Dx12 has this handy function that I really like and use in my dx12 code.
Does Vulkan have an equivalent?
Vulkan's API expects that you can query the various device properties and define a sort order based on whatever properties you prefer. If you want to write such a thing, it wouldn't be too hard, but the API isn't going to provide it for you.
The docs go over imitate use case, but I don't understand the example made. Where would you call a Parent function, is it like recursive? I'd like to see what the model function looks like, and what the child gets out of it.
imitate is meant to create a cycle in the graph of streams connected by operators, that's the use case. It would often be seen when building a state stream.
However, nowadays we have a solution in Cycle.js called #cycle/state which solves for that use case, and in Cycle.js there is no need for imitate anymore. We would like to deprecate imitate but we have heard some people still depend on it, so we're postponing the deprecation.
(I'm the creator of xstream and Cycle.js)
I found some information about this but I have several confusion regarding this. So when we need to use this RX.NET.
What are the important of using this items? When I need to use this?
As with every toolset, it can shape how you approach problems. Given a hammer, all your problems may become nails. It is the same with Rx.NET. It gives you a new approach. Whether you choose to use this approach for a particular problem is up to you, and as with any tool or technology, there are plusses and minuses. You will need to study and gain experience to make those sort of complex judgements for yourself.
For starters, Rx.NET allows you to cultivate the approach of programming 'reactively.' This is akin to functional programming, in the sense that you declare behavour as being composed of underlying behavior. Rx.NET allows you to specify functions over streams to give new streams. This powerful technique can be applied to almost any problem you can imagine.
For example, a program using Linq and Rx.NET to draw mouse movements as points on a screen within a bounding box would like something like:
where mouseMovements would be your mouse event as an observable
You could declare the
myPointsInBox = mouseMovements.Where(box.Contains(m))
as its own observable and have multiple subscribers:
you can make streams from streams
var everyThousandthPoint= myPointsInBox.Buffer(….).Select(…)
and then do things with them
You get the idea.
Sorry, if the topic title does not convey the problem.
As part of a project we want to expose an expressive language to the User, mostly for defining simple expressions, but possibly the ability to write procedures as well as any complex calculations they might want to do with the data.
Of course, the natural choice would be to expose an entire language like Python (maybe with some project-specific functions to ease user programmability) and then invoking a Python interpreter from the application code. That is fine..
However, the requirement is that in this language, any variable resolution (say $data etc) needs to be done by our code, since it needs to be fetched specifically from various sources. Of course, once the data is fetched then the embedded language (say Python) has complete ownership to modify it in any way.
So, what might be the most elegant way to do this ? Embed a language but ability to hook the variable resolution. We could write a pre-processor which checks for the variables and replaces it with the raw data and then gives it to the embedded language interpreter. But, we would prefer having a hook-mechanism so that we are called for resolution of a variable...
Hope the Q is clear and thanks in advance.
Lua. www.lua.org
I'm looking for a D template library to take an arbitrary variable and marshal it into a transportable bundle. The variable might be a basic value type (int, char[], real) or might be a struct or class and even might contain or be a reference type. A system that can do this without any per type help would be nice but I suspect that it's to much to ask so I'd be happy with something that uses light weight annotations.
If nothing like that exists suggestions on how to structure it would be nice. I can think of a few ways to do the sterilization but I'm not sure how to specify the annotations.
Background: After trying to use ASMX and WCF web services and not likening them I'm felling like I want to try my hand at the RPC problem.
edit: BTW I don't care to much what the format in the middle is (XML, JASON, YAML, binary) as long as it's portable.
Have a look at Google Protocol Buffers. Maybe you can use the C++ or C bindings directly, or write D bindings yourself.
Here's a basic one I wrote for D 1.x. It was written quite some time ago, so it might be possible to improve it, but it does work. The actual format is basically network byte-order binary, so it should be safe to store and transfer the bytes.
It doesn't support classes or arbitrary pointers. To do that properly, you'd want something which memorised what references it had already serialised. If you restrict yourself to value types, arrays and AAs, it'll do the job.
If you do want to extend it to support classes, my advice would be to require toStream and fromStream methods to be defined.
I recommend you write your own, as it's a useful exercise in templating and helps you adapt the serialization format to your specific requirements.
You might want to take a look at tools.serialize (http://dsource.org/projects/scrapple/browser/trunk/tools/tools/serialize.d) as a starting point.
[edit] SORRY! Didn't realize it was you! :D
For starters I should let you guys know what I'm trying to do. The project I'm working on has a requirement that requires a custom scripting system to be built. This will be used by non-programmers who are using the application and should be as close to natural language as possible. An example would be if the user needs to run a custom simulation and plot the output, the code they would write would need to look like
variable input1 is 10;
variable input2 is 20;
variable value1 is AVERAGE(input1, input2);
variable condition1 is true;
if condition1 then PLOT(value1);
Might not make a lot of sense, but its just an example. AVERAGE and PLOT are functions we'd like to define, they shouldn't be allowed to change them or really even see how they work. Is something like this possible with DLR? If not what other options would we have(start with ANTRL to define the grammar and then move on?)? In the future this may need to run using XBAP and WPF too, so this is also something we need to consider, but haven't seen much if anything on dlr & xbap. Thanks, and hopefully this all makes sense.
Lua is not an option as it is to different from what they are already accustomed to.
Ralf, its going to reactive, and to be honest the timeframe for when the results should get back to the user may be 1/100 of a second all the way up to 2 weeks or a month(very complex mathematical functions).
Basically they already have a system they purchased that does some of what they need, and included a custom scripting language that does what I mentioned above and they don't want to have to learn a new one, they basically just want us to copy it and add functionality. I think I'll just start with ANTRL and go from there.
it's small, fast, easy to embed, portable, extensible, and fun!
Lua is definitly the best choice for soft real-time system (like computer games).
See http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/ for detailed benchmarks.
However, last time I checked, Lua used a mark-and-sweep garbage collector which can lead to deadline-violation and non-deterministic jitter in real-time systems.
I believe that you could use theoretically use the DLR, but I'm unsure about support in an XBAP (partially trusted?) scenario.
If you host the DLR you would quickly be able to take advantage of IronRuby or IronPython scripting. You would want to look at these implementations when creating your own language implementation. If you post your question to the IronPython mailing list I'm sure you would get a better reply around the XBAP scenario, and some of the developers there created ToyScript.
What kind of real-time requirement are you trying to fulfill? Is the simulation a hard real-time simulation (some kind of hardware-in-the-loop simulation ==> deadline is less than 1/1000 second)?
Or do you want the scripting-system to be "reactive" to user-input ==> 1/10 should be sufficient.
I am no expert regarding MS DLR, but as far as I know, it does not support hard real-time systems. You may want to take a look at the real-time specification for Java (RTSJ)
Firstly I think that defining your own language is not the way to go.
Primarily because the biggest productivity gains you can get for programmers or non-programmers are the development tools. You (and 99.9% of the rest of us) are not going to write tools as good as what is out their.
Language design is hard.
Language support and documentation, also hard
I would recommend looking for a pre-built solution. If you could find a language that can lock down some functionality, that would be a good starting point. MatLab would be the first that comes to my mind.
Lastly, ditch the natural language part, BASIC, COBOL and YA-TDWTF-Lang all tried and failed at it.
Full disclosure: I work for a company that is developing a generalized domain specific language "system". It's targeted at data-in/text-out applications so it's not apropos and it's not yet to beta. The result is I'm somewhat knowledgeable and biased.