Is it possible to automate the creation of triggers in Oracle SQL? - sql

Is it possible to automate the creation of triggers in Oracle SQL, like if a drop table command is ran, not all of your triggers have to be recreated? I didn't find anything online to solve this problem.
Thanks in advance for your answers

Put simply, no. When a table is dropped, everything associated with it goes away, including all indexes, triggers, and etc. If the table is then recreated, all the triggers must be recreated. This is hard-wired into the database, and there's no DDL statement for DROP TABLE XYZ123 EXCEPT FOR ALL THE TRIGGERS WHICH YOU CAN JUST LEAVE FLOATING AROUND IN SPACE UNTIL AND IF THE TABLE IS RECREATED;
As someone else mentioned, you might want to consider using TRUNCATE TABLE, which blows the data away but leaves everything else intact. Another option is to use a global temp table - see this article at Oracle-Base


Preventing DROP table in SQL Server

Is there a way to prevent DROP TABLE in SQL Server somehow, simply by using SSMS and its features?
Don't give users permissions to drop tables.
You might think a DDL trigger can prevent this. It does, in a way: it lets the drop happen, then it rolls it back. Which is not quite preventing it, but I suppose it might be good enough.
Check this , There are two methods basically
The first one is based on creating a view on the table with option
SCHEMABINDING. When the SCHEMABINDING option is used the table cannot
be modified in a way that will affect the view definition, as well as
it cannot be dropped unless the view is dropped first.
The second method is using the new DDL triggers in SQL Server 2005.
Defining a trigger for DROP_TABLE with rollback in the body will not
allow dropping tables.

In Oracle can you create a table that only exists while the database is running?

Is there a way in Oracle to create a table that only exists while the database is running and is only stored in memory? So if the database is restarted I will have to recreate the table?
I want the data to persist across sessions. The reason being that the data is expensive to recreate but is also highly sensitive.
Using a temporary table would probably help performance compared to what happens today, but its still not a great solution.
You can create a 100% ephemeral table that is usable for the duration of a session (typically shorter than the duration than the database run time) called a TEMPORARY table. The entire purpose of a table in memory is to make it faster for reading from. You will have to re-populate the table for each session as the table will be forgotten (both structure and data) once the session completes.
No exactly, no.
Oracle has the concept of a "global temporary table". With a global temporary table, you create the table once, as with any other table. The table definition will persist permanently, as with any other table.
The contents of the table, however, will will not be permanent. Depending on how you define it, the contents will persist for either the life of the session (on commit perserve rows) or the life of the transaction (on commit delete rows).
See the documentation for all the details:
Hope that helps.
You can use Oracle's trigger mechanism to invoke a stored procedure when the database starts up or shuts down.
That way you could have the startup trigger create the table, and the shutdown trigger drop it.
You'd probably also want the startup trigger to handle cases where the table exists and truncate it just in case the server stopped suddenly and the shutdown trigger wasn't called.
Oracle trigger documentation
Using Oracle's Global Temporary Tables, you can create a table in memory and have it delete the data at the end of the transaction, or the end of the session.
If I understand correctly, you have some data that needs to be processed when the database is brought online and left available only as long as the database is online. The only use-case I can think of that would require this is if you're encrypting some data and you want to ensure that the unencrypted data is never written to disk.
If this is actually your use-case, I would recommend forgetting about trying to create your own solution for this and, instead, make use of Oracle's encrypted tablespaces or Transparent Data Encryption.

Should I use the template from MS SQL Management Studio to create new triggers?

If you create a new trigger in MS SQL Management Studio by using the GUI, it gives you this template:
-- Create database trigger template
USE <database_name, sysname, AdventureWorks>
FROM sys.triggers
WHERE name = N'<trigger_name, sysname, table_alter_drop_safety>'
AND parent_class_desc = N'DATABASE'
DROP TRIGGER <trigger_name, sysname, table_alter_drop_safety> ON DATABASE
CREATE TRIGGER <trigger_name, sysname, table_alter_drop_safety> ON DATABASE
FOR <data_definition_statements, , DROP_TABLE, ALTER_TABLE>
IF IS_MEMBER ('db_owner') = 0
PRINT 'You must ask your DBA to drop or alter tables!'
Should I use this template?
I dont know anything about triggers, but I think I need to use them. The purpose in this case is that on an insert to the table, I need to update one of the fields.
Please help me get started!
OK to begin with that is the wrong template if you want an ordinary trigger that one is a trigger on making structural changes to the table itself.
If you decide to do a trigger that affects data (as opposed to structure), there are several things you need to know. First and by far the most critical, triggers operate on sets of data not one row at time. You must write any trigger to handle multiple row inserts.updates or deletes. If you end up with any code setting the value in inserted or deleted to a variable, there is a 99% chance it will not work properly if multiple records are involved.
What is inserted or deleted you ask? That is the next thing you need to know about triggers, there are two pseudotables (inserted and deleted) that are only available in a trigger (or an output clause) which contain the new information being inserted or the updated values (in the inserted table) and the old information being deleted or being changed by an update (in the deleted table). So an insert has values in inserted, a delete has values in deleted and an update has values in both. Use these in your trigger to pull the values you need to change.
Since you don't know anything about triggers, I would say no, don't use the template.
Read the books online page for Create Trigger and write the trigger by hand.
There is probably more in that template code than you actually need. Read the manual and keep it simple.
If you don't know anything about triggers then I would strongly suggest that you read up on them before implementing them. Get Triggers right and they can make your life a lot easier; get it wrong and Triggers will cause you a lot of trouble.
I would suggest starting off with this tutorial
You can use the above SQL as a template or you can simply write your own. I would suggest you write your own as you'll understand what you are doing. Obviously only do this after you have done some serious reading on triggers. Check out MSDN too

Adding trigger to table with cascades

I'm trying to add a simple trigger to a table- the 1st issue i came accross was that this table has text columns - so the for delete, insert, update triggers aren't going to float. 'instead of' does though.
I am now up against the fact that the table has cascades set on it. Do you know if there's a way to get around that little gem or am I basically fubared?
Create a new table, which everyone uses instead of the cascading table. Then build your "instead of" trigger onto the new table, and update the old table within the trigger.
The old table will cascade as normal, but your new table doesn't have any cascades.
You could try adding a view rather that creating another table. You could even exclude those text columns from the view.
I don't know what version of SQL Server you are on but text columns are deprecated - they will NOT be in the next version of SQL Server. If you are on any version higher than 2000, I would suggest you make it an immediate prioroity to fix those by making them nvarchar(max) (You will also need to change code that uses CONTAINS, WRITETEXT and other text type code).
That said, I always got the value of text column in a trigger by joining inserted to the actual table itself on the primary key.
I'm not sure what to do about your cascade question as we do not allow cascade delete or update for performance reasons. As far as I can tell triggers will still fire (and should definitely be written to handle multiple record inserts, updates or deletes, but I strongly feel all triggers should be written this way). What problem exactly are you running into with the cascades?

MySQL trigger loop

I am going through the pain stacking process of sorting out someone else code.
So I am decided to recreate a new database to sit alongside the old one then to use triggers to transfer data between both tables.
Now I have an issue with a it looping IE
A trigger on each table to update the other. Once one updates it should update the other but as both tables have triggers it just will loop which will cause an issue.
Is their a way to stop this from happening ?
Hope this makes sense and hope you can advise.
You should be making entries in one db and using the trigger to copy that data to the second db. Having said that you use a check for the existence of the data and exit the trigger. Basically an if record exist do nothing. This site has a good tutorial:
You may aloso want to read up on triggers in the mySQL manual: