DataStudio chart failing on initial page load in Internet Explorer 11 - internet-explorer-11

I have embedded a DataStudio chart on a page using an iframe. It loads without error in Chrome and Firefox, but in IE 11 it fails on initial load (it will load on refresh) and gives this message: "We're sorry! Data Studio is not available right now. Please try again later.".
I can't find any reference to this message that matches the behaviour. Is there any known problems on IE11 with DataStudio? Any other trouble-shooting methods to see what is causing this error?

I try to reproduce the issue with IE 11 browser and I am able to produce the issue.
I noticed that Data of the chart is displaying but chart is not displaying. You can notice that options for charts are also there.
Other thing I noticed that there is an error in the console.
I tried to configure some IE options and settings but it did not made any difference in the result.
I suggest you to keep similar security settings level for all security zones and test on your side.
I try to find the browser support related information in Google Data Studio documentation but I did not got relevant information.
While using the Google Data Studio, I noticed that it is not rendering and working properly with IE as it works with Chrome browser.
In my search, I found that many other users has similar question which was posted on their support forum.
Charts not displayed in Microsoft Edge/IE
Unable to visualize some google data studio charts in Internet
explorer... does it supports IE?
Data Studio issue on Internet Explorer
At present, Based on user experience. It looks like Google Data studio is not fully compatible with IE and Edge browser.
I suggest you to raise a question about IE support on their official forum.
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Clarify what is safari classic mode?

My outlook add-in submission failed because my add-in doesn't load successfully in safari classic mode (as per email received from outlook validation team).
It is working nicely on safari Version 13.0.5.
I have been trying to get clarification on how to test this also -- at least I think we're talking about the same thing. In our latest report from Microsoft, this is referred to as "Safari in Outlook Web App Classic mode." I've also seen the wording "classic experience."
My understanding is that this refers to a "classic" mode of Outlook, not of Safari. They happen to be testing it in Safari. We're able to get to the classic mode, or something like it, by going to this URL:
You'll see a different Outlook UI there. I don't think this is sufficient for really testing classic mode, because some of the links will take you back to the now-default UI.
Finally, we got past an issue that was worded as "not available to be loaded" by changing the minimum version of the requirement set specified in our add-in's manifest from 1.7 to 1.6. The symptom was that although you could add the add-in in classic mode, it didn't show up in the menu to use. Fortunately our add-in does work with 1.6. This doesn't seem quite right, but it does work, and might point you in the right direction.
On requirement sets and Outlook clients supported:

YouTube Javascript API loadVideoByID bug in Internet Explorer

Hopefully somebody can verify this or shed some insight.
The most basic use of player.loadVideoByID() method seems not to be working in IE.
I have deployed the google getting started sample code from:
to my site to illustrate the issue.
You can use this link and view the source to easily see it in action.
You will also note that the sample which autoplays in chrome, ff & safari merely shows the play icon in IE.
So that is really 2 bugs.
No autoplay and loadVideoByID() is tossing an exception in all flavors of IE.
I have wrapped the loadVideoByID() method call in a try catch and you can see it is no longer working in IE but is fine in chrome, ff & safari.
I would imagine this is affecting EVERY IE YT API app that uses this method call and therefore should be a major priority for google/YouTube team. Since stackoverflow has the best developer response times I thought I would reach out for support here.
Thanks very much!

WebSQL chrome admin tool

I am building an app using a web SQL database. I remember seeing somewhere that there is a way using Google Chrome to inspect the web SQL databases,
however I can't find the correct way of doing this.
You can inspect databases with Chrome DevTools using the Resources Panel.
Using PersistenceJS there is a persistence.reset API which will wipe the database clean.
PersistenceJS Site
For developing / testing purposes, you can view content and delete webSQL, IndexedDB, cookies, etc by searching for your domain name at this URL in Chrome:
There, you can delete all the storage for a domain or just certain local storage entities. Yes, the URL implies just 'cookies', but the interface at this URL includes all types of offline storage.
It would be great I think if the Chrome developer tools interface had the ability to right-click and delete a data storage entity in the Resources tab along with inspecting the content. But for now, all I know of is the settings/cookies URL.
You can use keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + i to open developer tools on Chrome.
Then go to resources tab (pink oval in screenshot below)
When there click on WebSQL and you will see list of databases that you can expand (red oval in screenshot below).

Obtain control names in Windows application

Haven't found this in my search on Stackoverflow - I know I've seen a tool like it before, for obtaining control names or IDs in Windows apps which can then be used for reference in automated testing, in tools like AutoIt. Can anyone suggest one?
I've tried the OLE/COM Object Viewer and while it has control lists, there's no interactive method with it. Like the web developer toolkit in Firefox where you can click a control and get all the information about it, I'm after a similar app for Windows testing.
It's called Spy++.
Found the tool I wanted, either NUnitForms - which means you can use the NUnit Framework to access windows forms, and includes a Recorder tool for identifying the controls, as well as Managed Spy for giving the individual component names as well as every bit of other info - font, color, size. Very nice.
NUnitForms :

Execution cannot be found (rsExecutionNotFound)

I keep getting the errror "Execution 'APPLICATION ID' cannot be found (rsExecutionNotFound)" using SQL Server Reporting. It keeps happening for the same user, with the same application ID. While it happens for some other users it happens a lot for this one user. I have tried increasing the session timeout as menetioned here: The users don't say they are experiencing any problems, just us web developers can see them in the exception reporting.
Any thoughts?
We got around this issue with a client by clearing his web cache and deleting his cookies. Weird...
I just resolved this specific error for one user. This user could not run any reports using the report URL from her PC. She could run reports from other PCs though. I discovered that this user had not modified certain IE Internet\Scripting settings nor had this user downloaded the RSClientPrint ActiveX control. Not sure which of these was causing the problem, but when properly set and the user downloaded the RSClientPrint ActiveX control the error went away. Please note that my resolution might not work for you. I have a personal document with the needed settings but could not post them here. You will need to look in Books Online to obtain the internet settings necessary for running reports.
I have answered this in another thread
I hope this helps.