blogdown how to ingore an Rmd file that was built previously - blogdown

I am using blogdown to build my site.
For a recent post, I wanted to keep a variable (config) out of the .Rmd post itself, because config contained sensitive authentication information. If I set config globally, but not in the .Rmd file itself, calling blogdown::serve_site() failed because config was not defined in the new session serve_site() creates when rendering the markdown files.
To accomplish what I wanted, I manually rendered the .Rmd source file with config defined in the global environment by calling rmarkdown::render("path/to/post.Rmd"), as suggested in how-to-use-objects-from-global-environment-in-rstudio-markdown. This successfully built the .Rmd file and produced the correct html output.
Now, though, I am unable to use blogdown::serve_site() to automatically build new posts on my site. It continually fails on the post that does not contain the required config variable. Is there a way to ignore the offending post? Or alternatively, a better way to do this?

Just like how you set global R options for blogdown (see Section 1.4 of the blogdown book), you can create config in .Rprofile under the root directory of your website project. The R code in .Rprofile will be executed before each Rmd post is rendered.


Stencil Js browser cache issue

I ran into a caching issue for snap-ui.esm.js file. When we create a build in stencil.js we have to include 2 files on a page, snap-ui.js and snap-ui.esm.js.
The problem is that snap-ui.esm.js file contains links to other files that are loaded dynamically and their names are defined when creating the build. And if we created a new build, snap-ui.esm.js will contain another links already which is correct but browser may cache snap-ui.esm.js with links that don't exist already.
I assume this is not a stencil issue but i faced it during working with stencil.
Please advice how to prevent caching just one js file, in my case it is snap-ui.esm.js

Rapidoid custom config file is ignored

I'm very new to Rapidoid and I'm experiencing problem with initial configuration of the application. I'm using Rapidoid 5.5.5 with following Rapidoid modules defined in pom:
Java 11 is used to run the application.
I've prepared a custom config-develop.yml file where I've changed value for port to use from default 8080 to 18888 and added some menu items in gui: section however when I start application none of my changes were used: generated log does not have any data about accepting/use of parameters from my file and configuration files are the files that are included into rapidoid-commons Maven artefact.
Also, the log shows that classpath used is limited to /target/classes folder (I'm using Maven as build tool). So, these are my questions:
What are the rules for merging configuration information when multiple config-*.yml files are present in search path?
How I can tell Rapidoid to ignore some configuration files?
Is it possible to specify explicit name for configuration file as part of initialisation process?
I'm happy to provide additional information if this will help to find an answer to the questions above.
With best regards,

Images uploaded in Vue.js production mode not showing

I am a bit new to Vue.js. I am doing a social media application that allows users to upload and share images with others. I store my images in src/assets folder during development. However, when I build the project, all images are put in the dist folder. Therefore, what can I do to enable users to still upload images on production? Do I create the assets directory in the dist folder?
I have since tried different ways, including storing images on the backend. In dooing this, I reference the backend path relatively, using, for example, ../../../backend/public/assets..., and it works on development. However, when I build, the images that existed in the backend directory at the time of building are visible, however, whenever I try uploading more on production to the ../../../backend/public/assets... directory, they are uploaded successfully but are not visible (that is on production). I get an error that Cannot find module './image_name.image_extension'.
What am I doing wrong?
I have seen similar questions like this but there was no answer.
You must set your public path and change your way!!
first step to do is creating vue.config.js in your root directory, if you want to know more details, read this:
for example, I define prefix path for my files:
module.exports = {
process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? "/" : "/",
remember, It's better if you use "#" to define your paths.
for example, if you want to load a image which located in src/assets/files/img/myImage.png, you can use #/assets/files/img/myImage.png in template section for binding or script section of your .vue files!
It always help you to find correct path of your files.
and finally your way is not standard because "src/assets/..." will used for compiled scripts and styles and also your files which you want to use on your UI layout like static images. so you have to use "public/assets/..." directory to save your file, then you will see everything is going well for you.
if you have a more question or stuck solving this problem again, I'm here to fix your issues.

Extra files in Windows Store app package

just wondering if it's possible to include some files (one txt file in this case) in the app package that I need in the application folder. The thing is that I might use a piece of code that requires the license to be included in the app as a text file, and I think this would be one way to do it.
Thanks in advance.
Absolutely, it's really no different than including images for instance. And if you need to process the file within your app you can access it via its local path or explicitly use the ms-appx:/// protocol.
See How to reference content and How to load file resources for more details.
Just include the file in your project with Build Action set to Content. You can put it in any folder you like.
The file can then be accessed from the app either using the ms-appx: protocol or using the StorageFolder API:
var license = await Package.Current.InstalledLocation.GetFileAsync("license.txt");

Getting jQuery Error on using ezzeelfinder

Hi I am trying to use ezzeelfinder as file manager
I am getting the following error:
TypeError: jQuery(selector).elfinder is not a function
I am using the exact code from the Yii extension website. I do not know what is going wrong, I am using windows 7 with Apache (XAMPP)?
Continuing our discussion from previous ElFinder question let me try to explain more.
Can you look at what is inside elfinder.min.js file included from assets directory (you can use Firebug: Net tab > expand request of /assets/abcdef/elfinder.min.js > Response tab)? It wasn't a script (but some HTML with error) when I've reproduced a problem with such error. So if this JavaScript file is not included then there is no elfinder method extending jQuery and the error message you receive is fair.
Seems to me that this one is a permission issue. elfinder.min.js file cannot be published to assets directory for some reasons. Make sure that all permissions to elfinder.min.js file WITHIN extension's directory are granted. After granting the permissions to this file clean up assets directory and try again. At last, check whether the script has been really published to assets directory and has granted permissions there.
I don't know whether it will be helpful for you but I have an archive with demo files that can demonstrate extension's basic usage (made under Ubuntu though):
Extract the contents of this archive to the root folder of Yii basic application created from command line using yiic script.