How to return an array asyc, writing a Windows Runtime Component in C++/WinRT - c++-winrt

What is the best way to asynchronously return an array from a Windows Runtime Component written in C++/WinRT, given that IAsyncOperation<TResult> is not allowed as a return type if TResult is an array?
It's possible to wrap an array inside a PropertyValue, but both boxing and unboxing the array creates copies, which seems inefficient. At the moment, what I'm doing is writing a custom component to store the com_array (which has a constructor that allows me to move in the com_array), with a DetachArray function that moves the array on return to the caller. Is this the best way - it seems a little complicated? Also, in this case, if I am calling the DetachArray function from C#, is the array copied or not? I don't know how the interaction between managed and unmanaged memory works. I assume that the use of com_array as opposed to std::vector has something to do with this.

The TResult of IAsyncOperation needs to be passed is a Windows Runtime type. If you want to return an array, you could try to use Windows::Foundation::Collections::IVector as a collection object instead of winrt::com_array. In that case, it will be convenient and doesn't need to box or unbox. For example:
Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperation<Windows::Foundation::Collections::IVector<hstring>> Class::MyMethod()
Windows::Foundation::Collections::IVector<hstring> coll1{ winrt::single_threaded_vector<hstring>() };
co_return coll1;


Kotlin - java.util.ConcurrentModificationException: null

Guys how can I fix the error java.util.ConcurrentModificationException: null
experiments.forEach {
if(NAME_VARIANT == it.variantName) {
for (i in (0..Math.min(result.size - 1, Constants.MAX_METHODS_APPLIED))) {
if (response.paymentMethods[i].scoring.rules!!.none { it.ruleName == NAME_RULE}) {
This exception ConcurrentModificationException is thrown when you're trying to modify a collection at the same time as iterating over it.
In the piece of code you provided, you're iterating over experiments, and you're modifying response.appliedExperiments (by calling clear() on it). If those 2 variables actually point to the same collection, calling clear() is expected to throw.
In order to do what you want, you probably want those lists to start off as copies of each other, but still be different. When you create response.appliedExperiments, make sure it's a new list and not the same list.
EDIT: in the code you provided, you are passing experiments directly to the constructor of SortingServiceResponse, and I'm guessing this constructor uses the list as-is as the appliedExperiments property of reponse. Instead, you should pass a copy of the list, for instance using toMutableList():
val response = SortingServiceResponse(experiments.toMutableList(), result)
An even better approach would be to use read-only List instead of MutableList for experiments to avoid making this kind of mistakes in the first place. Only use mutable collections when you really need to. Most of the time, you can use operators (like filter or map) that create new read-only lists instead of working with mutable lists directly.

pin_ptr of List rather than array

I use pin_ptr for cli::array types and everything works fine.
Is it possible to do the same with System::Collection::Generic::List which I believe is a contiguous block of memory?
The obvious
List<double>^ stuff = gcnew List<double>( 10 );
cli::pin_ptr<double> resultPtr = &stuff[ 0 ];
gives a compiler error "error C2102: '&' requires l-value" presumably because the indexed property returns something that is not a l-value! So is there another way to do this. I have played around with interior_ptr as well but have not found anything that works yet.
I know that I could call ToArray on the List but the whole point is to not copy stuff around.
No, this is not possible.
True, a List does use an array behind the scenes, but the [] operator is different. With an array, [] is simple pointer math, but with a List, [] is a full-fledged method call. That's why the & isn't working: you can take the address of an array location, but you can't take the address of a value returned from a method.
Think about it like this: If they wanted to, they could change the implementation of List without changing its external interface. It would be possible to change List to store the list contents in memory gzip-compressed. In that case, stuff[0] is generated on-the-fly by the [] method which does the decompression, so there is no single memory location that contains stuff[0] to pin.
Yes, internal to the List class, the contents are contiguous in memory. You can see this in the source that Microsoft has provided. However, the List class does not make that array public: The public interface to the List class is the public methods & properties, only. The public methods & properties present a contract, and the array that the values are stored in are not part of that contract. Microsoft would never do this, but they could do a gzip-compressed implementation of List, and the public contract of the List class wouldn't change. You should only write your code to the public methods & properties of a class, not to the internals that may change at any time.

What is Method, Property and Function?

Yeah, I'm struggling with that. I cannot distinguish among them because every explanation I read is so unclear and philosophical enough. Can someone clear up these definitions for me ? Thanks guys.
These definitions apply as much to procedural-programming as oop ? Thanks.
Over time, the way people use each of these terms has changed (and will likely keep changing), but here's what they probably mean if you're reading articles written in the last decade or so:
Functions (aka subroutines) are relatively self-contained, relatively independent pieces of code that make up a larger program.
Methods are functions attached to specific classes (or instances) in object-oriented programming.
Properties are an object-oriented idiom. The term describes a one or two functions (depending on the desired program behavior) - a 'getter' that retrieves a value and a 'setter' that sets a value. By convention, properties usually don't have many side-effects. (And the side-effects they do have usually have limited scope: they may validate the item being set, notify listeners of a change, or convert an object's private data to or from a publicly-declared type.)
Function is a combination of instructions coupled together to achieve some result. It may take arguments and return result. If a function doesn't return a result it is usually called a procedure. Examples:
function drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2):
// draws a line using Bresenham's algorithm from x1,y1 to x2,y2.
// doesn't return anything
function <number> add(a, b):
// adds a to b and returns the result as a number
return a + b
So functions are to do some particular work. For example, when you need to draw a polygon of 3 lines as a part of a vector image it is more convenient to call drawLine thrice than to put all the routine for line drawing inline.
Methods ("member functions") are similar to functions, they belongs to classes or objects and usually expresses the verbs of the objects/class. For example, an object of type Window usually would have methods open and close which do corresponding operations to the object they belong.
Properties are as in everyday language and technically are fields of objects/classes with dedicated getter/setter routines (which can be considered as methods. There are languages that don't have properties and this behavior is achieved using a private field+get/set methods.).
Field - A field is a variable of any type that is declared directly in a class or struct. Fields are members of their containing type.
Property - A property is a member that provides a flexible mechanism to read, write, or compute the value of a private field.
Method - A method is a code block containing a series of statements. In C#, every executed instruction is done so in the context of a method.
Procedure - A procedure is a code block containing a series of statements.
Function - A function is a code block containing a series of statements. That return operation result.
Function is a standalone construction like trim(), strlen(), fopen() etc.
function myAbcFunction() { ... }
Method is a function of object. It is defined in class. Property is just property of object:
class MyClass {
public $property; // Public property: $objInstance->property
protected $property2; // Protected property
public function doSth() {
// That's a method. $objInstance->doSth();
I suggest read the manual Classes and Objects chapter.
In OOP the primary structure is an object.
Method is a named action which can be applied to the object.
Property is a named value, which the object has. For example, object Human has the property 'Age'.
function is a more general thing, than a method. It is just an action, that doesn't belong to any object. But method is a function that belongs to the object.
Refers to block of statements that perform a particular task and return a value.
Refers to the building blocks of a program that do not return a value when called.
Refers to the action that object can perform.

Another ConcurrentModificationException question

I've searched StackOverflow and there are many ConcurrentModificationException questions. After reading them, I'm still confused. I'm getting a lot of these exceptions. I'm using a "Registry" setup to keep track of Objects:
public class Registry {
public static ArrayList<Messages> messages = new ArrayList<Messages>();
public static ArrayList<Effect> effects = new ArrayList<Effect>();
public static ArrayList<Projectile> proj = new ArrayList<Projectile>();
/** Clears all arrays */
public static void recycle(){
I'm adding and removing objects to these lists by accessing the ArrayLists like this: Registry.effects.add(obj) and Registry.effects.remove(obj)
I managed to get around some errors by using a retry loop:
//somewhere in my game..
boolean retry = true;
while (retry){
try {
retry = false;
catch (ConcurrentModificationException c){}
private void removeEffectsWithSource(String src) throws ConcurrentModificationException {
ListIterator<Effect> it = Registry.effects.listIterator();
while ( it.hasNext() ){
Effect f =;
if ( f.Source.equals(src) ) {
But in other cases this is not practical. I keep getting ConcurrentModificationExceptions in my drawProjectiles() method, even though it doesn't modify anything. I suppose the culprit is if I touched the screen, which creates a new Projectile object and adds it to Registry.proj while the draw method is still iterating.
I can't very well do a retry loop with the draw method, or it will re-draw some of the objects. So now I'm forced to find a new solution.. Is there a more stable way of accomplishing what I'm doing?
Oh and part 2 of my question: Many people suggest using ListIterators (as I have been using), but I don't understand.. if I call ListIterator.remove() does it remove that object from the ArrayList it's iterating through, or just remove it from the Iterator itself?
Top line, three recommendations:
Don't do the "wrap an exception in a loop" thing. Exceptions are for exceptional conditions, not control flow. (Effective Java #57 or Exceptions and Control Flow or Example of "using exceptions for control flow")
If you're going to use a Registry object, expose thread-safe behavioral, not accessor methods on that object and contain the concurrency reasoning within that single class. Your life will get better. No exposing collections in public fields. (ew, and why are those fields static?)
To solve the actual concurrency issues, do one of the following:
Use synchronized collections (potential performance hit)
Use concurrent collections (sometimes complicated logic, but probably efficient)
Use snapshots (probably with synchronized or a ReadWriteLock under the covers)
Part 1 of your question
You should use a concurrent data structure for the multi-threaded scenario, or use a synchronizer and make a defensive copy. Probably directly exposing the collections as public fields is wrong: your registry should expose thread-safe behavioral accessors to those collections. For instance, maybe you want a Registry.safeRemoveEffectBySource(String src) method. Keep the threading specifics internal to the registry, which seems to be the "owner" of this aggregate information in your design.
Since you probably don't really need List semantics, I suggest replacing these with ConcurrentHashMaps wrapped into Set using Collections.newSetFromMap().
Your draw() method could either a) use a Registry.getEffectsSnapshot() method that returns a snapshot of the set; or b) use an Iterable<Effect> Registry.getEffects() method that returns a safe iterable version (maybe just backed by the ConcurrentHashMap, which won't throw CME under any circumstances). I think (b) is preferable here, as long as the draw loop doesn't need to modify the collection. This provides a very weak synchronization guarantee between the mutator thread(s) and the draw() thread, but assuming the draw() thread runs often enough, missing an update or something probably isn't a big deal.
Part 2 of your question
As another answer notes, in the single-thread case, you should just make sure you use the Iterator.remove() to remove the item, but again, you should wrap this logic inside the Registry class if at all possible. In some cases, you'll need to lock a collection, iterate over it collecting some aggregate information, and make structural modifications after the iteration completes. You ask if the remove() method just removes it from the Iterator or from the backing collection... see the API contract for Iterator.remove() which tells you it removes the object from the underlying collection. Also see this SO question.
You cannot directly remove an item from a collection while you are still iterating over it, otherwise you will get a ConcurrentModificationException.
The solution is, as you hint, to call the remove method on the Iterator instead. This will remove it from the underlying collection as well, but it will do it in such a way that the Iterator knows what's going on and so doesn't throw an exception when it finds the collection has been modified.

C# 4.0 'dynamic' and foreach statement

Not long time before I've discovered, that new dynamic keyword doesn't work well with the C#'s foreach statement:
using System;
sealed class Foo {
public struct FooEnumerator {
int value;
public bool MoveNext() { return true; }
public int Current { get { return value++; } }
public FooEnumerator GetEnumerator() {
return new FooEnumerator();
static void Main() {
foreach (int x in new Foo()) {
if (x >= 100) break;
foreach (int x in (dynamic)new Foo()) { // :)
if (x >= 100) break;
I've expected that iterating over the dynamic variable should work completely as if the type of collection variable is known at compile time. I've discovered that the second loop actually is looked like this when is compiled:
foreach (object x in (IEnumerable) /* dynamic cast */ (object) new Foo()) {
and every access to the x variable results with the dynamic lookup/cast so C# ignores that I've specify the correct x's type in the foreach statement - that was a bit surprising for me... And also, C# compiler completely ignores that collection from dynamically typed variable may implements IEnumerable<T> interface!
The full foreach statement behavior is described in the C# 4.0 specification 8.8.4 The foreach statement article.
But... It's perfectly possible to implement the same behavior at runtime! It's possible to add an extra CSharpBinderFlags.ForEachCast flag, correct the emmited code to looks like:
foreach (int x in (IEnumerable<int>) /* dynamic cast with the CSharpBinderFlags.ForEachCast flag */ (object) new Foo()) {
And add some extra logic to CSharpConvertBinder:
Wrap IEnumerable collections and IEnumerator's to IEnumerable<T>/IEnumerator<T>.
Wrap collections doesn't implementing Ienumerable<T>/IEnumerator<T> to implement this interfaces.
So today foreach statement iterates over dynamic completely different from iterating over statically known collection variable and completely ignores the type information, specified by user. All that results with the different iteration behavior (IEnumarble<T>-implementing collections is being iterated as only IEnumerable-implementing) and more than 150x slowdown when iterating over dynamic. Simple fix will results a much better performance:
foreach (int x in (IEnumerable<int>) dynamicVariable) {
But why I should write code like this?
It's very nicely to see that sometimes C# 4.0 dynamic works completely the same if the type will be known at compile-time, but it's very sadly to see that dynamic works completely different where IT CAN works the same as statically typed code.
So my question is: why foreach over dynamic works different from foreach over anything else?
First off, to explain some background to readers who are confused by the question: the C# language actually does not require that the collection of a "foreach" implement IEnumerable. Rather, it requires either that it implement IEnumerable, or that it implement IEnumerable<T>, or simply that it have a GetEnumerator method (and that the GetEnumerator method returns something with a Current and MoveNext that matches the pattern expected, and so on.)
That might seem like an odd feature for a statically typed language like C# to have. Why should we "match the pattern"? Why not require that collections implement IEnumerable?
Think about the world before generics. If you wanted to make a collection of ints, you'd have to use IEnumerable. And therefore, every call to Current would box an int, and then of course the caller would immediately unbox it back to int. Which is slow and creates pressure on the GC. By going with a pattern-based approach you can make strongly typed collections in C# 1.0!
Nowadays of course no one implements that pattern; if you want a strongly typed collection, you implement IEnumerable<T> and you're done. Had a generic type system been available to C# 1.0, it is unlikely that the "match the pattern" feature would have been implemented in the first place.
As you've noted, instead of looking for the pattern, the code generated for a dynamic collection in a foreach looks for a dynamic conversion to IEnumerable (and then does a conversion from the object returned by Current to the type of the loop variable of course.) So your question basically is "why does the code generated by use of the dynamic type as a collection type of foreach fail to look for the pattern at runtime?"
Because it isn't 1999 anymore, and even when it was back in the C# 1.0 days, collections that used the pattern also almost always implemented IEnumerable too. The probability that a real user is going to be writing production-quality C# 4.0 code which does a foreach over a collection that implements the pattern but not IEnumerable is extremely low. Now, if you're in that situation, well, that's unexpected, and I'm sorry that our design failed to anticipate your needs. If you feel that your scenario is in fact common, and that we've misjudged how rare it is, please post more details about your scenario and we'll consider changing this for hypothetical future versions.
Note that the conversion we generate to IEnumerable is a dynamic conversion, not simply a type test. That way, the dynamic object may participate; if it does not implement IEnumerable but wishes to proffer up a proxy object which does, it is free to do so.
In short, the design of "dynamic foreach" is "dynamically ask the object for an IEnumerable sequence", rather than "dynamically do every type-testing operation we would have done at compile time". This does in theory subtly violate the design principle that dynamic analysis gives the same result as static analysis would have, but in practice it's how we expect the vast majority of dynamically accessed collections to work.
But why I should write code like this?
Indeed. And why would the compiler write code like that? You've removed any chance it might have had to guess that the loop could be optimized. Btw, you seem to interpret the IL incorrectly, it is rebinding to obtain IEnumerable.Current, the MoveNext() call is direct and GetEnumerator() is called only once. Which I think is appropriate, the next element might or might not cast to an int without problems. It could be a collection of various types, each with their own binder.