File Share is keep on loading not showing the files in Azure Storage Explorer - azure-storage-explorer

in Azure Storage Explorer i connected to file share through shared access signature(SAS) URI method. after connected, no files are showing under File Shares folder as shown in the image it is keep on loading.
and popping the error message as below after waiting for long time
i'm using Windows 7, Azure Storage Explorer version : 1.10.1, and i have .net 4.0 Framework installed.

This issue may occur due to several reasons like Network issue/ Proxy/subscription/updates/Permissions.
There a few reasons you may be seeing this error: Firstly, I would suggest to try the troubleshooting steps mentioned here:
Delete data from "%appData/StorageExplorer" folder or entire folder from your machine. After deleting when you launch storage explorer you will be prompted to re-enter your credentials.
The uninstall process does not remove all of the files in the local storage, and so I found that on Windows at least if I uninstall MASE and remove the folders that are in C:\Users[username]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer and reinstall,
If you are connected to Azure through a proxy, verify that your proxy settings are correct. If you were granted access to a resource from the owner of the subscription or account, verify that you have read or list permissions for that resource.
Connection String Does Not Have Complete Configuration Settings
Refer the following Storage Explorer troubleshooting documentation and let us know if you need further assistance: Unable to Retrieve Children
If the issue still persist un-install and reinstall the latest version 1.11.2
It would also be worth checking if port 445 is open, since File shares are SMB based, port 445 has to be open. Several Internet service providers block it, so it's also worth testing whether it is open and you can connect to it. you can use the following tool to test it:


AzureFileShareConfiguration mount drive disconnected

I am trying to create a Pool using Azure Batch . I have uploaded content to Azure Storage using File Shares.
I would like my Pool to mount this Azure File Share as virtual file system (ref: ).
I am creating AzureFileShareConfiguration object using code:
Using this, I get "CMDKEY: Credentials added successfully" in fsmounts. But when I RDP to the node in the pool, the S drive appears "Disconnected".
My Azure batch package versions are:
Can you please help diagnose the issue or suggest the right usage?
Thanks in Advance!
I think this is windows VM you are trying?, just by looking at the drive letter : ).
Here is the key issue with RDP permissions is different then your Batch level model when your code runs and mount.
At Batch level when you mount your Drive: and you can see it via your Start task then it is working. i.e. that a Batch level permissioning model and when you RDP into Node it will be as a "user" you are logged-in. If you want to see via UI RDP user you should re-run the command from your RDP login to update that you have key to see that drive.
Although having said that try it with /persistent:Yes as mount_options.
The best test is going to be -- You mount the drive and from your start task go to the mounted directory via : S:\\Whatever_file.txt or read the mounted file which will add the result in your stdout.txt of batch node or might be just dir it or something.
Rest extra stuff below
try with this mount_options value
Also specifically this will help for various SMB version et. al. support: and I think this you already know :
In order to use an Azure file share outside of the Azure region it is
hosted in, such as on-premises or in a different Azure region, the OS
must support SMB 3.0.
So add this to your API and give it a try:
MountOptions = "/persistent:Yes" i.e. mount_options = "/persistent:Yes"
Also: key needs to be Storage account Key, i.e. it should not start with mystorage/key :) but it could be you hiding it, so just a mention and fyi.
Sample code:
I think SDK you have is python?
mount_options = "/persistent:Yes"
hope this helps!
relative_mount_path: The relative path on the compute node where the file system will be mounted. All file systems are mounted relative to the Batch mounts directory, accessible via the AZ_BATCH_NODE_MOUNTS_DIR environment variable.
Azure Files is the standard Azure cloud file system offering. To learn more about how to get any of the parameters in the mount configuration code sample, see Use an Azure Files share.

Bluemix VMs on eu-gb: OS_TENANT_ID missing from CLI file

VMs is up on eu-gb region which is great.
However Horizon does not appear to be installed on there, which is fine, as I use the CLI most of the time. However the CLI file that I download from the Bluemix console is not correct.
It is missing the OS_TENANT_ID property. I cannot connect to my OpenStack tenant without this. Where can I get tenant ID from?
according to Bluemix VM documentation
you should login into your region&org and download the rc file one you are going to create the first VM.
The rc file download following these steps will contain all the information you need to access and manage your VM on Bluemix using openstack client.
In the case of you already downloaded your rc file following these steps I suggest you to try again generating a new one to check the new one contains all the information you need (consider that this environment is still beta and this kind of issues could be expected)

How to reset storage password in Mule Studio

I have downloaded new version of mule studio, and I am trying to configure it. First I am trying to set network connections. After editing proxy entries, when I click on apply I am presented with "please enter the secure storage password". I have not set any such password.
and I do not see any option of resetting it. Long time ago I had installed some earlier version of mule studio. I did simply delete that directory before reinstalling new one. Could that be a problem. In any case what would be a way out.
Thanks for your help or suggestion on where to look.
Could be due to the old installation, as the Secure Storage file location is usually some hidden Eclipse settings directory. It is used to store proxy authentication data. See Preferences -> Security -> Secure Storage for the Secure Storage settings, and specifically the Contents tab for Storage location and the Delete button that should delete the previous Secure Storage. A restart might be needed.

SQL Server Replication: cannot open file (OS Error 5) even though I can manually log in as the executing user and open the file

I have a remote server running SQL Server 9.0.3042, trying to subscribe to a publication on a server running SQL Server 10.0.2531.
These servers are on different domains which basically hate each other and largely refuse to allow their users access to each other.
They do both communicate nicely with a third domain, and it is a user from that domain which I am using as the process owner on both servers.
I have created a shared folder on the publishing server, and I am using it as the Snapshot folder, set via Publication Properties -> Snapshot -> "Put files in the following folder" and have confirmed that the files are being published locally and can be accessed via the shared folder.
The Snapshot Agent on the publishing server runs and appears to complete successfully.
I've then created a Pull subscription on the subscribing server and told it to run with the Agent Process Account of the same user that runs the snapshot agent on the publisher.
I've redirected the snapshot location to "Alternate folder" and set that folder to be the shared folder on the remote server that I set up earlier.
The Pulling server connects correctly to the Publishing server, And then fails because "The process could not read file "\[server].[domain][share][snapshot directory][file].pre" due to OS error 5"
I've logged into the Pull server as the executing account and manually navigated to, and opened, that file. I've done the same on the publishing server.
I'm out of ideas. What am I screwing up?
OS Error 5 is ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. You're not being allowed to get to the folder. Check to make sure that the user account trying to get to the files has at least read access to the folder containing the files.
The decision has been taken that we're pretty much on the point where we're going to move every user in the company over to a brand new domain, and that this problem isn't worth the time and effort of fixing.
I did find this SO question which relates a similar problem, but I don't intend to investigate this matter any further.

Application/User Settings with Roaming Profiles

Hi Guys any help would be much appreciated.
We have an application that’s installed at several locations but we are having an issue at one particular site. In short the application settings (My.) are not being saved after a reboot. The application is build in VB.Net v3.5 Framework and we are not experiencing any issues elsewhere.
This particular site is using roaming profiles and the network administrator ensures us that the correct permissions are applied to the user account(s) and all application data is being saved to the server. I’ve asked the network admin to check for the existence of the user settings file user.config in the Application Data directory and he says it doesn’t exist.
In our application we store the connection string to the database in the application settings under the user scope. If no connection string is present or if one is present and a connection to the database cannot be made then a form is shown asking the user for the database credentials. Each morning when the users boot the machine and opens the application for the first time they are asked for these credentials but if they close the application and restart it they are not asked for them. This indicates to us that the settings are being saved but once the pc is rebooted and the application is opened for the first time they are asked for the database credentials. This seems like the settings are not persisting after a reboot.
Any thoughts/feedback would be much appreciated.
I'm wondering if it's Code Access Security preventing the file from being written?
If the sysadmin at trouble site has implemented group policy folder redirection, the user's local/roaming profile could be getting stored on a network fileshare. Code Access Security is fairly picky about letting code read/write to/from network resources.
I'm sorry that I don't have more details than this, and I didn't find any sure-fire hits on google, but searching for "code access security", "fulltrust" and any network/fileshare keywords you can think of may get you farther.