RabbitMQ direct exchange, with routing key and no queues or subscribers, is this ok for performance? - rabbitmq

I have an exchange that's going to receive roughly 50 messages per second. These messages have a unique identifier which relates to each unit in the field. This unique identifier will be the routing key. Every now and again we need to debug or analyse a unit. At that point in time we will spin up a queue, with the correct routing key, and bind it to the exchange. This way, that queue will start receiving the messages for that unit and any consumers monitoring that queue, will then receive the messages.
What this does mean is that 99% of the time, the exchange will have no queues and no routing key. Then, every now and again a queue and routing key will be created and subscribe.
It feels kind of wasteful to be sending 50 messages per second at an exchange, when its just going to immediately discard them. That said, it feels like this how RabbitMQ exchanges are supposed to be used. I guess from a developer perspective i feel like this is wasteful but I also think my understanding of rabbit says that this is the correct way to do.
Is there any overhead to doing this? Any performance concerns I should have? or maybe I am approaching this entirely wrong?
I did try to search before asking but nothing really describes a scenario where an exchange has no queue or routing key, but is still receiving messages.

This is basically how RabbitMQ works, as you have described. The broker is not responsible for how often and how many events you decide to publish. It will nonetheless protect from too much pressure. It has a credit based flow control mechanism. RabbitMQ flow control.
RabbitMQ has different ways in which unroutable messages can be handled.Unroutable Message Handling How to deal with unroutable messages
To sum up a bit the information you will find on those links:
If the publisher does not set the message as mandatory, it will either be discarded or republished to a different alternate exchange that you can configure. This only makes sense if you want to persist all unroutable messages regardless of the source in a single queue, that you can handle later.
If the publisher sets the message as mandatory, the message will be returned to the publisher and the publisher can have a returned message handler setup in order to handle those events.
These strategies in addition to the flow control mechanism, also assure RabbitMQ reliability and protection.
In your situation if you want to limit the messages from producer even more, you need to create a mechanism, as an example, so the producer will not start publishing only when a consumer becomes active. So basically the consumer process will communicate the producer process that it is active and it can start publishing. But from my experience I don't think it's worth the overhead, at least at first, because 50 messages per seconds isn't much. You can monitor the RabbitMQ server and check how is the resource consumption to check if you need to optimize, at first. Optimization is best done with metrics and understanding.


To be sure about concurrency, same group of works in multiple queues (FIFO)

I have a question about multi consumer concurrency.
I want to send works to rabbitmq that comes from web request to distributed queues.
I just want to be sure about order of works in multiple queues (FIFO).
Because this request comes from different users eech user requests/works must be ordered.
I have found this feature with different names on Azure ServiceBus and ActiveMQ message grouping.
Is there any way to do this in pretty RabbitMQ ?
I want to quaranty that customer's requests must be ordered each other.
Each customer may have multiple requests but those requests for that customer must be processed in order.
I desire to process quickly incoming requests with using multiple consumer on different nodes.
For example different customers 1 to 1000 send requests over 1 millions.
If I put this huge request in only one queue it takes a lot of time to consume. So I want to share this process load between n (5) node. For customer X 's requests must be in same sequence for processing
When working with event-based systems, and especially when using multiple producers and/or consumers, it is important to come to terms with the fact that there usually is no such thing as a guaranteed order of events. And to get a robust system, it is also wise to design the system so the message handlers are idempotent; they should tolerate to get the same message twice (or more).
There are way to many things that may (and actually should be allowed to) interfere with the order;
The producers may deliver the messages in a slightly different pace
One producer might miss an ack (due to a missed package) and will resend the message
One consumer may get and process a message, but the ack is lost on the way back, so the message is delivered twice (to another consumer).
Some other service that your handlers depend on might be down, so that you have to reject the message.
That being said, there is one pattern that servicebus-systems like NServicebus use to enforce the order messages are consumed. There are some requirements:
You will need a centralized storage (like a sql-server or document store) that allows for conditional updates; for instance you want to be able to store the sequence number of the last processed message (or how far you have come in the process), but only if the already stored sequence/progress is the right/expected one. Storing the user-id and the progress even for millions of customers should be a very easy operation for most databases.
You make sure the queue is configured with a dead-letter-queue/exchange for retries, and then set your original queue as a dead-letter-queue for that one again.
You set a TTL (for instance 30 seconds) on the retry/dead-letter-queue. This way the messages that appear on the dead-letter-queue will automatically be pushed back to your original queue after some timeout.
When processing your messages you check your storage/database if you are in the right state to handle the message (i.e. the needed previous steps are already done).
If you are ok to handle it you do and update the storage (conditionally!).
If not - you nack the message, so that it is thrown on the dead-letter queue. Basically you are saying "nah - I can't handle this message, there are probably some other message in the queue that should be handled first".
This way the happy-path is to process a great number of messages in the right order.
But if something happens and a you get a message out of band, you will throw it on the retry-queue (the dead-letter-queue) and Rabbit will make sure it will get back in the queue to be retried at a later stage. But only after a delay.
The beauty of this is that you are able to handle most of the situations that may interfere with processing the message (out of order messages, dependent services being down, your handler being shut down in the middle of handling the message) in exact the same way; by rejecting the message and letting your infrastructure (Rabbit) take care of it being retried after a while.
(Assuming the OP is asking about things like ActiveMQs "message grouping:)
This isn't currently built in to RabbitMQ AFAIK (it wasn't as of 2013 as per this answer) and I'm not aware of it now (though I haven't kept up lately).
However, RabbitMQ's model of exchanges and queues is very flexible - exchanges and queues can be easily created dynamically (this can be done in other messaging systems but, for example, if you read ActiveMQ documentation or Red Hat AMQ documentation you'll find all of the examples in the user guides are using pre-declared queues in configuration files loaded at system startup - except for RPC-like request/response communication).
Also it is very easy in RabbitMQ for a consumer (i.e., message consuming thread) to consume from multiple queues.
So you could build, on top of RabbitMQ, a system where you got your desired grouping semantics.
One way would be to create dynamic queues: The first time a customer order was seen or a new group of customer orders a queue would be created with a unique name for all messages for that group - that queue name would be communicated (via another queue) to a consumer who's sole purpose was to load-balance among other consumers that were responsible for handling customer order groups. I.e., the load-balancer would pull off of its queue a message saying "new group with queue name XYZ" and it would find in a pool of order group consumer a consumer which could take this load and pass it a message saying "start listening to XYZ".
Another way to do it is with pub/sub and topic routing - each customer order group would get a unique topic - and proceed as above.
RabbitMQ Consistent Hash Exchange Type
We are using RabbitMQ and we have found a plugin. It use Consistent Hashing algorithm to distribute messages in order to consistent keys.
For more information about Consistent Hashing ;
You can find this plugin from rabbitmq web page
plugin : rabbitmq_consistent_hash_exchange

RabbitMQ consumer overload

I`ve been reading about the principles of AMQP messaging confirms. (https://www.rabbitmq.com/confirms.html). Really helpful and wel written article but one particular thing about consumer aknowledgments is really confusing, here is the quote:
Another things that's important to consider when using automatic acknowledgement mode is that of consumer overload.
Consumer overload? Message queue is processed and kept in RAM by broker (if I understand it correctly). What overload is it about? Does consumer have some kind of second queue?
Another part of that article is even more confusing:
Consumers therefore can be overwhelmed by the rate of deliveries, potentially accumulating a backlog in memory and running out of heap or getting their process terminated by the OS.
What backlog? How is this all works together? What part of job is done by consumer (besides consuming message and processing it of course)? I thought that broker is keeping queues alive and forwards the messages but now I am reading about some mysterious backlogs and consumer overloads. This is really confusing, can someone explain it a bit or at least point me to the good source?
I believe the documentation you're referring to deals with what, in my opinion, is sort of a design flaw in either AMQP 0-9-1 or RabbitMQ's implementation of it.
Consider the following scenario:
A queue has thousands of messages sitting in it
A single consumer subscribes to the queue with AutoAck=true and no pre-fetch count set
What is going to happen?
RabbitMQ's implementation is to deliver an arbitrary number of messages to a client who has not pre-fetch count. Further, with Auto-Ack, prefetch count is irrelevant, because messages are acknowledged upon delivery to the consumer.
In-memory buffers:
The default client API implementations of the consumer have an in-memory buffer (in .NET it is some type of blocking collection (if I remember correctly). So, before the message is processed, but after the message is received from the broker, it goes into this in-memory holding area. Now, the design flaw is this holding area. A consumer has no choice but to accept the message coming from the broker, as it is published to the client asynchronously. This is a flaw with the AMQP protocol specification (see page 53).
Thus, every message in the queue at that point will be delivered to the consumer immediately and the consumer will be inundated with messages. Assuming each message is small, but takes 5 minutes to process, it is entirely possible that this one consumer will be able to drain the entire queue before any other consumers can attach to it. And since AutoAck is turned on, the broker will forget about these messages immediately after delivery.
Obviously this is not a good scenario if you'd like to get those messages processed, because they've left the relative safety of the broker and are now sitting in RAM at the consuming endpoint. Let's say an exception is encountered that crashes the consuming endpoint - poof, all the messages are gone.
How to work around this?
You must turn Auto-Ack off, and generally it is also a good idea to set reasonable pre-fetch count (usually 2-3 is sufficient).
Being able to signal back pressure a basic problem in distributed systems. Without explicit acknowledgements, the consumer does not have any way to say "Slow down" to broker. With auto-ack on, as soon as the TCP acknowledgement is received by broker, it deletes the message from its memory/disk.
However, it does not mean that the consuming application has processed the message or ave enough memory to store incoming messages. The backlog in the article is simply a data structure used to store unprocessed messages (in the consumer application)

rabbitmq: can consumer persist message change before nack?

Before a consumer nacks a message, is there any way the consumer can modify the message's state so that when the consumer consumes it upon redelivery, it sees that changed state. I'd rather not reject + reenqueue new message, but please let me know if that's the only way to accomplish this.
My goal is to determine how many times specific messages are being redelivered. I see two ways of doing this:
(1) On the message itself as described above. The message would be a container of basic stats and the application payload message.
(2) In some external storage. We would uniquely identify the message by the message id that we set.
I know 2 is possible, but my question is if 1 is possible.
There is no way to do (1) like you want. You would need to change the message, thus the message would become another message. If you want to do something like that (and it's possible that you meant this with I'd rather not reject + reenqueue new message) - you should ACK the message, increment one field in it and publish it again (again, maybe this is what you meant when you said reenqueue it). So your message payload would have some ID, counter, and again (obviously different) payload that is the content.
Definitvly much better way is (2) for multiple reasons:
it does not interfere with business logic, that is this diagnostic part is isolated
you are leaving re-queueing to rabbitmq (as you are supposed to do), meaning that you are not worrying about losing messages and handling some message meta info which has no use for you business logic
it's actually supposed to be used - the ACKing and NACKing, that's why it's in the AMQP specification
since you do need the number of how many times specific messages have been redelivered, you have it somewhere externally, meaning that it's independent of (rabbitmq's) message persistence, lifetime, potentially queue durability mirroring etc
Even if this question was marked as solved some time ago, I want to mention that there is a way at least for the redelivery. It might be integrated after the original answer. There is a different type of queues in RabbitMQ called Quorum queues.
Quorum queues offer the option to set redelivery limit:
Quorum queues support poison message handling via a redelivery limit. This feature is currently unique to Quorum queues.
In order to archive this, RabbitMQ is counting the numbers of deliveries in the header. The header attribute is called: x-delivery-count

Dead lettering messages on an expired queue bound with a consistent hash exchange

I have a situation where I am processing events that are related to specific sources. Each source has a key or ID, which I can use as the hash. Events from each source have to be processed in order, but events from different sources can be parallelized, to achieve horizontal scalability. There will be hundreds of source keys.
I am planning to set the key as part of the routing key when submitting messages to RabbitMQ, and then use the consistent-hash-exchange so that events from the same source are routed to the same queue. I was then thinking of dynamically binding private queues from consumers, with a TTL (so that they are gracefully removed if a consumer is down). At the beginning I will just have 2 or 3 consumers for redundancy, but if I want to scale up due to an increased number of messages, I can just start another consumer.
My question is what happens if a consumer is down and there are messages in its queue? Ideally I would want the messages in the queue to be rerouted back to the exchange, with the consistent-hash-exchange routing them to a different queue (since the original queue would be no longer there).
The RabbitMQ documentation about dead lettering doesn't explicitly mention the scenario of TTL on consumer queues, or what happens when the queue gets deleted.
Does my approach make sense? How can I achieve the consumer fault-tolerance I am looking for while retaining the ordering by a specific routing key?
Note: I know there is even a more subtle race condition if during the process of routing dead lettered messages to the exchange new messages come that were originally routed to the expired queue, which will now be routed to a different consumer, thus ordering will be broken at that specific instance.
There are more then one questions to be answered here, I'll try to go in the same order.
My question is what happens if a consumer is down and there are messages in its queue?
Outside of the context (rest of the question) - messages stay in the queue until they are ACKed or their TTL expires.
The RabbitMQ documentation about dead lettering doesn't explicitly mention the scenario of TTL on consumer queues, or what happens when the queue gets deleted.
It does say ...The TTL for the message expires..., so basically if the message is not ACKed within given TTL, it get's to DLX. For the queue TTL, check this link - it's basically an "expiry time" for the queue. Additionally, if the queue get's deleted, the messages are gone (when not taking into account any mirroring of course).
Now for the "does it makes sense" part. For the messages from the different sources, I think it's clear - process as much as you can in parallel and that's it. There are no collisions (well usually no) there.
How can I achieve the consumer fault-tolerance I am looking for while retaining the ordering by a specific routing key?
For sequential processing, basically you need exactly one consumer that does one source. Now for monitoring this consumer maybe add a watchdog to start it again if it crashes, or restart it if hangs etc. Maybe it would also make sense to use get instead of consume (amqp) method. I can't really recommend or not recommend this approach, because (for me at least) it's quite use case specific (performance, how often is there a new message etc), but I would say that in that way it's easier to achieve a "more synchronous" behavior.
And for sure (now referring to what you wrote in the note) you should try and avoid DLX-ing messages (higher TTL etc) if you really want to keep the original order of the sequence (said it redundantly on purpose :) )

RabbitMQ fan out on a topic exchange

Pretty new to RabbitMQ and we're still in the investigation stage to see if it's a good fit for our use cases--
We've readily come to the conclusion that our desired topology would have us deploying a few topic based exchanges, and then filtering from there to specific queues. For example, let's say we have a user and an upload exchange, where the user queue might receive messages where the topic is "new-registration" or "friend-request" and the upload exchange might receive messages like "video-upload" or "picture-upload".
Creating the queues, getting them routed to the appropriate queue, and then building listeners to handle the messages for the various queues has been quite straight forward.
What's unclear to me however is if it's possible to do a fanout on a topic exchange?
I.e. I have named queues that are bound to my topic exchange, but I'd like to be able to just throw tons of instances of my listeners at those queues to prevent single points of failure. But to the best of my knowledge, RabbitMQ treats these listeners in a straight forward round robin fashion--e.g. every Nth message always go to the same Nth listener rather than dispatching messages to the first available consumer. This is generally acceptable to us but given the load we anticipate, we'd like to avoid the possibility of hot spots developing amongst our consumer farm.
So, is there some way, either in the queue or exchange configuration or in the consumer code, where we can point our listeners to a topic queue but have the listeners treated in a fanout fashion?
Yes, by having the listeners bind using different queue names, they will be treated in a fanout fashion.
Fanout is 1:N though, i.e. each task can be delivered to multiple listeners like pub-sub. Note that this isn't restricted to a fanout exchange, but also applies if you bind multiple queues to a direct or topic exchange with the same binding key. (Installing the management plugin and looking at the exchanges there may be useful to visualize the bindings in effect.)
Your current setup is a task queue. Each task/message is delivered to exactly one worker/listener. Throw more listeners at the same queue name, and they will process the tasks round-robin as you say. With "fanout" (separate queues for a topic) you will process a task multiple times.
Depending on your platform there may be existing work queue solutions that meet your requirements, such as Resque or DelayedJob for Ruby, Celery for Python or perhaps Octobot or Akka for the JVM.
I don't know for a fact, but I strongly suspect that RabbitMQ will skip consumers with unacknowledged messages, so it should never bottleneck on a single stuck consumer. The comments on their FAQ seem to suggest that RabbitMQ will make an effort to keep things chugging along even in the presence of troublesome consumers.
This is a late answer, but in case others come across this question...
It sounds like what you want is fair dispatch rather than a fan out model (which would publish a given message to every queue).
Fair dispatch will give a message to the next available worker rather than using a simple round-robin approach. This should avoid the "hotspots" you are concerned about, without delivering the same message to multiple consumers.
If this is what you are looking for, then see the "Fair Dispatch" section on this page in the Rabbit docs. A prefetch count of 1 is the key here.