"mvn clean install" failed in command line, but passed in intellij - intellij-idea

New to java and intellij, pls forgive me if i cannot describe the issue clearly.
Brand new install of intellij, brand new import of the java project.
From beginning, seems the project builds fine in intellij, in the GUI there's that clean/compile/verify/install/... life cycles. I click clean, then install, it triggers the unit test and all passing. Now i go to the project root in the command line, "mvn clean install" also passing.
Now i make a change to a resource file, *.sql which is used for in-memory db setup for unit test. i click clean, then install, still passes successfully.
Now i go to the command line again, "mvn clean install" fails in unit test.
I'm so confused now, either way i'm doing the "clean", what's the cause and how should to fix it pls ?
BTW, after working in visual studio for so long, this java and intellij is giving me heart attacks, why the build system in java is so hard and messy ?

Your project is likely configured differently from the maven pom.xml file. When the two aren't configured the same, you'll have problems. I would guess that some dependency is configured correctly in the IntelliJ Project file, but not in the pom.xml. I usually have the reverse problem. I use only the pom.xml to specify dependencies, and rely on the maven plugin to refresh the project (eclipse).
With IntelliJ, it's been a few years, but I remember the same idea. Try deleting the project file, and importing an existing maven pom file. Then modify your dependencies using only the pom.xml and not IntelliJ's project interface. If the pom.xml is correctly defined, the project import will work first try. That heavily depends upon the previous developer working with the project.

Maven is actually a very powerful (if not quirky at times) build tool, and the differences between execution on command line or "inside" IntelliJ are usually simple to explain.
Please check:
you are running the same version of maven (check command line with -version, compare to intellij setup in settings
you are using the same local .m2 folder (local repo) for maven vs intellij
you are not running with any "Profiles" in intellij (check that none are ticked).
you are not skipping any tests because they end with "IT" (meaning Integration Test)
These are the common reasons for differences.
If you post a log of your failing build we might be able to help more.

ok, my friend found the issue, in Maven settings in intellij, there's a "Runner" page, there's a "Skip test" there. In my case it's checked, so the run in intellij skipped unit test (which should fail) and did all other stuff, made it looks like it's passing.
Still several puzzles to me, but this "Runner" -> "Skip test" fixed the issue.
Pretty upset with intellij.


Intellij - work-around for IDE not building module on Run/Debug

I have a pretty large project, of which the Selenium/Cucumber part is integrated, and belongs to me.
No, after upgrading to Intelij 2022, I find that things have changed to the worse. Since I only bother about the module containin cucumber/selenium tests, I have been used to just clicking Run or Debug on each Run/Debug configuration to get my changes built, and the Cucumber/Selenium tests run locally on my computer.
This doesn't work anymore, and absolutely 100% of all help/support I have found on the net is unhelpful. The problem is that when I make a change in the code and click Run or Debug, the module (cucumber, where all the Cucumber/selenium tests resides) is not built. So, it keeps running the previously built code when I'm working on debugging/fixing tests.
The solution has been to first build the module containing the tests, then run/debug the test(s). Even though the run/debug configuration DOES have "Build" before launch. But this is tiresome, and a total waste of time.
So, what I'm wondering is: Can I tailer a terminal command to do all this? That is, build a specified module, then Run or Debug a Cucumber test.
Any help/hints are appreciated. I'm experiencting the usual "me" problem, where it seems that everyone else in the world has something working, while the same solutions doesn't work for me.
I tried the solution offered below in the comments: Deleted the .idea folder, reimported all Maven modules and reconfigured the project. It seemed to work on the first run, but then it went back to not building before launch.
You can try to change Select Run/Debug configuration in idea. Change Build to Build Project. It worked for me.

Intellij-IDEA selects the wrong maven dependency

I have used IDEA for some time and recently I updated to version 2018.1.1 from 2016.3. So it seems as if IDEA have gotten smarter, but not to my pleasure I am afraid.
So basically I have started to run into a lot of troubles lately. I have for example noted that when there are possible issues with the unit tests (eg. TestNG tests) there are currently two things that happens
1) Maven cannot find the jar (which btw builds perfectly from command line using mvn clean install)
2) Maven reverts to the latest working jar.
If I then try to reimport, I will go directly to (2). I also get weird error where commercial libraries such as guava generates errors.
I have never seen this until I upgraded IDEA Intellij. Anyone that have an suggestion on that might cause this and how to solve the problem.
The behavior I want is that the version marked out in the pom is imported with all the possible flaws, like it use to do. Then I can find the errors and fix them. I should also point out that, mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip works perfectly from command line, so not dependency issues with production code.
maven 3.3.9
jdk 1.8_172-b11
I must mention that I use the "import maven projects automatically" feature here, which might explain (2), but I can still not see how this issue appears in the first place. Apart from changing IDEA version previously I have not had any problems in finding SNAPSHOTs.
So the problem was indeed a pom error. I am not sure how eclipse managed to find the "correct" file (which was btw, not the correct file). After updating the pom it all worked out. I will not mention this here, since the behavior was a bit obscure (and I am not sure I understand it really). It have something to do with versions of the libraries, dependencyManagment, submodules and dependencies from submodules.

"No such property" when refreshing project in IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate

I have a groovy project in IntelliJ Ultimate 2017.1.5 based on gradle. I'm using groovy 2.4.4. My IDEA is set up to run gradle with gradle 4.0.2.
Gradle 'webclient' project refresh failed
Error:No such property: from for class: org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.DefaultTaskOutputs$TaskOutputUnionFileCollection
Unfortunately, nothing in IntelliJ tells me where this error comes from. All I know is, from the package name, that it has to do with gradle. This IDE is seemingly really unhelpful. It either works, which is rarely, and when it doesn't work, doesn't give you much error reporting.
I found a work-around. If I add
apply plugin: 'idea'
To the top of my module's build.gradle
and run
./gradlew idea
It downloads my dependencies in to the right place (where, IDK, but it works - im guessing IDEA knows how to find my local ~/.gradle repo).
But refreshing the project from the UI still fails. It would be nice of IntelliJ told you what it's doing. I don't know why they want to hide everything it's doing, when the system is so brittle and breakable.

IntelliJ IDEA: Unable to create a Gradle project

I'm facing difficulties in setting up a gradle project. During setting up of the Gradle settings in the wizard,
I am not able to use the default recommended gradle wrapper because it downloads the Gradle and the network connectivity is very bad. So I go with the local gradle distribution which I have installed in my Ubuntu. On refreshing of the gradle project after creation, I always get stuck to this error. When I run the gradle build command through the terminal on the empty project, It works fine.
I have also tried the troubleshooting solutions given by the IDE. But, that made no improvements. Need assistance to solve this problem.
Comment if any additional info required.
As no-one else has chipped in, an approach that should work is to use the Gradle Idea Plugin instead of relying on the build in support Gradle in Idea. In my experience the plugin supports a wider range of Gradle project structures than Ideasupports directly. So you would
Create a Gradle project outside Idea and confirm it all works on from the command line.
Add the Idea plugin to the project
Run 'gradle cleanIdea idea' to generate the Idea project files.
Open up the newly generated project files from Idea and off you go.

How well does m2eclipse deal with maven plugins?

In general, how well does m2eclipse deal with Maven plugins that modify or amend lifecycle phases?
In particular, I have a project that has a maven-clean-plugin extension to remove an extra generated directory (not in target/) using the configuration filesets tag. This works when running mvn at the command line but not when doing a clean in Eclipse. Is there any way to get m2eclipse to process that plugin?
Another example is flexmojos; there's a lot that can be configured with the flexmojo plugin but those parameters don't seem to get imported by m2eclipse.
Is the integration solely ad-hoc? If m2eclipse embeds Maven, why can't the plugins be executed directly using the underlying pom.xml configuration?
In general, how well does m2eclipse deal with Maven plugins that modify or amend lifecycle phases?
Decently, to my experience. At least for plugin bound to phases from the default lifecycle.
In particular, I have a project that has a maven-clean-plugin extension (...). This works when running mvn at the command line but not when doing a clean in Eclipse. Is there any way to get m2eclipse to process that plugin?
What the clean plugin "extension" is doing and what you're doing (calling mvn clean from Eclipse? calling Project > Clean?) is unclear - at least for me. But maybe have a look at MNGECLIPSE-823 or MNGECLIPSE-156. And don't hesitate to clarify :)
Another example is flexmojos; there's a lot that can be configured with the flexmojo plugin but those parameters don't seem to get imported by m2eclipse.
I don't do flex so the above is too vague for me. But providing a more concrete example might help.