Does `` return random sample? - tensorflow

Different calls of return different batches from the given dataset. Are those samples chosen randomly or is there another mechanism at play?
This is all the more confusing that the documentation makes no reference as to the randomness of the sampling.

Most probably, you might be using data.shuffle() before
Commenting that out should make the iterator behave as intended: take the same results over and over for each iterator run.
-- Or if you used an api that automatically shuffles without asking like image_dataset_from_directory
shuffle: Whether to shuffle the data. Default: True.
If set to False, sorts the data in alphanumeric order.
You would have to explicitly set shuffle=False when creating the dataset

I am a newbie to this domain. But from what I have seen in my notebook is that the take() does pick random samples. For instance, in the image shown here, I had just called image_dataset_from_directory() before calling take(), so no shuffling preceded the take op, still I see different samples on every run. Pls correct me if I am wrong, will help my understanding as well.


Can you build a model that normalises FEATURES using the test set while avoiding data leakage?

Just can't wrap my head around this one.
I understand that:
Normalising a target variable using the test set uses information on that target variable in the test set. This means we get inflated performance metrics that cannot be replicated once we receive a new test set (which does not have a target variable available).
However, when we receive a new test set, we do have predictor variables available. What is wrong with using these to normalise? Yes, the predictors contain information that relates to the target variable, however that's literally the definition of predicting using a model, we use the information in predictors to get specific predictions for a target. Why can't it be built-in to the model definition that it uses input data to normalise, before predicting?
The performance metrics, surely, wouldn't be skewed as we are just using information from the predictors.
Yes, the test set is supposed to be 'unseen', but in reality, surely it's only the test set target variable that is unseen, not the predictors.
I have read around this and answers so far are vague, just repeating that test set is unseen and that we gain information about the test set. I would really appreciate an answer on why we can't use specifically the predictors, as I think the target case is obvious.
Thanks in advance!!
Having gone away and thought about my Q - normalising our data on the training set as well - I realise this doesn't make much sense. Normalising is not part of the training, but something we do before training, therefore normalising w/ test set features is fine as an idea, but we then would have to go train this normalised data on the training set outcomes. I originally thought "normalise on more data" > "normalise on less data" but actually we'd normalise on one set (training + test), then fit on another (training). Probably get a more poorly trained model as a result and so as I believe it's a stupid idea!

How to control reduction strategy for stateful metric in keras mirrored strategy

I use keras fit() method with custom metrics passed to model.
The metrics are stateful - i.e. are a subclass of a Metric, as described in
When I run the code in a multi-gpu environment using a tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy() my metric code is called on every GPU separately with batch_size/no_of_gpus examples passed, which is reasonable to expect.
What happens next is that multiple scalars (one from every GPU) of the metric value need to be reduced to a single scalar, and what I get all the time is a sum reduction, while I would like to control that.
Keep in mind, that reduction parameter is the one of Loss in keras, and there is no such thing in the Metric class:
(the only crazy thing I tried was to inherit from a Mean class that is a subclass of a Metric but that didn't change anything)
reduction is mentioned in the metrics code, however this is a reduction over multiple accumulated values in a single metric object, and in multi-gpu setting - this is not the case, as every metric works in its own GPU and is somehow aggregated at the end.
The way I debugged it to understand this behaviour was - I was printing the shapes and the results inside update_state method of the metric. And then I looked at value of the metric in logs object in on_batch_end callback.
I tried looking at TF code, but couldn't find the place this is happening.
I would like to be able to control this behaviour - so either pick 'mean' or 'sum' for the metric, or at least know where it is being done in the code.
Edited: I guess this sheds some more light on this issue
I am facing the same problem as you (and that's why I found your question).
Seeing that it's been 15 days since you asked the question and there are no answers/comments yet, I thought I might share my temporary workaround.
Like you, I also think that a SUM reduction has been performed when combining progress over multiple GPUs. What I did is to pass the number of GPUs (e.g. given by the num_replicas_in_sync attribute of your tf.distribute strategy object) into the __init__(...) constructor of your sub-classed metric object, and use it to divide the return value in the results() method.
Potentially, you could also use tf.distribute.get_strategy() from within the metric object to make it "strategy aware", and use the information to decide how to modify the values in an ad hoc manner so that the SUM reduction will produce what you want.
I hope this helps for now, whether as a suggestion or as a confirmation that you're not alone on this.
When implementing the subclass of the Keras Metric class, you have to override the merge_state() function correctly. If you do not override this function, the default implementation will be used - which is a simple sum.

Pytorch register_hook to Keras implementation

Im trying to implement the following project into Tensorflow/Keras.
Im having a hard time understanding what register_hook does? It can be found in, row 66.
I've searched for clear explanations regarding this function and tried to find Keras-equivalents, without any luck. Do you have answers to these questions?
First things first, here's the documentation:
This allows you to register a method to a Variable that is called whenever the Variable's .grad is updated, i.e. in a backward pass, and takes the grad as input. The method can return a Variable that would replace the original .grad or None if you just want to read the gradients to do something else.
If you update the gradients this way, the nodes further down in the compute graph see the new updated gradient in the backward pass and will have their respective gradients calculated with the updated value.
I'm not a Tensorflow expert, but the RegisterGradient decorators (documentation) seem to be able to do the same, for an example see this answer.

Tensorflow Shuffle Batch Non Deterministic

I am trying to get deterministic behaviour from tf.train.shuffle_batch(). I could, instead, use tf.train.batch() which works fine (always the same order of elements), but I need to get examples from multiple tf-records and so I am stuck with shuffle_batch().
I am using:
data_entries = tf.train.shuffle_batch(
[data], batch_size=batch_size, num_threads=1, capacity=512,
seed=57, min_after_dequeue=32)
But every time I restart my script I get slightly different results (not completely different, but about 20% of the elements are in the wrong order).
Is there anything I am missing?
Edit: Solved it! See my answer below!
Maybe I misunderstood something, but you can collect multiple tf-records in a queue with tf.train.string_input_producer(), then read the examples into tensors and finally use tf.train.batch().
Take a look at CIFAR-10 input.
Answering my own question:
First the reason shuffle_batch is non deterministic:
The time until I request a batch is inherently random.
In that time, a random number of tensors are available.
Tensorflow calls a shuffle operation that is seeded but depending on the number of items, it will return a different order.
So no matter the seeding, the order is always different unless the number of elements is constant. So the solution is to keep the number of elements constant, but how we do it?
By setting capacity=min_after_dequeue+batch_size. This will force Tensorflow to fill up the queue until it reaches full capacity before dequeuing an item. Therefore, at the time of the shuffle operation, we have capacity many items which is a constant number.
So why are we doing this? Because one tf.record contains many examples but we want examples from multiple tf.records. With a normal batch we would first get all the examples of one record and then of the next one. This also means we should set min_after_dequeue to something larger than the number of items in one tf.record. In my example, I have 50 examples in one file so I set min_after_dequeue=2048.
Alternatively, we can also shuffle the examples before creating the tf.records, but this was not possible for me because I read tf.records from multiple directories (each with their own dataset).
Last Note: You should also use a batch size of 1 to be super save.

Tensorflow--how to limit epochs with evaluation only?

Given that I train a model; save it off with metagraph/save.Saver, and the load that graph into a new script/process to test against test data, what is the best way to make sure I only iterate over the test data once?
With my training data, I want to be able to iterate over the entire data set for an arbitrary number of iterations. I use
to drive a queue of loading files for training, so I can safely leave num_epochs as default (=None) and let other controls drive training termination.
However, when I run the graph for evaluation, I just want to the evaluate the test set once (and gather the appropriate statistics).
Initial attempted solution:
Make a tensor for Epochs, and pass that into tf.train.string_input_producer, and then tf.Assign it to the appropriate value based on test/train.
tf.train.string_input_producer only takes integers as num_epochs, so this isn't possible...unless I'm missing something.
Further notes: I use
to read-in test/train data that has been serialized into protocol buffers (, so I have minimal visibility into how the data is loaded and how far along it is.
tf.train.batch apparently will throw tf.errors.OutOfRangeError, but I'm not clear how to catch that successfully, or if that is even what I really want to do. I tried a very naive
(like in, which didn't catch the error from tf.train.batch.