<NuxtLink /> not is not providing internal link like an anchor tag - vue.js

I have a link defined in nuxt pages like this:
<NuxtLink to="/#section-x">Section X</NuxtLink>
The link is actually added to the menu in my global layout file. When I try to click the link from a page different than a root page (/any-path) the link is taking me back to the landing page and displaying the section as expected. But when I try to click the link from the root page (/), it's not performing any navigation.
I tried using anchor tag in the same way:
<a href="/#section-x">Section X</NuxtLink>
The anchor tag will work fine for the root page internal navigation but when clicked from a different page, it will provide a navigation to the root page but not to the internal link(e.g. #section-x).
Is there any way to use the or tag and providing an internal html navigation too from any pages as it should?

According to this, installing vue-scroll-to package
You could give this a shot
:to="{path: '/', hash: 'section-x'}"
v-scroll-to="{el: '#section-x'}
Section X
I don't know how to Do it without adding more dependencies but I hope it helps


how to reload all partials on page refresh in HTMX

im trying out the HTMX lib and so far i like it alot. something that i cant quite get my head around is handling full page reloads.
<a class="nav-link" href="#" hx-get="/api/?action=feed" hx-target="#app" hx-swap="innerHTML" hx-push-url="/#/feed">Feed</a>
<a class="nav-link" href="#" hx-get="/api/?action=profile" hx-target="#app" hx-swap="innerHTML" hx-push-url="/#/profile">Profile</a>
its quite nice in that it loads the content in my required div, and applies a /#/link into my url bar and browser history.
But when i reload the page on any of the urls /#/profile or /#/feed the page reloads to its default state not including the content thats designated on the /#/profile or /#/feed pages.
If i just use a url of /profile or /feed, i get a 404 error as expected.
Everything is amazing, am i doing something wrong?
For full page loads you would need to either:
Render the content server side
Use htmx with the load trigger to load the content on page load. You can find an example of that here https://htmx.org/attributes/hx-trigger/
In the second case you still need to be able to determine the type of page being loaded server side to render the appropriate div. Something like this:
<div hx-get="/api/?action=feed" hx-trigger="load" hx-target="#app" hx-swap="innerHTML"></div>

How to setup a netlify form in Nuxt

When I navigate to a form using vue-router by adding a link with a <router-link> element, the form does not work. When I hit submit I get a 404 response.
However, if I navigate to it using an <a> tag (triggering a page reload) then it works perfectly.
I suspect that this has to do with the page rendering as a SPA and for some reason not loading an important part of the form for Netlify unless the form page is reloaded? Why is this happening and is there an elegant solution to the problem? I could just replace all links to forms with tags but I'm sure that there is a better solution, I just don't understand the problem well enough to find it.
For context, I am using Nuxt. The forms are recognized by Netlify on the backend and can accept submission with the tag link so that is not the problem.
Since you're using Nuxt, you probably should go SSG/full static with target: 'static' (hostable on Netlify-like platforms) or with target: 'server' (hostable on Heroku-like platforms) but at any point, you should have ssr: true (default value). When you do have this, the biggest part is done.
In Nuxt, you should use <nuxt-link> rather than <router-link>, it works exactly the same (takes the same params etc) but it's more specific to Nuxt and SSR/SSG compatible while <router-link> is not. More details here: https://nuxtjs.org/docs/2.x/features/nuxt-components#the-nuxtlink-component
So, with all of this it should already work great. If it's not, I will gladly help you spot the issue if you have a github repo.
An alternative solution can be to use some form without any SSR dependency like Formspree: https://formspree.io/ (works fine with any SPA)
It works great, really simple. But I'd rather invite you to make a proper SSR form since you're using Nuxt.
PS: use <a> tags only for external links aka the ones which do not start with your domain name, nothing else. A follow of this kind of link is like a hard refresh and should be avoided at all costs.
EDIT: how to deploy by cleaning the cache.
EDIT on how to achieve a working form:
<input type="hidden" name="form-name" value="Contact" />
<!-- ... -->
As told in the docs:
[...] inject a hidden input named form-name [...] and the hidden form-name input’s value matches the name attribute of form
Working fine. Could add a honeypot to it to make it even more secure!

vuepress router-link active styling not working

I have a basicNotation.md file, which routes fine.
<router-link to="/basicNotation">Test</router-link>
However when this is rendered, and i route to it, this is the result:
Note how there is no class applied to the anchor tag!
The render should look like this, according to the vuejs docs:
Where am I going wrong?
Okay, I added the file extension to the path:
<router-link to="/basicNotation.html">Test</router-link>
And it works, as far as I can tell. Renders to this:
I'm still open to better solutions.

Switching Between Components in a Vue App

I'm building a single-file-based Vue application from a template generated with the Vue UI tool.
I understand how a .vue file defines the styling/structure/behavior of a component, how smaller components can be composed into bigger components, and how the top-level "App" component mounts everything to an HTML Div.
As the user progresses through the app, though -- say from a login screen to a master screen to a detail screen -- what's the accepted approach to switching out the current screen-level component?
Ty in advance.
--The Vuebie
This is quite an open ended question so ill just show you what I have done in my own projects. I split my components directory into two directories; 'pages' and 'common'. (Ignore the 'firebase' directory is it beyond the scope of this question).
The common directory holds components that may be used in a page or re used in several different pages.
For example the 'account form' is used in my 'Edit Account page' and the category bar is used in several of my pages.
The pages directory holds components that are technically no different from my common components but they represent full pages on my website. A page component may contain several common components.
Now the biggest distinction between common and pages is in the router. I route different paths relative to the main url (that is probably not the technically correct description but hopefully you get the point) to each of the pages. Here is my index.js file from my router directory:
As you can see, I have a route pointing to each one of my pages. You can " switch out the current screen-level component" (as you put it) by using router-link tag's to navigate between different page components. These are clickable urls that your client can use, they can also be wrapped in buttons and such.
For example, this router link navigates to my home page, the component name is 'Helloworld'. See its corresponding reference in my router's index.js and in the pages directory so you can connect it all in your head.
<router-link class="nav-item nav-word" :to="{ name: 'HelloWorld' }">
Finally, I will talk a bit about the App.vue file. The App.vue acts like a base component as it contains the 'router view' tag within it's template:
This means that every page that you route will be placed in the position of the 'router view tag'. I.e this tag will be replaced with the page. It is common practise to surround this tag with html code that you would like to be shown in each page. For example I have my router view tag between my nav bar and footer. So that the nav bar and footer will show on each page.

vue-router's router-link with actual refresh?

I'd like to my "SPA" refresh when I click a link, instead of its default behavior where you see the minimal component replacement.
It sounds like I'm killing the best part of SPA, but I feel that the links without refresh cause more troubles than benefits - the worst one I suppose is that the page doesn't apparently respond if you click a link to the current page, which is rather confusing in my opinion:
<!-- You click, then of course nothing happens when you're at HelloWorld -->
<router-link :to="{name: 'HelloWorld'}">link</router-link>
Okay, I didn't know that a normal <a> tag works as my expectation if history mode is used, so I ended up doing this:
<a :href="$router.resolve({name: 'HelloWorld'}).href">link</a>
or maybe just:
Thanks akai, I use your help in the case when I want to use the same component. I have a list of categories and when I click on a certain category page needs to be reloaded.
<a :href="$router.resolve({name:'category', params: {id: category.id}}).href">