No debuggable process: Android studio 3.4.1 - kotlin

I'm more of a newbie into the world of programming but my journey has been a good one with the knowledge I have gathered thus far. However, I'm experiencing quite a problem that no one seems to have a solution to (considering I have been browsing the internet for 2 hours without luck). Android studio shows "No debuggable process" in the logcat and then shows some code running endlessly and the emulator doesn't run. I have updated the drivers of my Samsung phone (A20 - API 28) from the internet but this seems not to work. I am using Android version 3.4.1. I doubt I am that specific but if anyone can help I can provide more details.

Have You enabled adb integration? (to do that just go to Tools-->Android-->Check Enable ADB Integration). Maybe this process can resolve the issue.

Enable ADB Integration is removed from 3.+ versions. It gets active automatically. Still if you want to reset-set it.
You can check Preferences->Build,Execution,Deployment -> Debugger -> Use libusb backend(check/uncheck) it.

Just have the same problem after download Android Studio version 4.1 and checked to Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Debugger -> Use libusb backend I found out that Use libusb backend is unchecked by default. Try to check it solve the issue for me


Inellij Show intention actions stopped working in Flutter

After upgrade to MacOS Catalina (or maybe unrelated) show intent actions command stopped working in Flutter.
If I run some error - show intent action is working just fine.
If I just try to show intent actions for regular Widget - it isn't showing anything. In the past it was suggesting something like "Center Widget", "Add Widget", "Add Padding" and so on..
UPD: Updating to Android Studio 3.6 preview helped the problem (I didn't move any profiles). But still no idea what lead to the problem and how to fix on 3.5 stable.
Does visual studio code works fine with showing intent action?
Maybe you should run fluter doctor to find if there are any issues with the flutter installation.
Also you can find more details in the official wiki on Catalina Support:
Are IntelliJ plugins up to date? Especially flutter and dart? After reset all settings IntelliJ, reinstall plugins again its not flutter side problem, I think it’s IntelliJ problem
Try updating to Android Studio 3.6 (currently in RC1 Preview).
You might want to check the Keymap.
I found that in 3.6 with the default Keymap option-return worked but when I switched to Eclipse (macOs) Keymap, it stopped working again.
Search for "intention". When using the Eclipse (macOS) Keymap I found that the intentions command was not setup to use option-return so I added it and it works.
The solution is to download another Android Studio version (doesn't matter which) and install it. Helped two times.

VS Code fails to automatically recognize AZ-3166 dev kit

According to the documentation,:
Start VS Code and then connect the DevKit to your computer. VS Code automatically finds the DevKit and opens an introduction page.
But this is not happening. No error is thrown, but nothing happens. I can hear a tone from the computer when the AZ-3166 is plugged-in. It shows up as a storage device on the PC. And the Arduino IDE is able to recognize it.
But VS Code ignores it and does not take me to the introductory page, so I am unable to complete the documented process of connecting to Azure.
I come across this issue as well.
You can resolve this manually by pressing F1 and typing in the command Arduino: Board Manager. From there look up MXChip - Microsoft Azure IoT Developer Kit and install the latest version. From there you should be able to proceed as normal.
Is there a workspace open? If so, try closing it (File > Close Workspace) then close VSCode, reopen and connect your device.
It works for me. Good luck.

Unable to run app on device using android studio

I have been trying to use android studio and every time I deploy an app on a device, it gives me an error saying:
Installation failed since the device possibly has stale dexed jars that don't match the current version (dexopt error).
In order to proceed, you have to uninstall the existing application.
I have tried using Build->Clean Project and yet it seems to do no good.
I have also tried deleting the file from /data/local/tmp on device (as my phone is a rooted one), but, all in vain.
If anyone knows a way out, please, please help.
Uninstall the application from the device.
Check the storage space.
Once Restart the mobile and try to install it

Application cannot be imported; it is either an invalid one or it contains specific features that are not supported

I followed the recommended solution:
IBM Worklight v6.0 - Error while adding an application to the Mobile Test Workbench
still got the error even though my jdk seems to be already correct
I didn't see any errors in the test workbench mobile client log (emulator), which log should I be looking at?
I suppose that you are using Android 4.4 and not Android 4.4W or 4.4L which are not yet supported. And you should have made recently an update of the Android SDK tools to version 23 (you can verify by opening the SDK Manager)
Google has modified in this release the way the tools are organized and this made MTWW regressed when instrumenting.
There is a workaround: copy <android-sdk-dir>/build-tools/20.0.0/zipalign[.exe] to <android-sdk-dir>/tools.
I had same problem. You may need hotfix or uptdate to RTW8.6.

How to run dart spark on my own computer?

I see there is a project named spark, which is a Chrome app based development environment.
It seems interesting, and I want to run it my own computer(mac os), expected to see a chrome-based IDE for dart. But I can't find any document to tell me how to run it. There are just some pages for how to develop and test, but how to run it?
I tried with the grind shell with all kinds of options, but no lucky :(
Thanks for the question! The Spark effort is still spinning up, and we're not yet ready for a public release. All the source code is available publicly, so it is possible for people to build it for themselves. Once we're further along we'll put a developer preview release up on the chrome web store.
The steps to build & run Spark IDE on Windows are:
Install Dart SDK to e.g. C:\dart-sdk
Download the Spark source code to e.g. C:\spark
Open cmd and type: cd C:\Spark
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\dart-sdk\bin
set DART_SDK=C:\dart-sdk
pub get
grind.cmd deploy
Load the upacked extension from C:\Spark\ide\build\deploy-out\web in Chrome Dev.
Alternatively, you can download Chrome Dev Editor packaged app, based on Spark 0.13,