How can I have a similar slider to the one as this website - slider

Does anyone know if there is a jquery library to have a slider to the one shown at the bottom of
It's vertical, works with the vertical scroll and when the slide changes, the previous one barely moves, and the new one has a minimal ken burns effect while sliding over.
I imagine it's necessary to combine a library with custom javascript or css.


List transitions in vuejs, changing the underlying array

I need to be able to animate drag and drop in my vertical list. I used vuedraggable, wrapped my list in a transition-group and it all worked sweet. Until I fetch new data from the server. Now because of the introduction of transition-group for a split second the old data and the new data live together in the DOM causing the expansion of the list and pushing subsequent div down and back up.
This is kind of expected per the docs:
the DOM operations for insertion and/or removal will be executed
immediately on next frame (Note: this is a browser animation frame,
different from Vue’s concept of nextTick).
Regardless of being able to drag and drop the element, if we were to fade in/fade out the new/old elements they will co-habitate for the time of the animation, which is not great as seen in this pen
Anyway to fade out, change the data, then fade in the new one, while maintaining the height of the list?
Note that without fade the problem is still obvious:
Pen of my issue: click the switch data button to see the issue.
Turns out it's pretty know issue. By reading through this thread and toying with this example, i was able to achieve something to my liking by using:
list-leave-active {
display: none;
Resulting Pen
A css fix may be to wrap the contents within a box of some height and set overflow hidden.
So, even when new elements co-exist the jump in scrollbar can be avoided.

Thumbnail slider using slick.js with distorted position

I'm working on a thumbnail slider using slick.js. It works fine with the sliders but positioning is distorted. Tried to realign it properly but was struck at locating the exact area to pick.
After playing some time with Slick Sliders, i finally met the requirement.
The codepen link has been posted below for reference.
We can use two sliders with 'asNavFor' attribute included which appends the functionality of one slider movement to other while navigation is shown for both the sliders.
The codepen link given in the question has been modified with the answer, for reference.

Nested scrollviews getting problematic

My problem is that I am using nested scrollviews. One for the horizontal paging and second to show the content with vertical scrolling (cuz content, which is text, is more than the available space). Actually there are multiple copies of this vertical scrollview like:
MainScrollView (Horizontal)
Besides these the vertical scrollviews contains label that are draggable, I implemented dragging using touchesBegan: and moved: events. I developed the whole thing using only one vertical scrollview and it's working just fine and I thought, to my dismay, that it'll work exactly the same for the rest but when I added more vertical scrollviews, only the last one is allowing dragging of the labels. The first two ain't allowing dragging, besides, they are also not responding to the vertical scrolling event, which was perfect earlier. I tried it with two vertical scrollviews and even then only the last one was allowing dragging. Ain't sure about the vertical scrolling cuz right now only the first one has enough content to be scrolled rest need not to. I can try that out too but it's kinda late here, so, if someone can guide me with the provided info. would be much helpful. Else I can try that out tomorrow and post you with the result.
Thanks for your time.
I had similar issues with nesting UIScrollviews. I found this video from WWDC 2010 to be really helpful in showing how to work with scrollviews inside a paging scrollview, and I managed to fix the bugs I had by following the steps in this video and looking at the sample code.
Designing Apps with Scroll Views
Sample code

two jcarousellite sliders with same navigation

I'm trying to create a slider similar to the slider here:
i looked at the code and saw it's built out of two different sliders:
1. the small pictures slider
2. the big image slider, which is on top of the small one.
both sliders have the same navigation arrows, and once you click on the "NEXT" button both sliders move together.
now, i used the Jcarousele Lite slider to do this, and this is the best i got:
the problems i have:
1. if you click on the next button (the right one) - the "bigger" slider go crazy, and then there is no sync between the small and big sliders.
2. if you click several times on the previous button, and then on the next - it work great - till the slider reaches the end/start and then the big slider go crazy again.
so - any suggestions? is there a better way to do this? i would appreciate any help!

How to create an "Add to reading list" animation effect

I'm trying to make an animation effect similar to the one on Safari(iPhone) when you add an element to the reading list. It's similar to the one that appears when starting to download an item from App Store application: the application item drops to the dock to start downloading.
First it bounces up and then goes to the dock. It's a very nice effect that Apple uses on their OS.
I have an image view on screen that I want to drop with this kind of animation to my toolbar in my application.
If there is someone who did it or know what's the name of the effect, could please tell me how to do it.
Thank you.
"Add to reading list" shows no animation on my phone but of your description it sounds like the "Open in background"-animation in Safari (iPhone). My answer describes that animation.
I wrote a thing like that a few months ago and much of it is doable while some of it is not. Your questions showed me that more people are to know how it is done so I wrote a blog post about it. I will describe the high level approach and challenges here but you can read more about it in that post.
Getting to content to animate
If you choose to animate the view that is on screen down to the (in your case) tool bar then you will only have to access its layer. If you want the original view to remain and animate a visual copy (like the "open in background"-Safari animation) down to the bar item then you should create a new layer and draw the content of your layer into an image and set that image as the content of the layer that you are animating
Calculating the end position
The start position of the animation is simply the frame of the view. The end position is very tricky since bar items (both tool bar items and tab bar items) are not UIView subclasses and doesn't have a public view property. This causes problems when you want to shake the bar item later on.
I decided to make a visual approximation of the end position using some simple heuristics. If you know before hand that you will only animate to a single bar item then the end position can be hard coded to a suitable frame.
Animating along a path
There is nothing special to moving, scaling and rotating the layer from the start to the end position. If you want to read more about how I did it you can look at the post I wrote.
Shaking the bar item
This cannot be done without a lot of custom code or using private API at the moment. Since bar items doesn't have a view or a layer there is no accessible layer for you to animate. I guess that you could have a custom animating image that does the shake and set that during the animation and set the new image afterwards. The approach of drawing into an image and animating that doesn't work that well either since there is no accessible layer who can draw its content into the image (you want this for the special effect of the tool bar item and tab bar item).
...put all this together and tweak it to your special needs and you will have an animation that resembles the animation you are looking for.