SQL finding total flagged hours within first 8 hours worked - sql

I am aiming to find total hours worked in a day for shifts or fractions of shifts per person that are tagged with a value and fall within the first 8 hours of work, excluding breaks, on any day. Then display tagged shifts along with eligible total value.
2am - 4am (2 hrs) - Normal shift
5am - 9am (4 hrs) - Tagged shift
10am - 3pm (5 hrs) - Tagged shift
Eligible Total 4 hrs (5am - 9am) + 2 hrs (10am - 12pm)
Source Table Format
PersonID | WorkDate | StartTime | FinishTime | HoursWorked (pre calculated) | ShiftType
PersonID INT
, StartTime DATETIME
, FinishTime DATETIME
, HoursWorked DECIMAL(4, 2)
, ShiftType VARCHAR(50)
INSERT INTO #Table VALUES (100,'2019-11-26','1900-01-01T02:00:00', '1900-01-01T04:00:00',2,'Normal')
INSERT INTO #Table VALUES (100,'2019-11-26','1900-01-01T05:00:00', '1900-01-01T09:00:00',4,'Tagged')
INSERT INTO #Table VALUES (100,'2019-11-26','1900-01-01T10:00:00', '1900-01-01T15:00:00',5,'Tagged')
Result Set
| PersonID | WorkDate | StartTime | FinishTime | HoursWorked (pre calculated) | ShiftType | EligibleHours |
| 100 | 2019-11-26 | 1900-01-01T05:00:00 | 1900-01-01T09:00:00 | 4 | Tagged | 4 |
| 100 | 2019-11-26 | 1900-01-01T10:00:00 | 1900-01-01T15:00:00 | 5 | Tagged | 2 |

Here's my understanding of the requirements:
Collect the first 8 hours of work done by each user on each day
If a shift starts before 8 hours and finishes after 8 hours, it should be marked with the number of hours that occurred before the user got to 8 hours
Filter out all untagged shifts
Filter out all shifts without eligible hours
To solve I used two windowing functions:
sum(TotalHours) over (...) to determine the cumulative sum of how many hours were worked in the current shift and all previous
(8 - lag(CumulativeWork, 1, 0)) over (...) to determine how much eligibility was left entering into the current shift.
Here's the code:
when RemainingWork <= HoursWorked then RemainingWork
when RemainingWork > HoursWorked then HoursWorked
else 0 end as EligibleWork
-- Calculate how much eligible work can happen in a given shift by
-- subtracting the amount of work done in previous shifts from 8
8 - lag (CumulativeWork, 1, 0) over (Partition by PersonID, WorkDate order by StartTime) as RemainingWork
, *
from (
-- Create a cumulative sum of the hours worked
sum(HoursWorked) over (Partition by PersonID, WorkDate order by StartTime) as CumulativeWork
, *
from ShiftTable
) a
) b
where shiftType = 'Tagged' and remainingWork > 0
And the fiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!18/7a8dd/12


Average over intersect

I've got this data set where I'm creating a report per shift displaying a certain activity per hour. Eg.: A shift runs from 7-15, so the report will be:
7:00 - 15 moves
8:00 - 18 moves
This report contains filters for weeks and days, as the goal is for users to see their shift performance.
However, I'd like to compare the activities in a specific hour with the same hour, same day in the last 10 weeks. So for example:
I've got 15 moves in hour 7:00 of a Tuesday and i'd like to compare that with the average move count on 7:00 of a Tuesday in the last 10 weeks.
How would I get this in SQL! :-)
Here is something that might get you moving in the right direction. Given that you have not stated your data structure, I have taken the liberty to assume what that may be.
You can run the following in SSMS to review/modify the results yourself.
First, I created a table variable to simulate the assumed data.
-- Create a dummy "shift" table --
DECLARE #shifts TABLE ( shift_id INT IDENTITY ( 1, 1 ) PRIMARY KEY, shift_date DATETIME, shift_moves INT );
Then I inserted some dummy data. For the sake of time and simplicity, I stuck with Tuesdays over the last ten weeks.
-- Insert ten weeks of Tuesdays --
INSERT INTO #shifts ( shift_date, shift_moves ) VALUES
( '11/06/2018 07:10:00', 5 )
, ( '11/13/2018 07:08:00', 12 )
, ( '11/20/2018 07:00:00', 14 )
, ( '11/27/2018 07:20:00', 15 )
, ( '12/04/2018 07:35:00', 12 )
, ( '12/11/2018 07:18:00', 11 )
, ( '12/18/2018 07:16:00', 10 )
, ( '12/25/2018 07:00:00', 12 )
, ( '01/01/2019 07:00:00', 13 )
, ( '01/08/2019 07:22:00', 15 );
The table variable #shifts now contains the following data:
| shift_id | shift_date | shift_moves |
| 1 | 2018-11-06 07:10:00.000 | 5 |
| 2 | 2018-11-13 07:08:00.000 | 12 |
| 3 | 2018-11-20 07:00:00.000 | 14 |
| 4 | 2018-11-27 07:20:00.000 | 15 |
| 5 | 2018-12-04 07:35:00.000 | 12 |
| 6 | 2018-12-11 07:18:00.000 | 11 |
| 7 | 2018-12-18 07:16:00.000 | 10 |
| 8 | 2018-12-25 07:00:00.000 | 12 |
| 9 | 2019-01-01 07:00:00.000 | 13 |
| 10 | 2019-01-08 07:22:00.000 | 15 |
I created a few parameters that you might pass to a stored procedure.
-- What date are we looking at? --
DECLARE #date DATETIME = '01/08/2019';
-- How many weeks back to compare? --
DECLARE #weeks_back INT = -10;
*Remember: To look backward, #weeks_back MUST be a negative number. In production, you would have a check/handle for this.
Next, I created two local variables to help keep the date/time simple for use when querying.
-- Create variables for the start and end times for simplicity --
#sDT DATETIME = CAST( CONVERT( VARCHAR(10), #date, 101 ) + ' 00:00:00' AS DATETIME ),
#eDT DATETIME = CAST( CONVERT( VARCHAR(10), #date, 101 ) + ' 23:59:59' AS DATETIME );
Then, it was a matter of querying the data for the desired results using CROSS APPLY.
Using CROSS APPLY allows me to query a second subset of shift data that is tied to the primary record queried ( in this case a shift_date of 01/08/2019 ) for the desired time frame ( #weeks_back ).
-- Get resultset --
DATEPART( hh, shift_date ) AS [shift_hour]
, DATENAME( dw, s.shift_date ) AS [shift_day]
, CONVERT( VARCHAR(10), s.shift_date, 101 ) AS [shift_date]
, s.shift_moves
, shift_avg.shift_average
FROM #shifts AS s
AVG( a.shift_moves ) AS [shift_average]
FROM #shifts a
-- restrict to the current hour.
DATEPART( HH, a.shift_date ) = DATEPART( HH, s.shift_date )
-- restrict to the current day of the week.
AND DATEPART( DW, a.shift_date ) = DATEPART( DW, s.shift_date )
-- compare against the desired time period / weeks back.
AND a.shift_date BETWEEN DATEADD( WW, #weeks_back, CAST( CONVERT( VARCHAR(10), s.shift_date, 101 ) AS DATETIME ) ) AND a.shift_date
) AS shift_avg
s.shift_date BETWEEN #sDT AND #eDT
Which returns the following resultset:
| shift_hour | shift_day | shift_date | shift_moves | shift_average |
| 7 | Tuesday | 01/08/2019 | 15 | 11 |
I hope this helps get you moving in the desired direction, #Aron.

SQL: Count of rows since certain value first occurred: keep counting

This is a similar scenario to
SQL: Count of rows since certain value first occurred
In SQL Server, I'm trying to calculate the count of days since the same weather as today (let's assume today is 6th August 2018) was observed first in the past 5 days. Per town.
Here's the data:
| Date | Toronto | Cairo | Zagreb | Ankara |
| 1.08.18 | Rain | Sun | Clouds | Sun |
| 2.08.18 | Sun | Sun | Clouds | Sun |
| 3.08.18 | Rain | Sun | Clouds | Rain |
| 4.08.18 | Clouds | Sun | Clouds | Clouds |
| 5.08.18 | Rain | Clouds | Rain | Rain |
| 6.08.18 | Rain | Sun | Sun | Sun |
This needs to perform well but all I came up with so far is single queries for each town (and there are going to be dozens of towns, not just the four). This works but is not going to scale.
Here's the one for Toronto...
FROM Weather
Toronto = (SELECT TOP 1 Toronto
FROM Weather
...which correctly returns 4 since today there is rain and the first occurrence of rain within the past 5 days was 3rd August.
But what I want returned is a table like this:
| Toronto | Cairo | Zagreb | Ankara |
| 4 | 5 | 1 | 5 |
Slightly modified from the accepted answer by #Used_By_Already is this code:
Date date NOT NULL
INSERT INTO mytable(Date,Toronto,Cairo,Zagreb,Ankara) VALUES ('20180801','Rain','Sun','Clouds','Sun');
INSERT INTO mytable(Date,Toronto,Cairo,Zagreb,Ankara) VALUES ('20180802','Sun','Sun','Clouds','Sun');
INSERT INTO mytable(Date,Toronto,Cairo,Zagreb,Ankara) VALUES ('20180803','Rain','Sun','Clouds','Rain');
INSERT INTO mytable(Date,Toronto,Cairo,Zagreb,Ankara) VALUES ('20180804','Clouds','Sun','Clouds','Clouds');
INSERT INTO mytable(Date,Toronto,Cairo,Zagreb,Ankara) VALUES ('20180805','Rain','Clouds','Rain','Rain');
INSERT INTO mytable(Date,Toronto,Cairo,Zagreb,Ankara) VALUES ('20180806','Rain','Sun','Sun','Sun');
with cte as (
date, city, weather
SELECT * from mytable
) AS cp
Weather FOR City IN (Toronto, Cairo, Zagreb, Ankara)
) AS up
date, city, weather, datediff(day,ca.prior,cte.date)+1 as daysPresent
from cte
cross apply (
select min(prev.date) as prior
from cte as prev
where prev.city = cte.city
and prev.date between dateadd(day,-4,cte.date) and dateadd(day,0,cte.date)
and prev.weather = cte.weather
) ca
order by city,date
However, what I'm trying now is to keep counting "daysPresent" up even after those five past days in question. Meaning that the last marked row in the output sample should show 6. The logic being to increase the previous number by the count of days between them if there is less than 5 days of a gap between them. If there has not been the same weather in the past 5 days, go back to 1.
I experimented with LEAD and LAG but cannot get it to work. Is it even the right way to add another layer to it or would the query need to look different entirely?
I'm a but puzzled.
You have a major problem with your data structure. The values should be in rows, not columns. So, start with:
select d.dte, v.*from data d cross apply
(values ('Toronto', Toronto), ('Cairo', Cairo), . . .
) v(city, val)
where d.date >= dateadd(day, -5, getdate());
From there, we can use the window function first_value() (or last_value()) to get the most recent reading. The rest is just aggregation by city:
with d as (
select d.dte, v.*,
first_value(v.val) over (partition by v.city order by d.dte desc) as last_val
from data d cross apply
(values ('Toronto', Toronto), ('Cairo', Cairo), . . .
) v(city, val)
where d.date >= dateadd(day, -5, getdate())
select city, datediff(day, min(dte), getdate()) + 1
from d
where val = last_val
group by city;
This gives you the information you want, in rows rather than columns. You can re-pivot if you really want. But I advise you to keep the data with city data in different rows.

SQLite: Sum of differences between two dates group by every date

I have a SQLite database with start and stop datetimes
With the following SQL query I get the difference hours between start and stop:
SELECT starttime, stoptime, cast((strftime('%s',stoptime)-strftime('%s',starttime)) AS real)/60/60 AS diffHours FROM tracktime;
I need a SQL query, which delivers the sum of multiple timestamps, grouped by every day (also whole dates between timestamps).
The result should be something like this:
2018-08-01: 12 hours
2018-08-02: 24 hours
2018-08-03: 12 hours
2018-08-04: 0 hours
2018-08-05: 1 hours
2018-08-06: 14 hours
2018-08-07: 8 hours
You can try this, use CTE RECURSIVE make a calendar table for every date start time and end time, and do some calculation.
Schema (SQLite v3.18)
CREATE TABLE tracktime(
id int,
starttime timestamp,
stoptime timestamp
insert into tracktime values
(11,'2018-08-01 12:00:00','2018-08-03 12:00:00');
insert into tracktime values
(12,'2018-09-05 18:00:00','2018-09-05 19:00:00');
Query #1
select id,starttime,date(starttime,'+1 day') totime,stoptime
from tracktime
date(starttime,'+1 day'),
date(totime,'+1 day'),
FROM cte
WHERE date(starttime,'+1 day') < stoptime
SELECT strftime('%Y-%m-%d', starttime),(strftime('%s',CASE
WHEN totime > stoptime THEN stoptime
ELSE totime
END) -strftime('%s',starttime))/3600 diffHour
FROM cte;
| strftime('%Y-%m-%d', starttime) | diffHour |
| ------------------------------- | -------- |
| 2018-08-01 | 12 |
| 2018-09-05 | 1 |
| 2018-08-02 | 24 |
| 2018-08-03 | 12 |
View on DB Fiddle

Discard existing dates that are included in the result, SQL Server

In my database I have a Reservation table and it has three columns Initial Day, Last Day and the House Id.
I want to count the total days and omit those who are repeated, for example:
| | Results | |
| House Id | InitialDay | LastDay |
| 1 | 2017-09-18 | 2017-09-20 |
| 1 | 2017-09-18 | 2017-09-22 |
| 19 | 2017-09-18 | 2017-09-22 |
| 20 | 2017-09-18 | 2017-09-22 |
If you noticed the House Id with the number 1 has two rows, and each row has dates but the first row is in the interval of dates of the second row. In total the number of days should be 5 because the first shouldn't be counted as those days already exist in the second.
The reason why this is happening is that each house has two rooms, and different persons can stay in that house on the same dates.
My question is: how can I omit those cases, and only count the real days the house was occupied?
In your are using SQL Server 2012 or higher you can use LAG() to get the previous final date and adjust the initial date:
with ReservationAdjusted as (
select *,
lag(LastDay) over(partition by HouseID order by InitialDay, LastDay) as PreviousLast
from Reservation
select HouseId,
sum(case when PreviousLast>LastDay then 0 -- fully contained in the previous reservation
when PreviousLast>=InitialDay then datediff(day,PreviousLast,LastDay) -- overlap
else datediff(day,InitialDay,LastDay)+1 -- no overlap
end) as Days
from ReservationAdjusted
group by HouseId
The cases are:
The reservation is fully included in the previous reservation: we only need to compare end dates because the previous row is obtained ordering by InitialDay, LastDay, so the previous start date is always minor or equal than the current start date.
The current reservation overlaps with the previous: in this case we adjust the start and don't add 1 (the initial day is already counted), this case include when the previous end is equal to the current start (is a one day overlap).
There is no overlap: we just calculate the difference and add 1 to count also the initial day.
Note that we don't need extra condition for the reservation of a HouseID because by default the LAG() function returns NULL when there isn't a previous row, and comparisons with null always are false.
Sample input and output:
| HouseId | InitialDay | LastDay |
| 1 | 2017-09-18 | 2017-09-20 |
| 1 | 2017-09-18 | 2017-09-22 |
| 1 | 2017-09-21 | 2017-09-22 |
| 19 | 2017-09-18 | 2017-09-27 |
| 19 | 2017-09-24 | 2017-09-26 |
| 19 | 2017-09-29 | 2017-09-30 |
| 20 | 2017-09-19 | 2017-09-22 |
| 20 | 2017-09-22 | 2017-09-26 |
| 20 | 2017-09-24 | 2017-09-27 |
| HouseId | Days |
| 1 | 5 |
| 19 | 12 |
| 20 | 9 |
select house_id,min(initialDay),max(LastDay)
group by houseId
If I understood correctly!
Try out and let me know how it works out for you.
While thinking through your question I came across the wonder that is the idea of a Calendar table. You'd use this code to create one, with whatever range of dates your want for your calendar. Code is from http://blog.jontav.com/post/9380766884/calendar-tables-are-incredibly-useful-in-sql
declare #start_dt as date = '1/1/2010';
declare #end_dt as date = '1/1/2020';
declare #dates as table (
date_id date primary key,
date_year smallint,
date_month tinyint,
date_day tinyint,
weekday_id tinyint,
weekday_nm varchar(10),
month_nm varchar(10),
day_of_year smallint,
quarter_id tinyint,
first_day_of_month date,
last_day_of_month date,
start_dts datetime,
end_dts datetime
while #start_dt < #end_dt
insert into #dates(
date_id, date_year, date_month, date_day,
weekday_id, weekday_nm, month_nm, day_of_year, quarter_id,
first_day_of_month, last_day_of_month,
start_dts, end_dts
#start_dt, year(#start_dt), month(#start_dt), day(#start_dt),
datepart(weekday, #start_dt), datename(weekday, #start_dt), datename(month, #start_dt), datepart(dayofyear, #start_dt), datepart(quarter, #start_dt),
dateadd(day,-(day(#start_dt)-1),#start_dt), dateadd(day,-(day(dateadd(month,1,#start_dt))),dateadd(month,1,#start_dt)),
cast(#start_dt as datetime), dateadd(second,-1,cast(dateadd(day, 1, #start_dt) as datetime))
set #start_dt = dateadd(day, 1, #start_dt)
select *
into Calendar
from #dates
Once you have a calendar table your query is as simple as:
select distinct t.House_id, c.date_id
from Reservation as r
inner join Calendar as c
c.date_id >= r.InitialDay
and c.date_id <= r.LastDay
Which gives you a row for each unique day each room was occupied. If you need a sum of how many days each room was occupied it becomes:
select a.House_id, count(a.House_id) as Days_occupied
(select distinct t.House_id, c.date_id
from so_test as t
inner join Calendar as c
c.date_id >= t.InitialDay
and c.date_id <= t.LastDay) as a
group by a.House_id
Create a table of all the possible dates and then join it to the Reservations table so that you have a list of all days between InitialDay and LastDay. Like this:
DECLARE #i date
DECLARE #last date
CREATE TABLE #temp (Date date)
SELECT #i = MIN(Date) FROM Reservations
SELECT #last = MAX(Date) FROM Reservations
WHILE #i <= #last
SET #i = DATEADD(day, 1, #i)
SELECT DISTINCT HouseID, Date FROM Reservation
ON Reservation.InitialDay <= #temp.Date
AND Reservation.LastDay >= #temp.Date
) AS a

How can I identify groups of consecutive dates in SQL?

Im trying to write a function which identifies groups of dates, and measures the size of the group.
I've been doing this procedurally in Python until now but I'd like to move it into SQL.
for example, the list
Bill 01/01/2011
Bill 02/01/2011
Bill 03/01/2011
Bill 05/01/2011
Bill 07/01/2011
should be output into a new table as:
Bill 01/01/2011 3
Bill 02/01/2011 3
Bill 03/01/2011 3
Bill 05/01/2011 1
Bill 07/01/2011 1
Ideally this should also be able to account for weekends and public holidays - the dates in my table will aways be Mon-Fri (I think I can solve this by making a new table of working days and numbering them in sequence). Someone at work suggested I try a CTE. Im pretty new to this, so I'd appreciate any guidance anyone could provide! Thanks.
You can do this with a clever application of window functions. Consider the following:
select name, date, row_number() over (partition by name order by date)
from t
This adds a row number, which in your example would simply be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Now, take the difference from the date, and you have a constant value for the group.
select name, date,
dateadd(d, - row_number() over (partition by name order by date), date) as val
from t
Finally, you want the number of groups in sequence. I would also add a group identifier (for instance, to distinguish between the last two).
select name, date,
count(*) over (partition by name, val) as NumInSeq,
dense_rank() over (partition by name order by val) as SeqID
from (select name, date,
dateadd(d, - row_number() over (partition by name order by date), date) as val
from t
) t
Somehow, I missed the part about weekdays and holidays. This solution does not solve that problem.
The following query account the weekends and holidays. The query has a provision to include the holidays on-the-fly, though for the purpose of making the query clearer, I just materialized the holidays to an actual table.
(n varchar(4), d date);
(n, d)
('Bill', '2006-12-29'), -- Friday
-- 2006-12-30 is Saturday
-- 2006-12-31 is Sunday
-- 2007-01-01 is New Year's Holiday
('Bill', '2007-01-02'), -- Tuesday
('Bill', '2007-01-03'), -- Wednesday
('Bill', '2007-01-04'), -- Thursday
('Bill', '2007-01-05'), -- Friday
-- 2007-01-06 is Saturday
-- 2007-01-07 is Sunday
('Bill', '2007-01-08'), -- Monday
('Bill', '2007-01-09'), -- Tuesday
('Bill', '2012-07-09'), -- Monday
('Bill', '2012-07-10'), -- Tuesday
('Bill', '2012-07-11'); -- Wednesday
create table holiday(d date);
insert into holiday(d) values
/* query should return 7 consecutive good
attendance(from December 29 2006 to January 9 2007) */
/* and 3 consecutive attendance from July 7 2012 to July 11 2012. */
with first_date as
-- get the monday of the earliest date
select dateadd( ww, datediff(ww,0,min(d)), 0 ) as first_date
from tx
,shifted as
tx.n, tx.d,
diff = datediff(day, fd.first_date, tx.d)
- (datediff(day, fd.first_date, tx.d)/7 * 2)
from tx
cross join first_date fd
xxx.n, h.d,
diff = datediff(day, fd.first_date, h.d)
- (datediff(day, fd.first_date, h.d)/7 * 2)
from holiday h
cross join first_date fd
cross join (select distinct n from tx) as xxx
,grouped as
select *, grp = diff - row_number() over(partition by n order by d)
from shifted
d, n, dense_rank() over (partition by n order by grp) as nth_streak
,count(*) over (partition by n, grp) as streak
from grouped
where d not in (select d from holiday) -- remove the holidays
| 2006-12-29 | Bill | 1 | 7 |
| 2007-01-02 | Bill | 1 | 7 |
| 2007-01-03 | Bill | 1 | 7 |
| 2007-01-04 | Bill | 1 | 7 |
| 2007-01-05 | Bill | 1 | 7 |
| 2007-01-08 | Bill | 1 | 7 |
| 2007-01-09 | Bill | 1 | 7 |
| 2012-07-09 | Bill | 2 | 3 |
| 2012-07-10 | Bill | 2 | 3 |
| 2012-07-11 | Bill | 2 | 3 |
Live test: http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#!3/815c5/1
The main logic of the query is to shift all the dates two days back. This is done by dividing the date to 7 and multiplying it by two, then subtracting it from the original number. For example, if a given date falls on 15th, this will be computed as 15/7 * 2 == 4; then subtract 4 from the original number, 15 - 4 == 11. 15 will become the 11th day. Likewise the 8th day becomes the 6th day; 8 - (8/7 * 2) == 6.
Weekends are not in attendance(e.g. 6,7,13,14)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Applying the computation to all the weekday numbers will yield these values:
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
For holidays, you need to slot them on attendance, so to the consecutive-ness could be easily determined, then just remove them from the final query. The above attendance yields 11 consecutive good attendance.
Query logic's detailed explanation here: http://www.ienablemuch.com/2012/07/monitoring-perfect-attendance.html