Google Customer Reviews 1.7.5 - prestashop

I need to add the code snippet to the order confirmation page for Google Customer Reviews.
Could you please tell me where I can find the order confirmation page and how to add the code?
Thank you

The page to modify in your theme folder is :
If you do not have all variables needed by Google Customer reviews, my advice is to use a module.
there is a free module :
there is an paid module with more features :


Prestashop price edit on checkout

I'm not a Prestashop expert but a customer asked me if there is a way to change the price of individual products during checkout (he has a private ecommerce reserved only for his resellers so all the thing would be under control). I wanted to ask someone more experienced then me if this is at least feasible, if Prestashop (1.7) allows such a change; I tried to search for good among the modules on the store but I did not find any. Thank you.
There are specific prices on prestashop which allow you to define personalized prices for the product according to certain parameters.
Nothing to do with the webservice, but the doc is not very complete and they are not explained on the webservice doc, but you can find them from your back office.

Disable or Remove Customer Account

I am working on the Customer Templates Logic in Shopify.
I cannot find a way in Liquid for a Customer to remove his/ her account.
I have been going through the Template Forms but cannot find the code.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Basically in Shopify customers can't delete their own accounts like close accounts or something similar.
But at the same time you can delete the customer from backend sections, so you if need this feature then you need to create a private APP that interacts with API and allow the customer to delete their own account.
Here is the useful Shopify forum thread link
discussing the same feature or issue.
I hope it will provide you a clear view regarding it.

Shopify Multi-currency is not working for orders in customer account page

I am trying to implement multi-currency in one of my testing store.
Everything works great but in customer's account page where orders are displyed currency is not updating.
The symbol of currency is changed but the price is not updating.
Please check attached screenshot for the reference.
The theme I am using is simple theme from free themes.
Is there any particular reason for that?
Or Do I need to update the liquid code?
Do I missing some steps for multi-currency feature?
Any help will be awesome.

Need a link in Shopify that adds items to cart and redirects to checkout

I am attempting to add a "quick purchase" option for my products in Shopify. I'd like to have one link that adds qty:1 for a specific product ID and then redirects the user to check out.
Is it possible to create a query string that will accomplish this?
Shopify has an inbuilt AJAX functionality for the purpose. Refer to the link: Shopify's Ajax API

Storing additional information about customer in Shopify

I'm creating a website for travel deals on Shopify. The user would need to enter information such as name and age for every person on the order, as well as passport info. Is there a way I can ask the user to enter that info after their purchase, essentially updating their purchase info? This way a user won't have to have his/her passport number in order to purchase.
I would do this by linking to a form in the order confirmation email. You can edit this template on the 'Email & Notifications' preferences page in the admin.
The simplest option for the form itself would be to use Google Docs, but there are other services that provide a more professional look and feel. Wufoo is a good example.
You could create a tiny app to upload this info to the customer database using metafields. Depending on where and how you want this info collected David option is ok, though you should also consider placing this tiny app/form in the Thankyou page, using the Additional Content & Scripts form.