Beginner: LEFT JOIN not doing what it should? - sql

I'm having trouble with a really simple left join statement that's driving me nuts
I wanted to count the numbers of orders from each customer, that's fine, but I want to display the name, and I'm joining with the customers table and trying to select the name and it says that CustomerName is not part of an aggregate function, it's really weird.
SELECT Customers.CustomerName as 'Name',
COUNT(*) AS 'Order Count'
FROM Orders
LEFT JOIN Customers
ON Orders.CustomerID = Customers.CustomerID
GROUP BY Customers.CustomerID
Thanks for any tips.

You need to count the rows from the orders table, and the left join should be in the other direction:
SELECT c.customerid,
c.CustomerName as "Name",
COUNT(o.customerid) AS "Order Count"
FROM Customers c
LEFT JOIN Orders o ON o.CustomerID = cs.CustomerID
GROUP BY c.CustomerID, c.customername;
count() will ignore NULL values that come into the result due to the outer join so it will count the number of orders for each customers. Customers without orders will be show with a zero count.

Include CustomerName in Group BY instead of CustomerID
SELECT Customers.CustomerName as 'Name', COUNT(*) AS 'Order Count'
FROM Orders LEFT JOIN Customers ON Orders.CustomerID = Customers.CustomerID
GROUP BY Customers.CustomerName
If you are using SQL Server then try using OVER() without Group BY
SELECT Customers.CustomerName as 'Name', COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY Customers.CustomerName ORDER BY Customers.CustomerName)AS 'Order Count'
FROM Orders LEFT JOIN Customers ON Orders.CustomerID = Customers.CustomerID

Modify as below. column used in group by clause should be in column queried in select clause
SELECT Customers.CustomerName as 'Name',
COUNT(*) AS 'Order Count'
FROM Orders
LEFT JOIN Customers
ON Orders.CustomerID = Customers.CustomerID
GROUP BY Customers.CustomerName

I have just reordered your query,please try this it will definitely work for you.
SELECT Customers.CustomerName as 'Name',
COUNT(*) AS 'Order Count'
FROM Customers
ON Customers.CustomerID=Orders.CustomerID
GROUP BY Customers.CustomerID

A simple approach to get all the columns in the customers table is to use a correlated subquery:
select c.*, -- or whatever columns you want
(select count(*)
from orders o
where o.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
) as order_count
from customers c;
Because this avoids the outer GROUP BY, this also has the advantage of having better performance in most databases, particularly with an index on orders(CustomerId). Plus, it returns 0 if the customer has no orders. And, it allows you to choose any or all of the columns from Customers.
The correct way to get the counts you want is to count a column from Orders:
SELECT c.CustomerName, c.CustomerID,
COUNT(o.CustomerId) AS Order_Count
FROM Customers c LEFT JOIN
Orders o
ON o.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
GROUP BY c.CustomerID, c.CustomerName;
The Customers table goes first in the LEFT JOIN because presumably you want all rows in Customers.
Table aliases make the query easier to write and to read.
Do not use single quotes for column aliases, even if your database supports it. The best method is to choose aliases that do not need to be supported.
Include the CustomerId in the logic, just in case two customers have the same name.
Count a column from Orders so you get a count of 0 for customers with no orders.


Not in aggregate function or group by clause: org.hsqldb.Expression#59bcb2b6 in statement

I'm trying to group SUM(OrderDetails.Quantity) but keep getting the error Not in aggregate function or group by clause: org.hsqldb.Expression#59bcb2b6 in statement but since I already have an GROUP BY part I don't know what I'm missing
SQL Statement:
SELECT OrderDetails.CustomerID, Customers.CompanyName, Customers.ContactName, SUM(OrderDetails.Quantity)
FROM OrderDetails INNER JOIN Customers ON OrderDetails.CustomerID = Customers.CustomerID
WHERE OrderDetails.CustomerID = Customers.CustomerID
GROUP BY OrderDetails.CustomerID
ORDER BY OrderDetails.CustomerID ASC
I'm trying to create a table that shows customers and the amount of products they ordered, while also showing their CompanyName and ContactName.
Write this:
GROUP BY OrderDetails.CustomerID, Customers.CompanyName, Customers.ContactName
Unlike in MySQL, PostgreSQL, and standard SQL, in most other SQL dialects, it is not sufficient to group only by the primary key if you also want to project functionally dependent columns in the SELECT clause, or elsewhere. You have to explicitly GROUP BY all of the columns that you want to project.
Don't take the customer id from the orders table. Take it from the customers table. If you do so, this might work in your database:
SELECT c.CustomerID, c.CompanyName, c.ContactName, SUM(od.Quantity)
FROM OrderDetails od INNER JOIN
Customers c
ON od.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
GROUP BY c.CustomerID
ORDER BY c.CustomerID ASC;
Note that the WHERE clause does not need to repeat the conditions in the ON clause.
Your version won't work in standard SQL because od.CustomerId is not unique in OrderDetails. Many databases don't support this, so in these you need the additional columns:
SELECT c.CustomerID, c.CompanyName, c.ContactName, SUM(od.Quantity)
FROM OrderDetails od INNER JOIN
Customers c
ON od.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
GROUP BY c.CustomerID, c.CompanyName, c.ContactName
ORDER BY c.CustomerID ASC;
Even so, it is much, much better to take all columns from the same table. That would allow the SQL optimizer to use indexes on Customers.

Group by and inner join: how to select joined without a "max" trick

Here is a simple query:
FROM orders
INNER JOIN order_product ON = order_product.order_id
INNER JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id =
In other words, I want:
The ID of an order.
The number of products (count) in each order.
The customer name of the order.
The problem is about selecting I cannot select it directly because it's not in aggregate function nor group by. But there is only one, so I d'ont know why I have to aggregate it. I can do a trick like this to select its name:
But I think it's dirty, because I don't want the "max name of a customer for an order" but "the name of the customer for an order". What is the elegant way to do such a thing?
Hope it's clear and not a duplicate.
EDIT: an order have only one customer identified by orders.customer_id. That's why I asking why I have to do such a trick.
Add to the GROUP BY clause:
FROM orders
INNER JOIN order_product ON = order_product.order_id
INNER JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id =
Usually you can simply group by all selected columns that are not arguments to set functions!
Alternatively, you could use window functions
FROM orders
INNER JOIN products ON = order_product.order_id
INNER JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id =;

Double check simple SQL query - customer and orders tables

I just wanted to double check this SQL query that I wrote. I want to return the top five customer first names based on the dollar amount ordered? I'm using a table called "customer" and table called "orders". However, I can't remember if I need to use a "max" somewhere.... Any help is appreciated!
FROM customer
LEFT JOIN orders
ON customer.customerID = orders.customerID
ORDER BY orders.orderCost DESC
You need a group by, I think:
SELECT TOP 5 c.customerFirstName
FROM customer c LEFT JOIN
orders o
ON c.customerID = o.customerID
GROUP BY c.customerFirstName
ORDER BY SUM(o.orderCost) DESC;
i think this should help answer your question,
SELECT TOP 5 orders.orderid,
From customers
LEFT JOIN orders
ON customers.customerid=orders.customerid
ORDER by orders.orderid DESC

Using DISTINCT in SQL Query

How do i use DISTINCT command in a SQL query to show the supplier id, company name, and the number of distinct products from that supplier that were ordered prior to a specific date? I ran the code in Access but it doesn't translate over to SQL efficiently. The table appears.
[Supplier ID Company Name Product Name Order Date
1 Exotic Liquids Chang 17-Aug-94
1 Exotic Liquids Chang 22-Nov-94
1 Exotic Liquids Aniseed Syrup 26-Sep-94]
The code I have so far is the following. Where I get confused is where to put the DISTINCT statement. Should it be immediately after the Select? Should it go in Parentheses in addition to the SELECT? Excuse my lack of knowledge on this subject in advance.
SELECT Suppliers.SupplierID, Customers.CompanyName, Products.ProductName,
Products ON Suppliers.SupplierID = Products.SupplierID CROSS JOIN
Customers INNER JOIN
Orders ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID
WHERE Orders.OrderDate <='1/1/1999'
ORDER BY Suppliers.SupplierID
You can either distinct by all columns selected :
Suppliers.SupplierID, Customers.CompanyName, Products.ProductName,
Suppliers INNER JOIN
Products ON Suppliers.SupplierID = Products.SupplierID CROSS JOIN
Customers INNER JOIN
Orders ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID
Orders.OrderDate <='1/1/1999'
or use group by instead if you need to distinct only by SupplierID. DISTINCT is not a function, hence DISTINCT(Suppliers.SupplierID) means the same as simply put DISTINCT word after SELECT in this case (see the 2nd reference below).
For Reference :
I'm pretty sure it's this:
SELECT DISTINCT(Suppliers.SupplierID), Customers.CompanyName, Products.ProductName,Orders.OrderDate
Products ON Suppliers.SupplierID = Products.SupplierID CROSS JOIN
Customers INNER JOIN
Orders ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID
WHERE Orders.OrderDate <='1/1/1999'
ORDER BY Suppliers.SupplierID

Compare a table with a count result from another table and add the names that have a zero count

I am counting how many times a company has ordered. Then I am only showing if a company has ordered less than 5 times. I am then checking it against the table with all company names to see what company has not ordered, which would not show up on the order table, then add their name on the displayed list.
What I have tried:
Select Orders.CustomerID, Count(Orders.CustomerID) AS OrderCount
From Orders Left Join Customers
On Orders.CustomerID = Customers.CustomerID
Group By Orders.CustomerID
Having Count(Orders.CustomerID) <5
This is totally wrong:
Select CustomerID
From Customers
(Select CustomerID, Count(CustomerID) AS 'OrderCount'
From Orders
Group BY CustomerID
Having Count(Orders.CustomerID) < 5)
I need to somehow compare the list of names before I ask it to see which ones have ordered less than 5 times.
If you want to use LEFT JOIN, interchange the table names since you want to show values from Customers, otherwise use RIGHT JOIN instead.
SELECT Customers.CustomerID,
COUNT(Orders.CustomerID) AS OrderCount
FROM Customers
ON Orders.CustomerID = Customers.CustomerID
GROUP BY Customers.CustomerID
HAVING COUNT(Orders.CustomerID) < 5
using EXISTS()
FROM Customers c
FROM Orders o
WHERE o.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
HAVING COUNT(CustomerID) < 5
Try this:
SELECT C.CustomerID, C.CustomerName, COUNT(O.CustomerID) AS OrderCount
FROM Customers C
LEFT JOIN Orders O ON O.CustomerID = C.CustomerID
HAVING OrderCount < 5
ORDER BY OrderCount, C.CustomerName