Is it possible to loop through sapgui array using a for next loop in excel vba? - vba

I would like to loop through and read back the text boxes of each element in SAP GUI table/array:
dim Rtned_Desc as string
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tabsTS_ITOV/tabpTCMA/ssubSUBPAGE:SAPLCSDI:0152/tblSAPLCSDITCMAT/ctxtRC29P-IDNRK[2,0]").caretPosition = 9
Rtned_Desc = session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tabsTS_ITOV/tabpTCMA/ssubSUBPAGE:SAPLCSDI:0152/tblSAPLCSDITCMAT/ctxtRC29P-IDNRK[2,0]").Text
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tabsTS_ITOV/tabpTCMA/ssubSUBPAGE:SAPLCSDI:0152/tblSAPLCSDITCMAT/ctxtRC29P-IDNRK[2,1]").caretPosition = 9
Rtned_Desc = session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tabsTS_ITOV/tabpTCMA/ssubSUBPAGE:SAPLCSDI:0152/tblSAPLCSDITCMAT/ctxtRC29P-IDNRK[2,1]").Text
I'd like to do a "for next" loop, something like this:
for index = 0 to 10
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tabsTS_ITOV/tabpTCMA/ssubSUBPAGE:SAPLCSDI:0152/tblSAPLCSDITCMAT/ctxtRC29P-IDNRK[2,index]").caretPosition = 9
Rtned_Desc = session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tabsTS_ITOV/tabpTCMA/ssubSUBPAGE:SAPLCSDI:0152/tblSAPLCSDITCMAT/ctxtRC29P-IDNRK[2,index]).Text
I have been trying to escape the 'index' variable, but have failed. Is this the right approach?

You can try the following:
for index = 0 to 10
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tabsTS_ITOV/tabpTCMA/ssubSUBPAGE:SAPLCSDI:0152/tblSAPLCSDITCMAT/ctxtRC29P-IDNRK[2," & cstr(index) & "]").SetFocus
'It is not necessarily needed.
'session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tabsTS_ITOV/tabpTCMA/ssubSUBPAGE:SAPLCSDI:0152/tblSAPLCSDITCMAT/ctxtRC29P-IDNRK[2,index]").caretPosition = 9
Rtned_Desc = session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tabsTS_ITOV/tabpTCMA/ssubSUBPAGE:SAPLCSDI:0152/tblSAPLCSDITCMAT/ctxtRC29P-IDNRK[2," & cstr(index) & "]").Text
Regards, ScriptMan


VBA: loop losing variable value

I've got a strange problem with a loop in VBA, as it seems to be losing the value of my variable. Any ideas why? If i delete the loop, debug.print shows "test", otherwise it's empty (unless I print the value of "dupa" inside the loop)... Seems very strange.
Function carbon_copy(indeks As String) As String
Dim emails(1 To 3) As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim dupa As String
emails(1) = ""
emails(2) = ""
emails(3) = ""
i = 1
dupa = "test"
Do While emails(i) <> ""
If i = indeks Then
GoTo NextIteration
End If
dupa = dupa & ";" & emails(i)
i = i + 1
Debug.Print dupa
carbon_copy = dupa
End Function
You should get a runtime error 9 since you index i will be 4 after you looped through your emails String array. As soon as it tries to compare the value of emails(4) with "" it should produce the "index out of range" since you have defined your Array to be only 3 elements long.
For a little clarification try this example code, it should produce the same error:
Function littleTest()
Dim teststr(1 To 3) As String
Dim i As Integer
teststr(1) = "abc"
teststr(2) = "def"
teststr(3) = "ghi"
i = 1
Do While teststr(i) <> ""
Debug.Print "i do it for the " & i & " time!"
i = i + 1
End Function
You have already found the solution yourself since UBound() is returning the actual length of your array which is in your case three so it will never search beyond the array.
You're indexing out of the array bounds. The condition Do While emails(i) <> "" is always true given your array, so the this fails on emails(4). Just test the array bounds and loop over that:
For i = LBound(emails) To UBound(emails)
If emails(i) <> "" And i = indeks Then
dupa = dupa & ";" & emails(i)
End If
Actually, I've already solved the problem by using other loop type (For i = 1 To UBound(emails), Next i), but why the previous loop did not work is still quite mysterious to me... If anyone can explain, I'd appreciate it, as I prefer to understand things rather thank just do them correctly.
this should work (explanations in comments):
Function carbon_copy(indeks As Long) As String
Dim emails(1 To 3) As String
Dim i As Long
Dim dupa As String
emails(1) = ""
emails(2) = ""
emails(3) = ""
i = 1
Do While emails(i) <> ""
If i <> indeks Then dupa = dupa & ";" & emails(i) ' update 'dupa' if current index doesn't natch passed 'indeks'
i = i + 1
If i > UBound(emails, 1) Then Exit Do ' be sure to exit upon exceeding 'emails()' array size
carbon_copy = dupa
End Function

How can I write this VBA code more efficient?

is there a possible way to write this piece of VBA code more efficient?
With the use of for loops or so?
And make it more general, not with the fixed cells?
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Range("A31").Formula = "=index(Optional_Processes,1)"
Range("A32").Formula = "=index(Optional_Processes,2)"
Range("A33").Formula = "=index(Optional_Processes,3)"
Range("A34").Formula = "=index(Optional_Processes,4)"
Range("A35").Formula = "=index(Optional_Processes,5)"
Range("A36").Formula = "=index(Optional_Processes,6)"
Range("A37").Formula = "=index(Optional_Processes,7)"
Range("A38").Formula = "=index(Optional_Processes,8)"
Range("A39").Formula = "=index(Optional_Processes,9)"
Range("A40").Formula = "=index(Optional_Processes,10)"
Range("A41").Formula = "=index(Optional_Processes,11)"
Range("A42").Formula = "=index(Optional_Processes,12)"
Another way to do it in one hit would be:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Range("A31:A42").Formula = "=index(optional_processes,row()-30)"
End Sub
This wouldn't put 1,2,3 etc as the last argument but when placed on row 31 it will return 1 (row()-30) and so on.
Using a For loop, like this:
Dim i As Long
For i = 2 To 12
Range("A" & 30 + i).Formula = "=index(Optional_Processes," & i & ")"
Next i
2nd Option:
Dim CellStart As Range
Set CellStart = Range("A30") ' set the Start Cell anchor
For i = 2 To 12
CellStart.Offset(i).Formula = "=index(Optional_Processes," & i & ")"
Next i

word vba - remove manually typed list number

I have lot of documents with list number typed manually, so my intent is to remove those manual list number and the tab or space following it.
1. Text 1
1.1 Text 2
1.1.1 Text 3 Text 4
Text 1
Text 2
Text 3
Text 4
I'm not sure how to do this with vba and I'd really appreciate your help.
I have figured it out by using below code:
Sub RemoveManualListNumber()
Dim strInitialPar As String
Dim intSpace As Integer, intTab As Integer
Dim strFinalPar As String
Dim iPar
For iPar = 1 To ActiveDocument.Paragraphs.Count
strInitialPar = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(iPar).Range.Text
intSpace = InStr(1, strInitialPar, " ")
intTab = InStr(1, strInitialPar, Chr(9))
Debug.Print "Paragraph " & iPar & ": " & "Index space = " & intSpace & ", Index tab = " & intTab
If intTab > 0 And intTab < intSpace Then
strFinalPar = Right(strInitialPar, Len(strInitialPar) - intTab)
strFinalPar = Right(strInitialPar, Len(strInitialPar) - intSpace)
End If
ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(iPar).Range.Text = strFinalPar
Next iPar
End sub

VBA Excel Transform to loop

Here i have my hundred line of code please enlighten me about how do i put line code into loop
here is my try but i wont work out still trying
If sp.Name Like "Rounded Rectangle*" Or sp.Name Like "Oval*" Then
For i = 11 To 100
x = i - 9
Sheet2.Shapes.Range(Array("Rounded Rectangle " + i)).TextFrame.Characters.Text = Sheet1.Range("A" + x)
Next i
End If
and repeat until X = 110
in this case how can i change it in to correct loop please advice
thank you
This is a general approach to making a loop to cover a string variable....say we want to loop over Shape("Rectangle 1")....Shape("Rectangle 2")....Shape("Rectangle 3)..... , etc.
Dim str As String, i As Long
For i = 11 To 100
str = "Rectangle " & CStr(i)
Next i
and use a similar approach to make "A2"..."A3".........
simple math:
For i = 11 To 100
change to
For i = 11 To 119

Double For Loop in VB.NET

Dim ssi(11) As String
For i = 0 To 10
If ssi(i) = "" Then ssi(i) = "0"
For j = 0 To Val(ssi(11)) + i
ssi(i) = xuh(Val(ssi(i)))
If ssi(11) = "2" Then
L_zz.Caption = Val(Left(ssi(0) & ssi(1) & ssi(2) & ssi(3) & ssi(4) & ssi(5) & ssi(6) & ssi(7), ssi(10)))
ElseIf ssi(11) = "3" Then
L_zz.Caption = Val(Left(ssi(0) & ssi(1) & ssi(2) & ssi(3) & ssi(4) & ssi(5) & ssi(6) & ssi(7), ssi(10))) * (-1)
End If
I am new here and new to VB as well.
I am trying to understand this double loop in vb code.
ssi(i) is defined as a String variable. and each element is assigned to a specific number in a String. Hope I told it clearly.
My problem with this loop is below.
Since i ranges from 0 to 10, what does this j mean? Does j mean the new ssi(1-10) or another whatever number?
I think the best way to answer your question about understanding a double loop is to try looking at something simpler.
The first program I always write in each new version of BASIC that comes along is a 12 times table.
I've modified it a bit below to be a 12 x 10 table for the purpose of illustrating for you how a double loop works ... hope it helps:
For x As Integer = 1 To 12
For y As Integer = 1 To 10
Console.Write(x * y)