Invalid key in stanza in Splunk - splunk

I'm getting the following error while starting splunk
Invalid key in stanza [lmpool:auto_generated_pool_free] in /opt/splunk/etc/system/local/server.conf, line 25: defaultGroup (value: splunkssl).

I'm guessing someone has added defaultGroup = splunkssl to your server.conf file. That looks like it should actually be in the outputs.conf file. Check the Splunk docs for both those files and confirm, but I think you'll need to either remove that line or move it to outputs


AzureSynapse Lookup UserErrorFileNotFound with Wildcard path

I am facing an odd issue where my lookup is returning a filenotfound error when I use a wildcard path. If I specify and exact file path, the lookup runs without error. However, if I replace the filename with a *, I get a filenotfound error.
The file is Data_643.json, located in my Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2, under the labournavigatorfile system. The exact file path is:
If I put this exact path into the Integration dataset configuration, the pipeline runs without issue. However, as soon as I replace the 'Data_643.json' with a '*', the pipeline crashes with a filenotfound error.
What am I doing wrong? Many Thanks for any support. This must be something very simple that I am missing.
Exact path works:
Wildcrad path throws error:
I have 3 files in my container as file1.json, file2.json, file3.json as shown below:
The following is how I configured my dataset to read using wildcard with configuration same as in the image provided in the question.
When I used this in lookup I got the same error:
To overcome this, go to your lookup activity. When you want to use wildcards to read a file/files, check the wildcard file path option. Then specify the folder structure and use wildcard where required. The following is an image for reference.
The following is the debug output when I run the pipeline (Each of my files had 10 rows):

Yii 1.1.8 - Error messages without line numbers

I have a simple issue "Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated", but I am not sure where to go to fix it.
How do I enable line numbers to show?
you can activate the debug function in main.php file. This file located in protected/config folder.
Edit as following:
locate the 'log' array inside the file
uncomment the CWebLogRoute in the array
If you do it right, then when error shows up, you can see the error location.
How your main.php log config looks like when uncomment

What is the wildcard for the File connector file path field in Anypoint Studio and Mule

I am using Anypoint Studio 7 and Mule 4.1.
A product file in csv format with a filename that will include the current timestamp will be added to a directory on a daily basis and needs to be processed. To do this we are creating a mule workflow using the file connector and want to configure the file path field to only read csv file formats regardless of name.
At the moment, the only way I can get it to work is by specifying the filename in the file path field which looks like this:
when I would like to specify some kind of wildcard in the file path similar to this:
but the above does not work.
What is the correct wildcard syntax and also is there a way to specify the relative file path instead of the absolute one as when I try to specify a relative file path I get an error too?
Error message in logs:
Message : Illegal char <*> at index 108: C:/Workspace/product-files-v1/src/main/resources/input/products-*.csv.
Element : product-files-v1/processors/1 # product-files-v1:product-files-v1.xml:16 (Read File)
Element XML : <file:read doc:name="Read File" doc:id="fdbbf477-e831-4e7c-827c-71efd1d2e538" config-ref="File_Config" path="C:/Workspace/product-files-v1/src/main/resources/input/products-*.csv" outputMimeType="application/csv" outputEncoding="UTF-8"></file:read>
Error type : MULE:UNKNOWN
Root Exception stack trace:
java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <*> at index 108: C:/Workspace/product-files-v1/src/main/resources/input/products-*.csv
Thanks for any help
i am assuming you need to user a <file:matcher> when you want to filter or read certain type of files from a directory.
an example would be

SQL Server Database Attach error. The system cannot find the file specified

When im trying to attach database get such error Does Anyone have an idea what can be problem?
On your first picture, I see the med_log.ldf file. On second picture you trying to attach med.ldf. Try to change the name of file in line 3 to med_log.ldf.
Your error message states that it is looking for Med.ldf, not Med_log.ldf.
You need to change the filename in the second part of your restore command to match this filename.
The name of the Log file seems to be incorrect. it should be "Med_log.ldf" instead of "Med.ldf"

Pig problem with load file with complicated name

i need to load file in pig which has a long and complicated name:
Pig complained:
ERROR - ERROR 2999: Unexpected internal error. Relative path in absolute URI:
anyone knows what's the problem? Thanks.
If it's forming a URI from that, the : is a reserved character.
Think about it: file://a:b ... this would be taken as an FTP login.
Your error message seems to complain that what's left after the string is parsed is a relative path (I guess 00.csv after the last colon). Obviously no longer the whole filename.
You will need to escape any reserved characters in the filename before forming a URI.
You could do this on the command line, with for example:
ls | sed -e 's/:/%3A/g'
to transform the colons in the filename.
Or you could rename any files in the directory that use any of ";?:#&=+,$"
not exactly the same case, but we got:
ERROR 2999: Unexpected internal error. cannot be cast to java.lang.Error
java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to java.lang.Error
for everything we tried to load, and the problem was that the PIG_CONF_DIR env variable was pointing to a folder that did not exist. We've reset it in the .bash_profile to a folder with valid core-site.xml and mapred-site.xml and everything's good now.
export PIG_CONF_DIR=/my_good_folder