Swagger document link for an API in API Connect - apiconnect

We should be able to have a link for the swagger document of a published API in API Connect. Currently we are obtaining the swagger from API Connect dev portal. But is there any such link to Swagger document is available in API Connect? We are using API Connect 2018.x
Already mentioned in the problem summary

There are APIs available to retrieve the Open API document for an API. If you want the consumer variant of the document (so it has the right endpoint in it for that catalog's gateway and has had the confidential assembly information redacted out) then you can use the Consumer API.
If you want the provider variant of the document - and so including all the assembly information then you can use the Provider API.
Both APIs are documented here: https://openwhisk.ng.bluemix.net/api/v1/web/API%20Connect%20Native_apic-on-prem/default/index.http
In terms of a link to download it from a UI - I think the consumer variant of the document is only downloadable from the Developer Portal. The provider variant can be downloaded from API Manager UI.


How to hit Dynamics API Endpoint in Postman

I can hit Dynamics API Endpoint (not 365) when I'm logged into Dynamics through browser. However, I can't use Postman to hit the same API endpoint. How can I use Postman using OAuth2 or other methods to hit the API?
There is a Microsoft Docs page with the instructions on how to use Postman for the Web API of Dataverse / Dynamics 365
Eventually you can build the requests using my tool Dataverse REST Builder, after you can export them as a Postman collection (the structure of variables is a bit different from the Microsoft documentation), the tool supports the Grant Type implicit (the one used my Microsoft in the documentation) or the Grant Type Client Credentials

How do I extract the token of a Google Service Account?

I'm using Fuel library on Android Studio to connect a mobile app to Dialogflow and develop a chatbot. I only need the access token.
To follow the steps of using Dialogflow API v2, I read this web page:
Do you know what command is equivalent to "$(gcloud auth print-access-token)"?
You'll need to generate a service account key file, as specified in the doc page. You can use this key file to authenticate using the Dialogflow Java client, according to these instructions.

How to open access in google spreadsheet for a google api project?

I need a help. I have a project in google api, but i don't know how to open access in google spreadsheet for a project. So which gmail i need to open access?
You may refer with this documentation.
Every request your application sends to the Google Sheets API needs to identify your application to Google. There are two ways to identify your application: using an OAuth 2.0 token (which also authorizes the request) and/or using the application's API key. Here's how to determine which of those options to use:
If the request requires authorization (such as a request for an individual's private data), then the application must provide an [OAuth 2.0 token with the request. The application may also provide the API key, but it doesn't have to.
If the request doesn't require authorization (such as a request for public data), then the application must provide either the API key or an OAuth 2.0 token, or both—whatever option is most convenient for you.
Here are some examples and quickstart.

v2.0 Protocols - SPAs using the implicit flow Microsoft

Well, I have an angular.js client and a WebApi Server. I want to use OAuth 2.0 authorization of Microsoft and I just can't understand how I should get the answer from the http get request to the /authorize endpoint and why when I try to make the request I get a CORS problem?
Check Authorize access to web applications using OAuth 2.0 and Azure Active Directory. It worked for me along with simple-oauth library.
Make sure that you totally understand what exactly authorization endpoind you need. I've started with Oauth 2.0, but then I realized that new v2.0 endpoint is better way for me with this tutorial for angular and workflow explanation:
In the past, an app developer who wanted to support both Microsoft
accounts and Azure Active Directory was required to integrate with two
separate systems. We've now introduced a new authentication API
version that enables you to sign in users in with both types of
accounts using the Azure AD system. This converged authentication
system is known as the v2.0 endpoint. With the v2.0 endpoint, one
simple integration allows you to reach an audience that spans millions
of users with both personal and work/school accounts.
And keep in mind that Live APIs are deprecated:
The Live Connect APIs are deprecated. We recommend that you use the
Outlook REST APIs to build your solutions. This will extend your reach
to Outlook.com users and Office 365 enterprise customers. Although the
Live Connect APIs will be supported in Outlook.com for the short term,
existing Live Connect API solutions might stop working without
advanced notice. If your app is using IMAP with OAuth 2.0, it will
continue to work, but our REST APIs are the primary APIs for building
apps that connect to Outlook.com and Office 365. Read the article on
how you can take advantage of the Outlook REST APIs.

api created in wso2 appfactory preview api publisher is not working

I created api from WSO2 appfactory preview api publisher. But when I call it from REST client it says the service doesn't exists where in yahoo weather api in the same api store gives OAuth error (which is expected without a token). The backend service runs nicely.
"404Status reportNot FoundThe requested resource (/usdToLkr/0.0.2) is not available."
My API is given here
What I am doing wrong?
Is it blocked in appfactory preview?
First of all, if you create an API, you have to publish it by publisher.
Then you have to login from WSO2 Appfactory preview and via resources page, you should click on subscribe to API and login to API store via that.
Then you have to first subscribe to the particular API via your created application.
Then the consumer and application keys should be generated manually or automataically once you click on the Renew API keys or API button.
Then if you have provided a working production/sandbox URL during the API creation, it should work.
If you try out with the REST client, you should provide required header values. You get an OAUTH error because you havent provided the token.
A working API invocation sample for App factory preview can be seen from this documentation.
Using REST client to test an API can be seen from this documentation.
Are you looking for an online API management / gateway solution? If so, you should use WSO2 API Cloud instead.
Also, see the tutorials covering the scenarios you mentioned here.