Inellij Show intention actions stopped working in Flutter - intellij-idea

After upgrade to MacOS Catalina (or maybe unrelated) show intent actions command stopped working in Flutter.
If I run some error - show intent action is working just fine.
If I just try to show intent actions for regular Widget - it isn't showing anything. In the past it was suggesting something like "Center Widget", "Add Widget", "Add Padding" and so on..
UPD: Updating to Android Studio 3.6 preview helped the problem (I didn't move any profiles). But still no idea what lead to the problem and how to fix on 3.5 stable.

Does visual studio code works fine with showing intent action?
Maybe you should run fluter doctor to find if there are any issues with the flutter installation.
Also you can find more details in the official wiki on Catalina Support:

Are IntelliJ plugins up to date? Especially flutter and dart? After reset all settings IntelliJ, reinstall plugins again its not flutter side problem, I think it’s IntelliJ problem

Try updating to Android Studio 3.6 (currently in RC1 Preview).
You might want to check the Keymap.
I found that in 3.6 with the default Keymap option-return worked but when I switched to Eclipse (macOs) Keymap, it stopped working again.
Search for "intention". When using the Eclipse (macOS) Keymap I found that the intentions command was not setup to use option-return so I added it and it works.

The solution is to download another Android Studio version (doesn't matter which) and install it. Helped two times.


No debuggable process: Android studio 3.4.1

I'm more of a newbie into the world of programming but my journey has been a good one with the knowledge I have gathered thus far. However, I'm experiencing quite a problem that no one seems to have a solution to (considering I have been browsing the internet for 2 hours without luck). Android studio shows "No debuggable process" in the logcat and then shows some code running endlessly and the emulator doesn't run. I have updated the drivers of my Samsung phone (A20 - API 28) from the internet but this seems not to work. I am using Android version 3.4.1. I doubt I am that specific but if anyone can help I can provide more details.
Have You enabled adb integration? (to do that just go to Tools-->Android-->Check Enable ADB Integration). Maybe this process can resolve the issue.
Enable ADB Integration is removed from 3.+ versions. It gets active automatically. Still if you want to reset-set it.
You can check Preferences->Build,Execution,Deployment -> Debugger -> Use libusb backend(check/uncheck) it.
Just have the same problem after download Android Studio version 4.1 and checked to Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Debugger -> Use libusb backend I found out that Use libusb backend is unchecked by default. Try to check it solve the issue for me

IntelliJ doesn't recognize flutter plugin

I wanted to try out flutter with IntelliJ, so I followed the order of and everything worked out. But today, out of nowhere, it doesn't work anymore. I can run my code, but reload and hot reload is disabled. So I'd have to close and restart everything, every time, I'd like to see a change. "flutter doctor" tells me:
IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition (version 2017.2.5)
✗ Flutter plugin not installed; this adds Flutter specific functionality.
• Dart plugin version 172.4155.35
• For information about installing plugins, see
But I looked it up, and flutter clearly was installed. I honestly sit here for 5 hours now, trying to figure it out, but I just can't find the problem. I deleted and reinstalled Flutter, Dart and IntelliJ like 4 times now, but it didn't work either.
Flutter in generall works, at least I can run the app in the terminal, so the problem got to be with IntelliJ. I also deleted the following folders:
~/Library/Application Support/IntelliJIdeaXX
Does anyone have an idea of what I can do now?
It was reported several times recently. master is the development branch with some newer code. alpha dev (default) is the recommended channel, but there are currently issues with dev which are already fixed in master. dev will be updated soon and it's recommended to switch back to dev when the fixes have landed.
flutter channel master
to switch back later
flutter channel alpha
flutter channel dev
In case somebody is still looking for an answer for this... Jetbrains has changed the plugins directory since the 2020.x versions (2019 - 2020)
from: %HOMEPATH%\.\config\plugins
to: %APPDATA%\JetBrains\\plugins
from: ~/Library/Application Support/
to: ~/Library/Application Support/JetBrains//plugins
from: ~/./config/plugins
to: ~/.local/share/JetBrains/
To fix the problem before a flutter update, I just created a symbolic link of my plugins directory (I use mac):
ln -s /Users/xxx/Library/Application\ Support/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2020.1/plugins /Users/xxx/Library/Application\ Support/IntelliJIdea2020.1
That did the trick for me! I hope it helps others as well :)

Intellij idea-IU-171.3780.107 ugly after upgrade from idea-IU-162.2228.15 in Ubuntu

I have just upgraded my Intellij IDEA (Java IDE) from idea-IU-162.2228.15 to idea-IU-171.3780.107 (folder names of the downloads) as suggested by the update manager. Now I am wondering, that the UI is ugly in my opinion. I like the UI of the idea-IU-162.2228.15 much more.
The UI from idea-IU-162.2228.15:
The "ugly" (my opinion ;) UI from idea-IU-171.3780.107:
Is this a new UI or a error in my system? I am using Ubuntu 16.04. If it is an error, how can I fix it and if not, how can I get the old UI back?
Ok, tank to Rumid. I have fixed the icons problem. But the fonts aren't as in the old IDE:
Fonts in the 2016 Version:
Fonts in the 2017 Version:
I honestly don't know if I haved this in the old (2016) by myself. I checked the settings in both IDEs but I could not see any difference in the settings. How can I get the fonts of my 2016 Idea?
It is not a bug, the new icons were provided in Idea 2016.3.
If you don't like it you can install this plugin: Idea 2016.2 Icon Pack.

testdroid plugin does not show up in eclipse

I am trying to install testdroid recorder plugin on the latest Android ADT on Mac OS X 10.7. I am following all the steps listed on the site. The plugin gets successfully installed according to the messages displayed. I have also confirmed the same by going to "install new software" and viewing the site "".
However, it does not show up in the Preferences tab as well as the new> others tab, where I do not see any option like Android Testdroid>.
Any help will be much appreciated.
Testdroid Recorder since version 4.4.18 requires java 7 installed, so you have to update it to be able to use the plugin.

Intellij IDEA 13 - Can't open Project Structure dialog anymore

as already described in title, i'm not able to open the project structure dialog window in intellij anymore.
neither the shortcut (Ctrl+alt+shift+s) nor the menu element under File -> Project Structure nor the little button in the upper right corner do work.
Clarification: Menu element :
This "bug" occured suddenly as I wrote a web (vaadin/maven) project and tried to set up glassfish, where i often had to switch to the project structure dialog.
Since the first occurence i wasn't able to fix it by restarting intellij or switching projects.
This also happened on my laptop running the same intellij and windows version (Ultimate 13.0.1 Build: 133.331 on Windows 7 x64)
i appreciate any help!
This also happened to me, but removing new plugins etc didn't help.
Nor did nuking my project and rebuilding it from scratch.
In the end I deleted all caches, restarted Intellij and at last I could access the project settings again! By the way, I'm using Intellij 11.1 - mainly because I can't get 13 to start up, but that's another story
Your log shows that it is a bug in IntelliJ IDEA - they are trying to create file passing null pathname. Try to delete project files and reopen project from scratch (maybe you've lost some file) - if it won't help then you should create an issue here: - You can even copy-paste text from your question and attach stacktrace
I had the same issue...upon further inspection in the log dump...I noticed the following:
ERROR - llij.ide.plugins.PluginManager - com.intellij.openapi.fileChooser.FileChooserDescriptor.setTitle(Ljava/lang/String;)V
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.intellij.openapi.fileChooser.FileChooserDescriptor.setTitle(Ljava/lang/String;)V
at com.jetbrains.python.sdk.PythonSdkType.getHomeChooserDescriptor(
Disabled the latest Python Plugin and restarted and everything is working normal again.
I remembered I had recently update my python plugin and am not using it presently so I was able to disable it without issue.
Hope this helps someone else.
This also happened to me. The comment above helped. I had just added some plugins. Disabled them and it started working again. Not sure exactly which one because I disabled all 4 -- Bean Validation Support, Bitbucket, Jelastic Cloud Platform Integration, and Quick Notes.
For me it has been resolved by switching off FindBugs plugin and restart IDEA. So Project Structure is available for me now.
One of the plugins might be causing it. To disable a plugin, go here:
You'll know for sure if a plugin is bad if you see this Exclamation picture:
Clicking on it will bring up a pop-up. To disable the plugin, click on this:
For me it got resolved just by restarting the intelliJ IDEA. I'm using intelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2018.1 edition.