Thumbnail slider using slick.js with distorted position - slider

I'm working on a thumbnail slider using slick.js. It works fine with the sliders but positioning is distorted. Tried to realign it properly but was struck at locating the exact area to pick.

After playing some time with Slick Sliders, i finally met the requirement.
The codepen link has been posted below for reference.
We can use two sliders with 'asNavFor' attribute included which appends the functionality of one slider movement to other while navigation is shown for both the sliders.
The codepen link given in the question has been modified with the answer, for reference.


Alpha overlay not rendering correctly in Eevee Blender, but display correctly in viewport

I have two textures with transparency overlaying on top of each other (the hair, as a multiple alpha overlay) via Material nodes. At first the overlay would not display correctly (one texture would cancel the other out), which I solved following this thread:
I solved the problem in the viewport, however when I render the image the alpha textures again display incorrectly, see screenshot:
Alpha Render Problem Screenshot
Playing with the material settings did not change the rendered result. I'm not sure how to go about solving this - any help is appreciated and thank you!
The Solidify Modifier (for correct backface culling) wasn't enabled in the render view, only in viewport 🤦🏻‍♀️

How can I have a similar slider to the one as this website

Does anyone know if there is a jquery library to have a slider to the one shown at the bottom of
It's vertical, works with the vertical scroll and when the slide changes, the previous one barely moves, and the new one has a minimal ken burns effect while sliding over.
I imagine it's necessary to combine a library with custom javascript or css.

Is it possible to make a vertical slider in Qualtrics?

The documentation of slider questions within Qualtrics can be found here, but there is no mention of being able to have the slider run vertically as opposed to horizontally in the page. Does anyone know if it's possible to have the slider run vertically in the question block?
Not with a Slider question. There is a Graphical Slider question type that has the option of vertical sliders, but it also contains graphics.

markers disappear when resizing the canvas?

I'm trying to develop a responsive website and even if my Google map displays fine, no marker appear on it if I decrease the size of the window (or if I use a mobile device)…
Here is an example page: (the marker should appear on Paris).
Thanks a lot!
I found the solution. My responsive CSS contained some code to add a max-width to some elements, including "div". I just added div#map_canvas,#map_canvas div{max-width: none} and solved this issue.

Nested scrollviews getting problematic

My problem is that I am using nested scrollviews. One for the horizontal paging and second to show the content with vertical scrolling (cuz content, which is text, is more than the available space). Actually there are multiple copies of this vertical scrollview like:
MainScrollView (Horizontal)
Besides these the vertical scrollviews contains label that are draggable, I implemented dragging using touchesBegan: and moved: events. I developed the whole thing using only one vertical scrollview and it's working just fine and I thought, to my dismay, that it'll work exactly the same for the rest but when I added more vertical scrollviews, only the last one is allowing dragging of the labels. The first two ain't allowing dragging, besides, they are also not responding to the vertical scrolling event, which was perfect earlier. I tried it with two vertical scrollviews and even then only the last one was allowing dragging. Ain't sure about the vertical scrolling cuz right now only the first one has enough content to be scrolled rest need not to. I can try that out too but it's kinda late here, so, if someone can guide me with the provided info. would be much helpful. Else I can try that out tomorrow and post you with the result.
Thanks for your time.
I had similar issues with nesting UIScrollviews. I found this video from WWDC 2010 to be really helpful in showing how to work with scrollviews inside a paging scrollview, and I managed to fix the bugs I had by following the steps in this video and looking at the sample code.
Designing Apps with Scroll Views
Sample code