RabbitMQ consumer overload - rabbitmq

I`ve been reading about the principles of AMQP messaging confirms. (https://www.rabbitmq.com/confirms.html). Really helpful and wel written article but one particular thing about consumer aknowledgments is really confusing, here is the quote:
Another things that's important to consider when using automatic acknowledgement mode is that of consumer overload.
Consumer overload? Message queue is processed and kept in RAM by broker (if I understand it correctly). What overload is it about? Does consumer have some kind of second queue?
Another part of that article is even more confusing:
Consumers therefore can be overwhelmed by the rate of deliveries, potentially accumulating a backlog in memory and running out of heap or getting their process terminated by the OS.
What backlog? How is this all works together? What part of job is done by consumer (besides consuming message and processing it of course)? I thought that broker is keeping queues alive and forwards the messages but now I am reading about some mysterious backlogs and consumer overloads. This is really confusing, can someone explain it a bit or at least point me to the good source?

I believe the documentation you're referring to deals with what, in my opinion, is sort of a design flaw in either AMQP 0-9-1 or RabbitMQ's implementation of it.
Consider the following scenario:
A queue has thousands of messages sitting in it
A single consumer subscribes to the queue with AutoAck=true and no pre-fetch count set
What is going to happen?
RabbitMQ's implementation is to deliver an arbitrary number of messages to a client who has not pre-fetch count. Further, with Auto-Ack, prefetch count is irrelevant, because messages are acknowledged upon delivery to the consumer.
In-memory buffers:
The default client API implementations of the consumer have an in-memory buffer (in .NET it is some type of blocking collection (if I remember correctly). So, before the message is processed, but after the message is received from the broker, it goes into this in-memory holding area. Now, the design flaw is this holding area. A consumer has no choice but to accept the message coming from the broker, as it is published to the client asynchronously. This is a flaw with the AMQP protocol specification (see page 53).
Thus, every message in the queue at that point will be delivered to the consumer immediately and the consumer will be inundated with messages. Assuming each message is small, but takes 5 minutes to process, it is entirely possible that this one consumer will be able to drain the entire queue before any other consumers can attach to it. And since AutoAck is turned on, the broker will forget about these messages immediately after delivery.
Obviously this is not a good scenario if you'd like to get those messages processed, because they've left the relative safety of the broker and are now sitting in RAM at the consuming endpoint. Let's say an exception is encountered that crashes the consuming endpoint - poof, all the messages are gone.
How to work around this?
You must turn Auto-Ack off, and generally it is also a good idea to set reasonable pre-fetch count (usually 2-3 is sufficient).

Being able to signal back pressure a basic problem in distributed systems. Without explicit acknowledgements, the consumer does not have any way to say "Slow down" to broker. With auto-ack on, as soon as the TCP acknowledgement is received by broker, it deletes the message from its memory/disk.
However, it does not mean that the consuming application has processed the message or ave enough memory to store incoming messages. The backlog in the article is simply a data structure used to store unprocessed messages (in the consumer application)


RabbitMQ direct exchange, with routing key and no queues or subscribers, is this ok for performance?

I have an exchange that's going to receive roughly 50 messages per second. These messages have a unique identifier which relates to each unit in the field. This unique identifier will be the routing key. Every now and again we need to debug or analyse a unit. At that point in time we will spin up a queue, with the correct routing key, and bind it to the exchange. This way, that queue will start receiving the messages for that unit and any consumers monitoring that queue, will then receive the messages.
What this does mean is that 99% of the time, the exchange will have no queues and no routing key. Then, every now and again a queue and routing key will be created and subscribe.
It feels kind of wasteful to be sending 50 messages per second at an exchange, when its just going to immediately discard them. That said, it feels like this how RabbitMQ exchanges are supposed to be used. I guess from a developer perspective i feel like this is wasteful but I also think my understanding of rabbit says that this is the correct way to do.
Is there any overhead to doing this? Any performance concerns I should have? or maybe I am approaching this entirely wrong?
I did try to search before asking but nothing really describes a scenario where an exchange has no queue or routing key, but is still receiving messages.
This is basically how RabbitMQ works, as you have described. The broker is not responsible for how often and how many events you decide to publish. It will nonetheless protect from too much pressure. It has a credit based flow control mechanism. RabbitMQ flow control.
RabbitMQ has different ways in which unroutable messages can be handled.Unroutable Message Handling How to deal with unroutable messages
To sum up a bit the information you will find on those links:
If the publisher does not set the message as mandatory, it will either be discarded or republished to a different alternate exchange that you can configure. This only makes sense if you want to persist all unroutable messages regardless of the source in a single queue, that you can handle later.
If the publisher sets the message as mandatory, the message will be returned to the publisher and the publisher can have a returned message handler setup in order to handle those events.
These strategies in addition to the flow control mechanism, also assure RabbitMQ reliability and protection.
In your situation if you want to limit the messages from producer even more, you need to create a mechanism, as an example, so the producer will not start publishing only when a consumer becomes active. So basically the consumer process will communicate the producer process that it is active and it can start publishing. But from my experience I don't think it's worth the overhead, at least at first, because 50 messages per seconds isn't much. You can monitor the RabbitMQ server and check how is the resource consumption to check if you need to optimize, at first. Optimization is best done with metrics and understanding.

How to guarantee message order in RabbitMQ (or any other asynchronous message queue service)

I have a Java application which publishes events to RabbitMQ. It has one very important characteristic: message order must be preserved at all times. The consumer can handle duplicates, but it cannot handle when message 2 is enqueued before message 1, so to say.
I have been reading a lot about RabbitMQ lately, and I feel there is only solution to do this: set the channel in confirm mode (https://www.rabbitmq.com/confirms.html - basically, it forces the broker to acknowledge the publication) and publish one by one. With one by one I mean that the message 2 is only published after RabbitMQ confirmed (via an asynchronous ACK response) that message 1 is actually well received and persisted.
I tried this in a conceptual implementation, and while this works fine, it's uber slow, without exaggerating. Which makes sense: after all, we are now limiting our message rate to 1 message at a time.
So this leads me to my question: are there other, more performant, ways to ensure that message ordering is always preserved (either in RabbitMQ or via different approaches)?
Although my concern is RabbitMQ, I believe this question might be applied to any kind of asynchronous message queue service.
RabbitMQ's clients enqueue in the same order that you sent. It's when subscribers go down, you get network splits or the subscriber NACKs messages that they can get re-ordered; and even then RMQ tries to keep them in the same approximate order by re-queueing at the same position, or as close to the same position.
You can do it like you suggest; take one message at a time, because if you take a message, but crash before you've ACKed it from the broker, it will pop up when your service comes back up, at the same position.
This assumes you only have a single service instance at any given time, consuming from the queue. Which in turn is a distributed systems problem on its own, if you have a scheduler like Kubernetes or Mesos, spawning your service instances.
Another solution would be to ensure ordering of processing in the receiving service, by "resequencing" the messages based on their logical timestamps/sequence numbers.
I've written a much more thorough guide as annotated code here https://github.com/haf/rmq-publisher-confirms-hopac/blob/master/src/Server/Shared/RabbitMQ.fs — with batching you can resequence. Furthermore, if your idempotence builds the consecutive sequence numbers into its logic, you can start taking batches and each event will be idempotent, despite being re-consumed.

RabbitMQ redeliver message to the same consumer that rejected it

I have an queue and messages in it. Also i have two consumer in separate processes. I take message by one, and decide that this message is not mine, and reject it with requeue flag. In documentation I found the next phrase "The server MUST NOT deliver the message to the same client within the context of the current channel". Is that mean that the rejected message should be deliver to another consumer or not?
So, there are a couple of things going on here that I'd like to touch on.
First, your question as to the behavior of RabbitMQ. The rule referenced above comes from the AMQP-0-9-1 specification. As with most implementation of open specs, RabbitMQ is not fully-conforming. This page describes in precise detail exactly which portions of the specification are implemented, and where any deviations occur.
On that page, it stipulates that "No attempt is made to prevent redelivery to the same client." RabbitMQ lists this as a planned addition in a future release, but it has been planned for quite a few years now.
Should Consumers Be Picky?
The more important question is the one you haven't directly asked, but that is "should my consumer be picky about which messages from the queue it processes?
The answer to this is a definitive "no." One of the key design assumptions about message queues is that any consumer subscribed to the queue should be able to process any message in the queue. Thus, it should be considered proper design that all consumers attached to the queue are running identical code (same code base, same version). If not, you're going to have some serious problems with your application sooner or later.
Reject should only be used to tell the broker that there is a problem with a particular message. If there is a problem with a particular consumer (e.g. loses connection to a database), it should not reject the message, but instead should close the connection, triggering redelivery to another, working consumer. By design, messages that need to be processed by a specialized or different consumer should be deposited in a different queue.

How do I find if rabbitmq delivered a particular message to consumer

I have done RabbitMQ queue ccing to find out whether there are messages published to queues. How do I find if all of them are delivered to consumers.
While this question is not altogether clear, let me address the issue of how (or whether) to know if a particular message (let's call it message x) was delivered to a consumer.
First, some theory.
Message queuing is commonly used across networks - and networks can be unreliable. Further, the machines operating the message system may be unreliable.
Message queues are usually designated for the processing of a particular type of message. The processing of the message itself may be unreliable.
As a result of the foregoing, messages have the possibility to be processed/consumed zero or more times (i.e. a message can be dropped, processed once, or processed more than once).
Now, RabbitMQ contains some features that attempt to mitigate the possible failure modes (primary using acknowledgments), but no mitigation technique can be 100% reliable. Therefore, while the reliability is higher, it cannot be guaranteed - and your application needs to be able to cope with the occasional possibility of failure.
There is an inherent assumption in the question that the original publisher of message x cares about the consumer of message x. This indicates that a two-way exchange (e.g. RPC) is needed - one from publisher to consumer for message x, then from consumer back to original publisher (message y). The original publisher maintains state while the consumer processes message x, and the receipt of the message y response closes out the state machine.
If the intent is to simply publish a stream of messages, the publisher should neither be aware of the consumers nor care whether or not the messages are consumed. However, from an application monitoring standpoint, you presumably would care. You (as the systems administrator) could do a few things to see if messages are being consumed:
Monitor the RabbitMQ management console to see publish/consume rates, as well as queue length
Set up logging and tracing in your application (perhaps dumping logs off to elasticsearch) - then set up a log analyzer to detect abnormal log conditions
Set up performance monitoring on the consuming computers - if there is a problem, you will likely see abnormal statistics on variables like processor time and memory use
Send an occasional test message, which can be specially configured to put a marker in the logs, and look for that marker.

Behaviour of rabbitmq flow-control when one client of many hangs

I am trying to understand how rabbitmq per-connection flow-control works with multiple consumers. In particular what would happen if one consumer were to hang? Would flow control be invoked and how would it affect the rest of the consumers? Would the behaviour depend upon whether the queues were durable or autodeleting?
Rabbit MQ uses "Credit Flow Control".
Essentially, whenever a message is received on a channel a credit is deducted. Credit starts at a default level, e.g. 200, and when it dips below 0, connections are blocked. After a certain number of messages are consumed and ACKed, the credit is bumped up a certain amount.
You can read more about it here:
Per-connection flow control describes what happens when a publisher (or group of publishers) is sending messages to queues faster than the queues are being processed. This is a safety feature as RabbitMQ becomes unstable at some point when the queue fills without bound. From the documentation, this is automatic:
RabbitMQ will block connections which are publishing too quickly for queues to keep up. No configuration is required.
Unfortunately, the documentation is not terribly specific on when/how this flow control is implemented, other than "several times per second." So, if one consumer gets stuck, as long as the other consumer(s) can keep up, flow control should not be triggered.