I place the block, the floor below is becomes invisible and I can see through it, either to caves below, blocks behind it, or the void if there is nothing there. How do I fix that block not rendering? Here's a screenshot:
Additionally, my goal for this block is to emit an "aura" that gives players around it speed or some other potion effect. I have the basic code for finding players around the block and giving them speed, but I can't find a way to activate this method every tick or every X amount of ticks to ensure that it gives players within the box speed in a reliable manner. There are already some blocks in the normal game that do this, so it must be possible. How can I do this?
For your first issue, you need to override isOpaqueCube to return false. You'll also want to override isFullCube for other parts of the code, but that isn't as important for rendering. Example:
public class YourBlock {
// ... existing code ...
* Used to determine ambient occlusion and culling when rebuilding chunks for render
public boolean isOpaqueCube(IBlockState state) {
return false;
public boolean isFullCube(IBlockState state) {
return false;
Here's some info on rendering that mentions this.
Regarding your second problem, that's more complicated. It's generally achieved via a tile entity, though you can also use block updates (which is much slower). Good examples of this are BlockBeacon and TileEntityBeacon (for using tile entities) and BlockFrostedIce (for block updates). Here's some (potentially out of date) info on tile entities.
Here's an (untested) example of getting an update each tick this with tile entities:
public class YourBlock {
// ... existing code ...
* Returns a new instance of a block's tile entity class. Called on placing the block.
public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World worldIn, int meta) {
return new TileEntityYourBlock();
* Tile entity for your block.
* Tile entities normally store data, but they can also receive an update each
* tick, but to do so they must implement ITickable. So, don't forget the
* "implements ITickable".
public class TileEntityYourBlock extends TileEntity implements ITickable {
public void update() {
// Your code to give potion effects to nearby players would go here
// If you only want to do it every so often, you can check like this:
if (this.worldObj.getTotalWorldTime() % 80 == 0) {
// Only runs every 80 ticks (4 seconds)
// The following code isn't required to make a tile entity that gets ticked,
// but you'll want it if you want (EG) to be able to set the effect.
* Example potion effect.
* May be null.
private Potion effect;
public void setEffect(Potion potionEffect) {
this.effect = potionEffect;
public Potion getEffect() {
return this.effect;
public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) {
int effectID = compound.getInteger("Effect")
this.effect = Potion.getPotionById(effectID);
public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) {
int effectID = Potion.getIdFromPotion(this.effect);
compound.setInteger("Effect", effectID);
// This line needs to go in the main registration.
// The ID can be anything so long as it isn't used by another mod.
GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(TileEntityYourBlock.class, "YourBlock");

Accessing a C/C++ structure of callbacks through a DLL's exported function using JNA

I have a vendor supplied .DLL and an online API that I am using to interact with a piece of radio hardware; I am using JNA to access the exported functions through Java (because I don't know C/C++). I can call basic methods and use some API structures successfully, but I am having trouble with the callback structure. I've followed the TutorTutor guide here and also tried Mr. Wall's authoritative guide here, but I haven't been able to formulate the Java side syntax for callbacks set in a structure correctly.
I need to use this exported function:
BOOL __stdcall SetCallbacks(INT32 hDevice,
This function references the C/C++ Structure:
typedef struct{
//more omitted
...which according to the API has these Members (Note this is not an exported function):
VOID __stdcall IFCallback(CONST SHORT *Buffer, UINT32 NumberOfSamples,
UINT32 CenterFrequency, WORD Amplitude,
UINT32 ADCSampleRate, DWORD_PTR UserData);
//more omitted
I have a where I have loaded the DLL library and reproduced the API exported functions in Java, with the help of JNA. Simple calls to that work well.
I also have a where I have implemented the above C/C++ structure in a format works for other API structures. This callback structure is where I am unsure of the syntax:
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.nio.ShortBuffer;
import com.sun.jna.Structure;
import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.BaseTSD.DWORD_PTR;
import com.sun.jna.win32.StdCallLibrary.StdCallCallback;
public class G39DDC_CALLBACKS extends Structure {
public G39DDC_IF_CALLBACK IFCallback;
//more omitted
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(new String[] {
"IFCallback","DDC1StreamCallback" //more omitted
public static interface G39DDC_IF_CALLBACK extends StdCallCallback{
public void invoke(ShortBuffer _Buffer,int NumberOfSamples,
int CenterFrequency, short Amplitude,
int ADCSampleRate, DWORD_PTR UserData);
Edit: I made my arguments more type safe as Technomage suggested. I am still getting a null pointer exception with several attempts to call the callback. Since I'm not sure of my syntax regarding the callback structure above, I can't pinpoint my problem in the main below. Right now the relevant section looks like this:
int NumberOfSamples=65536;//This is usually 65536.
ShortBuffer _Buffer = ShortBuffer.allocate(NumberOfSamples);
int CenterFrequency=10000000;//Specifies center frequency (in Hz) of the useful band
//in received 50 MHz wide snapshot.
short Amplitude=0;//The possible value is 0 to 32767.
int ADCSampleRate=100;//Specifies sample rate of the ADC in Hz.
DWORD_PTR UserData = null;
G39DDC_CALLBACKS callbackStruct= new G39DDC_CALLBACKS();
//hDevice is a handle for the hardware device used-- works in other uses
//lib is a reference to the library in works in other uses
//The UserData is a big unknown-- I don't know what to do with this variable
//as a DWORD_PTR
callbackStruct.IFCallback.invoke(_Buffer, NumberOfSamples, CenterFrequency,
Amplitude, ADCSampleRate, UserData);
I have one callback working somewhat, but I don't have control over the buffers. More frustratingly, a single call to invoke the method will result in several runs of the custom callback, usually with multiple output files (results vary drastically from run to run). I don't know if it is because I am not allocating memory correctly on the Java side, because I cannot free the memory on the C/C++ side, or because I have no cue on which to tell Java to access the buffer, etc. Relevant code looks like:
//before this, main method sets library, starts DDCs, initializes some variables...
//API call to start IF
System.out.print("Starting IF... "+lib.StartIF(hDevice, Period)+"\n")
G39DDC_CALLBACKS callbackStructure = new G39DDC_CALLBACKS();
callbackStructure.IFCallback = new G39DDC_IF_CALLBACK(){
public void invoke(Pointer _Buffer, int NumberOfSamples, int CenterFrequency,
short Amplitude, int ADCSampleRate, DWORD_PTR UserData ) {
System.out.println("Invoked IFCallback!!");
try {
//ready file and writers
File filePath = new File("/users/user/G39DDC_Scans/");
if (!filePath.exists()){
System.out.println("Making new directory...");
String filename="Scan_"+System.currentTimeMillis();
File fille= new File("/users/user/G39DDC_Scans/"+filename+".txt");
if (!fille.exists()) {
System.out.println("Making new file...");
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(fille.getAbsoluteFile());
//callback body
short[] deBuff=new short[NumberOfSamples];
int offset=0;
int arraySize=NumberOfSamples;
for (int i=0; i<NumberOfSamples; i++){
String str=deBuff[i]+",";
} catch (IOException e1) {
System.out.println("IOException: "+e1);
lib.SetCallbacks(hDevice, callbackStructure,UserData);
System.out.println("Main, before callback invocation");
callbackStructure.IFCallback.invoke(s_Pointer, NumberOfSamples, CenterFrequency, Amplitude, ADCSampleRate, UserData);
System.out.println("Main, after callback invocation");
//suddenly having trouble stopping DDCs or powering off device; assume it has to do with dll using the functions above
//System.out.println("StopIF: " + lib.StopIF(hDevice));//API function returns boolean value
//System.out.println("StopDDC2: " + lib.StopDDC2( hDevice, Channel));
//System.out.println("StopDDC1: " + lib.StopDDC1( hDevice, Channel ));
//System.out.println("test_finishDevice: " + test_finishDevice( hDevice, lib));
System.out.println("Program Exit");
You need to extend StdCallCallback, for one, otherwise you'll likely crash when the native code tries to call the Java code.
Any place you see a Windows type with _PTR, you should use a PointerType - the platform package with JNA includes definitions for DWORD_PTR and friends.
Finally, you can't have a primitive array argument in your G39DDC_IF_CALLBACK. You'll need to use Pointer or an NIO buffer; Pointer.getShortArray() may then be used to extract the short[] by providing the desired length of the array.
Yes, you need to initialize your callback field in the callbacks structure before passing it into your native function, otherwise you're just passing a NULL pointer, which will cause complaints on the Java or native side or both.
This is what it takes to create a callback, using an anonymous instance of the declared callback function interface:
myStruct.callbackField = new MyCallback() {
public void invoke(int arg) {
// do your stuff here

Safely detect, if function is called from an ISR?

I'm developing software for an ARM Cortex M3 (NXP LPC1769) microncontroller. At the moment I'm searching for a mechansim to detect if my function is called within an ISR. I asume that I have to check a register. Based on this information I would like to call difficult functions.
I already checked the reference manual, if there is a register containing the necessary information.
For example I tried to detect if I'm called from an ISR (I used SysTick-ISR) based on the "Interrupt Active Bit Register" (IABR) register. This register should be != 0 if an ISR is active. But the value was 0x00000000. This implies that no interrupt is active. Besides this test I checked the NVIC and SC register in the reference manual searching for a register containing the necessary flag but I didn't found one.
Does anybody know a suitable register / mechanism for my problem?
You need to test the VECTACTIVE field of the Interrupt Control State Register.
I use the following:
//! Test if in interrupt mode
inline bool isInterrupt()
return (SCB->ICSR & SCB_ICSR_VECTACTIVE_Msk) != 0 ;
SCM and SCB_ICSR_VECTACTIVE_Msk are defined in the CMSIS (core_cm3.h), which I imagine would be included indirectly by your part specific header (lpc17xx.h or similar I guess). I am using C++, including stdbool.h in C will get you a bool type, or change to an int or typedef of your own.
It is then used thus for example:
void somefunction( char ch )
if( isInterrupt() )
// Do not block if ISR
send( ch, NO_WAIT ) ;
send( ch, TIMEOUT ) ;
If a solution is required that assumes no knowledge of the architecture consider the following:
volatile int interrupt_nest_count = 0 ;
#define ENTER_ISR() interrupt_nest_count++
#define EXIT_ISR() interrupt_nest_count--
#define IN_ISR() (interrupt_nest_count != 0)
void isrA()
somefunction( 'a' ) ;
void isrB()
somefunction( 'b' ) ;
void somefunction( char ch )
if( IN_ISR() )
// Do not block if ISR
send( ch, NO_WAIT ) ;
send( ch, TIMEOUT ) ;
However the question refers to safely detecting the interrupt context, and this relies on the enter/exit macros being added to all ISRs.
After some discussion and more searching I found the right register:
Interrupt Program Status Register: The IPSR contains the exception type number of
the current Interrupt Service Routine (ISR). See the register summary in Table 626 for
its attributes.
If a function isn't called from an isr the value of the register is IPSR == 0
The simplest method is to pass the context as a parameter to the function. It is also platform independent.
typedef enum _context {
normal_context = 0,
isr_context = 1
} context;
Call to the function from ISR:
func(param1, param2, isr_context);
Call to the function from normal code:
func(param1, param2, normal_context);
If the ISR code is not under your control and you are just passing a function pointer, then just use two different wrapper functions. One that passes isr_context and another that passes normal_context as a parameter to the function.
The best way is probably to make two different functions: one that is called from the ISR and another that is called from the rest of the program.
If that isn't an option, then you could determine the caller with pure standard C, no registers needed:
inline void my_func (const char* caller);
static void isr (void)
inline void my_func (const char* caller)
if(strcmp(caller, "isr")==0)
// was called from isr
// called from elsewhere
If you give your ISRs smart names, the above code will be quick enough to run from an isr.

how to write an inline llvm pass

I want to write an llvm pass in order to make inline optimization therefore I call the method getAnalysis() but I have Segmentation fault.. Why? this is the code I am using:
using namespace llvm;
namespace {
struct MyInline : public ModulePass {
static char ID;
MyInline2() : ModulePass(ID) {}
virtual bool runOnModule(Module &M) {
errs() << "Hello2: ";
CallGraph &CG = getAnalysis<CallGraph>();
return false;
char MyInline::ID = 0;
static RegisterPass<MyInline> X("MyInline", "MyInline Pass", false, false);
To use getAnalysis(), you must first override getAnalysisUsage(), presumably to have the necessary analysis data set up for you.
getAnalysisUsage - This function should be overriden by passes that
need analysis information to do their job. If a pass specifies that it
uses a particular analysis result to this function, it can then use
the getAnalysis() function, below.

How to use interlocked operations against memory-mapped files in .Net

Is there any way to use the Interlocked.CompareExchange(); and Interlocked.Increment(); methods against values stored in a memory-mapped file?
I'd like to implement a multi-threaded service that will store its data in a memory-mapped file, but since it's multi-threaded I need to prevent conflicting writes, therefore I wonder about the Interlocked operations rather than using explicit locks.
I know it's possible with native code, but can it be done in managed code on .NET 4.0?
OK, this is how you do it! We had to figure this out, and I figured we could give some back to stackoverflow!
class Program
internal static class Win32Stuff
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
unsafe public static extern int InterlockedIncrement(int* lpAddend);
private static MemoryMappedFile _mmf;
private static MemoryMappedViewStream _mmvs;
unsafe static void Main(string[] args)
const int INT_OFFSET = 8;
_mmf = MemoryMappedFile.CreateOrOpen("SomeName", 1024);
// start at offset 8 (just for example)
_mmvs = _mmf.CreateViewStream(INT_OFFSET, 4);
// Gets the pointer to the MMF - we dont have to worry about it moving because its in shared memory
var ptr = _mmvs.SafeMemoryMappedViewHandle.DangerousGetHandle();
// Its important to add the increment, because even though the view says it starts at an offset of 8, we found its actually the entire memory mapped file
var result = Win32Stuff.InterlockedIncrement((int*)(ptr + INT_OFFSET));
This does work, and works across multiple processes! Always enjoy a good challenge!
TravisWhidden, actually you can use Interlocked.Increment Static method as dan-gph said, you just have to be careful with pointer casting and operator priority, plus parenthesis usage, in facts...
You'll cast a memory pointer (plus the desired offset), into a pointer to an int variable, then you'll use that pointer as a variable. Then you'll have to use it as a variable reference.
Below you'll find the corresponding snippet of yours using .net library instead of external static import.
class Program
private static MemoryMappedFile _mmf;
private static MemoryMappedViewStream _mmvs;
static void Main(string[] args)
const int INT_OFFSET = 8;
_mmf = MemoryMappedFile.CreateOrOpen("SomeName", 1024);
_mmvs = _mmf.CreateViewStream(INT_OFFSET, 4);
IntPtr ptr = _mmvs.SafeMemoryMappedViewHandle.DangerousGetHandle();
Interlocked.Increment(ref (*((int*)(ptr + INT_OFFSET)))