Routing Problems in vue.js - vue.js

I am running into trouble with pages not displaying. I think it has to do with my routing. I am just starting to learn this. Thank you in advance. Here is a link to GitHub

The link is broken. Is the repo private?


!! Not allowed to GET on /v1/images/generations. (HINT: Perhaps you meant to use a different HTTP method?)

I got this problem after i deployed my app on github pages and build the Vue.js app any help please

How to manage VUE routing builiding a MPA webpage?

I'm new using Vue.js. I'm trying to build the frond-end design for a large system for a company. In this system the users have an account where they can access multiple pages to administrate their accounts, interactuate with other accounts, make appoinments, administrate or delete other users, etc. I think that since is a big system, I should use a MPA aproach, because I've read that SPA should not be used for webpages as blogs or online shops because those webpages that are constantly getting updated (as this system will be).
My question is: I can't find a propper guide to configure MPA on vue, is there one guide for this?
I already followed up this stackoverflow anwser by PJ.Wanderson: multiple pages in Vue.js CLI
but is still have doubts.
Should I still be using the vue router? What kind of configuration should I use there?
How can I handle routes with parameters in this case? Should I use SSR too in this case?
Thanks in advance.
If you want to build a MPA in Vuejs, your best bet is building it in Nuxt. Nuxt wil handle all the SSR for you. I'm wondering why even build it in Vue in the first place? The reason there isn't that much information on MPA's with Vuejs is because most people build SPA's with it. Another alternative would be to build a SPA in Vuejs and deploy that on a subdomain. Then have al your marketing and other relevant pages on a simple wordpress site. Hope this helped.

Can I move my web app Vuejs to NativeScript-Vue?

My question is really simple. I have a web project made in Vuejs and I would like to know if there is any way to take this project and to mirror it to NativeScript-Vue in some way.
Thanks and best regards!
There isn't an automated way to migrate your app. The templates should be completely rewritten as the mobile world has different UI components and concepts. Your scripts and styles, for the most part, should work the same way. You will need to figure out how to do the routing as the default vue.js router is not supported. You can check the manual routing article fore more information.

User registration in gatsby js

is their a way to let a website developed using Gatsby js, have user registration, user can have a profile and edit it, and user can add new article or item to the website ?
I know gatsby is static site generator. but I'm wondering if I can use Gatsby as a solution for such web application, and if not what are the tools I need to include to make it work ?
Not sure why you are getting downvoted.
Apart from the comment by #fabian-schultz, the keyword is you are looking for I believe is CMS.
Basically you just want some dynamic content in your website which is generated by a static site generator.
There are a lot of choices. For example, you can follow the official tutorial to use Netlify CMS with Gatsby.
Hope it's enough to get you started.

Integrating Gumroad API into Github Pages

So Gumroad has a really cool API and Github has some cool Pages functionality. Has anyone tried to integrate Gumroad's API with Github Pages as a store front to sell software?
Would it be worth attempting? From my quick reading on the Github Pages it looks like the page source is published in your repo. So maybe it wouldn't work too well if you had your Gumroad API key tied into it?
Just a thought that hit me while working on something today and wanted to see if anyone has successfully accomplished this with Gumroad + Github.
It would be completely reasonable to combine Gumroad and Github Pages to create a website where you can sell software.
The easiest way, however, would probably be to just add in the embed code for your products into the Github Pages website, which would work perfectly. I'm not sure if you can use Node.js in Github Pages, but if possible, you can use the higher level API's as well.
P.S. You should try to create this. I'm planning to do something similar with artwork!