MySQL trigger loop - sql

I am going through the pain stacking process of sorting out someone else code.
So I am decided to recreate a new database to sit alongside the old one then to use triggers to transfer data between both tables.
Now I have an issue with a it looping IE
A trigger on each table to update the other. Once one updates it should update the other but as both tables have triggers it just will loop which will cause an issue.
Is their a way to stop this from happening ?
Hope this makes sense and hope you can advise.

You should be making entries in one db and using the trigger to copy that data to the second db. Having said that you use a check for the existence of the data and exit the trigger. Basically an if record exist do nothing. This site has a good tutorial:
You may aloso want to read up on triggers in the mySQL manual:


Is it possible to automate the creation of triggers in Oracle SQL?

Is it possible to automate the creation of triggers in Oracle SQL, like if a drop table command is ran, not all of your triggers have to be recreated? I didn't find anything online to solve this problem.
Thanks in advance for your answers
Put simply, no. When a table is dropped, everything associated with it goes away, including all indexes, triggers, and etc. If the table is then recreated, all the triggers must be recreated. This is hard-wired into the database, and there's no DDL statement for DROP TABLE XYZ123 EXCEPT FOR ALL THE TRIGGERS WHICH YOU CAN JUST LEAVE FLOATING AROUND IN SPACE UNTIL AND IF THE TABLE IS RECREATED;
As someone else mentioned, you might want to consider using TRUNCATE TABLE, which blows the data away but leaves everything else intact. Another option is to use a global temp table - see this article at Oracle-Base

SQL lazy update operations

We insert SQL entities into a table, one by one. It's easy and fast. After the entity insert, we are executing an SP to updates several tables according to the new entity, update some calculated fields, some lookup tables to help to find this new entity. This takes a lot of time and sometimes ends up in a deadlock state.
Inserting the main entity must be fast and reliable, updating the additional tables is not important to happen immediately. I was wondering (I am not a DB expert) if there is an SQL methodology similar to the thread handling in C#, to maintain an update thread, which can be awakened when a new entity arrives to update the additional tables after the insertion. This thread can update these tables in "one thread" to avoid deadlock.
I can imagine an sql job which executes every minute, searches for new entities and executes the updates, but it seems too rough to me.
What is the best practice to implement this on MS SQL side?
There are a number of ways you could achieve this. You mention that the two can be done separately - immediate updating is not important. In that case, you could set up a SQL Agent to run a stored procedure that checks for missing records and performs the update.
Another approach would be to put the entire original update inside a stored procedure responsible for performing the update and all the housekeeping work, then all you would do is call the stored procedure with the right parameters and it would do all the work behind the curtain.
Another way would be to add triggers on the inserted table to do the update for you. Sounds like the first is what you probably want.

Should I use the template from MS SQL Management Studio to create new triggers?

If you create a new trigger in MS SQL Management Studio by using the GUI, it gives you this template:
-- Create database trigger template
USE <database_name, sysname, AdventureWorks>
FROM sys.triggers
WHERE name = N'<trigger_name, sysname, table_alter_drop_safety>'
AND parent_class_desc = N'DATABASE'
DROP TRIGGER <trigger_name, sysname, table_alter_drop_safety> ON DATABASE
CREATE TRIGGER <trigger_name, sysname, table_alter_drop_safety> ON DATABASE
FOR <data_definition_statements, , DROP_TABLE, ALTER_TABLE>
IF IS_MEMBER ('db_owner') = 0
PRINT 'You must ask your DBA to drop or alter tables!'
Should I use this template?
I dont know anything about triggers, but I think I need to use them. The purpose in this case is that on an insert to the table, I need to update one of the fields.
Please help me get started!
OK to begin with that is the wrong template if you want an ordinary trigger that one is a trigger on making structural changes to the table itself.
If you decide to do a trigger that affects data (as opposed to structure), there are several things you need to know. First and by far the most critical, triggers operate on sets of data not one row at time. You must write any trigger to handle multiple row inserts.updates or deletes. If you end up with any code setting the value in inserted or deleted to a variable, there is a 99% chance it will not work properly if multiple records are involved.
What is inserted or deleted you ask? That is the next thing you need to know about triggers, there are two pseudotables (inserted and deleted) that are only available in a trigger (or an output clause) which contain the new information being inserted or the updated values (in the inserted table) and the old information being deleted or being changed by an update (in the deleted table). So an insert has values in inserted, a delete has values in deleted and an update has values in both. Use these in your trigger to pull the values you need to change.
Since you don't know anything about triggers, I would say no, don't use the template.
Read the books online page for Create Trigger and write the trigger by hand.
There is probably more in that template code than you actually need. Read the manual and keep it simple.
If you don't know anything about triggers then I would strongly suggest that you read up on them before implementing them. Get Triggers right and they can make your life a lot easier; get it wrong and Triggers will cause you a lot of trouble.
I would suggest starting off with this tutorial
You can use the above SQL as a template or you can simply write your own. I would suggest you write your own as you'll understand what you are doing. Obviously only do this after you have done some serious reading on triggers. Check out MSDN too

Who deleted my sql table rows?

I have an SQL table, from which data is being deleted. Nobody knows how the data is being deleted. I added a trigger and know the time, however no jobs are running that would delete the data. I also added a trigger whenever rows are being deleted from this table. I am then inserting the deleted rows and the SYSTEM_USER to a log table, however that doesnt help much. Is there anything better I can do to know who and how the data gets deleted? Would it be possible to get the server id or something? Thanks for any advice.
Sorry: I am using SQL Server 2000.
**update 1*: Its important to find out how the data gets deleted - preferably I would like to know the DTS package or SQL statement that is being executed.
Just a guess, but do you have delete cascades on one of the parent tables (those referenced by foreign keys). If so, when you delete the parent row the entries in the child table are also removed.
If the recovery mode is set to "Full", you can check the logs.
Beyond that, remove any delete grants to the table. If it still happens, whomever is doing it has root/dbo access - so change the password...
Try logging all transactions for the time being, even if if it hurts performance. MS offers a mssql profiler, including for express versions if needed. With it, you should be able to log transactions. As an alternative to profilers, you can use the trace_build stored procedure to dump activity into reference files, then just 'ctrl-f' for any instance of the word 'delete' or other similar keywords. For more info, see this SO page...
Logging ALL Queries on a SQL Server 2008 Express Database?
Also, and this may sound stupid, but investigate the possibility that what you are seeing is not deletes. Instead, investigate if records are simply being 'updated', 'replaced if already exists', 'upserted', or whatever you like to call it. In Mysql, this is the 'INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE' statement. I'm not sure of the MSSQL variant.
What recovery model is your database in? If it is full Redgate log Rescue is free and works against SQL2000 which might help you retrieve the deleted data. The Overview Video does appear to show a user column.
Or you could roll your own query against fn_dblog
Change all your passwords. Give as few people delete access as possible.

CREATE TRIGGER is taking more than 30 minutes on SQL Server 2005

On our live/production database I'm trying to add a trigger to a table, but have been unsuccessful. I have tried a few times, but it has taken more than 30 minutes for the create trigger statement to complete and I've cancelled it.
The table is one that gets read/written to often by a couple different processes. I have disabled the scheduled jobs that update the table and attempted at times when there is less activity on the table, but I'm not able to stop everything that accesses the table.
I do not believe there is a problem with the create trigger statement itself. The create trigger statement was successful and quick in a test environment, and the trigger works correctly when rows are inserted/updated to the table. Although when I created the trigger on the test database there was no load on the table and it had considerably less rows, which is different than on the live/production database (100 vs. 13,000,000+).
Here is the create trigger statement that I'm trying to run
ON [Item]
IF update(State)
/* do some stuff including for each row updated call a stored
procedure that increments a value in table based on the
UserId of the updated row */
Can there be issues with creating a trigger on a table while rows are being updated or if it has many rows?
In SQLServer triggers are created enabled by default. Is it possible to create the trigger disabled by default?
Any other ideas?
The problem may not be in the table itself, but in the system tables that have to be updated in order to create the trigger. If you're doing any other kind of DDL as part of your normal processes they could be holding it up.
Use sp_who to find out where the block is coming from then investigate from there.
I believe the CREATE Trigger will attempt to put a lock on the entire table.
If you have a lots of activity on that table it might have to wait a long time and you could be creating a deadlock.
For any schema changes you should really get everyone of the database.
That said it is tempting to put in "small" changes with active connections. You should take a look at the locks / connections to see where the lock contention is.
That's odd. An AFTER UPDATE trigger shouldn't need to check existing rows in the table. I suppose it's possible that you aren't able to obtain a lock on the table to add the trigger.
You might try creating a trigger that basically does nothing. If you can't create that, then it's a locking issue. If you can, then you could disable that trigger, add your intended code to the body, and enable it. (I do not believe you can disable a trigger during creation.)
Part of the problem may also be the trigger itself. Could your trigger accidentally be updating all rows of the table? There is a big differnce between 100 rows in a test database and 13,000,000. It is a very bad idea to develop code against such a small set when you have such a large dataset as you can have no way to predict performance. SQL that works fine for 100 records can completely lock up a system with millions for hours. You really want to know that in dev, not when you promote to prod.
Calling a stored proc in a trigger is usually a very bad choice. It also means that you have to loop through records which is an even worse choice in a trigger. Triggers must alawys account for multiple record inserts/updates or deletes. If someone inserts 100,000 rows (not unlikely if you have 13,000,000 records), then looping through a record based stored proc could take hours, lock the entire table and cause all users to want to hunt down the developer and kill (or at least maim) him because they cannot get their work done.
I would not even consider putting this trigger on prod until you test against a record set simliar in size to prod.
My friend Dennis wrote this article that illustrates why testing a small volumn of information when you have a large volumn of information can create difficulties on prd that you didn't notice on dev:
Run DISABLE TRIGGER triggername ON tablename before altering the trigger, then reenable it with ENABLE TRIGGER triggername ON tablename