How to add stops per vehicle in SUMO , project_flow - sumo

I want to add a custom stop for a vehicle, with custom duration time, but the vehicle don't wait the specified duration at the stops
I'm trying to use the function 'setStop' from traci/_vehicle.
i defined duration and when that didn't work, i tried adding the 'until' parameter.
this is the related documentation i am referencing,_Vehicle_Types,_and_Routes.html#stops
i expected the vehicle to reach the specified stop location and hold there for the specified duration.
but the vehicle arrives at the location, stops, and immidiatly starts accelerating again with 0 time waiting

found out my problem, the issue was with the acceleration_controller which would cause the vehicles to ignore the stops assigned to them


PedSelectOutPut routing pedestrians inconsistently

I am simulating the passenger changeover process in metros using the Anylogic Pedestrian Library.
When passengers enter the vehicle, a seat is assigned to them from the seats available near the door (within a given distance) they entered the vehicle through, using a function called lookForSeat. If there is no more free seat available, their boolean parameter wantToSit is set to false and they will stay standing.
The parameter wantToSit is predefined for the Passenger Agent, with default value randomtrue(0.8). But even if I set it to default value = 1, I get the same error.
Then, passengers are separated using a PedSelectOutput block:
Condition 1: if ped.WantToSit = true --> they are sent to their
assigned seat coordinates (PointNode 'seatPoint', null by default)
Condition 2: true (thus, ped.WantToSit = false) --> they stay in the
standing area in the vehicle, no assigned seatPoint necessary in this case.
Now, it works pretty well, but when the majority of the seats is already occupied, suddenly the PedSelectOutput block directs a passenger with ped.wantToSit to its seating point, which gives null and I get the NullPointerException error.
Attached you find the function, the settings of PedSelectOutput and the log from the command.
As it can be seen, the PedSelectOutput sends the passenger through exit 1 (which gives the error due to calling the coordinates of a "null"), despite ped.wantToSit = false.
Any ideas, what is going wrong? For me it really looks like the function is working properly - I have been changing it the whole day until I realized that something in the PedSelectOutput block goes wrong.
Thank you in advance!
Pic 1: pedSelectOutput block and the command with the log
Pic 2: the function lookForSeat assigning the seats from the seat Collection
The problem here is a subtle one, which has caused me many hours of debugging as well. What you need to understand is that the on exit code is only executed once the agent already has a path to which it is going to exit. i.e. the selectOutput and subsequent blocks are already evaluated and only once it is determined that the agent can move to the next block then the on exit code is called. But the agent will continue on its chosen path that has been determined before the on exit code has been executed.
See the small example below:
I have a pedestrian with a variable that is true by default and a select output that checks this value
If I ran the model all pedestrians exit at the top option, as expected
If I change the variable to false on the On Exit code I might expect that all pedestrians will now exit at the second option
But they don't there is no change....
If I add the code to the on enter code then it does..

How to correctly add a labor transaction record in a Maximo automation script

Hi I'm trying to add a labor transaction from an action automation script with the object being ASSIGNMENT in Maximo. I am currently trying the code below.
labTransSet = MXServer.getMXServer().getMboSet("LABTRANS",ui);
labTrans = labTransSet.add();
labTrans.setValue("laborcode", userLabor);
labTrans.setValue("wonum", assignWonum);
sds1=SimpleDateFormat(" aa").format(firstDate);
sds2=SimpleDateFormat(" aa").format(Date());
labTrans.setValue("STARTTIME", sds1);
labTrans.setValue("FINISHTIME", sds2);;
userLabor is the username of the current user
assignWonum is the assignment work order number
firstDate is the scheduled date field from the assignment
The labor record is being added correctly with the right data, but when I go to route my workflow after the script is called from a button, I am given the warning BMXAA8229W WOACTIVITY has been updated by another user and the work order does not route. I am under the impression that this is happening because the assignment object for the script is being queried at the same time I try to add and save a labor record. Does anyone know if my guess is correct or what else the problem is and how I can fix this? Thanks
That error occurs because Maximo already has one version of the record loaded into memory when the record in the database is modified independently. Maximo then tries to work with the in-memory object and sees it doesn't match what is in the database and throws that error. Timing doesn't really have anything to do with it (other than that an edit happened at some point after the record was loaded into memory).
What you need to do is make sure you are modifying the exact same task/assignment/labtrans record that has already been loaded into memory. That "MXServer.getMXServer().getMboSet" stuff is guaranteed to use a new object. That is how you start a new transaction in Maximo; how you make sure you are not using anything already loaded into memory. I suspect you want to get your set off of the implicit "mbo" object the script will give to you.

When Elm Html.Program calls subscriptions

I've found a possible answer to this question in a Google Group but I'll like to know if it's correct and add a follow-up question if it is correct.
The answer there is
Every time the global update function in your app runs for any reason,
the global subscriptions object is reevaluated as well, and effect
managers receive the new list of current subscriptions
If any time the model is changed subscriptions get called what is the effect on subscriptions such as Time.every second taken from Time Effect Elm Guide - is that means the timer get reset when the model changes? What if that was Time.every minute - if the model changes 20 seconds after it starts will it fire in 60 - 20 = 40 seconds or will it fire in 1 minute?
You can check when update and subscriptions are called by adding a Debug.log statement to each. The subscriptions function is called first at the start (since the messages which will be sent to update may depend on it) and also after each call to update.
The timer interval seems to be unaffected by subsequent calls to subscriptions. For example, if you use the elm clock example, change the subscription to
Time.every (10*Time.second) Tick
and add a button to the view which resets the model value to 0, you will see that the tick still takes place at regular 10s intervals, no matter when you click the button.
TLDR; It will fire in 1 minute, unless you turn your subscription
off and on during the first minute
Every time your update runs, the subscriptions function will run too.
The subscriptions function essentially is a list of things you want your app to subscribe to.
In the example you have a subscription that generates a Tick message every 60 seconds.
The behavior you may expect is:
T= 0s: The first time subscriptions runs, you start your subscription to "receive Tick message every 60 seconds".
T= between 0 AND 60s: As long as that particular subscription remains ON, it doesn't matter how often your update function runs. subscriptions will be run, but as long as your particular subscription to the Tick remains ON, things are fine.
T= 60s: You receive a Tick message from your subscription, which in turn will fire update to be called.
T= 60s: subscriptions will run again (because of previous call to update)
What could be interesting is what happens if the subscription to Tick is canceled along the way and then reinstated:
T= 0: subscription to Tick
T= 20s: suppose something changes in the model, causing subscription to Tick to be canceled
T= 40s: some other change in model, causing subscription to Tick to be turned on again
T= 100s: Tick message is fired, and passed to update function
T= 100s: subscriptions will run again

GML Alarm event not working second time

I have my game setup so that it starts and goes back to a loading screen room for 45 steps after which the next room is randomized. So at alarm[0] the following code activates:
chosenRoom = choose(rm_roomOne, rm_roomTwo, rm_roomThree, rm_roomFour);
The code here works fine the first time, but when it goes back from the randomly chosen room to the loading screen room it stays there and doesn't execute the code again.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
This may sound stupid but did you remember to set the alarm again after it's gone off? I know I've done this several times without thinking. Without seeing your code, I assume that after the alarm goes off it's not being set again, so it won't go off again.
I'm guessing the control object is "persistant", thus the Control Object only exists once and will remain forever (also after swithcing rooms) - thus thie create event only gets fired once - thus the alarm only gets set once.
Try to move your code to the event "Room Start" in your controller and it will work.
you can use event_perform(ev_alarm,0);.
The code here performs alarm[0] after 45 steps. after 45 steps again it triggers alarm[0]. Note that you have to put it in step event. And you have to initialize wait variable and times to zero in create event.
times is the repeat and wait is distance between events.
if(wait == 45 && times !=2){
wait = 0;

How to get priority of current job?

In beanstalkd
telnet localhost 11300
put 0 100 120 5
How can I know what is the priority of this job when I reserve it? And can I release it by making the new priority equals to current priority +100?
Beanstalkd doesn't return the priority with the data - but you could easily add it as metadata in your own message body. for example, with Json as a message wrapper:
The next message that will be reserved will be the next available entry from the selected tubes, according to priority and time - subject to any delay that you had requested when you originally sent the message to the queue.
Addition: You can get the priority of a beanstalk job (as well as a number of other pieces of information, such as how many times it has previously been reserved), but it's an additional call - to the stats-job command. Called with the jobId, it returns about a dozen different pieces of information. See the protocol document, and your libraries docs.