Getting jQuery Error on using ezzeelfinder - yii

Hi I am trying to use ezzeelfinder as file manager
I am getting the following error:
TypeError: jQuery(selector).elfinder is not a function
I am using the exact code from the Yii extension website. I do not know what is going wrong, I am using windows 7 with Apache (XAMPP)?

Continuing our discussion from previous ElFinder question let me try to explain more.
Can you look at what is inside elfinder.min.js file included from assets directory (you can use Firebug: Net tab > expand request of /assets/abcdef/elfinder.min.js > Response tab)? It wasn't a script (but some HTML with error) when I've reproduced a problem with such error. So if this JavaScript file is not included then there is no elfinder method extending jQuery and the error message you receive is fair.
Seems to me that this one is a permission issue. elfinder.min.js file cannot be published to assets directory for some reasons. Make sure that all permissions to elfinder.min.js file WITHIN extension's directory are granted. After granting the permissions to this file clean up assets directory and try again. At last, check whether the script has been really published to assets directory and has granted permissions there.
I don't know whether it will be helpful for you but I have an archive with demo files that can demonstrate extension's basic usage (made under Ubuntu though):
Extract the contents of this archive to the root folder of Yii basic application created from command line using yiic script.


How do I fix Directus error code 3 when downloading stored files

I can store files to the specified storage location via the GUI. I can see the files are in the storage location.
When I try to download them using the GUI, I get this every time.
{"error":{"code":3,"message":"Unauthorized request","class":"Directus\\Exception\\UnauthorizedException","file":"\/var\/www\/directus\/src\/helpers\/app.php","line":287}}
When I try the links from the File library, I get the same error.
I found some old topics concerning a "_" project. I do not see any "_" entries in my project.php configuration.
Everyone has read permissions for the storage directory.
The rest of the system appears to run without error.
check the folder in the server and what is been set, the default should be, like
So then if you want to access the 300x300 the URL should be like:,h300,fcrop,q80/file-name.jpg

How to set write permission to a single file in WiX

I have an MVC app and I need to set write permission to Everyone on a single file.
The file is generated on the fly during installation by a custom action script. The file itself is created inside the app folder.
I know the final path of the file, after the installation process
Online I've seen only examples for setting permission to folders and subfolders, none of them seemed to address my issue

Windows VB.NET Application exe run as administrator

I created an application that is installed from the setup file which installs all the files required by the program. When I update the application, I can only share the exe files of the update application to the user and not the entire installation package/setup file(not possible due to constraints)(Reason: so that he can run the application with out me having to make a new installation package/setup file and user having to install from the setup file) I am unsuccessful in my attempts so far. Can any one suggest if this is possible or if I am doing something wrong?
P.S : I have added the manifest file with privilege of always working as an administrator with out which I am unable to run my base application ( Error : Access to the path c:/xxxx/Tnsnames.ora denied)
Manifest file is the answer.
Manifest file is a file in VB project which contains the information
about the contents of file distribution. It may contain checksum or
hash to verify that file is original and isn't modified in any way.
Modifying a file will change its checksum value.
You need to replace asInvoker with requireAdministrator or highestAvailable
Updated link:
Full tutorial

Showing ‘fetching’ for user permission in plist file inside the cocoa app bundle

In my cocoa application, i am using one plist file(preference.plist) to save the preference inside the app bundle. I am using package maker to pack my app(Business requirement). For that, i will build my app and export as a Developer ID-Signed application. If i check the sharing and permission info of my app, it will show like this
In my local system, i can write on this preference.plist file with this user permission. If i install the same in my client machine, it shows fetching for all the time.
In this case, i can't write in preference.plist file. Don’t know why this strange behaviour occurs for my app. Hope the above scenes will explain my problem. Please provide the solution to accomplish this issue.
You should not store writable files in your app bundle, especially if you then intend to sign the bundle.
If you cannot store your preferences in your apps user defaults then your app should create a directory to hold its files, usually named after its bundle ID, in user or system Application Support directory - you can find its URL using URLsForDirectory requesting NSApplictionSupportDirectory.
Doing the above should solve your permissions problem (and work correctly if sandboxed).
Yes, i got a reference from this link
When copying a file between one system and another, occasionally both the permissions and owner for the files will be incorrect. You may need to change the owner of the file because the file is unable to be edited by the user due to permissions issues.
We’ll rely on the “chown” command to change the owner of a specified group of files, right from the command line.
chown command:
sudo chown -Rv $USER /Applications/
This command works fine. Now in permission area, its not showing "fetching". I have included this command in package maker post script.

installing an extension using vqmod

I recently installed VQmod for opencart and I've tried to add my first vQmod xml file.
The VQmod installation was successful and I see the message
when I visit the /vqmod/install/ URL as expected
The extension I tried to install can be found here
I added the xml file to the root folder of my site and the /vqmod/xml/ folder but I don't see a change. No new module appears in the modules page and I don't see the extension working as expected. I also don't get any error messages
The file needs to be in the /vqmod/xml/ folder as you've rightly done (the root of the folder one can be deleted as it's not required). As for the mod not showing up, vQmods don't add modules to anywhere - they virtually edit files in certain spots. From the looks of the extension you need to go to CATALOG > PRODUCTS in your admin and then you will notice you can edit products there. A few of things to check
You are using the correct version for your OpenCart install and that it is compatible
If you don't, you'll need to get that version instead
You have files in /vqmod/vqcache/ and that if you delete them and refresh your OpenCart store, the files regenerate
If they don't, check the permissions on the directory and that you have the OpenCart version of vQmod, including the /vqmod/xml/vqmod_opencart.xml file
You have no errors from the mod (see /vqmod/logs/ followed by the day name such as Tue.log)
If you do, contact the developer to get a fix if they can. Remember that while vQmods can work well together, that depends largely on the competence of the developer to make it as dynamic as possible. Conflicts can always occur however
download the VQMOD from this link
upload the ZIP file (case of server)
extract the ZIP file and past root folder directory (in case of localhost)
exp (site folder name is shop (shoo/vqmod))
run on url (http:/open/vqmod/install/)