Unable to run dev- server (npm) - npm

For some reason i cant launch npm run dev-server
Please notice that i'm sudo
If someone have a solution to solve this problem please, let me know.
Edit : Does someone know where is this .sh ?


npm start error - No production canister_ids.json found. Continuing with local

Whenever I run npm start the same "error" message appears "No production canister_ids.json found. Continuing with local"
At first there seemed to be a proxy problem, detectable in the browser console. I managed to solve it by editing the proxy in webpack.config.js
However, the error on npm start continues.
I've already tried changing the versions of npm, webpack, webpack-dev-server, dotenv-webpack and editing the "start" in "package.json", but it doesn't work.
Can anyone recommend another solution?
Or how to identify exactly what the problem is?
enter image description here
Thanks :)
After all, it's just a warning that appears because I haven't deployed to the network yet :D
Thanks to Kyle Peacock for the help!
Edit: Updating webpack version to 4.10.0 in the package.json and running npm install fixed the issue.
Related issue from webpack repo: webpack/webpack#15951

npm install -g eas-cli fails

I am a newbie to react-native and would like to start developing a react-native app.
I could have started developing by react-native-cli, but I heard there was something called Expo and a way to open an initial app with expo-cli.
I copied and pasted this code npm install -g eas-cli, but it gave me a huge long error message I put its screenshot below.
I have no idea about the system?? inside my computer.
I would be so grateful if anyone gives me a possible solution.
Thanks for your valuable time^^
=========== Edit ===========
So I read the first comment, and run this command on my Mac brew install nvm. It worked nicely and looked for more information for what to do from this point. Then I ran this command mkdir ~/.nvm, and I am stack now. I created a directory called .nvm, but so what from now??
Thanks a lot for taking your time to help me!!
You probably installed npm using sudo, or something like that.
I would recommend to install npm using nvm. It usually removes all those errors.

npm install on VueJS

I am trying to install this script. I am trying to run npm install command. But this is not working. This is stuck after message idealTree:color-convert: timing idealTree:node_modules/c.
Could anyone help me to install this script ?
I tried it myself and had the same issue.
There might be an issue on the author's end or with some dependency.
Try contacting the author of the package to investigate the issue.
You can create an issue here: https://github.com/creativetimofficial/vue-notus/issues
nice you can delete your node modules and try again...
or you can try npm cache clean
if both fails you can try yarn...

npm not working - “read ECONNRESET” when installing hdwallet-provider

npm install #truffle/hdwallet-provider
gives me ECONNRESET after being stuck on rollbackFailedOptional.
Already tried the first 2 solutions from here. Already tried running npm install again, this one is working properly.
More info on the packet: https://www.npmjs.com/package/#truffle/hdwallet-provider
Yes, I do have Web3 1.2.11, Node v14.3. I am running the command in a VSCode terminal, I have a stable internet connection.
What can I do to fix this?
A simple terminal reset was not enough.
A clean restart of the laptop fixed it (shut down + power on).
What happened is completely beyond me. Maybe this will help somebody else.

When i do npm install multer --save, i face the following error. I am not able to find the reason. I need some help in finding this issue

this is the error! but I don't know why!
Try this code to install multer. It worked for me.
npm install #types/multer