Installing ssl on amazon ec2 (linux) running tomcat 7 cant reach site at port 443 - SSl misconfiguration - ssl

I'm facing a problem trying to install ssl on my amazon ec2 instance running tomcat 7.
Everything is up and running at port 8080 but when I try to reach through port 443 i get cannot reach site error.
My setup is as follows:
Domain from GoDaddy, configured to redirect to my amazon ec2 instance public ip (also dns management transferred to aws).
Amazon ec2 (linux) - security groups enabled port 8080 + 22 + 443
Tomcat 7 - running dynamic web application.
I followed this tutorial by amazon:
but did not work for me.
I'll be glad if anyone have experience in that field and can help me solve this issue, any further information will be delivered upon request.
Any help is much appreciated.
Best regards,


Iredmail local server with pfsense, nginx and ssl problems

I have a problem that bothers me for few days. I have 2 local servers on same IP, at my office, on one we run an apache webapp that uses port 443 and port 80, and on the other one i tried to install ubuntu iredmail server, all good until i asked for a letsencrypt certificate, and tried to open the mail domain url. I changed the ssl port in 00-default-ssl.conf to 8443, i stopped the nftables, no firewall installed or active on the mail server, just the pfsense working on network level. if i try to open the mail domain with port 8443 i get the no page, if i try to run with 443 i cant connect to it. If i try to open the main domain, not the mail, the root domain, with default port for ssl i get the page from the other server that runs the apache app, that should be linked to another domain.
I tried to obtain a ssl and i got an error that says the cert cant be downloaded on the server due to a possible firewall misconfiguration. I readout somewhere that pfsense might be the culprit, because he cant read the redirects from request header.
Can you please help me fix it ? I start loosing my patience.
I am trying to install iredmail on a local server with static IP and pfsense.

Trying to set up SSL/TLS certificate on Debian Apache AWS Lightsail instance by following tutorial, but still not working

By "not working" I mean the page loads with an http:// prefix. If I manually type https:// it times out. I'm hoping that someone who has done this before can glance at the tutorials and see what might be missing.
The tutorials I've tried all tend to be the same:
If I test the SSL connection with an online utility such as:
I get this error:
No SSL certificates were found on Make sure that the name resolves to the correct server and that the SSL port (default is 443) is open on your server's firewall.
Relevant info:
$ sudo uname -a
Linux ip-172-26-14-207 4.9.0-8-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.110-3+deb9u6 (2018-10-08) x86_64 GNU/Linux
Running in an AWS Lightsail instance with Debian (OS only) and LAMP stack installed.
Solved it! After using nmap, wget, telnet, etc. to verify that port 443 was open locally but not externally, I remembered that my AWS Lightsail instance was a virtual private server and I might need to configure the VPS. Sure enough, in the Lightsail web interface there is a firewall setting.
Lightsail landing page > Manage instance > Networking > Firewall

AWS SSL configuration with Ubuntu EC2 instance

I have been trying to search any relevant step by step guidance for implementing Amazon SSL with my Ubuntu Server on EC2 instance but haven't got any of desired help.
I would highly appreciate step by step configuration of ubuntu server with Apache2 to incorporate with Amazon SSL and make HTTPS work on my server.
I have done the steps with OpenSSL but everytime get Non-secure connection.
I have also opened the ports which are under inbound rules in Amazon console but still non-secure.

No response from running Tomcat: does not start, does nothing

I'm using Ansible to spin up a new Amazon EC2 install, and then I install Java and Tomcat (via the yum module). After placing the war for sample project from the Apache website in the webapps directory, I go and run the the command (below), nothing happens. It returns with response, no error. I've checked both the IP and port 8080 and Tomcat is not running.
[centos#sonar-test webapps]$ sudo systemctl start tomcat
[centos#sonar-test webapps]$ sudo systemctl start tomcat
[centos#sonar-test webapps]$
For reference, I was following this tutorial as well:
From your comment on my question running curl in your ec2 instance
When I curl I get a large html document with various apache-esque things on it
It means Tomcat is installed and running.
If you don't access it, its because of your security group rules
In your ec2 console, select the Security Groups option. Edit the rules that is associated with your ec2 instance (the one running Tomcat) and permits inbound connections to port 8080 (so you can make request to your Tomcat server) and port 80 if you're running Apache (or nginx/another web server). If you're not sure about security, you can restrict the inbound traffic to come only from your IP so you can test but no-one else can make request.

How to setup puppet master as a node

Currently I have a master and agent working on separate Centos 6.5 VMs. I would like to be able to configure my own master as I will be tearing down and making a new master every time.
How can I get puppet agent --test --noop to work on my master machine as well?
Currently I receive an error:
Error: Could not request certificate: 502 "Proxy Error ( The specified Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) port is not allowed. ISA Server is not configured to allow SSL requests from this port. Most Web browsers use port 443 for SSL requests. )"
SSL requests seem to be setup for port 443. Any thoughts?
Thank you very much!
Credit to Felix Frank, mr_tron
Issue seemed to be solved by removing http_proxy declaration in .bashrc file and anywhere else
Puppet Master now able to act as an agent
Thank you,