DataTables Pager Showing Many Pages when there is Only One - datatables

This is a weird one.
I'm using datatables v1.10.19 with jQuery 3.3.1 and Bootstrap 3.3.7
My datatables grid is configured to display 1000 records (but you can change it to 2500, 5000 and "all").
I've only got about 60 records in my database.
It is using Server-Side processing to retrieve data.
When the grid loads, the pager displays 5 buttons plus an ellipses (as if there is even more).
And even weirder, if I change the drop-down to display "all" records, it acts as I would expect i.e. the pager has 1 page button.
The payloads are pretty much identical:
"data": {
"draw": 8,
"recordsTotal": 86,
"recordsFiltered": 66,
"data": [rows of data here]
"outcome": {
"opResult": "Success",
"message": ""
When you click on page 2, it does successfully retrieve a payload with 0 rows.
But there shouldn't be a page 2 available on the pager.
The config object for the datatable looks like this:
eventsSvr.buildConfig = function (url) {
return {
"processing": true,
"serverSide": true,
//"paging": true,
"ajax": {
url: url,
type: ajax.requestPOST,
dataSrc: '' // the path in the JSON structure to the array which will be the rows.
"order": [[1, "asc"]],
"lengthMenu": [[1000, 2500, 5000, -1], [1000, 2500, 5000, "All"]],
"initComplete": function (settings, json) {
"columns": eventsSvr.grid.columns,
"columnDefs": eventsSvr.grid.columnDefs,
dom: 'ltp'
I do have a bunch of custom searches on the page, so I've had to write a lot of code like this:
function (settings, data, dataIndex) {
var picker3 = $(eventsSvr.datePickerInputs[0]).data(icapp.kendoKey);
var picker4 = $(eventsSvr.datePickerInputs[1]).data(icapp.kendoKey);
var rowStartDate = moment(data[3],;
var rowEndDate = moment(data[4],;
... etc.
But the odd thing is the different behavior as between "All" records vs 1000 records.
As described above, select "All" records works (resulting in just 1 page button), but none of the other paging sizes work (i.e. 1000, 2500, 5000). The data for the 1 page does return, but I get 5 page buttons and an ellipses.
Any ideas why this would be happening?

When using server-side processing mode DataTables expects draw, recordsTotal and recordsFiltered to be root-level elements. Consider changing your repsonse to the following and you can remove dataSrc option.
"draw": 8,
"recordsTotal": 86,
"recordsFiltered": 66,
"data": [rows of data here],
"outcome": {
"opResult": "Success",
"message": ""
Alternatively you can manipulate the response before passing it to DataTables using function supplied as value for dataSrc option, but I would recommend keep things according to expected format for more readable code.


DataTables Add Row missing data

When I run the following code with varying amounts of data, only a subset of the rows are added.
In the following example, the createdRow callback is always called the same amount of times as elements in the array of rows (ie. 5 out of 5). However, the rowCallback callback is only called a subset of those times(ie. 3 out of 5). I'll pass 5 rows and 3 will be added or 13 rows and 8 will be added. I can't figure out a pattern to it.
I've upgraded dataTables to the most recent version (1.10.9). I've tried adding the rows one at a time in a loop.
Any ideas? Thanks!
sub_table = $('#data-table-check-off').DataTable({
"dom": 'ft',
"oLanguage": { "sSearch": "", "sSearchPlaceholder": "Search" },
"sScrollY": "250px",
"stateSave": true,
"lengthChange": false,
"paging": false,
"rowCallback": function(row, data, index) {
console.log("in rowCallback");
"createdRow": function(row, data, index) {
console.log("in createdRow");
var rows = [["12","Lorenzo"],["14", "Holly"],["15", "Chad"],["16", "Bear"],["17", "Zack"]];

RavenDB facet takes to long query time

I am new to ravendb and trying it out to see if it can do the job for the company i work for .
i updated a data of 10K records to the server .
each data looks like this :
"ModelID": 371300,
"Name": "6310I",
"Image": "0/7/4/9/28599470c",
"MinPrice": 200.0,
"MaxPrice": 400.0,
"StoreAmounts": 4,
"AuctionAmounts": 0,
"Popolarity": 16,
"ViewScore": 0.0,
"ReviewAmount": 4,
"ReviewScore": 40,
"Cat": "E-Cellphone",
"CatID": 1100,
"IsModel": true,
"ParamsList": [
"ModelID": 371300,
"Pid": 188396,
"IntVal": 188402,
"Param": "Nokia",
"Name": "Manufacturer",
"Unit": "",
"UnitDir": "left",
"PrOrder": 0,
"IsModelPage": true
"ModelID": 371305,
"Pid": 398331,
"IntVal": 1559552,
"Param": "1.6",
"Name": "Screen size",
"Unit": "inch",
"UnitDir": "left",
"PrOrder": 1,
"IsModelPage": false
where ParamsList is an array of all the attributes of a single product.
after building an index of :
from doc in docs.FastModels
from docParamsListItem in ((IEnumerable<dynamic>)doc.ParamsList).DefaultIfEmpty()
select new { Param = docParamsListItem.IntVal, Cat = doc.Cat }
and a facet of
var facetSetupDoc = new FacetSetup
Id = "facets/Params2Facets",
Facets = new List<Facet> { new Facet { Name = "Param" } }
and search like this
var facetResults = session.Query<FastModel>("ParamNewIndex")
.Where(x => x.Cat == "e-cellphone")
it takes more than a second to query and that is on only 10K of data . where our company has more than 1M products in DB.
am i doing something wrong ?
In order to generate facets, you have to check for each & every individual value of docParamsListItem.IntVal. If you have a lot of them, that can take some time.
In general, you shouldn't have a lot of facets, since that make no sense, it doesn't help the user.
For integers, you usually use ranges, instead of the actual values.
For example, price within a certain range.
You use just the field for things like manufacturer, or the MegaPixels count, where you have lot number or items (about a dozen or two)
You didn't mention which build you are using, but we made some major improvements there recently.

datatables column header reflect value used to sort

I've got datatables set up with about 10 columns, two of which do customized filtering when clicking the column headers.
I'd like to change the column header to reflect which filter is currently active.
To do it, I think I'll need to set up fnDrawCallback and look at the values returned by table.fnSettings()
My current code, trimmed to its essentials for this question:
var table = $('#units').dataTable({
"aaSorting": (popSearch) ? [[8,"asc"]] : [],
"aoColumns":[{ "bSortable": false },
{ "bSortable": false },
{ "asSorting": [ "", "on", "off", "occ", "none" ] },
{ "asSorting": [ "", "revised", "new" ] },
{ "bSortable": false },
{ "bSortable": false }
"oSearch": {"sSearch": searchString},
"sAjaxSource": "/system/units/data.php?1.4.3"
"fnDrawCallback": function() {
/* tweak column headers according to the asSorting value */
The asSorting arrays in the aoColumns array show the list of different filters that may be applied to the data being fed to datatables. If the third column header (Status) is clicked, I'd like its text to match what data was sent, (falling back to "status" if the empty string was sent). The filtering works, fine; I just want the header to reflect the applied filter.
In Datatables fnDrawCallback function, how do I know what values were sent for column sorting?
To enable which Column is being Sorted, and visually see it, all you should have to do is add the
"bSortClasses": true,
To your Data Tables Script. Such as:
"aaSorting": (popSearch) ? [[8,"asc"]] : [],
"bSortClasses": true,
You should see which column, is being used as the sorter. :)

Is it possible to turn an array returned by the Mongo GeoNear command (using Ruby/Rails) into a Plucky object?

As a total newbie I have been trying to get the geoNear command working in my rails application and it appear to be working fine. The major annoyance for me is that it is returning an array with strings rather than keys which I can call on to pull out data.
Having dug around, I understand that MongoMapper uses Plucky to turn the the query resultant into a friendly object which can be handled easily but I haven't been able to find out how to transform the result of my geoNear query into a plucky object.
My questions are:
(a) Is it possible to turn this into a plucky object and how do i do that?
(b) If it is not possible how can I most simply and systematically extract each record and each field?
here is the query in my controller
#mult = 3963 * (3.14159265 / 180 ) # Scale to miles on earth
#results = #db.command( {'geoNear' => "places", 'near'=> #search.coordinates , 'distanceMultiplier' => #mult, 'spherical' => true})
Here is the object i'm getting back (with document content removed for simplicity)
{"ns"=>"myapp-development.places", "near"=>"1001110101110101100100110001100010100010000010111010", "results"=>[{"dis"=>0.04356444023196527, "obj"=>{"_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('4ee6a7d210a81f05fe000001'),...}}], "stats"=>{"time"=>0, "btreelocs"=>0, "nscanned"=>1, "objectsLoaded"=>1, "avgDistance"=>0.04356444023196527, "maxDistance"=>0.0006301239824196907}, "ok"=>1.0}
Help is much appreciated!!
Ok so lets say you store the results into a variable called places_near:
places_near = t.command( {'geoNear' => "places", 'near'=> [50,50] , 'distanceMultiplier' => 1, 'spherical' => true})
This command returns an hash that has a key (results) which maps to a list of results for the query. The returned document looks like this:
"ns": "test.places",
"near": "1100110000001111110000001111110000001111110000001111",
"results": [
"dis": 69.29646421910687,
"obj": {
"_id": ObjectId("4b8bd6b93b83c574d8760280"),
"y": [
"category": "Coffee"
"dis": 69.29646421910687,
"obj": {
"_id": ObjectId("4b8bd6b03b83c574d876027f"),
"y": [
"stats": {
"time": 0,
"btreelocs": 1,
"btreelocs": 1,
"nscanned": 2,
"nscanned": 2,
"objectsLoaded": 2,
"objectsLoaded": 2,
"avgDistance": 69.29646421910687
"ok": 1
To iterate over the responses just iterate as you would over any list in ruby:
places_near['results'].each do |result|
# do stuff with result object

View pictures or images inside Jquery DataTable

May I know if it is possible to put pictures or images into the rows of DataTables ( and how does one goes in doing it?
yes, simple way (Jquery Datatable)
$(document).ready(function () {
"processing": true, // control the processing indicator.
"serverSide": true, // recommended to use serverSide when data is more than 10000 rows for performance reasons
"info": true, // control table information display field
"stateSave": true, //restore table state on page reload,
"lengthMenu": [[10, 20, 50, -1], [10, 20, 50, "All"]], // use the first inner array as the page length values and the second inner array as the displayed options
"url": "#string.Format("{0}://{1}{2}", Request.Url.Scheme, Request.Url.Authority, Url.Content("~"))/Home/AjaxGetJsonData",
"type": "GET"
"columns": [
{ "data": "Name", "orderable" : true },
{ "data": "Age", "orderable": false },
{ "data": "DoB", "orderable": true },
"render": function (data, type, JsonResultRow, meta) {
return '<img src="Content/Images/'+JsonResultRow.ImageSrcDB+'">';
"order": [[0, "asc"]]
[edit: note that the following code and explanation uses a previous DataTables API (1.9 and below?); it translates easily into the current API (in most cases, just ditch the Hungarian notation ("fnRowCallback" just becomes "rowCallback" for example) but I have not done so yet. The backwards compatibility is still in place I believe, but you should look for the newer conventions where possible]
Original reply follows:
What Daniel says is true, but doesn't necessarily say how it's done. And there are many ways. Here are the main ones:
1) The data source (server or otherwise) provides a complete image tag as part of the data set. Don't forget to escape any characters that need escaping for valid JSON
2) The data source provides one or more fields with the information required. For example, a field called "image link" just has the Images/PictureName.png part. Then in fnRowCallback you use this data to create an image tag.
"fnRowCallback": function( nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex, iDisplayIndexFull ) {
var imgLink = aData['imageLink']; // if your JSON is 3D
// var imgLink = aData[4]; // where 4 is the zero-origin column for 2D
var imgTag = '<img src="' + imgLink + '"/>';
$('td:eq(4)', nRow).html(imgTag); // where 4 is the zero-origin visible column in the HTML
return nRow;
3) Similar to above, but instead of adding a whole tag, you just update a class that has the image as a background. You would do this for images that are repeated elements rather than one-off or unique pieces of data.
You mean an image inside a column of the table?
Yes, just place an html image tag
like this
<img src="Images/PictureName.png">
instead of putting data (some string) into a column just put the above html tag.... core DataTables
The following code retrieve the image from a folder in WWWroot and the path in the DB field ImagePath
"data": "ImagePath",
"render": function (data) {
return '<img src="' + data + '" class="avatar" width="50" height="50"/>';
In case the Name of the picturefile is put together out of one or more informations in the table, like in my case:
src="/images/' + Nummer + Belegnummer + '.jpg"
you can make it that way:
var table = $('#Table').DataTable({
columnDefs: [
targets: 0,
render: getImg
function getImg(data, row, full) {
var Nummer = full[1];
var Belegnummer = full[4];
return '<img src="/images/' + Nummer + Belegnummer + '.jpg"/>';}
The picture is in the first column, so Targets = 0 and gets the Information from the same row.
It is necessary to add the parameters data and row.
It is not necessary to outsource it into a seperate function, here getImg, but it makes it easier to debug.