Circuit SDK error on method circuit.logon - circuit-sdk

I'm trying to move my bot for Circuit to production. My app for it uploaded on Azure Web App Service. When I test bot on sandbox it works great. But if I change only config (client_id, client_secred and domain) and restart app it falls on method circuit.logon with this error message:
Error on ciruit.logon. The Application null is not enabled for scope ::=[CALL_RECORDING]
If I specify a scope on creating circuit client like that:
or any other scope it changes to:
Error on ciruit.logon. The Application null is not enabled for scope ::=[READ_USER_PROFILE]
The Application null bothers me. And I tried all scopes due to last part of error but it won't work. What could cause this error?

As Roger said :
This should work fine, especially since the same code worked on the
sandbox. If you don't specify a scope in the Circuit.Client
constructor, then the SDK asked for all scopes. In that case the app
should be registered with all scopes. But if you just request
READ_USER_PROFILE for example in the Circuit.Client constructor, then
the app only need at least that scope set in its registration. The
'application null' is not a problem. The only thing I can think of is
that the bot registration does not have any scopes defined. Try to
change the registration scopes for your bot and save if again
I copy his comment as "an answer" so that the Andrey has the opportunity to select a "good answer" for his request.


When REST-API in Orchestration step returns error, display error page

We're calling a REST-API technical profile in the OrchestrationStep. In the event where the REST-API returns an error, it redirects back to the application and displays the error as a query string.
Is there a way that instead of displaying the error in the query string, it will display a custom error page?
Also why is api.error not displayed in this case?
Note: The REST-API is needed to be called in the OrchestrationStep rather than the ValidationTechnicalProfile
Assuming you are using Oauth/OpenId, the way B2C responds to the application is based on the response_mode query parameter that's passed to it when you call the policy. The response_mode can be query, form_post, or fragment.
Here's a link to the Microsoft's auth code flow docs that shows the response_mode query parameter in action along with it's available options:
api.error only displays for unhandled exceptions and doesn't cover every use case.
An answer to another post (Error handling in Azure B2C Custom Policy REST Call) from someone on the engineering team states that anything but a 200 from an API halts the journey execution and returns an error to the app immediately, so unless you put the rest call in a validation tech profile, this is the behavior you're going to get.

xero-api Initialise Problems

I have attempted to set up xero-node passing in the consumer key and consumer secret along with the app name as the user Agent. However when I do a test call e.g. xeroClient.core.users.getUsers() the code just seems to freeze not giving any errors however I cannot move any further.
Are you able to post a gist of the code you are using?
What App type are you using (Private, Public or Partner)?
Have you seen the code samples on the main GitHub page? There is also a sample app here:

Laravel 4: when using Config::set to change auth.model then Auth::user() not work

My laravel project has two login system.
1) Using user_name and Password
2) Using secret code
my 1st login system work properly. because auth.model has 'User' model.
so I use 'Config::set' in 'tempSing' method to obtain 2nd login as bellow.
Config::set('auth.model', 'TempUser')
Config::set('auth.table', 'temp_user')
After that code I use bellow code
$user= TempUser::where('secret_code','=',Input::get('code'))->first();
return Redirect::route('getTemp');
then that code work properly and redirect to the 'getTemp' and after routing it make 'temp.php'. but their include
so my problem is above logic not become true. that problem is occurred when using 'Config::set' but I Configured 'auth.model' and 'auth.table' manualy in 'auth.php' not happen any error. Please help me.
I would assume Laravel initializes the Auth service once when the application is started, so later edits to configuration don't affect it anymore. A solution would be to initialize an instance yourself, and use that.

IBM Worklight, trouble with 2 adapters based authentication

I am facing to a trouble with 2 adapters based authentication. My app is agenda (hybrid app). All adapter's functions must be protected by security.
my app uses adapters based authentication, like written in samples on DeveloperWorks.
My first adapter (loginAdapter) is dedicated for login (beginning of the mobile app). I developed a handler (handlerLogin, mobile side) with methods isCustomResponse, handlechallenge, etc.. This adapter works.
This adapter allows to get a userId from login and password.
As soon as connected, the user can download his agenda. The mobile calls an other adapter based auth (calendarAdapter). I have an other handler (handlerCalendar) with methods (isCustomResponse, handlechallenge).
When the mobile calls the method getCalendarData (protected method, CalendarAdapter), the server detects that the user is not registered for this adapter, that is why the server send an error (structure authrequired + errorMessage) via the function onAuthRequired.
At this step, all works fine.
Actually, the trouble comes from, that, the first handler (handlerLogin) catches this error, whereas it schould be the second handler (handlerCalendar).
Given that it is catched by the handlerLogin, isCustomResponse and handlechallenge are called, and I do not have the expected result ! I do not know why.
Why it is not catched by the handlerCalendar ?
I verified my code, variable's names, files, etc.. All things are ok.
For informations, I first declared the handlerLogin before the CalendarLogin.
Do you have any ideas, suggestions ??
Thank you in advance
It looks like you used the same realm.
The isCustomResponse function job is to find out if this challenge-handler should take care of this specific request. If you use the same realm for both adapters then the 2 challenge-handlers will react to it.

Check if one has already logged into Bloomberg (via API)

Is there a way to test if current user has been authenticated to BBG? I have my c# program which uses BBG API, and want to check if the user logged in the service before, either via API calls or the BBG Terminal. This check can then be used to distinguish whether the user's network is unavailable or simply he hasn't logged in yet.
There's a couple of ways to interpret your question, so I'll answer both... (I'm speaking from the perspective of using the Java API, but it should be pretty similar on C#.)
1. Can I tell whether the user connect to Bloomberg (i.e. are there network issues / are they are logged in)?
Yes - you can create a new Session, try to start it using .start(). If it fails or returns false, you cannot connect. If it starts, you can call .openService("//blp/apiauth"). Again, if it fails or returns false, you cannot connect.
If you cannot connect, you may or may not be able to determine why you cannot... Nevertheless, I would suggest registering a callback to the BLP API logging framework. In our code, we we-direct these to the logging framework we use throughout our code.
2. The user has created a Session (pre-cursor to a Service) - can I tell if the Session has been started?
Unfortunately - no. There is nothing in the API to allow you to determine the state of the Session. (I suppose you could try starting it, and if it starts it wasn't started, and if it fails, it was started - but that strikes me as an unhelpful or risk appraoch.)