How can I replicate many to many relationship - sql

I have a product database where I am trying to replicate a particular product's data and relationships to a new product, a clone. I am puzzled however on how to replicate several many to many relationships. For example, consider a product with two parts, and for each part, their are several colors available. I have a Product table, a product Areas table, and a Colors table. The product id is a foreign key in the area table, one to many. The Area table has an area id (pk) along with other descriptive fields, and the Colors have color ids (pk) along with palette information. A fourth table serves as the many to many look up table, it's primary key being the part id and the color id combined. This is a pretty straight forward configuration as far as it goes.
I can't think of a way to clone this structure, however, despite many approaches which would be way too much to elaborate upon here. I can easily enough replicate the left hand, product-area relationship, generating new AreaIDs (A,B,C). But in a next step, I then want to replicate the many-to-many relationship using the new area ids. However, now I don't know which original ID (H,L,W) to associate with which new ID.
For example, does the new id A get mapped to the set of colors from the old ID H, L, or W? I have only id's to work with. I can select both parts and part-color pairs from the source in one select statement, but I can't insert into two tables with one statement.
In other words, how do I replicate many to many relationships if I want to supply a new ID for half of it? Do I have to resort to cursors? I can if I need to, but I'm imagining there an elegant way to accomplish this that I just can't figure out. Maybe using a temp table or some sort of table valued function? I've tried to search for answers, but I all I can find is advice on setting up many-to-many relationships.
Thanks for you experts who have the patience to read through this question.

SymmetricDS replicates tables that have many into many relationships using change data capture. The key is to perform an initial load to get the databases in sync initially so that if a child record is updated the change data capture will also work. In the latest versions of SymmetricDS (3.10 and higher) it will also auto resolve foreign key errors if the databases are not in sync. If a child row is being loaded to a target without the parent it will callback to the source to load the missing parent as well so that you do not need to intervene.


Polymorphic Associations in SQL

I'm creating a project with big database of Movies and Series, both in seperate tables. Now I have other tables like Country for specifying production country of movie or/and serie. If I want to do this in many to many relation it requires connection table one for movie and one for serie. It would look like this:
DB with separate connection tables.
It is many tables, so I was searching for other solutions and I found this article and the "Using one data entity per class" method seems to be best for me. I implemented it like that: DB with combined connection table.
The second implementation seems to be good, but there's a one problem I'm facing and that's a complicated inserts. To insert new Movie, I need first to add new Production and second to insert Movie and pick just created Production ID.
My question is could it be fixed in some way ? Can't it be auto incremented from Movie table ?
I'm using 10.1.36-MariaDB and I'm realy sorry for my poor english :c
Since Movies and Series have only one column that is different (boxoffice), it makes sense to put the two tables together and let boxoffice be NULL for series. I don't understand the need for Production, but it seems to add as much complexity as it saves. Try to get rid of it.
I suggest that the id for Country be the standard 2-letter codes. This will be more compact and eliminate some stuff.
The is no good reason to have an id for a connection table. See many-to-many tips . Those tips will speed up many of your queries, and save space.
"Polymorphic" and many other neat-things-in-a-textbook don't necessarily work well in Relational Databases.

SQL - Select data from three tables where one table has multiple foreign keys to the same primary key

I have the following tables and relations:
When I create a User, that user gets a CurrentWeekrow and that current week row in turn gets a CurrentWeekStatusrow. The user can add food items to the Foodtable and then can choose from these food items and select a few to insert in CurrentWeek.
In the client I want to grab CurrentWeekas an object that has a list of Foodobjects and a list of their corresponding status.
I am struggling as to how to make this happen. I think this can be done by making multiple queries to the database, one to fetch CurrentWeek and then from this extract all the FoodId's and make separate queries to fetch each Food. But this seems like a very bad solution.
The other solution I can think of is making a view with all the necessary data. But I don't know how to make this view and even if I manage to make the view I don't know how to separate each Food into different objects.
Do anyone know of a good way to accomplish this?
I use NodeJs as a REST API and Android Studio with retrofit to send REST calls.
After consulting StackOverflow and a few colleagues I changed the initial database schema into:
This was a design I initially chose to not go with as I thought adding one row on the CurrentWeek table for each user would be better than to add many rows for each user in the PlannedFood table. I see now however that this design have a few advantages as compared to the other design.
Designing it this way also solves my initial question as I can now grab all the rows in PlannedFood for a specific user, joining on FoodId and then map the Food data into a Foodobject on client-side.

Error Creating relationship in SSAS Tabular

We are having a very frustrating problem with SSAS. we are trying to create a fairly simple Tabular model have had no problem with a few dimensions and a single fact table. when we recently added a new dimension table, and a second fact table we can not get it to stop telling us that
The relationship cannot be created because each column contains duplicate values.
we have deleted and reimported these tables many times. at times we can attach the Dim table to an existing fact without problem, which tells me that the key is unique, but then it errors when attaching to a second fact. at other times it just errors right away.
The key and Foreign Key values are Int in the database. and we have examined the data many times, creating stripped down tables with just a few columns, validating that a
Select Distinct ID from Table
type query returns the same number of rows as a wide open one.
At this point it looks like we simply have a bug in SSAS Tab. I cant see a good reason for this to not work.
any ideas would be greatly appreciated
I have had the same problem, the way I solved is to create the relationship in reverse order meaning: from the 1 to many. This will solve the issue, and the relationship's direction will indeed be from the many to the 1
I do not have any explanation for this...
sometimes SSAS cannot detect that your column is unique so you should do that. you can click on your primary key column and get properties and choose true on the unique property and after that create your relationship

Entity Framework Inheritance vs Tables

Ok I am very new to creating databases with Entity in mind.
I have a Master table which is going to have:
Each of those ID's need to point to a specific list of information. Which is name, description and owner of course they link back to each ID in the master table.
My question is, should I make 4 separate tables or create one table since the information is the same in all the tables except one.
The procedureID will actually need to have an extra field for documentID to point to a specific document.
Is it possible and a good idea to make one table and add some inheritance, or is it better to make 4 separate tables?
Splitting data into a number of related tables brings many advantages over one single table. Also by having data held in separate tables, it is simple to add records that are not yet needed but may be in the future. You can also create your corresponding objects for each table in your code. Also it would be more difficult to split the data into separate tables in the future if somehow you need to do that.

SSIS Population of Slowly Changing Dimension with outrigger

Working on a data warehouse, a suitable analogy for the problem is that we have Healthcare Practitioners. Healthcare Practitioners have a number of professional attributes and work in an open number of teams and in an open number of clinical areas.
For example, you may have a nurse who works in children's services across a number of teams as a relief/contractor/bank staff person. Or you may have a newly qualified doctor who works general medicine who is doing time in a special area pending qualifying as a consultant of that special area.
So we have an open number of areas of work and an open number of teams, we can't have team 1, team 2 etc in our dimensions. The other attributes may change over time also, like base location (where they work out of), the main team and area they work in..
So, following Kimble I've gone for outriggers:
Table DimHealthProfessionals:
Key (primary key, identity)
Main Team
Main Area of Work
Base Location
Other Attribute 1
Other Attribute 2
Start Date
End Date
Table OutriggerHealthProfessionalTeam:
HPKey (foreign key to DimHealthPRofessionals.Key)
Team Name
Team Type
Other Team Attribute 1
Other Team Attribute 2
Table OutriggerHealthProfessionalAreaOfWork:
HPKey (as above)
Area of Work
Other AoW attribute 1
If any attribute of the HP changes, or the combination of teams or areas of work in which they work change, we need to create a new entry in the SCD and it's outrigger tables to encapsulate this.
And we're doing this in SSIS.
The source data is basically an HP table with the main attributes, a table of areas of work, a table of teams and a pair of mapping tables to map a current set of areas of work to an HP.
I have three data sources, one brings in the HCP information, one the areas of work of all HCPs and one the team memberships.
The problem is how to run over all three datasets to determine if an HP has changed an attribute, and if they have changed an attribute, how we update the DIM and two outriggers appropriately.
Can anyone point me at a best practice for this? OR suggest an alternative way of modelling this dimension?
Admittedly I may not understand everything here, but it seems to me that the relationship in this example should be reversed. Place TeamKey and the WorkAreaKey in the dimHealthProfessionals -- this should simplify things.
With this in place, you simply make sure to deliver outriggers before the dimHealthProfessionals.
Treat outriggers as dimensions in their own right. You may want to treat dimHealthProfessionals as a type 2 dimension, to properly capture the history.
Considering that team to person is many-to-many, a fact is more appropriate.
A column in a dimension table is appropriate only if a person can belong to only one team at a time. Same with work areas.
The problem is how to run over all three datasets to determine if an HP has changed an attribute, and if they have changed an attribute, how we update the DIM and two outriggers appropriately.
Can anyone point me at a best practice for this? OR suggest an alternative way of modelling this dimension?
I'm not sure I understand your question fully. If you are unsure about change detection, then use Checksums in the package. Build up a temp table with the data as it is in the source, then compare each row to its counterpart (joined via the business keys) by computing the checksum for both rows and comparing those. If they differ, the data has changed.
If you are talking about cascading updates in a historized dimension hierarchy (and you can treat the outriggers like a hierarchy in this context) then the foreign key lookups will automatically lookup the newer entry in DimHealthProfessionals if you have a historization (i.e. have validFrom / validThrough timestamps in DimHealthProfessionals). Those different foreign keys result in a different checksum.