Apache and Yarn ports - apache

I want to configure both apache and yarn servers on the same machine. Default web port is 80 and 443 for ssl as far as I know.
Is that possible for both services to share the same ports? What I need is:
http(s)://example1.com - go to apache server
http(s)://example2.com - go to yarn
I know I can configure it so I call:
http(s)://example1.com:3000 or other port. It's not intuitive for users however.
Or... make htaccess rule to redirect example1.com:80 to example1.com:81 for example? Or somehow internally redirect from apache to yarn...? :)
I'm pretty newbie in configuring servers... I always used default settings and vhosts and it was just enough. In fact I've never work with yarn at all so any advices will be appreciated.

apache in vhosts configuration is redirecting specific domain traffic from :80 to :3000 and node is run on 3000 port.

In my opinion you can using haproxy or squid proxy, to loading balancing, or you can set on domain server to set pointing the domain, but you must set other port on of app, on this case we must try to easy access without type the port on the address bar


configure two dydns websites of IIS with two different SSL ports and configure port forwarding for both

I have two iis websites. One I have a localhost on port 80 and was setup for dydns with ssl port forwarding external: 443 and internal port:1124 and the website is working perfectly with dydns access.
I wanted to setup another website with the ssl port but was unable to do so. As when I set the port forwarding external Ssl:443 and the internal ssl port:1129. the other dydns entry redirects to the first website. This website does not work without https.
So. How do I setup two websites for ssl port forwarding on the same machine?
Any help is appreciated.
You don't necessary need an entirely different port for each website you host on the same machine. You can use the same http/80 and https/443 to serve multiple website through virtual hosts.
I'm not familiar with IIS, but I do know that it's possible on IIS just like Apache and NGINX does. You can read about setting up virtual hosts on IIS here. Also I answered a similar question here.

If two Apache HTTP servers are installed in RedHat, how to make them not disturbing each other

I have already installed an Apache HTTP server in my RedHat system, now I need to install a Bitnami application package which contains another Apache. So I am wondering how to make them not disturbing each other?
I guess I need to configure different ports for the two HTTP server. But what if one has 8080 and another has 9090, will we visit http://[ServerName]:8080/something.html and http://[ServerName]:9090/something.html? I think this way is quite inconvenient. Am I wrong or any better idea?
My advice would be to do something like this.
Have one Apache instance listen in port 80 and the other one in port 8080 for example. The Apache instance that listens in port 80 can act as a proxy to the other Apache (port 8080) using the ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse directives.
You would need to define prefixes or virtual hosts and inside them add ProxyPass directives.
I don't know to what kind of user those applications are targeted to but the usual end-user is not used to enter ports when browsing the web.
If you like to use the ports, go for it, but I would recommend using Name-based Virtual Host
so you could use different domains or subdomains to each application.
In addition to the example provided by the docs (in where they just point to different folders) in this digitalocean page they document how to make redirects to different urls.
I completely agree with EndermanAPM that usual end-user is not used to enter ports when browsing the web. Therefore, I would only allow port 80 to be accessed by the end-users.
Additional to the current solutions I see another one:
avoid messing up the settings of the Apache servers in order to not end-up with some malfunctions of your websites
leave the Apache servers listen on their designated ports (8080 respectively 9090)
install a dedicated proxy in front of the Apache servers. The proxy would listen on port 80 and would define redirect rules that would parse the request and would redirect it to the proper Apache server. (see the attached picture)
I recommend you HA Proxy. It is a very fast and reliable http and tcp proxy. I've been using it in production for years, in front of application servers, web servers and even database servers. Once you get used with its syntax, it is pretty easy to use.
I am aware that introducing a new component into the equation might add another source of potential issues. But I think that the architecture is cleaner. Besides, the two Apache servers will not be disturbing each other as you requested. You can shut down any one of the two and the other one would properly work further.

Apache route subdomain to nginx on port?

I have a server running CentOS 7 that has an Apache web-server running on port 80. I am also using a common open-source Git project called GitLab, which uses the nginx web-server instead of Apache. I have configured GitLab's nginx to run on port 4444.
I have a subdomain "git.mydomain.com" that I would like to forward to "mydomain.com:4444" however I would like the URL to continue saying "git.mydomain.com".
I belived that I need to have an Apache VirtualHost file, however I'm not sure what to do.
Is this possible? If so, how can I do so?
You would indeed need a git.mydomain.com VirtualHost with a proxy/reverse proxy directive. See https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/howto/reverse_proxy.html

Apache Server - Change port from 8080 to 80

I have recently bought Amazon EC2 server.
Instead of installing it trough command line, I downloaded the latest zip file and deployed my application in WebApps folder.
The problem is tomcat is listening all the requests on port 8080 instead of 80.
I have tried changing the server.xml file in conf folder but no help!!
It is still listening to port 8080.
How do I make it listen to port 80
Oddly enough, Tomcat has its own documentation about doing this:
Probably the most straightforward way on *NIX is to use jsvc which is a small utility that works by binding to a port, dropping privileges, and then launching Tomcat, which can then use lower-numbered ports.
There are a bunch of other ways, but jsvc is the easiest and offers some other benefits as well. Discovering those benefits is left as an exercise for the reader.
The following would apply toward various systems, while the second link would related toward windows based systems.
First link :http://www.klawitter.de/tomcat80.html
Second link:
Ok. So finally I figured out way to solve this problem.
First of all i was doing it wrong way. One should not open port 80 for tomcat7. Tomcat7 should always run port 8080 or anything which is greater than 1024.
So to make your web site work without port. Follow below steps.
Install Apache2. (By default it runs on port 80).
Go to localhost and make sure apache2 is installed properly.
Then you will have to redirect all the requests which are going on port to redirect to port 8080.
To do that follow below link. (this is important step)
Hope this answer helps!!!
Fahad Mullaji
I wouldn't recommend doing that, for what it is worth...
That could work in theory, but you are literally using httpd as a proxy to forward every request. There isn't much of a reason, IMHO, to choose this over simply changing the port to 80 in the Tomcat configuration and ditching httpd. You can use port 80 for Tomcat but historically, in production environments, httpd is generally used to serve static assets and such and dynamic content would be served by Tomcat. Generally one would install mod_jk and use the jkMount directive to connect Tomcat to httpd via AJP, which is a lot faster being a binary protocol than using HTTP.
There used to be a much bigger difference in terms of performance, here.
Tomcat is able to serve static resources via its DefaultServlet pretty well these days.
For AJP setup, see the documentation here:

Possibly Port Error

I already installed Tomcat server while developing my java web app. But I also needed to get access to my database using PHPMyAdmin and install MySQL as well, so I downloaded XAMPP. I cannot disable apache server since I already have Tomcat. Now my struggle is, I cannot open
"localhost:8080" which was my original port. It's now replaced with simply "localhost".
Can you help me fix this error? THANK YOU :D
Sounds like you now have:
Tomcat serving traffic on port 8080, as it always has (at http://localhost:8080)
Apache/XAMPP serving traffic on port 80 (at http://localhost, obviously with the port missing since 80 is the default http port)
Assuming that's the case, you don't have a problem. Serving http traffic from different ports on the same host is not an issue.