Create-react-app: what is the server (of npm start script)? - create-react-app

I want to understand what is the server created by the npm start command.
Is it like a nodejs server or something like that ?

Yes, It starts nodejs server. As given in the docs:


npm install on VueJS

I am trying to install this script. I am trying to run npm install command. But this is not working. This is stuck after message idealTree:color-convert: timing idealTree:node_modules/c.
Could anyone help me to install this script ?
I tried it myself and had the same issue.
There might be an issue on the author's end or with some dependency.
Try contacting the author of the package to investigate the issue.
You can create an issue here:
nice you can delete your node modules and try again...
or you can try npm cache clean
if both fails you can try yarn...

Vue cli run production build on VPS server after closing console

My VPS server is all set. Node is installed, I built an app and ran it with
npm install -g serve
serve -s dist
as it was mentioned in the docs.
But after I close my console the application is not available anymore. I'm aware about PM2, but I couldnt run
serve -s dist
with it.
I would appreciate the ideas on easy way to always serve the application on server
After struggling quite a while with nginx i finally managed to set it up properly. So as far as I understand, the only solution is to install a web-server, such as Nginx

Simple ASK CLI install in windows not working

I installed in Windows 10 ASK CLI with
npm install -g ask-cli
without errors.
But the next step
ask new
results in the error:
Invalid json: C:\Users\user1\.ask\cli_config
Sure, the folder
doesn't exist.
Is there something fundamentally wrong?
Yes. You haven't initialized the CLI with ask init which is the step that will ultimately generate the cli config file. Please read the installation docs again!
ASK CLI v2 replaces the ask init command with the ask configure command to configure the ASK CLI with your Amazon developer account credentials. See docs

npm start command open specific page at running

I m developping a reactjs app.
So to start the server I run :
react-scripts start
However this opens http://localhost:3000 in my browser.
Is there a manner to change the url to http://localhost:3000/login ?
Try something like this:
PUBLIC_URL=\"http://localhost:3000/login\" react-scripts start

Getting error 'Cannot find module 'parse-server'

I am trying to run Parse server which is available on link:
I have done some pre-requisites related to MongoDB and some other concepts. When I try to run parse server using command:
node parseServer.js
But this command gives me an error as:
'Cannot find module 'parse-server'
Again, I installed parse-server module using command:
sudo npm install -g parse-server
After installing this module, I tried again to run parse server, but still I am getting same error.
Some help would be really appreciable. Thanks in advance.
Try to use the Parse Server example, Parse server is used as a like node js module.
What is the different between Parse-server and Parse-server-example on ParsePlatform on GitHub?